Why isn't my jest mock function implementation being called? - javascript

I have the following jest test configuration for my collection of AWS JS Node Lambdas. I have a module called dynamoStore I reference in several different lambdas package.json and use within the lambdas. I am trying to get test one of these lambdas by mocking the dynamo store module as it makes calls to dynamoDb. The problem is that the jest.fn implementation never gets called. I confirmed this by sticking a breakpoint in that line as well as logging the value the calling methods returns from it.
When I check lambda1/index.js in the debugger getVehicleMetaKeysFromDeviceId() is a jest object but when it is called it doesn't use my mock implementation
How do I get this implementation to work? Have I set up my mock incorrectly?
exports.getVehicleMetaKeysFromDeviceId= async (data) => {
return data
exports.vehicleMetaConstraints = require("./vehicleMetaConstraints");
const { vehicleMetaStore } = require("dynamo-store");
exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
const message = event;
let vehicle_ids = await vehicleMetaStore.getVehicleMetaKeysFromDeviceId(message.id);
// vehicle_ids end up undefined when running the test
const { vehicleMetaStore } = require("dynamo-store");
jest.mock("dynamo-store", () => {
return {
vehicleMetaStore: {
getVehicleMetaKeysFromDeviceId: jest.fn(),
describe("VehicleStorageLambda", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
process.env = { ...env };
afterEach(() => {
test("Handles first time publish with existing device", async () => {
let functionHandler = require("./index");
vehicleMetaStore.getVehicleMetaKeysFromDeviceId.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
// This never gets called
device_id: "333936303238510e00210022",
await functionHandler.handler({});

Remove the call to jest.resetModules() in beforeEach. That's re-importing your modules before each test, and wiping out your mocks.


How to stub a "wrapper" function using Sinon?

I'm setting up a Lambda function (node.js) and for example's sake, we'll keep it minimal.
module.exports = (event, context, callback) {
console.log("hello world")
However, I've created a function to wrap the lambda function that allows me to perform some functions that are required before each Lambda executes (I have a collection of Lambda functions that are wired up using their Serverless Application Model (SAM)). It also allows me to consolidate some of the logging and error handling across each function.
// hook.js
const connect = fn => (event, context, callback) => {
.then(() => fn(event, context, callback))
.then(res => callback(null, res))
.catch(error => {
// logging
module.exports = { connect }
// index.js
const Hook = require("./hook")
exports.handler = Hook.connect((event, context, callback) => {
console.log("hello world")
The logic is working well and Lambda is processing it successfully. However, I'm trying to stub this Hook.connect function using SinonJS and in need of some guidance.
I simply want to stub it to return a resolved promise, that way we can proceed to handle the code within each Lambda function (fn(event, context, callback)).
const sinon = require("sinon")
const Hook = require("./hook")
const { handler } = require("./index")
const event = {} // for simplicity sake
const context = {} // for simplicity sake
const callback = {} // for simplicity sake
describe("Hello", () => {
let connectStub
beforeEach(() => {
connectStub = sinon.stub(Hook, "connect").callsFake()
afterEach(() => {
it("works", () => {
const results = handler(event, context, callback)
// assert
I've tried a few different methods, from the basic, sinon.stub(Hook, "connect"), to the more complicated where I'm trying to stub private functions inside of the hook.js file using rewire.
Any help would be appreciated -- thank you in advance.
Here is a working test:
const sinon = require('sinon');
const Hook = require('./hook');
const event = {}; // for simplicity sake
const context = {}; // for simplicity sake
const callback = {}; // for simplicity sake
describe('Hello', () => {
let handler, connectStub;
before(() => {
connectStub = sinon.stub(Hook, 'connect');
connectStub.callsFake(fn => (...args) => fn(...args)); // create the mock...
delete require.cache[require.resolve('./index')]; // (in case it's already cached)
handler = require('./index').handler; // <= ...now require index.js
after(() => {
connectStub.restore(); // restore Hook.connect
delete require.cache[require.resolve('./index')]; // remove the modified index.js
it('works', () => {
const results = handler(event, context, callback); // it works!
// assert
index.js calls Hook.connect to create its exported handler as soon as it runs, and it runs as soon as it is required...
...so the mock for Hook.connect needs to be in place before index.js is required:
Node.js caches modules, so this test also clears the Node.js cache before and after the test to ensure that index.js picks up the Hook.connect mock, and to ensure that the index.js with the mocked Hook.connect is removed from the cache in case the real index.js is needed later.

