Navigate to welcome page after login page using React Router Dom v6 - javascript

I'm a beginner learning React and using React v 17.0.2, react-router-dom v 6.0.2. I'm following a course made for react-router-dom v4. I'm not able to get page navigation working if I try to navigate from a successful login to append a welcome message to the url. In v4 this is achieved by a {this.props.history.push("/welcome") method. I'm not able to something equivalent in V6. Specifically, I would like to know how to handle the loginClicked method.
Based on the helpful guidance from Himanshu Singh, I tried the following:
import { computeHeadingLevel } from '#testing-library/react'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'
class TodoApp extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="TodoApp">
<Route path="/" exact element={<LoginComponent />} />
<Route path="/enlite" element={<LoginComponent />} />
<Route path="/welcome" element={<WelcomeComponent />} />
{/* <LoginComponent /> */}
class WelcomeComponent extends Component {
render() {
return <div>Welcome to Enlite</div>
class LoginComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
username: 'testuser',
password: '',
hasLoginFailed: false,
showSuccessMessage: false
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)
this.loginClicked = this.loginClicked.bind(this)
handleChange(event) {
**loginClicked() {
if (this.state.username === 'testuser' &&
this.state.password === 'dummy') {
function HandlePageNav() {
let navigate = useNavigate()
else {
this.setState({ showSuccessMessage: false })
this.setState({ hasLoginFailed: true })
render() {
return (
{this.state.hasLoginFailed && <div>Invalid Credentials</div>}
{this.state.showSuccessMessage && <div>Welcome to Enlite</div>}
User Name: <input type="text" name="username" value={this.state.username} onChange={this.handleChange} />
Password: <input type="password" name="password" value={this.state.password} onChange={this.handleChange} />
<button onClick={this.loginClicked}>Login</button>
export default TodoApp
This gives the following error:
Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body
of a function component. This could happen for one of the following
You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)
You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks
You might have more than one copy of React in the same app See for tips about how to debug
and fix this problem.
Basically calling hooks in class components is not supported. I also tried to completely do away with the function like this:
loginClicked() {
if (this.state.username === 'testuser' &&
this.state.password === 'dummy') {
let navigate = useNavigate()
else {
this.setState({ showSuccessMessage: false })
this.setState({ hasLoginFailed: true })
This gives a compile error:
Line 85:32: React Hook "useNavigate" cannot be called in a class
component. React Hooks must be called in a React function component or
a custom React Hook function react-hooks/rules-of-hooks Line 89:13:
'HandlePageNav' is not defined
The above makes me wonder if I need to refactor my entire code into a function component or if there's a way to achieve this page navigation but keeping the class component. Other than that I would appreciate any help or insights on this problem. Thanks in advance.

UseNavigate Hook will not work here because hooks are meant to be used in functional components not class components.
What you can do for now is, since no proper doc is provided for class component
Try to use Functional Components : the most easiest way
Use a HOC component around the class component and pass history and other necessary props to it through that component.
Note: Here I tried second approach. You can follow this:


How can i use {useState} inside ComponentDidMount in ReactJS

const [bgColor, setBgColor] = useState('black');
class Accelerons extends Component {
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount = () => {
$(window).on('scroll touchmove', function () {
if ($(document).scrollTop() >= $('.about-us').position().top) {
render() {
return (
backgroundColor: bgColor,
<Overlay />
<Landing landing={DataAccelerons.landing} />
<AboutUs itemColor={itemColor} accelerons={DataAccelerons} />
<Participation itemColor={itemColor} accelerons={DataAccelerons} />
<TeamMembers itemColor={itemColor} accelerons={DataAccelerons} />
<Results itemColor={itemColor} accelerons={DataAccelerons} />
export default Accelerons;
This gives me an error that we can't use react hooks at the starting ,but if I declare them in render it won't be recognized by ComponentDidMount function ReactJS
You can use hooks such as useState only inside functional component whereas setState in the lifecycles in Class components. You don't wanna mix two. A typical usage would go something like this:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Example() {
const [myVal, setMyVal] = useState('Hello World');
return (
Read More
If you want to go with lifecycle methods (such as componentDidMount), you may consider using seState. Also, you can't use setState inside render method as it would trigger an infinite call.
React hook can be used only functional component whereas componentDidMount is the life cycle method for class based component.

