Creating tab component in React and handling click events for child components - javascript

New to React and trying to build a tabular component. I know I'm reinventing the wheel but I'm trying to take this as a learning experience.
Here is how I intend to use the component:
<Tabs.MenuItem>Tab item 1</Tabs.MenuItem>
<Tabs.MenuItem>Tab item 2</Tabs.MenuItem>
<Tabs.MenuItem>Tab item 3</Tabs.MenuItem>
<Tabs.MenuItem>Tab item 4</Tabs.MenuItem>
My current implementation works in displaying the items properly. But the one challenge I am facing is being able to handle the onClick event for the Tabs.MenuItem. I understand that I should not be handling the onClick in the Tabs.MenuItem child component, and rather should be handled in the upmost parent Tabs component.
I tried using forwardedRef but that posed some limitations in accessing the props.children. Even if I managed to get it working syntactically, I am not even sure how the Tabs component is suppose to access that ref.
The idea here is that depending on what Tabs.MenuItem is in an active state, it will correspond to the same child Tabs.Pane component index to render that pane.
import React, { forwardRef, useState } from "react";
const Tabs = (props, { activePane }) => {
return (
const MenuItems = (props) => {
React.Children.forEach(props.children, child => {
return (
<div className="ui secondary menu" style={}>
const MenuItem = (props) => {
const [isActive, setActive] = useState(false);
return (
// eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid
<a className={isActive ? "item active" : "item"} onClick={() => setActive(!isActive)}>{props.children}</a>
// const MenuItem = forwardRef((props, ref) => (
// // eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid
// <a ref={ref} className="item">{props.children}</a> // error accessing props.children
// ))
const Panes = (props) => {
return (
const Pane = (props) => {
return (
Tabs.MenuItems = MenuItems;
Tabs.MenuItem = MenuItem;
Tabs.Panes = Panes;
Tabs.Pane = Pane;
export default Tabs;
I am not looking for someone to complete the entire tabular functionality, just an example of how I can forward the children references to the topmost parent so that I can handle click events properly.


How do I render a react portal modal with different children?

Right now, I have a react portal rendering a 'pinnable' side drawer modal that will display based on a redux state. The contents of the modal will have information based on where that modal was pinned from, in this case my notifications.
The problem I'm running into at the moment is that since the modal will be pinnable in multiple places, I'm not exactly sure of the logic on how to handle the modal contents if the modal is already pinned.
I've tried/considered the following:
Just have one portal render its children dynamically. Unfortunately the location of where the portal will be rendered does not contain the contents and logic of the modal, so I believe this can't be done.
Compare props.children and if they're not identical, render the newer portal and deconstruct the other. I'm hesitant to use this approach since I believe there's a better solution out there.
Render the portals based on Ids and deconstruct/reconstruct where needed if one exists. I'm leaning towards this approach, but again I'd like to see if there's a better one.
Portal location:
export default function PaperContainer() {
return <div id="pinned-container"></div>;
export default function PinnedContainer(props) {
const pinned = useSelector(state => state.ui.isDrawerPinned);
return (
pinned &&
Where the portals are called (simplified for brevity):
export default function PortalCallLocationOne() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const pinContainer = () => {
return (
<Button startIcon={<Icon>push_pin</Icon>} onClick={() => pinContainer}>
Pin Notification
export default function PortalCallLocationTwo() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const pinContainer = () => {
return (
<Button startIcon={<Icon>push_pin</Icon>} onClick={() => pinContainer}>
Pin List
// List
I tried going off of #3 and destroying pinned-container's first child if it existed and replace it with the new children. This didn't work since React was expecting that child and kept throwing failed to execute removeChild on node errors.
Unfortunately it looks like react is unable to replace portal children instead of appending them.
However, I was able to solve my issue by unpinning the portal and repinning it with redux actions.
export default function PinnedContainer(props) {
const pinned = useSelector(state => state.ui.isDrawerPinned);
useEffect(() => {
if (pinned) {
}, []);
return (
pinned &&
export const initialState = {
isDrawerPinned: false,
export const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
case actionTypes.PIN_DRAWER:
return {
isDrawerPinned: action.isPinned ? action.isPinned : !state.isDrawerPinned,
case actionTypes.CLEAR_PINNED:
return {
isDrawerPinned: state.isDrawerPinned ? !state.isDrawerPinned : state.isDrawerPinned

