SlickGrid- Need of insensitive case filter - javascript

Is there's a way to change the filter from sensitive case to insensitive?
Thank you.

Here’s the relevant section of a working example using the DataView filter. Notice the searchString variable is converted to lowercase when the value is first defined and then it's compared to lowercase strings within the myFilter function.
function myFilter(item, args) {
if (args.searchString != "" && item["FirstName"].toLowerCase().indexOf(args.searchString) == -1 && item["LastName"].toLowerCase().indexOf(args.searchString) == -1) {
return false;
return true;
$("#txtSearch").keyup(function (e) {
// clear on Esc
if (e.which == 27) {
this.value = "";
searchString = this.value.toLowerCase();
function updateFilter() {
searchString: searchString
// initialize the model after all the events have been hooked up
searchString: searchString

Guessing you are talking about the DataView filter, the implementation of the filter functionality is totally up to you. Note the filter function used in the SlickGrid examples - that function is set as the filter using dataView.setFilter(your_function_here). So implement the filter function as you want and set it to the dataView

function filter(item) {
// String Should Match Each Other
/* for (var columnId in columnFilters) {
if (columnId !== undefined && columnFilters[columnId] !== "") {
var c = grid.getColumns()[grid.getColumnIndex(columnId)];
if (item[c.field] != columnFilters[columnId]) {
return false;
} */
for (var columnId in columnFilters) {
if (columnId !== undefined && columnFilters[columnId] !== "") {
var c = grid.getColumns()[grid.getColumnIndex(columnId)];
// This Case Sensitive
//if (!(item[c.field] && (""+item[c.field]).indexOf(columnFilters[columnId]) !== -1)) {
if (!(item[c.field] && (""+item[c.field].toLowerCase()).indexOf(columnFilters[columnId].toLowerCase()) !== -1)) {
// Case in-Sensitive
return false;
return true;


Double Condition

It will make selection words starting with "p" and ending with "a". Why it didnt work?
function checkWord(word) {
if (word.charAt(0) = 'p' && word.charAt(word.length - 1) = 'a') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
= is used for assigning values, not checking them. Use == for checking the values and === for checking value and types. So, your code should be like:
function checkWord(word) {
if (word.charAt(0) === 'p' && word.charAt(word.length - 1) === 'a') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
This should do the trick.
You didn't put 2 equals to if you only put 1 equals you are assigning it and if you put 2 equals you're comparing it the. below code should help
/* Check weather the first letter is equals to p and the last letter is equals to a. */
function checkWord(word) {
let firstPAndLastA = false;
if(word != null){
if (word.charAt(0) == 'p' && word.charAt(word.length - 1) == 'a') {
firstPAndLastA = true;
} else {
firstPAndLastA = false;
return firstPAndLastA;
//Calling Function

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined in angularjs

I am very new to the world of coding, and need some help from experts. Below is the angularJs error I have noticed in the file:
The error is being pointed to this:
if( searchItemsSmallLetters.indexOf(searchTextSmallLetters) !== -1){
Your assistance will be much appreciated.
I am trying to give user suggestion based on the key which user enters.
var app = angular.module('app',[]);
app.controller('autoCompleteCTRL', function($scope, $rootScope,$http){
$rootScope.searchItems = [];
var arr= getCountries(); // Load all countries with capitals
function getCountries(){
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++)
return $rootScope.searchItems;
//Sort Array
//Define Suggestions List
$rootScope.suggestions = [];
//Define Selected Suggestion Item
$rootScope.selectedIndex = -1;
//Function To Call On ng-change
$ = function(){
$rootScope.suggestions = [];
var myMaxSuggestionListLength = 0;
for(var i=0; i<$rootScope.searchItems.length; i++){
var searchItemsSmallLetters = angular.lowercase($rootScope.searchItems[i]);
var searchTextSmallLetters = angular.lowercase($scope.searchText);
if( searchItemsSmallLetters.indexOf(searchTextSmallLetters) !== -1){
myMaxSuggestionListLength += 1;
if(myMaxSuggestionListLength == 5){
//Keep Track Of Search Text Value During The Selection From The Suggestions List
if(val !== -1) {
$scope.searchText = $rootScope.suggestions[$rootScope.selectedIndex];
//Text Field Events
//Function To Call on ng-keydown
$rootScope.checkKeyDown = function(event){
if(event.keyCode === 40){//down key, increment selectedIndex
if($rootScope.selectedIndex+1 !== $rootScope.suggestions.length){
}else if(event.keyCode === 38){ //up key, decrement selectedIndex
if($rootScope.selectedIndex-1 !== -1){
}else if(event.keyCode === 13){ //enter key, empty suggestions array
$rootScope.suggestions = [];
//Function To Call on ng-keyup
$rootScope.checkKeyUp = function(event){
if(event.keyCode !== 8 || event.keyCode !== 46){//delete or backspace
if($scope.searchText == ""){
$rootScope.suggestions = [];
//List Item Events
//Function To Call on ng-click
$rootScope.AssignValueAndHide = function(index){
$scope.searchText = $rootScope.suggestions[index];
The value of searchTextSmallLetters variable has become undefined. First you check whether it can be undefined. If so change the line to
if(searchItemsSmallLetters && searchItemsSmallLetters.indexOf(searchTextSmallLetters) !== -1){
or else check the service on "ajax/getCountries.php" is working and return the expected output. Since you using a get request you can use browser to do that (%domain%/ajax/getCountries.php eg:-localhost:8080/ajax/getCountries.php)
Important: Always it is good to do validations. So it is good to change the line to
if(searchItemsSmallLetters && searchItemsSmallLetters.indexOf(searchTextSmallLetters) !== -1){
Change the below line for proper handling
if( searchItemsSmallLetters.indexOf(searchTextSmallLetters) !== -1){
if(searchItemsSmallLetters && searchItemsSmallLetters.indexOf(searchTextSmallLetters) !== -1){
When "searchItemsSmallLetters" is undefined, then your condition will throw such error.

