Form gives validation error every time unless page is refreshed - javascript

I have a php/html/form that is giving me problems. What happens is the form gives me validation error upon submitting unless I refresh the page and get it correct the first time. If I input incorrect validation then I must refresh the page again or else it will give me error over and over. And it must be correct the very first time after page load, or else it will just keep giving error until you refresh and get it right the.very first time.
After that I am would like to pass the user submitted data to the next page using PHP.
<form action='load' method='GET' onsubmit="return Validate();">
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter btc address" name="btcaddress" pattern="^[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}$" oninvalid="setCustomValidity('Correct address format required.')" required>
<button type="submit"><b>Go</b></button>
Could this be happening because I am testing on my Linux machine with Atom and the PHP Server plugin? Address http://localhost:8000


page reload with success message php

i am trying above but message is displayed on php page.instead of reloading on index page AND DISPLAY MESSAGE ABOVE SUBSCRIBE FORM ITS REDIRECTING TO PHP PAGE.You can check on test site link attached.Form is on index
page.I tried to reload page through jquery onload and onclick onsubmit but didn't worked.below are test which i did.
//form is on index.html page
<!-- your form here -->
<form action="forms/subscribe.php"id="form" method="post">
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Enter your Email">
<input type="submit" value="Subscribe">
//form is on index.html page
My php page
// My Code goes here form to email
header.location(Location: /index.html)
You cannot use js variable values after reload. You need to do things without reloading the page means you just need to update the content and control your HTML tags.
The above example you mentioned. They are not reloading the page, they are getting values from input box then hide that div. After hiding the div they are showing another div with the information.
For your solutions you can do the same but remember to reset input values for every request.
You can do it in PHP with page reloads if you store a message in the session. At the top of each page make sure that the first line is
Then on the page that receives the data set a session message
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Some Value';
Then on your page with the form you check to see if the session has a message. If it does, display it and then clear it.
if(isset($_SESSION['message']) {
echo $_SESSION['message'];
some silly syntax error
using onsubmit="alert()"
function alert() {
alert("Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch with you very soon.!");
on subscribe pageheader('Location: /index?message=success');

Complex web site login with Requests

I'm trying to log in to a site using the requests module, and can't figure out how the site's login page actually works. Here's the relevant form:
<form class="ui-corner-all" method="POST" id="login" target="_top">
<div id="lift__noticesContainer__"></div>
<label for="username">Username</label><br>
<input value="" id="username" type="text" name="F783713994214KVBZZQ">
<label for="password">Password</label><br>
<input value="" id="password" type="password" name="F7837139942151QISNM">
<p><a data-at="e45a1d" href="/forgot_pwd">Forgot password?</a></p><br>
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="F783714094216F0PPFD" value="_">LOGIN</button>
I think the name of the fields are both randomly generated (F783713994214KVBZZQ and F7837139942151QISNM), so I parse those out, but I'm not sure what to do with that information. There's no login page url specified that I can see. I've tried constructing a payload of the above strings and correct login info and posting it with no result.
When I watch the network activity in chrome's inspector, after I click the login button I can see a post to the site but there's no query string parameters (where I would expect to see the username & password).
Does anyone know what else I should be looking at to figure out where the username and password are going and how to access that via requests?
Full login page html:
My code:
The page includes a login.js in the header, but it's only this:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Centers the div
of: window,
at: "center center"
Thanks in advance for any help!
You're looking for Selenium if you want to automate the login flow. But, if you want to make a request to the site, start with the network monitor. Click login and grab the request that goes to the site. They would either send it as a form or a payload.
Read more of the same at What's the difference between "Request Payload" vs "Form Data" as seen in Chrome dev tools Network tab

Resubmitting the same form is not working

I am making an HTML page "Login Pro.html". I am making such a page where just clicking on a link I can login to an account (say Facebook).
HTML Code:
Login to my Account
The Form input fields for Username and Password (The value attribute will be set using JQuery):
<input type="text" id="username" value="" />
<input type="password" id="password" value="" />
<input type="submit" id="loginButton" />
In the JQuery code, I am setting the values and submitting the form like this:
$("#loginLink").click(function()//when the link is clicked this will be executed.
$("#username").attr("value","My Username");//Setting value for the username
$("#password").attr("value","My Password");//Setting value for the password
$("#loginButton").click();//Submitting the form by implicitly clicking the submit button
In this case I am able to login into my account successfully and the "Login Pro.html"(From the Page I am doing all these) is opening in a new page (because I have set target="_new" and the form is being submitted and taking me to the Home Page of the Account I am logging in into, is opening successfully in the first page (tab). But when I am trying to login again through the "Login Pro.html" page, opened in the new tab, I am being landed to the same page i.e. "Login Pro.html" page instead of getting logged in (In short in the second instance I can't login). After closing this page, when I am opening the page again, the same saga continues i.e. I am able to login in the first instance, but not able to do so while trying in the new tab.
Can somebody help me in getting rid of this. Is this because, the page is already loaded?
The "name" attribute is missing in the inputs. Without name you are not sending anything.

