requested unknown parameter 1 for row 0 in jquery datatable - javascript

i have below code for generating jquery datatable in my spring mvc project .
but i loading the page , the javascript throwing some warning.
var sTable = $('#tblKeyDetails').dataTable({
"aoColumns" : [ null,null, null,null],
"sPaginationType" : "full_numbers",
dataType : 'json',
type : 'GET',
url : 'getKeyDetails.html',
data :({
form : $('#ddlKeyStatus').val()
beforeSend : function() {
complete : function() {
success : function(data) {
$.each(data, function(index,item) {
var rowCount = index+1;
sTable.fnAddData( [ '<label align="center">'+rowCount+'</label>',
response objects contain
date: null
deviceId: null
id: 3
userEmail: null
userId: 0

change this:
sTable.fnAddData( [ '<label align="center">'+rowCount+'</label>',
sTable.fnAddData( [ '<label align="center">'+rowCount+'</label>',
item['key']!=null ? item['key'] : "",
item['date']!=null ? item['date'] : "",
item['userEmail']!=null ? item['userEmail'] : ""
preventing null values will fix your issue. You can also disable datables warning messages but fix the problem could be better.


Reset Search Results

Good morning. I made a data search & filter with datatables and it worked .. but when I moved the page and returned to that page the data was still stuck (not reset). In view I made it like the following image:
and in the js file I made it like this
brandmanage = $('#brandmanage').DataTable({
dom : 'rtpi',
pageLength: {{ $limit ?? '10' }},
language : {
paginate : {
previous : '<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>', // or '←'
next : '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>', // or '→'
processing : true,
drawCallback : function( settings ) {
$('#lengthInput option[value={{ $limit ?? '10' }}]').attr('selected','selected');
serverSide : true,
stateSave : true,
ajax : {
url : "{{ route('lms.brand.getdata',['pfx'=>$pfx]) }}",
dataType : "json",
type : "POST",
data : { _token: "{{csrf_token()}}" }
columns : [
{ data : "brand" },
{ data : "corporate" },
{ data : "num_of_company" },
{ data : "primary" },
{ data : "secondary" },
{ data : "status" },
{ data : "action",
orderable : false,
className : "text-center",
$('#brandDataLength').on('change', function () { $(this).val() ).draw();
$('#searchBrand').on('keyup', function () { this.value ).draw();
What do I do so that when I have moved pages, the search results can be reset?
If you change stateSave to false, then dataTables will not remember the selected filters etc. Thereby the search results will be reset when you reload the page.

How to add link with href calling javascript function with parameter in Jquery datatables?

I want to call editEmployee / deleteEmployee function from datatable column Edit / Delete Link With Parameter empId value.
How can i pass empId column value in editEmployee / deleteEmployee function called from Edit And Delete links.
Below is my javascript code :
table = $('#employeesTable').DataTable(
"sAjaxSource" : "/SpringDemo/employees",
"sAjaxDataProp" : "",
"order" : [ [ 0, "asc" ] ],
"aoColumns" : [
"className": "dt-center",
"sClass" : "center",
"mData" : "empId"
"orderable": false,
data: null,
className: "dt-center",
defaultContent: ''
} ,
"orderable": false,
data: null,
className: "dt-center",
defaultContent: ''
} ]
table = $('#employeesTable').DataTable(
"sAjaxSource" : "/SpringDemo/employees",
"sAjaxDataProp" : "",
"order" : [ [ 0, "asc" ] ],
"aoColumns" : [
"className": "dt-center",
"sClass" : "center",
"mData" : "empId"
"orderable": false,
data: null,
className: "dt-center",
defaultContent: '<a data-emp_id="[add emp id value here]" class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil text-primary edit-link"></a>'
} ,
"orderable": false,
data: null,
className: "dt-center",
defaultContent: '<a data-emp_id="[add emp id value here]" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger delete-link"></a>'
} ]
$('.edit-link').on('click', function () {
var empid= $(this).data('emp_id')
window.location.href="edit url ";
$('.delete-link').on('click', function () {
var empid= $(this).data('emp_id')
window.location.href="delete url ";
Basically You need to have onclick events for each based on the class.. then fetch the empID stored in the data-emp_id attribute of the button thats been clicked and then redirect appropriately
Thanks All For Comments.
I have solved issue by storing id in hidden input and accessing it in edit like this.
$(document).on('click', '#employeesTable tr', function(e) {
var row_object = table.row(this).data();
function editEmployee() {
url : 'edit/' + $("#hdnID").val(),
type : 'GET',
success : function(result) {
// Do something with the result

