Open selection for mail client with React Native Linking API - javascript

With Linking API in React Native, we can do something like that:
But, with this approach, the React Native app will open default mail client app instantly (e.g: Gmail), what I want to do is instead of open default mail client app, a pop up should come from bottom of the app (like Share API in React Native does) and let user chooses from various of mail clients in their device.
Is there anyway to do it ? I really appreciate it, even, a suggestion.
Thanks in advance.


React native webview push notification

Nice to meet you. I'm Junior Developer And I can't speak English very well.
So, plz understand.
I want to create a hybrid app push function with react-native.
but, All I know is postmessage, onmessage.
Sending words typed on the web to the app and clicking a button in the app to send time to the web were successful.
I want to know if the push function we know is completed by using postmessage, onmessage, and push nofication.
Android & iOS
And I'd like to know the site where I can refer to these techniques. thank you
-> Summary
I want to make hybrid app + Push nofitication

How to do prefetch in React Native and persist data to local storage without blocking the UI?

Let me share the problem with my app:
When user initiates the app, it will directly navigate to Home Screen. While user is in home screen I would like to make bunch of api requests to fill the local db with the data for the "possible" screens that user can go.
In native applications I know that this case can be handled by a different task (parallel programming) however, react native is built in with Js and doesn't support multi threading.
I know there are some libraries that implements WEB WORKER's in react native, however what is the best practice to overcome this problem?
I use redux to overcome this. I will call the api and it will map the data to the redux store. All the screens are connected to the store. Since, the data is already loaded in the store I will just display it.

How would I connect a react-native mobile app to Django

Suppose I wanted to make a simple react native app with just one button connect to a Django backend. For example, when a user presses the button, it should connect to the server and return “hello world”. I know you have to use a rest api, but how would the code look in the us and the .Py
Also, when you combine them, is it possible to use the Django user model, or are some features blocked when you use a rest-api like a #login_required.
Thank you for your time.

How to update UI based on push notifcations when app is closed (React Native)

Apologies for the somewhat general question - I'm not really sure what direction to take this in.
I'm working on a chat feature in a mobile app (React Native is that is relevant), and handling push notifications with OneSignal. I'm currently updating the chat interface with an indicator for unread messages, which is updated when a new push notification comes in for a chat. However, this functionality doesn't run when the app is closed.
Anyone have experience with a similar functionality, or have any guidance on how to handle this feature? I'm at kind of a loss on how to proceed.
You can know that application is opened via manually(by pressing app icon) or via notification. Depending on the opening of application and parameters from push notification you can change the UI.
PS : If your application is chat app, isn't real time (like firebase realtime database)? I think you don't even need push notification to update UI if it is realtime?

React Native display message at certain time when app is disabled

How is it possible to have React Native trigger some kind of message on the device at a certain time, even if the app is currently not selected or closed down altogether?
I would simply use a push notification. This is something you will need to setup server side but it sounds like you have a good use case. You will need to setup permissions etc for this.
Maybe also a good use case for local notifications take a look at React Native Docs
A small completion to #JamesWatling's answer. You'll need at least:
AppState ( to post the timestamp to server, when app is moved to background
Push Notifications (e.g. or for iOS: to send a notification after certain amount of time
You might want to have a look at this part of the react native documentation and focus on local notifications. You don't need a server or anything to schedule a notification at a given time, a local notification is scheduled without a server interfering.
I do believe your app is going to need to have permissions for push notifications though (so the app is allowed to display a message on a homescreen for instance)