Jest: restore original module implementation on a manual mock

I have a pretty common testing use case and I am not sure what's the best approach there.
I would like to test a module that depends on a userland dependency. The userland dependency (neat-csv) exports a single function that returns a Promise.
I want to mock neat-csv's behavior so that it rejects with an error for one single test. Then I want to restore the original module implementation.
AFAIK, I can't use jest.spyOn here as the module exports a single function.
So I thought using manual mocks was appropriated and it works. However I can't figure it out how to restore the original implementation over a manual mock.
Simplified example
For simplicity here's a stripped down version of the module I am trying to test:
'use strict';
const neatCsv = require('neat-csv');
async function convertCsvToJson(apiResponse) {
try {
const result = await neatCsv(apiResponse.body, {
separator: ';'
return result;
} catch (parseError) {
throw parseError;
module.exports = {
And here's an attempt of testing that fails on the second test (non mocked version):
'use strict';
let neatCsv = require('neat-csv');
let { convertCsvToJson } = require('./module-under-test.js');
jest.mock('neat-csv', () =>
jest.fn().mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Error while parsing'))
const csv = 'type;part\nunicorn;horn\nrainbow;pink';
const apiResponse = {
body: csv
const rejectionOf = (promise) =>
(value) => {
throw value;
(reason) => reason
test('mocked version', async () => {
const e = await rejectionOf(convertCsvToJson(apiResponse));
expect(e.message).toEqual('Error while parsing');
test('non mocked version', async () => {
neatCsv = require('neat-csv');
({ convertCsvToJson } = require('./module-under-test.js'));
const result = await convertCsvToJson(apiResponse);
I am wondering if jest is designed to do such things or if I am going the wrong way and should inject neat-csv instead ?
What would be the idiomatic way of handling this ?
Yes, Jest is designed to do such things.
The API method you are looking for is jest.doMock. It provides a way of mocking modules without the implicit hoisting that happens with jest.mock, allowing you to mock in the scope of tests.
Here is a working example of your test code that shows this:
const csv = 'type;part\nunicorn;horn\nrainbow;pink';
const apiResponse = {
body: csv
const rejectionOf = promise =>
promise.then(value => {
throw value;
}, reason => reason);
test('mocked version', async () => {
jest.doMock('neat-csv', () => jest.fn().mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Error while parsing')));
const neatCsv = require('neat-csv');
const { convertCsvToJson } = require('./module-under-test.js');
const e = await rejectionOf(convertCsvToJson(apiResponse));
expect(e.message).toEqual('Error while parsing');
test('non mocked version', async () => {
const { convertCsvToJson } = require('./module-under-test.js');
const result = await convertCsvToJson(apiResponse);

Jest - checking local storage is called in an async function that is being mocked

