user can enter in text box just numbers and this signs (, .) - javascript

I want to restrict user to enter in text box just numbers and this signs (, .) when the user try to enter letters or other signs textbox can't accept them How can I do that with jquery?

<input type="text" pattern="[0-9,.]+" title="Please enter only numbers" />
No jQuery needed. Demo
If you're actually looking for an optionally thousand-separated decimal number, try:
Advanced demo
Be sure to do the same validation server-side!

jQuery not needed.
<input type="text" id="ID">
document.getElementById("ID").onkeyup = function() {
var text_content = document.getElementById("ID").value;
if(/[^\-,0-9]/.test(text_content)) {
text_content = text_content.substring(0, text_content.length - 1)
document.getElementById("ID").value = text_content;
Fiddle. Hope that was what you were looking for.


Check if string that must be just numbers has characters

I have a input for phone number, and its type is not number is text, and I want to check if the input has characters to validate it as wrong, I have set it like that because I put a format to the input like 123-123-1234
here is my input
<input (keyup)="format()" (change)="format()" maxlength="12" inputmode="numeric" type='text' class="input" formControlName="celular" id="celular" name="celular">
Here is my ts where I set the format
$('#celular').val($('#celular').val().replace(/^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d+)$/, "$1-$2-$3"));
so what I want to do, is to know if the value of my input has characters from aA-zZ and some specials characters that are not -
With a little help from google i found this:
Regex phoneRegex =
new Regex(#"^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$");
if (phoneRegex.IsMatch(subjectString)) {
string formattedPhoneNumber =
phoneRegex.Replace(subjectString, "($1) $2-$3");
} else {
// Invalid phone number
You can use html regex pattern for validating input fields
Format used in this example is 123-123-1234
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Phone Number in format (123-123-1234)" pattern="^\d{3}[-]\d{3}[-]\d{4}$" title="Invalid input" size="50" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
I have found the solution
var b = /[a-z A-Z]/
var a = '123a'
this gives true or false depending if the var a has any character from a-z and A-Z

Html Text box only allow numeric while typing thousand separator and decimal

Hi i want to allow html text box accept numeric value only and while typing it should transform like thousand separator and two decimal
Example :
Please try this the input text field will not allow any characters except numbers and value of input field will be like Indian Currency.
$("#formattedNumberField").on('keyup', function(){
var n = parseInt($(this).val().replace(/\D/g,''),10);
$(this).val(n.toLocaleString("en-IN", { currency: "INR"}));
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="formattedNumberField" value="" />
And Please refer the above Code Snippet Link.
Here I have wrote a javascript function. You can use this to convert to commas.
<input type="text" name="x1" onkeydown="numberWithCommas(this)"/>
function numberWithCommas(x) {
var a = x.value.replace(",","");
var nf = new Intl.NumberFormat();
x.value = nf.format(a);

block this special characters using query `~ #$^+|\ []{}<>

I want to block some special characters from entering in text box.
`~ #$^+|\ []{}<> these are the characters i would like to prevent from user inputting. Can any one suggest a solution or reg ex.
function some(){
var input = document.getElementById('one').value;
var one = input.replace(/[(\\^`~#\$\^\+\|\\\[\]{}<>)]/g,"");
<input type="text" oninput="some()" id="one" >
<input type="text" pattern="[^`~#\$\^\+\|\\\[\]{}<>]+">

Disable user of multiple same exact numbers in input box

I have an input box here
<input type="text" size="9" maxlength="9" id="my_account" name="my_account" value="" >
And I want to disallow users to enter the same numbers in the box? How can I do this ? Thanks in advance
I don't want them to be able to enter numbers like this
You can use a regular expression to find strings that only consist of one consecutive digit:
var validator = /\b(\d)\1+\b/
console.log(validator.test('111')) // true
console.log(validator.test('123')) // false
console.log(validator.test('121')) // false
console.log(validator.test('112')) // false
#edit If you don't want to let user enter these values as he types you may want to verify only when value equals to 2.
You can listen on keydown event of input element and verify it's actual content and pressed number like this:
var inputNode = document.getElementById('my_account');
inputNode.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
var inputValue = event.key;
var inputNodeValue = inputNode.value;
var length = inputNodeValue.length;
if (length === 1 && inputNodeValue[0] === inputValue) {
If you want to verify on submit, just get value of first character and check if every other is equal to it.
Try this pattern:
<input type="text" size="9" maxlength="9" id="my_account" name="my_account" value="" pattern="^(?!(\d)\1{8}).*">
you did not say you wanted to disallow letters, if you do, just replace .* with \d*
I interpreted it as "nine times the same number". If you want to e.g. not allow "3 times same number anywhere", you need to change it to ^(?!\d*(\d)\1{2,}).*
If you want to only disallow multiples of a digit without any other extra, add the line termination regex: ^(?!(\d)\1*$).*
Example for "not 3 times same number anywhere but must be numbers":
<input type="text" size="9" maxlength="9" id="my_account" name="my_account" value="" pattern="^(?!\d*(\d)\1{2,})\d*">
Example for "not only the same number multiple times but still numbers":
<input type="text" size="9" maxlength="9" id="my_account" name="my_account" value="" pattern="^(?!(\d)\1*$)\d*">

Only accept number from 1 to 9 Using JavaScript

Would like to know how to only accept number to be entered into inputbox from 1 to 9 and if entered for example 0 give alert message, sorry not a valid number.
please check my function that i have done so far, but not working.. thank you
<input name="number1" type="text" size="1" id="number1"onkeyup="doKeyUpValidation(this)/>
var validationRegex = RegExp(/[-0-9]+/, "g");
alert('Please enter only numbers.');
You're missing a closing quote at the end of your onkeyup attribute, and as David mentions, you need to change your regex string to /[1-9]/
You were pretty close. Try this:
function doKeyUpValidation(text) {
var validationRegex = RegExp(/[1-9]+/, "g"); // The regex was wrong
if( !validationRegex.match(text.value) )
alert('Please enter only numbers.');
} // this was missing before
Your HTML is slightly wrong, it should be:
<input name="number1" type="text" size="1" id="number1" onkeyup="doKeyUpValidation(this)"/>
You need a space between each attribute, and each attribute needs to be quoted.
Also, your JavaScript has a few errors. It should be:
function doKeyUpValidation(text) {
var validationRegex = /[1-9]/g;
if (!validationRegex.test(text.value)) {
alert('Please enter only numbers.');
You need the function keyword to make doKeyUpValidation a function. Also, your regex was a little off.

