Chrome extension- JavaScript to retrieve data from MySQL database and display in extention [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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we are creating a chrome extension that can able to retrieve a data from MYSQL database and display in it possible? second question is it possible to authenticate localhost .aspx website from java script.

If you want to make a native database connection I think it would be possible with npapi, see However it sounds to make like a big security risk due to the fact the username and password will be stored in the extension code that can be early access, a better solution would be to develop some http service/api that will connect to the database and return some information, then you can just make an ajax request to your service and display any information you want.
About the second question, you can make any http request just like the browser using chrome extensions.


Can I share access to a website without sharing my credentials? [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have an account in a website, i want to share it with others without giving them the credentials.
What I tried so far:
I built a chrome extension that connects to my server get the credentials then fill the login form and connect to the website, but that's just like giving them the password.
Using a PHP Web scraper library, I can open the website in my server log in and send back the HTML to the user, when the user clicks on an element in the page I can collect its css selector and send it to the server then the scraper can find and click on that element then send back the result HTML, this will work but it'll never be the same as the real website experience.
Are there any other approaches I should consider?

How java script login page works? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How JavaScript take user ID and password? And where do it stores that data? And how it check the authentication when next time user wants to login in?
It doesn't. JavaScript running in the browser cannot perform meaningful authentication. You'd need a server-side application that performs the authentication. At most, JavaScript could perform an AJAX request, sending the user ID and password to the server — but how exactly you'd do that would depend entirely on the application. You'd need to read the documentation for your system to find out how authentication is performed.
(It is conceivable that we're talking about a server-side application written in JavaScript à la node.js, but since the question is not tagged as such I'm assuming not.)

How can I get my notifications from Facebook? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to create an app to filter my notifications from Facebook. For example I'd like to get all notifications about someone commenting in conversations I also took part on given Facebook group.
As #lushn pointed out below, Facebook removed the ability to access notifications in their Graph API.
Now I wonder, is there a better (and more official) way to fetch notifications from Facebook than to pose as a browser and parse HTML (for that I'd also need a proxy written in some server language, due to CORS)?
Access to notifications is not possible anymore, the required permission and the endpoint for this has been removed with v2.4 of the Graph API:

Build website using JSP or Javascript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have to build a website which involve e-commerce stuff like it should allow the users to login and then view the available items. Once the user selects the items and makes payment, it may need additional information in the form of some images/videos to complete the order. So, after payment step, it prompts the user to upload the file and when the file is uploaded on the server, request is complete and the user is kept informed about the status.
All the core functionality is already implemented using REST-ful webservices. I am not able to decide if I should implement the website using HTML+JS (using AJAX to call webservices) or should still use JSP and call webservices using java at server side? Someone suggested me that using JSP is better since it will execute on server side and hence will be secured and faster. But, I somehow feel that HTML+JS is easier to go. Is there some specific advantage to use a server side script like JSP for this purpose? Any ideas are most welcome.
Yes server side scripting will be fruitful for this purpose for security constraints. Or you can use angular js though they are easy to learn and they are secure and can make fast XHR request response. :)

how to create user accounts using html5, javascript, jquery? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there secure way to create secure users accounts within just Html5,JavaScript or jquery without having to using mysql server?i'm trying to setup restriction so only the people who are registered will have access the others will have to option to sign up where i could add the users manually without having them to register any help will be appreciated thank you.
The only place that client side technologies can store data is in the browser. That means:
Data won't be shared between users of different browsers
Anyone with access to the browser can edit the data
You need to use a server side technology. There are plenty of options which use JavaScript, of which Node.js is currently popular, for the language, and plenty of databases that aren't MySQL so you can achieve what you ask for (although probably not what you want).

