Organizing library dependencies in JavaScript best practice - javascript

What are peoples thoughts on the best way to organize dependencies in javascript? I know the basics but have some more specific questions. From reading Douglas Crockford and other posts around here, I know to put script tags as late in the body as possible,use minifying, combining all the client-side code into one .js file where applicable, etc.
What is the best way to use libraries though? Say for instance you do the following:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="somelib.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="myappcode.min.js"></script>
Could this be considered too many script tags? Say that myappcode.min.js is dependent on but also modifies certain parts of somelib.min.js -- should you just combine those into one file?
Also is it possible or even a good idea to reference one .js file such as a library inside another .js file, as opposed to just putting one script tag before another in order to reference it in the latter? Coming from a C# background I know that JavaScript is parsed sequentially as opposed to starting in a main() method and proceeding -- so I am guessing the script approach is pretty standard, but wanted to make sure.

You can merge those JavaScript tags into a single tag while still being able to keep all the JS library files separate if you write a JavaScript handler. Check the code for the JS handler in the UC Mobile Web Framework for an example of how you might do this.

It depends on the person looking at it. I don't think 3 script tags is bad, although it's known that reducing the number of HTTP requests improves a websites loading speed (as it decreases the overhead of each individual request).
I would not merge files just for the sake of merging them in my development project. When uploading to a production server however, I'd merge the files together to reduce the number of script tags necessary as you shouldn't care about readablity/etc in a production environment.


Should you 'defer/async' your script tags containing jQuery, underscore and the like?

I ran the Google Pagespeed Insights on my page and was advised to
Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Among several scripts included on my page, the tool singled out libraries like jQuery, underscore and some others.
Now, I know that adding the keyword defer or async to my script tags would cause the files to be downloaded in parallel while the page processing continues.
I read this article for a deeper understanding:
I'm given to understand that as long as we're sure that the script being deferred doesn't contain stuff like document.write() (which could modify the page itself), it's okay to use defer/async. I checked in the jquery source code and there indeed is no occurrence of document.write.
However, I'm concerned that the other scripts that depend on jquery or other libraries to be there might be affected if these files are deferred.
Hence, my questions:
Is it a good idea to defer/async my library files to improve performance
If yes, which I should I prefer? Defer or async?
If I do this, will I need to make any changes in my other scripts?
Is it a good idea to defer/async my library files to improve performance
Yes, when done correctly.
If yes, which I should I prefer? Defer or async?
That is entirely dependant on what the script does, what access to the DOM it requires, and what other script dependencies it has.
If I do this, will I need to make any changes in my other scripts?
Possibly, again it depends on the above caveats.
With that said, I personally find that async/defer can cause more problems than it really solves.
Using a good bundling/minification system to join and compress all your JS files is a much quicker, easier and, generally speaking, more effective solution.

javascript segregation/performance in an ASP.NET MVC Application

We have an MVC 4 web application with a number of areas.
There is a main layout view that is used by all the pages on the site and it contains all of the CSS includes, the render body tag, then all the JavaScript libraries.
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="~/Content/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.css" />
<div id="main-content">#RenderBody()</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
The JavaScript consists of common libraries such as jquery, jqueryui and plug-ins.
There is also a single JavaScript file that contains the custom code for the whole site
Since there is only 1 large JavaScript file with thousands of lines, code routines are initialized by checking for the existence of a particular DOM element to decide if it proceeds.
runExample = function() {
if ($(".Example").length > 0){
// execute code
This is of course problematic since there is a great deal of script included for all files, while there is code that applies to all pages, most of the code only applies to certain areas or pages.
Is there a better way to split the JavaScript up for the site? Keep in mind it is the custom code that is conditional, not necessarily the plug ins
Even if there way a way to create a JavaScript file for each area, how
would that be referenced within the main layout?
Is it best to load the JavaScript include files at the end of the include file?
What is the effect of minification on performance and would it benefit the custom code file?
Any advice would be appreciated.
First, use bundling. Give BundleConfig.cs under the App_Start folder in your project a gander. By simply minifying and bundling all your JS together, it's sometimes inconsequential that certain code is not actually being used on the current page (the savings you gain from having one cached JS file that every page uses is sometimes better than loading a new different bit of JS on each page.)
If you need more fine grained control, you can use something like Require.js. You essentially write your JS in modules that depend on other modules to run (all of your plugins, jQuery, etc. become "modules" in this scenario). You'll need to manually minify and combine your JS as much as logically possible, but this will allow you to integrate various scripts together without having to worry about load order and missing dependencies.
As a side note, I would respectfully disagree with Kevin B. If maintainability dictates that your JS has to be in the head, I would say that's a symptom of a larger problem with your code design. The only good reason to add JS in the head is when it's essential that the JS be run before the page is rendered. A good example is Modernizr, which for one adds classes to the html element to allow you to specify different styles and such depending on whether certain features are available in the user's browser or in the case of IE, what version the user is running. Without loading in the head, your style would changed after page load leading to flashes of unstyled content and such. Other than situations like these, all JS should go before the closing body tag, as JS is blocking: the browser will completely stop what it's doing and all rendering of the page, and run the script completely before continuing. Too much of this in the head, and your users stare at a blank page for far too long.
Also all script (and CSS for that matter) should be minified. There's no good reason not to, and the difference in bytes the user has to download is often quite dramatic. Especially in this day and age of mobile-everything and far-too-limited data plans, every byte truly does count.