How to get updated state from react parent component

I have the following structure
=Parent Component (with a list as a state)
== Sub Comp list={list})
=== Sub Comp2 list={list}
==== Node list={list}
export const Node = (props) => {
// some state setup
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false)
const handleCheckbox = () => {
//Checkbox checked, add this Node to list in Parent Component
icon = {<Checkbox checked={checked} onChange={handleCheckbox}}
{expanded && !fetching ? childNodes : <TreeItem label="reached end" />
Now this work the way that I intended, but the problem is since it's a TreeView if I collapse and expand one of the parent nodes, I lose the checked value.
To fix this I put
useEffect(() => {
var inList = props.list.find(function(item) { return === label} ) !=== undefined
if(inList){ setChecked(true)} else{setChecked(false)}
}, [])
Now the above works as intended, but only if I go to the next page on my form and then come back. The problem is that when the list is updated, the useEffect is still using the old state of the list.
How do I force useEffect to use the most updated state, or force the state to update since it's asynchronous?
You have a few options depending on your circumstance. If you just want the latest parent state in the child component you can pass the parent's state as well as the updater as a prop to the child component as below.
const ParentComponent = () => {
const [checked, setChecked] = React.useState(false);
return (
<ChildComponent checked={checked} setChecked={setChecked} />
const ChildComponent = ({checked, setChecked}) => {
return (
<button onClick={() =>setChecked(!checked)}>Button!</button>
If you are trying to use the state information in parallel components or if you are passing state more than one or two levels down, consider using a context.

What is going wrong when I pass a boolean from a child to its parent component using React Hooks?

I'm currently trying to revise the dropdown menu component on my Gatsby site so that it reports a boolean to its parent component, a navbar. I plan on using that boolean to trigger some conditional CSS in Emotion.
The boolean isOpen reports if the dropdown menu is open or not, so true means it's open, and false means it's not.
As of now, I'm using React Hooks to pass that data from the child to the parent component. It seems like I'm successfully passing data, but when I click the dropdown menu, it sends both a true and a false boolean value in rapid succession, even as the menu remains open.
How do I revise this code so that isOpen in the child component is correctly reported to the parent component?
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"
const Child = ({ isExpanded }) => {
const [expandState, setExpandState] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
{isOpen && (
//menu items go here
const Parent = () => {
const [expandState, setExpandState] = useState(false)
const onExpand = (checkExpand) => {
Figured this one out myself. Parent needed a useEffect to register the incoming boolean.
Fixed code for the parent:
const Parent = () => {
const [expandState, setExpandState] = useState(false)
const onExpand = (checkExpand) => {
useEffect(() => {