React Routing : toggle switch onclick dynamic routing

I am using a toggleswitch component in my react app. Within every event change of the toggle button, I want to change my routing, inside this component. Using react routing for the first time so I am pretty confused how can I handle it within the component.
If the state is true, I want to route it to "/", else i want it to "/videos". Here is my code :
import React, { Component } from "react";
class ToggleSwitch extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
toggleValue: false
this.changeToggleMenuValue = this.changeToggleMenuValue.bind(this);
changeToggleMenuValue(event) {
toggleValue: !this.state.toggleValue
render() {
return (
<div className="onoffswitch">
onClick={e => this.changeToggleMenuValue(e)}
<label class="onoffswitch-label" for="myonoffswitch">
<span class="onoffswitch-inner"></span>
<span class="onoffswitch-switch"></span>
export default ToggleSwitch;
the base routing structure in react is like below:
1.Root Component:
basically you have a Root Component in your application, mainly the <App /> component
2.Inner Components:
inside of your <App /> component you render 2 type of components:
components that should render in your routes
components that are shared between your routes ( which means that they are visible in every route )
type 2 components would render on each route, because they are out of Switch, like code structure below:
function App(props) {
return (
<Header />
...your routes
<SharedComponent_1 /> // may be a notif manager
<SharedComponent_2 /> // may be a footer
<SharedComponent_1 /> // other type of shared component
if you want to navigate from a route to another route inside of your component logic, you should ask your self two questions about your component:
is my component directly rendered by a <Route ... />?
is my component is just a simple sub component that rendered by another component which rendered by a <Router ... />
if your component has criteria of condition 1, then you already have history, match, location in your props and you can use history.push('/targetRoute') to navigate your user to another route.
however, if your component has criteras described in condition 2, you should wrap your component by a withRouter to get history, match and location into your props and user push function of history to navigate user around.
This function should be work on your code:
changeToggleMenuValue() {
? history.push('') // or history.push('/')
: history.push('/videos');

Console.Log Not Being Called Inside React Constructor

I'm trying to add a component to a default .NET Core MVC with React project. I believe I have everything wired up to mirror the existing "Fetch Data" component, but it doesn't seem like it's actually being called (but the link to the component in my navbar does move to a new page).
The component itself...
import React, { Component } from 'react';
export class TestComponent extends Component {
static displayName =;
constructor (props) {
console.log("WHO NOW?");
this.state = { message: '', loading: true, promise: null };
this.state.promise = fetch('api/SampleData/ManyHotDogs');
static renderForecastsTable (message) {
return (
Current Message: {message}
render () {
let contents = this.state.loading
? <p><em>Loading...</em></p>
: TestComponent.renderForecastsTable(this.state.message);
return (
<h1>Weather forecast</h1>
<p>This component demonstrates fetching data from the server.</p>
The App.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router';
import { Layout } from './components/Layout';
import { Home } from './components/Home';
import { FetchData } from './components/FetchData';
import { Counter } from './components/Counter';
import { TestComponent } from './components/TestComponent';
export default class App extends Component {
static displayName =;
render () {
return (
<Route exact path='/' component={Home} />
<Route path='/counter' component={Counter} />
<Route path='/fetch-data' component={FetchData} />
<Route path='/test-controller' component={TestComponent} />
That console.log("Who now") is never called when I inspect, and the page remains totally blank. I can't find a key difference between this and the functioning components, and google has not been much help either. Any ideas what is missing?
While troubleshooting this, I ended up creating a dependency nightmare that broke the app. Since I'm only using the app to explore React, I nuked it and started over--and on the second attempt I have not been able to reproduce the not-rendering issue.
It is advisable to use componentDidMount to make the call to the REST API with the fetch or axios.
class TestComponent extends Component{
state = {promise: ''}
async componentDidMount () {
let promise = await fetch ('api / SampleData / ManyHotDogs');
this.setState ({promise});
console.log (promise);