what happens on form submits in Coldfusion?

I'm struggling a little to understand the server-side of things using Coldfusion8 and thus far doing client-side stuff only.
Say I have a basic Coldfusion page layout like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function foo() { docoument.myForm.submit(); }
<cfif isdefined("sendMyForm")>
... running coldfusion...
... displaying something...
<form action="nextPage.html" method="post" name="myForm">
<input type="text" name="formContains" />
<input type="hidden" name="sendMyForm" value="yup" />
<input type="button" name="sender" value="send" OnClick="foo() />
What actually happens server-side when I submit the form? Is the page getting "re-loaded" and the cfif causes coldfusion to run and display results? Just looking for some basic info so I understand what's happening.
Thanks for hints!
Think of CF and most web servers/systems as accepting input (url/get, form/post, cookie, etc) and returning output (html, json, text, etc). That cycle generally repeats. Someone types in a web address in a browser, request goes to server, page returned with form. User hits submit, request goes to server, page returned with results. User clicks link, request goes to server...and on and on.
You need to have the form action submit back to itself due to the way the if statements are organized. If in form.cfm file then action should be form.cfm. Unless you setup specific mappings in the webserver to have CF handle html files then the file will need to be .cfm
You mention leaving the action attribute out all together submits the form back to the same page but I don't believe this works in every browser.
It is also more common/safer to have form method="post", then check for structkeyexists(form, "fieldname")
Ok. Not the latest links, but valuable information.
I was trying to understand how form submits work in Coldfusion. If the page structure is:
<cf "inputName" = "someValue">
... run the from logic
<input name="inputName" />
... more form
So when I submit the form without action, it gets submitted to the page it's on and therefore the first CF-part can run....

Ajax login forms working with browser password remember features

I have an ajax based login form for my site and have noticed that browsers are not recognising it as a login form and are not remembering passwords for it to ease the user's login.
When the submit button is pressed the values and sent to serverside to check and a response is sent back. If the check passes the the session is set and the page performs a javascript redirect into the members area. The html is very simple and could be the cause of the problem.
<input type='text' class='email'>
<input type='password' class='password'>
<a class='submitBtn'>SUBMIT</a>
Thanks guys!
I think I'll do it in another way.
Using a form to submit to a hidden iframe , so the window will act like ajax post(do not refresh the window) and the password remember feature will works
<form method="post" id="" action="checkDetail.php" target="myIframe">
<input type='text' class='email'>
<input type='password' class='password'>
<input type="submit" name="" value="" id="Submit"/>
<iframe name="myIframe" id="myIframe"></iframe>
in this way you have to change a little bit of your response code to notice iframe parent the submit result.
it will done automatically by browser. If a form specify 'target' attribute , and there is a iframe has a name attribute that exactly the same as the target attribute of the form, the form action will submit to the iframe.
so when your request is success , your response will appear in the iframe content. Try code like this in the response.
//php checks database here
//your response infomation
and define a formSuccess method in the outer page to handle the submit callback
Found answer on stack : How can I get browser to prompt to save password?
My Version:
<form id='loginForm' target="passwordIframe" method='POST' action="blank.php">
<input name='email' type='text' st='Email'>
<input name='pass' type='password' st='Password'>
<button type='submit'>LOGIN</button>
<iframe id="passwordIframe" name="passwordIframe" style='display:none'></iframe>
I can confirm that this triggers the password remember features for Chrome (other browsers not yet tested). It is important that the action attribute points to a blank.php. I chose a blank php page and echoed out the $_POST array just to make sure that the values were being submitted via the form.
I will now implement this with my old code that simply uses javascript to pull the values out of the field and checks them via an ajax call. I wonder if I can do away with the submit button all together and just use javascript to submit the form?