Toggle only the menu clicked in Reactjs

I am making a menu and submenus using recursion function and I am in the need of help to open only the respective menu and sub menu's..
For button and collapse Reactstrap has been used..
Recursive function that did menu population:
{this.state.menuItems &&, index) => {
return (
<div key={}>
<Button onClick={this.toggle.bind(this)}> {} </Button>
<Collapse isOpen={this.state.isToggleOpen}>
And the buildMenu function as follows,
buildMenu(items) {
return (
{items && => (
<li key={}>
<Button onClick={this.toggle.bind(this)}> {} </Button>
<Collapse isOpen={this.state.isToggleOpen}>
{item.children && item.children.length > 0
? this.buildMenu(item.children)
: null}
There is no problem with the code as of now but I am in the need of help to make menu -> submenu -> submenu step by step open and closing respective levels.
Working example:
You can take a look at this example that when you click on any menu the whole level of menus gets opened instead of clicked one..
If user clicked on menu One, then the submenu (children)
-> One-One
needs to get opened.
And then if user clicked on One-One,
-> One-One-One
-> One - one - two
-> One - one - three
needs to get opened.
Likewise it is nested so after click on any menu/ children their respective next level needs to get opened.
I am new in react and reactstrap way of design , So any help from expertise would be useful for me to proceed and learn how actually it needs to be done.
Instead of using one large component, consider splitting up your component into smaller once. This way you can add state to each menu item to toggle the underlying menu items.
If you want to reset al underlying menu items to their default closed position you should create a new component instance each time you open up a the underlying buttons. By having <MenuItemContainer key={timesOpened} the MenuItemContainer will be assigned a new key when you "open" the MenuItem. Assigning a new key will create a new component instance rather than updating the existing one.
For a detailed explanation I suggest reading You Probably Don't Need Derived State - Recommendation: Fully uncontrolled component with a key.
const loadMenu = () => Promise.resolve([{id:"1",name:"One",children:[{id:"1.1",name:"One - one",children:[{id:"1.1.1",name:"One - one - one"},{id:"1.1.2",name:"One - one - two"},{id:"1.1.3",name:"One - one - three"}]}]},{id:"2",name:"Two",children:[{id:"2.1",name:"Two - one"}]},{id:"3",name:"Three",children:[{id:"3.1",name:"Three - one",children:[{id:"3.1.1",name:"Three - one - one",children:[{id:"",name:"Three - one - one - one",children:[{id:"",name:"Three - one - one - one - one"}]}]}]}]},{id:"4",name:"Four"},{id:"5",name:"Five",children:[{id:"5.1",name:"Five - one"},{id:"5.2",name:"Five - two"},{id:"5.3",name:"Five - three"},{id:"5.4",name:"Five - four"}]},{id:"6",name:"Six"}]);
const {Component, Fragment} = React;
const {Button, Collapse} = Reactstrap;
class Menu extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {menuItems: []};
render() {
const {menuItems} = this.state;
return <MenuItemContainer menuItems={menuItems} />;
componentDidMount() {
loadMenu().then(menuItems => this.setState({menuItems}));
class MenuItemContainer extends Component {
render() {
const {menuItems} = this.props;
if (!menuItems.length) return null;
return <ul>{}</ul>;
renderMenuItem(menuItem) {
const {id} = menuItem;
return <li key={id}><MenuItem {...menuItem} /></li>;
MenuItemContainer.defaultProps = {menuItems: []};
class MenuItem extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {isOpen: false, timesOpened: 0}; =;
this.close = this.close.bind(this);
render() {
const {name, children} = this.props;
const {isOpen, timesOpened} = this.state;
return (
<Button onClick={isOpen ? this.close :}>{name}</Button>
<Collapse isOpen={isOpen}>
<MenuItemContainer key={timesOpened} menuItems={children} />
open() {
this.setState(({timesOpened}) => ({
isOpen: true,
timesOpened: timesOpened + 1,
close() {
this.setState({isOpen: false});
ReactDOM.render(<Menu />, document.getElementById("root"));
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
You will want to create an inner component to manage the state at each level.
For example, consider the following functional component (I'll leave it to you to convert to class component):
const MenuButton = ({ name, children }) => {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const toggle = useCallback(() => setOpen(o => !o), [setOpen]);
return (
<Button onClick={toggle}>{name}</Button>
<Collapse open={open}>{children}</Collapse>
This component will manage whether to display its children or not. Use it in place of all of your <div><Button/><Collapse/></div> sections, and it will manage the open state for each level.
Keep shared state up at the top, but if you don't need to know whether something is expanded for other logic, keep it localized.
Also, if you do need that info in your parent component, use the predefined object you already have and add an 'open' field to it which defaults to false. Upon clicking, setState on that object to correctly mark the appropriate object to have the parameter of true on open.
Localized state is much cleaner though.
Expanded Example
import React, { Component, useState, useCallback, Fragment } from "react";
import { Collapse, Button } from "reactstrap";
import { loadMenu } from "./service";
const MenuButton = ({ name, children }) => {
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);
const toggle = useCallback(() => setOpen(o => !o), [setOpen]);
return (
<Button onClick={toggle}>{name}</Button>
<Collapse open={open}>{children}</Collapse>
class Hello extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
currentSelection: "",
menuItems: [],
componentDidMount() {
loadMenu().then(items => this.setState({ menuItems: items }));
buildMenu(items) {
return (
{items && => (
<li key={}>
<MenuButton name={}>
{item.children && item.children.length > 0
? this.buildMenu(item.children)
: null}
render() {
return (
<h2>Click any of the below option</h2>
{this.state.menuItems &&, index) => {
return (
<MenuButton name={}>
export default Hello;

Nesting components in React, props not passing to child component

I'm creating a list with React components, and am working on the list container and reusable list-item components. The parent most component passes information to middle component, but the child-most component does not have props values.
What am I doing wrong? No console errors.
middle component:
const VideoList = (props) => {
const videoItems = => {
return (
// want to render list-item component
<li key={video.etag}>{video.snippet.title}</li>
return (
<ul className="list-group">
videos={ videoItems }
a console log in child-most component shows no props
I think it will be better if you pass props directly into the children component. Try this:
const VideoList = (props) => {
const videoItems = => {
return (
// want to render list-item component
<ListItem key={video.etag} video={video} />
return (
<ul className="list-group">
Inside your children component, you can display what you want
Try passing the property to the child-most component using the 'this' keyword.
<ListItem videos={this.videoItems}/>