I have an api call in a react component that looks like this.
login = () => {
// <--- If I set the localStorage on this line the test passes.
apiRequest.then(res => {
localStorage.setItem('token', res.token);
To test it I have mocked the api call. I want to check that the local storage is called, so have also mocked localStorage, however, as the localStorage is set in the mocked api call it never gets called. My test code is below. Does anyone know how I can check that the local storage is set in a mocked call. I have confirmed that if I move the localStorage outside the apiRequest it works, so it is being mocked correctly, the issue is definitely that it is in the apiRequest.
// This mocks out the api call
jest.mock('./api', () => {
return {
apiRequest: jest.fn(
() =>
new Promise(resolve => {
const localStorageMock = (() => {
const store = {};
return {
setItem: jest.fn((key, value) => {
store[key] = value.toString();
Object.defineProperty(window, 'localStorage', {
value: localStorageMock
it('sets a token in local storage', () => {
const { getByText } = render(<Login />);
const loginButton = getByText(/login/i);
// This passes
// This never gets called as it is being called in the apiRequest
expect(localStorage.setItem).toBeCalledWith('token', '1234');
If anything is unclear let me know and I will provide more details.
localStorage.setItem is called in async way through .then
login = () => {
apiRequest.then(res => {
localStorage.setItem('token', res.token);
So mocking has nothing to help with async flow. This small part
.then(res => {
localStorage.setItem('token', res.token);
is just put into the end of queue(it's named microtask queue if you are interested in details)
So your test code is finished and only after that this small microtask is executed.
How could you handle that? You can write test in async way and put additional expect into dedicated microtask that will run after those with localStorage.setItem call.
You can use setTimeout(macrotask) for this:
it('sets a token in local storage', done => {
const { getByText } = renderLogin();
const loginButton = getByText(/login/i);
setTimeout(() => {
// runs after then(....setItem) has been called
}, 0);
or create microtask with Promise/async/await:
it('sets a token in local storage', async () => {
const { getByText } = renderLogin();
const loginButton = getByText(/login/i);
await Promise.resolve(); // everything below goes into separate microtask
[UPD] interesting thing about await that it can be used with everything else not only Promise. And it could work like Promise.resolve(<some value here>). So in your case
it('sets a token in local storage', async () => {
const { getByText } = renderLogin();
const loginButton = getByText(/login/i);
await expect(apiRequest).toBeCalledTimes(1);
will work as well. But I believe it looks confusing("waaaat? does .toHaveBeenCalled() return Promise for real?!") and suspicious(it's a magic! I'm not allowed to touch that!). So it's better to choose some version with straightforward "deferring"
A common problem when you try to test async code, is that you also need async tests, try to await to the apiRequest to be resolved and then verify if the local storage was called.

How To Reset Manual Mocks In Jest

I have a manual mock of crypto that looks like this:
// __mocks__/crypto.js
const crypto = jest.genMockFromModule('crypto')
const toString: Function = jest.fn(() => {
return {}.toString()
const mockStringable = {toString}
const update: Function = jest.fn(() => mockStringable)
const deciper = {update}
crypto.createDecipheriv = jest.fn(() => deciper)
export default crypto
Which is basically tested like this:
const crypto = require('crypto')
describe('cookie-parser', () => {
afterEach(() => {
describe('decryptCookieValue', () => {
it('should call the crypto library correctly', () => {
const result = decryptCookieValue('test-encryption-key', 'test-encrypted-value')
// more tests, etc, etc, etc
expect(crypto.createDecipheriv('', '', '').update).toHaveBeenCalled()
This works however if in that same test file, I test another method that invokes decryptCookieValue from within crypto.createDecipheriv no longer returns my mock decipher. Instead it returns undefined. For instance:
describe('cookie-parser', () => {
afterEach(() => {
describe('decryptCookieValue', () => {
it('should call the crypto library correctly', () => {
const result = decryptCookieValue('test-encryption-key', 'test-encrypted-value')
expect(crypto.createDecipheriv('', '', '').update).toHaveBeenCalled()
describe('parseAuthenticationCookie', () => {
it('should create the correct object', () => {
// parseAuthenticationCookie calls decryptCookieValue internally
const result = parseAuthenticationCookie('', '') // Fails because internal call to crypto.createDecipheriv stops returning mock decipher.
expect(result).toEqual({accessToken: null})
I think this is an issue with resetting the manual mock because if I take that later test and move it into a file all by itself with the same surrounding test harness it works just fine.
// new test file
import crypto from 'crypto'
import { parseAuthenticationCookie } from './index'
describe('cookie-parser', () => {
afterEach(() => {
describe('parseAuthenticationCookie', () => {
it('should create the correct object', () => {
// Works just fine now
const result = parseAuthenticationCookie('', '')
expect(result).toEqual({accessToken: null})
Is my assessment here correct and, if so, how do I reset the state of the manual mock after each test?
From Jest docs:
Does everything that mockFn.mockClear() does, and also removes any mocked return values or implementations.
ref: https://jestjs.io/docs/en/mock-function-api#mockfnmockreset
In your example you are assuming that calling resetAllMocks will set your manual mock back and it's not.
The reason why your test works in a separate file is because jest runs each file isolated, which is nice since you can screw up only the specs living in the same file.
In your particular case something that might work is calling jest.clearAllMocks() (since this will keep the implementation and returned values).
clearMocks options is also available at the jest config object (false as default), if you want to clear all your mocks on every test, this might be handy.
Hope this help you or anyone else having having a similar issue.
Bonus tip (no quite related) If you are mocking a module that it's being used internally by other module and in some specific test you want to mock that module again with a different mock, make sure to require the module that it's using the mocked module internally again in that specific test, otherwise that module will still reference the mock you specified next to the imports statements.
Looks like the better way to test this is something on the lines of:
describe('decrypt()', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('returns value', () => {
const crypto = require('crypto')
const encryptedValue = 'encrypted-value'
const update = jest.fn()
const pbkdf2SyncResult = 'test result'
crypto.pbkdf2Sync = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return pbkdf2SyncResult
crypto.createDecipheriv = jest.fn().mockImplementation((format, key, iv) => {
return {update}
const inputBuffer = Buffer.from(encryptedValue, 'base64')
This way I don't even have to have the manual mock and I can use mockImplementationOnce if I need to have the mock reset.

