Fix data to show with scroll bar with morris graph - javascript

I am using Morris Bar chart with php with data from mysql database
Now it is showing bar graph.
My question is:
There are about 100 rows in mysql database and they are increasing day by day.
My bar graph is displaying date wise data.
Can we fix number of days to display bargraph along with horizontal scroll bar to view previous data ?
Code I am using now is as follows :
<div id="graphdatewise"></div>
$(function () {
var graphdatewise = {
element: 'graphdatewise',
data: <?php echo json_encode($chartresult);?>,
xkey: 'cur_date',
ykeys: ['counter', 'counter_unique_visit'],
labels: ['PageViews', 'UniqueVisits'],
parseTime: true,
barColors: ['#F4FA58', '#00FFFF'],
xLabels: 'Date',
xLabelAngle: 70
bar1 = Morris.Bar(graphdatewise)
Now with this code, bars get resized and whole data is displayed in graph. Instead of that can we show 10 days data in graph with horizontal scroll bar to access rest data ?

It is not possbile to make a x-scroll with Morris chart. But I suppose that if you limit the width of the parent widder than the width of the chart, that should be ok. Something like:
<div id='parent' style='width: 100px;'>
<div id='graphdatewise' style='width: 50px;'></div>


Create a Stacked Column Chart with series in javascript

I am trying to create a stacked column chart with 2 categories "Kosten" & "Stromertrag". Every category has it's own column with different values. Below is the attachment of what I want to achieve.
I tried to implement 4-5 chart libraries like canvasjs, highchart, etc. But they want the array of data. But in my case I have below json from which I want to build the same.
substratkosten: "9,000"
kosten1: "156,600"
kosten2: "298,286"
kosten3: "64,800"
strom2: "583,200"
substrat: "108,000"
Where first four values is for 'Kosten' category and last 2 values is for 'Stromertrag' category. I also tried to change the chart columns color, but I didn't found any property to achieve the same.
Can anyone please help to achieve the same?
Thanks in advance.
You can parse data in the format accepted by CanvasJS and render the chart. Below is the working code.
var jsonData = {
substratkosten: "9,000",
kosten1: "156,600",
kosten2: "298,286",
kosten3: "64,800",
strom2: "583,200",
substrat: "108,000"
var data = [];
for (var key in jsonData) {
data.push({type: "stackedColumn", indexLabel: "{y}", dataPoints: [{x: 1, label: "Kosten", y: parseFloat(jsonData[key].replace(/,/g, ''))}]});
else {
data.push({type: "stackedColumn", indexLabel: "{y}", dataPoints: [{x: 2, label: "Stromertrag", y: parseFloat(jsonData[key].replace(/,/g, ''))}]})
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
text: "StackedColumn Chart"
data: data
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chartContainer" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;"></div>

displaying data from sql server in highchart time series line chart

I am a first time user of high charts. I am trying to display table data (from sql server) in through highcharts using zoom-able time-series line chart. I want to plot a value-time line chart which can be zoomable based on the date. Can anyone help me
Time datetime,
Value int
JSON data:
[{"Time":"2017-08-17 16:35:28.000","Value":"3.85"},
{"Time":"2017-08-17 17:36:28.000","Value":"3.85"},
{"Time":"2017-08-17 18:35:28.000","Value":"3.86"},
{"Time":"2017-08-17 19:35:28.000","Value":"3.86"},
{"Time":"2017-08-18 07:35:28.000","Value":"3.87"},
{"Time":"2017-08-18 18:35:28.000","Value":"3.86"},
{"Time":"2017-08-18 19:35:28.000","Value":"3.86"},
{"Time":"2017-08-18 20:35:28.000","Value":"3.87"},
{"Time":"2017-09-18 07:35:28.000","Value":"3.87"},
{"Time":"2017-09-19 18:35:28.000","Value":"3.88"},
{"Time":"2017-09-18 19:35:28.000","Value":"3.88"},
{"Time":"2017-09-20 20:35:28.000","Value":"3.88"},
{"Time":"2017-10-18 07:35:28.000","Value":"3.87"},
{"Time":"2017-10-18 16:35:28.000","Value":"3.88"},
{"Time":"2017-10-08 19:39:28.000","Value":"3.89"},
{"Time":"2017-10-18 20:35:28.000","Value":"3.90"},
{"Time":"2017-11-18 07:35:28.000","Value":"3.87"},
{"Time":"2017-11-18 16:35:28.000","Value":"3.85"},
{"Time":"2017-11-19 19:39:28.000","Value":"3.85"},
{"Time":"2017-11-20 20:35:28.000","Value":"3.91"},
{"Time":"2017-12-14 07:35:28.000","Value":"3.90"},
{"Time":"2017-12-15 16:35:28.000","Value":"3.90"},
{"Time":"2017-12-16 19:39:28.000","Value":"3.93"},
{"Time":"2017-12-27 20:35:28.000","Value":"3.91"},
{"Time":"2018-01-14 06:35:28.000","Value":"3.88"},
{"Time":"2018-01-15 17:35:28.000","Value":"3.86"},
{"Time":"2018-01-16 14:39:28.000","Value":"3.86"},
{"Time":"2018-01-27 20:35:28.000","Value":"3.87"}