SAPUI5 Filter OData model based on fields using formatter

I have a List that contains ObjectListItems with content provided by an OData service. One of this contents is the title and the property has the value as follows:
title="{ path: 'title', formatter: 'app.schedule.util.Formatter.titleText'}"
As you can see there is a formatter in this title. The OData will bring a value like "available" or "disabled" and the formatter will transform it on the text for the specific language of the user.
I'm implementing a search capability on this List and it works fine, the problem is that it searchs only on the "available" and "disabled" values, and not in the formatted texts as it would be expected as this are not the values recognized by the user.
The filter code is:
handleSearch : function (evt) {
// create model filter
var filters = [];
var query = evt.getParameter("query");
if (query && query.length > 0) {
filters.push(new sap.ui.model.Filter("booked", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Contains, query));
filters.push(new sap.ui.model.Filter("weekday", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Contains, query));
filters.push(new sap.ui.model.Filter("title", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Contains, query));
filters = new sap.ui.model.Filter(filters, false);
// update list binding
var list = this.getView().byId("list");
var binding = list.getBinding("items");
Any idea on how to consider the formatter on the filter and not only the raw data?
Solution Considering you are doing only client side search:
Assumption: if you have grouping in the list..
handleSearch : function (evt) {
sFilterPattern = evt.getParameter("query");
sFilterPattern = sFilterPattern.toLowerCase();
var aListItems = this.getView().byId("list").getItems();
var bVisibility;
var oGroupItem = null;
var iCountInGroup = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < aListItems.length; i++) {
if (aListItems[i] instanceof sap.m.GroupHeaderListItem) {
if (oGroupItem) {
if (iCountInGroup == 0) {
} else {
oGroupItem = aListItems[i];
iCountInGroup = 0;
} else {
bVisibility = this.applySearchPatternToListItem(aListItems[i], sFilterPattern);
if (bVisibility) {
if (oGroupItem) {
if (iCountInGroup == 0) {
} else {
applySearchPatternToListItem:function(oItem, sFilterPattern) {
if (sFilterPattern == "") {
return true;
//uncomment to search in oModel data
/*var oIteshellata = oItem.getBindingContext(this.sModelName).getProperty();
for (var sKey in oIteshellata) {
var sValue = oIteshellata[sKey];
// if (sValue instanceof Date) {
// //just for the filter take each number as string
// sValue = sValue.getDate() + "." +
// sValue.getMonth() + "." + sValue.getFullYear();
// }
if (typeof sValue == "string") {
if (sValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(sFilterPattern) != -1) {
return true;
// if nothing found in unformatted data, check UI elements
if ((oItem.getIntro() && oItem.getIntro().toLowerCase().indexOf(sFilterPattern) != -1)
|| (oItem.getTitle() && oItem.getTitle().toLowerCase().indexOf(sFilterPattern) != -1)
|| (oItem.getNumber() && oItem.getNumber().toLowerCase().indexOf(sFilterPattern) != -1)
|| (oItem.getNumberUnit() && oItem.getNumberUnit().toLowerCase().indexOf(sFilterPattern) != -1)
|| (oItem.getFirstStatus() && oItem.getFirstStatus().getText().toLowerCase().indexOf(sFilterPattern) != -1)
|| (oItem.getSecondStatus() && oItem.getSecondStatus().getText().toLowerCase().indexOf(sFilterPattern) != -1)) {
return true;
// last source is attribute array
var aAttributes = oItem.getAttributes();
for (var j = 0; j < aAttributes.length; j++) {
if (aAttributes[j].getText().toLowerCase().indexOf(sFilterPattern) != -1) {
return true;
return false;