React Router redirect hash link

I have created a custom button component for my website's navbar. When the user clicks on a button, the component returns a Redirect, which takes the user to the page they selected.
export default class Button extends Component {
this.state = {redirect:false};
this._handleClick = this._handleClick.bind(this);
_handleClick(e) {
this.setState({redirect: true});
componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.state.redirect){
render() {
if (this.state.redirect){
return <Redirect push to={this.props.dest}/>;
else {
return (
<li className="button" onClick={this._handleClick}>
Now, I'd like to add buttons that correspond to different sections of the same page. The simplest way I know of is to use hash links. One example of an address the button would redirect to is:
However, React Router does not support doing this out of the box. I looked through a number of packages which add this functionality, such as react-router-hash-link and react-scrollchor. None of these however work with redirects, instead relying on Link or on custom components.
How do I go about adding this functionality to the buttons?
you could update window.location.href since it won't trigger a page refresh.
window.location.href = '#your-anchor-tag';
One solution that I can think of is to use HOCs and hooks. The end result:
You'll get your app to scroll to the specified location...
without really needing to create custom buttons/links and...
without making much changes to your existing screens (Eg: HomeScreen)
Bonus: Users can copy, share & use URLs that will automatically scroll to the intended section
With assumption that the code below are pseudocode (they are based on my knowledge and not tested) and assuming there's a HomeScreen component, I would attempt adding <Route/>s to the <Switch/> inside the <Router/>.
<Route to='/home/:section' component={HomeScreen} />
<Route to='/home' component={HomeScreen} />
function withScrollToTarget(WrappedComponent) {
class WithScroll extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
const { match: { params: { section } } } = this.props
// Remember we had 2 <Route/>s, so if `section` is provided...
if (section) {
const scrollToTarget = document.getElementById(section)
// And just in case the item was removed or there was an ID mismatch
if (scrollToTarget) { scrollToTarget.scrollIntoView() }
render() { return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} /> }
return WithScroll
function useScrollToTarget(section) {
useEffect(() => {
if (section) {
const scrollToTarget = document.getElementById(section)
if (scrollToTarget) { scrollToTarget.scrollIntoView() }
}, [section])
<Link to='/home'>{'Home'}</Link>
<Link to='/home/description'>{'Description'}</Link>
class HomeScreen extends React.Component { /* ... */ }
export default withScrollToTarget(HomeScreen)
// or
function HomeScreen() {
const { params: { section } } = useMatch() // from react-router-dom
return (
<h1 id='introduction'>Introduction</h1>
<h1 id='description'>Description</h1>
The route for '/home/:section' must be on top of '/home'. If the opposite, every time when <Switch/> compares the current URL against to, it will evaluate to true upon reaching '/home' and never reach '/home/:section'
scrollIntoView() is a legit function
If this works for you, you should look up on how to forward refs and hoisting statics in HOCs too
Who said React Router doesn't support this out of the box! You don't need those packages. You can redirect a hash i'll give you an example using the React-Router Route.
render={props => {
if (props.location.hash === "#foo")
return <Redirect push to="signup#bar"
return <Signup />
Now your version may not have supported this now that I think about it, but let me know if this helps :)
Happy coding!
React-hash-link should work for your redirect use case.
You can add <HashLinkObserver /> to your component tree and it will listen for hash links and scroll accordingly rather than relying on Link or custom components.
I think you should use the react-router-dom.
yarn add react-router-dom
Now update Custom Button Component like this
import React from 'react';
import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
class Button extends Component {
this.state = {redirect:false};
this._handleClick = this._handleClick.bind(this);
_handleClick(e) {
this.setState({redirect: true});
componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.state.redirect){
this.props.history.push('new uri');
render() {
if (this.state.redirect){
return <Redirect push to={this.props.dest}/>;
else {
return (
<li className="button" onClick={this._handleClick}>
export default withRouter(Button);
I was trying to solve a similar but slightly different issue, I want to deprecate an old hash route in favor of a new one. The posts here helped me arrive to my eventual solution:
match: {
params: { id },
}) => (
I was facing the same issue, I have created HOC to handle hash redirection, you can follow the below steps to achieve a hash redirection
create HOC and add below code to it
fileName : hashComponent
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
export default function hashComponent(WrappedComponent) {
return function () {
const { pathname, hash }=window.location;
useEffect(() => {
}, [hash])
return <WrappedComponent />
import your HOC in the component to which you want to handle hash URL
Then add below line of code while exporting your component
export default hashComponent(YourComponentName)

Required context `router` was not specified. Check the render method of `RoutingContext`

My app is ES6 React application with react-router. I want to redirect user to a different page after a small delay. Here is my React component:
import React from 'react'
import { Navigation } from 'react-router'
export default class Component extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
<div>Component content</div>
componentDidMount () {
setTimeout(() => {
// TODO: redirect to homepage
}, 1000);
Component.contextTypes = {
router: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
And react-router routing table:
<Route path='/' component={ App }>
<IndexRoute component={ Component } />
, document.getElementById('app-container'));
The issue is that 'router' property is not passed into the component. Chrome console's content is:
Warning: Failed Context Types: Required context `router` was not specified in `Component`. Check the render method of `RoutingContext`.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'transitionTo' of undefined
React version is 0.14.2, react-router version is 1.0.0-rc4
Where do I make mistake?
Im not a react-router expert by any means, but I had the same issue earlier today. I am using React 0.14.2 and React-Router 1.0 (this just came out in the last couple of days, if not more recently). While debugging I noticed that the props on the React component includes history (the new style of navigation -
I am also using TypeScript, but my code looks like the following:
import React = require('react');
import Header = require('./common/header.tsx');
var ReactRouter = require('react-router');
interface Props extends React.Props<Home> {
history: any
class Home extends React.Component<Props, {}> {
render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<Header.Header MenuItems={[]} />
<div className="jumbotron">
<p>Click on one of the options below to get started...</p>
{<a className="btn btn-lg" onClick={() => this.props.history.pushState(null, '/remoteaccess') }>Remote Access</a>}
{<a className="btn btn-lg" onClick={() => this.props.history.pushState(null, '/bridge') }>Bridge</a>}
module.exports = Home;
I'm inclined to say that this.context.router doesn't exist anymore. I've run into the same problem and it looks like we're supposed to implement these features using this.context.history as well as this.context.location. If I get something working, I'll try updating this response.
See the 1.0.0 upgrade guide and use this.props.history with pushState or replaceState. context is used for other components (not route components).
From the upgrade guide :
// v1.0
// if you are a route component...
<Route component={Assignment} />
var Assignment = React.createClass({
foo () {
this.props.location // contains path information
this.props.params // contains params