Feeding the dataview from JsonStore

Feeding the viewdata from the jsonstore
I want to use a JsonStore to feed my dataview. currently with the code below, the store is empty in the dataview. For testing, I wrote some code in the controller before opening the window and I can
see that the restful service retrieves data - getActivitiesToRescueCallback --> responce.responseText.
How can I feed my dataview with the Jsonstore?
In th ViewController:
getActivitiesToRescueCallback : function(options, success, response) {
if (success)
var result = Ext.decode(response.responseText); // Here I am getting data
getActivitiesToRescue : function() {
url : '/test/json_p',
params : {
"params[]" : "RESCUE",
"respName" : "",
"method" : "GetActivities",
"format" : "json"
callback : 'getActivitiesToRescueCallback',
scope : this
Ext.define('Tuv.test.rescue.RescueView', {
extend : 'Ext.window.Window',
alias : 'widget.rescueview',
alias : 'controller.rescueview',
bind : {
title : '{rescueTexts.masseRescue}'
height : 400,
width : 600,
constrainHeader : true,
maximizable : true,
closeAction : "hide",
layout : 'card',
activeItem : 0,
items : [ {
xtype : 'panel',
title : 'check activities',
layout : 'hbox',
border : false,
layoutConfig : {
align : 'stretch'
tbar : [ {
xtype : "button",
text : "copy",
handler : function() {},
scope : this
} ],
items : [ {
autoScroll : true,
width : 150,
items : {
xtype : 'dataview',
listeners : {
'afterrender' : function(comp) {
scope : this
store : new{
url : '/test/json_p',
baseParams : {
"params[]" : "RESCUE",
respName : "",
method : "GetActivities",
format : "json"
idProperty : 'ACT_ID',
itemSelector : 'tr.dataRow',
tpl : new Ext.XTemplate('<table id="dataRescueTable">' + '<tpl for=".">', '<tr class="dataRow"><td>' + '<span <tpl if="STATUS==50">style="font-weight: bold;color:green"</tpl>>{name}</span></td></tr>', '</tpl>', '</table>')
} ],
bbar : {
buttonAlign : 'right',
items : [ {
text : "next",
handler : function(button) {
scope : this
} ]
} ]
To load the store I had to call store.load() or adding autoLoad: true as a config to the store.

add 14 days to visit date

How Can I Add plus 14days into the current visit date of my tables
it tried it this code but it show many numbers lol
------------- HERES MY CODE --------------------
table_supervisory_list : function (id,data){
responsive: true,
data : data,
"data" : data,
"render": function (x){
return `
<button onclick="open_patient_chart(`+`'`+x.vnote_mrno+`'`+`);" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-minier btn-round">
<i class="fa fa-sign-in-alt"></i> `+x.vnote_mrno+`
"data" : data,
"render": function (x){
return x.patient_lastname +' '+ x.patient_firstname +' '+ x.patient_middlename;
"data" : data,
"render": function (x){
return x.vnote_visitdate + moment(x.vnote_visitdate).add(7,"days");
columns : [
{ data : null, sTitle : 'Options' },
{ data : null, sTitle : 'Name' },
{ data : 'vnote_visitdate', sTitle : 'Last Supv done' },
{ data : null, sTitle : 'Next Supv due'},
{ data : 'vnote_formtype', sTitle : 'Action Required' },
{ data : 'vnote_enteredby', sTitle : 'Discipline' },
bDestroy: true
IT SHOWS 2019-04-091555344000000
That is because you're trying to append a moment object to a string.
You don't need to do that, you can simply do:
moment(x.vnote_visitdate).add(14, "days").toString();
If you want to keep the same format, you need to do something like this:
moment(x.vnote_visitdate).add(14, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
Here is the documentation for the format() function.

Sending additional parameters to editurl on JQgrid

My problem now is trying to send the ID (editable: false) of a row when editing that row.
For example, i have a grid with columns userid(editable: false), username(editable: true), firstname(editable: true), lastname(editable: true). When editing the row the grid is only sending the parameters username, firstname and lastname. In the server side i need the userid to know to which user i've tu apply those new values.
the editUrl looks like:
editurl : CONTEXT_PATH+'/ajax/admin/',
This is the full code:
$.jgrid.useJSON = true;
$(document).ready(function() {
var lastsel;
url : CONTEXT_PATH+'/ajax/<s:property value="categoryId" />',
//url : '/autoWEB/text.html',
datatype: "json",
ajaxGridOptions: { contentType: "application/json" },
jsonReader : {
root: "rows",
page: "page",
total: "total",
records: "records",
repeatitems: false
headertitles: true,
colNames : [ 'ID', 'Pieza', 'Disponible'],
colModel : [ {
name : 'piezaId',
index : 'piezaId',
align : "right",
width : 50,
editable : false,
required : true
}, {
name : 'descripcion',
index : 'descripcion',
width : 390,
editable : true,
required : true
}, {
name : 'disponible',
index : 'disponible',
width : 80,
editable : true,
edittype : 'select',
required : true
} ],
rowNum : 20,
rowList : [ 20, 40, 60, 80 ],
pager : '#prowed3',
sortname : 'piezaId',
postData: {piezaId : lastsel},
viewrecords : true,
sortorder : "desc",
onSelectRow : function(id) {
if (id && id !== lastsel) {
jQuery('#rowed3').jqGrid('restoreRow', lastsel);
jQuery('#rowed3').jqGrid('editRow', id, true);
lastsel = id;
editurl : CONTEXT_PATH+'/ajax/admin/<s:property value="categoryId" />',
caption : "Piezas"
jQuery("#rowed3").jqGrid('navGrid', "#prowed3", {
edit : false,
add : false,
del : false
in your onSelectRow callback, you can modify the editUrl to be whatever you want, including passing in the ID you need.
$("#rowed3").jqGrid('setGridParam', {editurl:'whatever/url/you/need/with/the/id'});
jqGrid will add all the other nececessary params to that editurl for you.
You can use
hidden: true, editable: true, editrules: { edithidden: false }, hidedlg: true
in the definition of the piezaId (ID) column. The parameter hidedlg is currently not real needed, but can be useful if you decide the use other jqGrid features.
Passing values in the GET string worked for me.
editurl: '/ajax/update?line=1',