anychart not taking dynamically added data

I am using anychart to draw a chart in my page, My code is like this
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<input id="chart-charitytomoney" value="[["Charity 4",10.00],["Charity 2",20.00],["Charity Donate",100.00],["Donate Your Humanity",5920.00],["Gift your Work",3155.00],["Celebrate Baby Shower",770.00],["Refer Friends",110.00],["Gift Your Friends",200.00],["Celebrate B\u0027day With Us",220.00],["Celebrate Weekend",50.00],["Piggy Bank",4100.00],["Give a Single Gift",4050.00]]">
<div id="chart-container" style="height:550px!important"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {
var data = $("#chart-charitytomoney").val();
// create column chart
chart = anychart.column();
// turn on chart animation
// set chart title text settings
chart.title('Charities by donation');
// create area series with passed data
var series = chart.column(data);
// set series tooltip settings
series.tooltip().titleFormatter(function () {
return this.x
series.tooltip().textFormatter(function () {
return '$' + parseInt(this.value).toLocaleString()
// set scale minimum
// set yAxis labels formatter
// tooltips position and interactivity settings
// axes titles
// set container id for the chart
// initiate chart drawing
Everything looks okay to me, But chart is not working.
but if I changed this line
var data = $("#chart-charitytomoney").val();
var data = [["Charity 4", 10.00], ["Charity 2", 20.00], ["Charity Donate", 100.00], ["Donate Your Humanity", 5920.00], ["Gift your Work", 3155.00], ["Celebrate Baby Shower", 770.00], ["Refer Friends", 110.00], ["Gift Your Friends", 200.00], ["Celebrate B\u0027day With Us", 220.00], ["Celebrate Weekend", 50.00], ["Piggy Bank", 4100.00], ["Give a Single Gift", 4050.00]]
Everything works. Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong here? And How I can overcome it?
It is a peculiar way to pass data but you can do that, just:
Option 1
You should use quotes in the input field:
<input id="chart-charitytomoney" value="[['Charity 4',10.00],['Charity 2',20.00],['Charity Donate',100.00],['Donate Your Humanity',5920.00],['Gift your Work',3155.00],['Celebrate Baby Shower',770.00],['Refer Friends',110.00],['Gift Your Friends',200.00],['Celebrate B\u0027day With Us',220.00],['Celebrate Weekend',50.00],['Piggy Bank',4100.00],['Give a Single Gift',4050.00]]">
And you need to eval() the result:
var data = eval($("#chart-charitytomoney").val());
Here is a sample:
However, eval is no quite secure, if you want to store data in a string in a field like this consider using code like this:
Option 2
var data = JSON.parse($("#chart-charitytomoney").val().replace(/\'/g,'\"'));
shown in this sample:
The same may be applied to your code with &quote;:
var data = JSON.parse($("#chart-charitytomoney").val().replace(/\"/g,'\"'));
Sample parsing quotes:
Option 3
There is also a way to store CSV formatted string:
<input id="chart-charitytomoney" value="Charity 4,10.00;Charity 2,20.00;Charity Donate,100.00;Donate Your Humanity,5920.00;Gift your Work,3155.00;Celebrate Baby Shower,770.00\nRefer Friends,110.00;Gift Your Friends,200.00;Celebrate B\u0027day With Us,220.00;Celebrate Weekend,50.00\nPiggy Bank,4100.00\nGive a Single Gift,4050.00">
and then use it:
var data =$("#chart-charitytomoney").val(),{rowsSeparator: ';'});