spying on functions returned by a function sinon

I'm a bit new to Sinon and having some trouble with the scenario where I need to spy on not only a function, but the functions returned by the function. Specifically, I'm trying to mock the Azure Storage SDK and ensure that once I've created a queue service, that the methods returned by the queue service are also called. Here's the example:
// test.js
// Setup a Sinon sandbox for each test
test.beforeEach(async t => {
sandbox = Sinon.sandbox.create();
// Restore the sandbox after each test
test.afterEach(async t => {
test.only('creates a message in the queue for the payment summary email', async t => {
// Create a spy on the mock
const queueServiceSpy = sandbox.spy(AzureStorageMock, 'createQueueService');
// Replace the library with the mock
const EmailUtil = Proxyquire('../../lib/email', {
'azure-storage': AzureStorageMock,
'#noCallThru': true
await EmailUtil.sendBusinessPaymentSummary();
// Expect that the `createQueueService` method was called
t.true(queueServiceSpy.calledOnce); // true
// Expect that the `createMessage` method returned by
// `createQueueService` is called
t.true(queueServiceSpy.createMessage.calledOnce); // undefined
Here's the mock:
const Sinon = require('sinon');
module.exports = {
createQueueService: () => {
return {
createQueueIfNotExists: (queueName) => {
return Promise.resolve(Sinon.spy());
createMessage: (queueName, message) => {
return Promise.resolve(Sinon.spy());
I'm able to confirm that the queueServiceSpy is called once, but I'm having trouble determining if the methods returned by that method are called (createMessage).
Is there a better way to set this up or am I just missing something?
What you need to do is stub your service function to return a spy that you can then track calls to elsewhere. You can nest this arbitrarily deep (though I would strongly discourage that).
Something like:
const cb = sandbox.spy();
const queueServiceSpy = sandbox.stub(AzureStorageMock, 'createQueueService')
.returns({createMessage() {return cb;}}});
const EmailUtil = Proxyquire('../../lib/email', {
'azure-storage': AzureStorageMock,
'#noCallThru': true
await EmailUtil.sendBusinessPaymentSummary();
// Expect that the `createQueueService` method was called
t.true(queueServiceSpy.calledOnce); // true
// Expect that the `createMessage` method returned by
// `createQueueService` is called