Validate input value before it is shown to user

I have an html <input> and some pattern (e.g. -?\d*\.?\d* float-signed value).
I should prevent typing the not matched value.
I did it in next way
jQuery.fn.numeric = function (pattern)
var jqElement = $(this), prevValue;
prevValue = jqElement.val();
if (!pattern.test(jqElement.val()))
prevValue = ""
But in this case, value is shown to user and then corrected to right value.
Is it way to vaidate value before it is shown to user?
I can use pattern attribute from html5
$("#validateMe").on('keydown', function() {
var charBeingTyped = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode || e.which); // get character being typed
var cursorPosition = $(this)[0].selectionStart; // get cursor position
// insert char being typed in our copy of the value of the input at the position of the cursor.
var inValue = $(this).value().substring(0, cursorPosition) + charBeingTyped + $(this).value().substring(cursorPosition, $(this).value().length);
if(inValue.match(/-?\d*\.?\d*/)) return true;
else return false;
How about this POJS, I'm using a cross-browser addEvent function instead of jquery and not using any regexs, but I believe it achieves what you are looking for. Pressing + or - changes the sign of the value.
<input id="test" type="text" />
/*jslint maxerr: 50, indent: 4, browser: true */
(function () {
"use strict";
function addEvent(elem, event, fn) {
if (typeof elem === "string") {
elem = document.getElementById(elem);
function listenHandler(e) {
var ret = fn.apply(null, arguments);
if (ret === false) {
return ret;
function attachHandler() { = window.event.srcElement;
var ret =, window.event);
if (ret === false) {
window.event.returnValue = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
return ret;
if (elem.addEventListener) {
elem.addEventListener(event, listenHandler, false);
} else {
elem.attachEvent("on" + event, attachHandler);
function verify(e) {
var target =, // shouldn't be needed: || e.srcElement;
value = target.value,
char = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode || e.charCode);
if (value.charAt(0) === "-") {
if (char === "+") { = value.slice(1);
} else if (char === "-") { = char + value;
return false;
value += char;
return parseFloat(value) === +value;
addEvent("test", "keypress", verify);
On jsfiddle
I think I used the correct values keyCode || charCode
but you may want to search and check. A summary of the correct ones are available here
You could use this code to find out what character is pressed. Validate that character and, if it validates, append it to the input field.
Try this code:
jQuery.fn.numeric = function (pattern)
var sChar = String.fromCharCode(!e.charCode ? e.which : event.charCode);
var sPrev = $(this).val();
return false;
} else {
sPrev = sPrev + sChar;
My example validates each charachter while typing. If you prefer to check the entire value of the input field instead, I would suggest to validate the value on an other Event, like Input blur().

Problem in make a date input mask

How do I make a date input masked (hidden) without using a plugin, as followed:
Formating: YYYY/MM/DD = showing in the input as => ____/__/__
This is my code that doesn't work:
$('.date_input').delegate("", 'keyup', function () {
//var dateMMDDYYYRegex = '^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)\d\d$';
$val = $(this).val().match(/[0-9]/g).reverse().join("").match(/[0-9]{3,3}/g).join("/").match(/./g).reverse().join("");
Example of the code
$('.date_input').delegate("", 'keypress', function (e) {
var char = getChar(e || window.event);
if (char != "/")
this.value += "_";
return false;
function getChar(event) {
if (event.which == null) {
return String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode) // IE
} else if (event.which!=0 && event.charCode!=0) {
return String.fromCharCode(event.which) // the rest
} else {
return null // special key
//You can replace getChar with the jQuery equivalent.