Morris chart not showing the last xkey value with MVC

My Morris Chart is not showing the last xkey value:
Any ideia why?
My data is:
The View:
var surveyLastDaysChartData = #Html.Raw(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model.SurveyLastDaysChartData));
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div class="card-box">
<h4 class="header-title m-t-0">Média dos últimos 7 dias</h4>
<div id="dsb-survey-last-days-chart" style="height: 217px;"></div>
</div><!-- end col -->
The script to build it:
var _surveyLastDaysChartId = "dsb-survey-last-days-chart";
// ID of the element in which to draw the chart.
element: _surveyLastDaysChartId,
// Chart data records -- each entry in this array corresponds to a point on the chart.
data: surveyLastDaysChartData,
// The name of the data record attribute that contains x-values.
xkey: 'Date',
// A list of names of data record attributes that contain y-values.
ykeys: ['Average'],
// Labels for the ykeys -- will be displayed when you hover over the chart.
labels: ['Média'],
resize: true,
hideHover: 'auto',
ymax: 5
This happened to me too.
I'm not sure how Morris calculates its elements, but sometimes, it cuts off values on the x-axis when it exceeds the width.
The way I was able to fix it (it is a hack, though) was to use their gridTextSize option and change it to a smaller font-size.
gridTextSize: 10,
Another option, if your app allows you to shorten your date, it to use their xLabelFormat option to parse your dates into a smaller format.
var display_date = function(d) {
var month = d.getMonth() + 1,
day = d.getDate();
var formattedDay = month + '-' + day
return formattedDay; // Return "M-DD" format for date
xLabelFormat: function(x) { return display_date(x); },
It's the default behaviour of Morris.js when the label is too long. You can use xLabelAngle, is and angle in degrees from horizontal to draw x-axis labels:
// ID of the element in which to draw the chart.
element: _surveyLastDaysChartId,
// Chart data records -- each entry in this array corresponds to a point on the chart.
data: surveyLastDaysChartData,
// The name of the data record attribute that contains x-values.
xkey: 'Date',
// A list of names of data record attributes that contain y-values.
ykeys: ['Average'],
// Labels for the ykeys -- will be displayed when you hover over the chart.
labels: ['Média'],
resize: true,
hideHover: 'auto',
xLabelAngle: 60, //<-- add this
ymax: 5

Zingchart doesn't plot correctly a CSV with more than 10 columns

I need to plot data in Zingchart from a CSV that will have a fixed number of columns (37). This CSV has a header that will define the legend of the graph.
If the number of elements I define in the header is less than 10 (including the X - Axis name) then everything is good. The first nine columns get a proper legend, and the others are named using the default Series XX. Link to the gist
In the data I've tried messing around with quotes " and ' but it didn't change the behavior.
Sample graph
Times|Line_1|Line_2|Line_3|Line_4|Line_5|Line_6|Line_7|Line_8|Line_9|"Line_10" "Line_11" Line_12 Line_13 Line_14 Line_15 Line_16 Line_17 Line_18 Line_19 Line_20 Line_21 Line_22 Line_23 Line_24 Line_25 Line_26 Line_27 Line_28 Line_29 Line_30 Line_31 Line_32 Line_33 Line_34 Line_35 Line_36
However, as soon as I continue including elements in the header using the CSV | separator, things start to go wrong. Ideally, the file should be as this one:
Sample graph
But then the output is completely messed up. Link to the gist
The HTML code for the graph I'm running in local with the same results:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="zingchart_2.3.2/zingchart.min.js"></script>
zingchart.MODULESDIR = "zingchart_2.3.2/modules/";
<div id='myChart'></div>
var myConfig = {
"type": "line",
"csv": {
"url": "zingchart_2.3.2/sample_5lines.dat",
"separator": "|",
"vertical-labels": true,
"position":"0% 0%",
"position":"0 370",
"text":"%t - %k<br><br>%v<br>Hz",
id: 'myChart',
data: myConfig,
height: 500,
width: "100%"
What am I doing wrong?
There are a couple issues with the JSON that I found.
1.In the CSV object, you would need to add horizontal-labels:true to set allow ZingChart to pull the appropriate labels from your dataset. In your case, the second row contains the labels for each series.
The text "%v" is no longer necessary inside of the plot object. This essentially assigns a label to each series, but setting horizontal-labels:true fixes this.
I have increased your decimals in the scale-y object to 2 instead of 0 so the scale-y does not appear to have duplicate values. You could also use exponent notation as shown here:
I'm assuming the first column of values in your dat file are UNIX time stamps? These values are converted directly using the Javascript Date object, so `new Date(1218604835) would actually return a date of Wed Jan 14 1970. If they are indeed UNIX time stamps, the values would need to be multiplied by 1000 so that new Date(1218604835000) would return Tue Aug 12 2008.
Plnkr here:
Let me know if you need any further help! - ZingChart Member.