If grouping front-end code helps reduce requests, why aren't more websites written on one html document?

I guess what I'm asking is that if grouping JavaScript is considered good practice, why don't more websites place the JavaScript and CSS directly into one HTML document?
why don't more websites place the JavaScript and CSS directly into one HTML document
Individual file caching.
External files have the advantage of being cached. Since scripts and styles rarely change (static) and/or are shared between pages, it's better to just separate them from the page making the page lighter.
Instead of downloading 500kb of page data with embedded JS and CSS, why not load 5kb of the page, and load from the cache the 495kb worth of JS and CSS - saves you 495kb of bandwidth and avoids an additional 2 HTTP requests.
Although you could embed JS and CSS into the page, the page will most likely be dynamic. This will make the page load a new copy all the time, making each request very heavy.
Modular code
Imagine a WordPress site. They are built using a tom of widgets made by different developers around the world. Handling that many code stuffed in one page is possible, but unimaginable.
if some code just short circuited or just didn't work on your site, it's easier to take out that code linking the external file, rather than scouring the page for the related code and possibly accidentally remove code from another widget.
Separation of concerns
It's also best practice to separate HTML from CSS and JS. That way, it's not spaghetti you are dealing with.
When you have a lot of code in a single document, it's harder to work with the code because you need more time to find the necessary string to change.
That is why it's good practice to divide code into separate files, with each of them solving its own special task, and then include them in code where it's necessary.
However, you can a write script which will join your files from the development version, which has many files, to a release version, which has fewer files, but this brings two problems:
People are often lazy to do additional coding to create this script and then change it when the structure of your project becomes more complex.
If you find a bug or add a small feature, you will need to rebuild your project again both in developed and release versions.
They separated them so that multiple webpages can use the same file. When you change a single file, multiple pages can aromatically updated also. In addition, big HTML file will cause a long time to download.

Easy way to load custom javascript files on a webpage?

I am working on a project where the Javascript is getting out of hand, so I've done my best to put each object into a different file (within reason of course... I sometimes group related objects and put them in one file if they are small).
One thing I am honestly having trouble with is managing the dependencies of these objects. Javascript doesn't seem to ways to include/declare dependencies... and I am honestly finding this really very annoying.
What's worse is that I have to put these dependencies into the separate html files which they are used. After including so many script tags at the bottom of so many pages, this has become an absolutely pain to manage. Here is an example:
<script src="${base}/js/ui/autoCompleteWidget.js"></script>
<script src="${base}/js/pagelet/addStudentToStudyGroupForm.js"></script>
<script src="${base}/js/pagelet/studentListing.js"></script>
<script src="${base}/js/pages/studyGroups.js"></script>
This is bad enough, because many of the first dependencies are declared over and over as they are needed on various pages. What is worse though is having to introduce 1 more dependency somewhere in the middle at a later point in time... and then having to go through my entire project and inject that one script tag over and over on each page where it is needed. Since there is no compile time warning on HTML markup... if I forget to do this on one page... the page simply won't work. Something like this is hard to automatically test and there's no way for me to know unless I check each page that uses Javascript.
I was wondering... what is easiest/most painless way to load these scripts? Like, what is the standard way to do it that robust, easy to do, etc.?
You might want to look into libraries such as which can take some of the pain out of this type of situation.

Best Way to Organize JavaScript Files

So I have web app with multiple JS files (jQuery, jQuery, my own JS code and more). Say I have a page named index.html. What would be the best practice to include / preload my js files? I was thinking about creating a separate JS file that will do the preloading (include all the other scripts and call jQuery.noConflict()). What do you guys suggest? Is this possible? How would you implement it?
In general, combine your script files into one file (and minify or compress them, or even compile them, but note that this last item is not zero-impact, there are pain points). See notes here and here. Basically, one of the first guidelines you'll see for a good fast page load is "minimize HTTP requests." So you don't want six separate script tags where you could have one.
For popular scripts, though, you may benefit from using them from Google's CDN. Google is kind enough to host most popular JavaScript libraries on their CDN for free. The advantage here being not only that the CDN will be fairly fast, but that the target user's browser may well have a cached version of the script you want to use even though they've never been to your site before.
Check out RequireJS, a smart and robust script loader for JavaScript. It's designed to work well with jQuery and comes with an optimization tool to combine all of your scripts into one.
The best way is to minimize all the js files and combine them into one script. This will cause less work for the browser, as it doesn't have to make multiple requests to the server.
If you are going to load everything up at the same time, you could put it all into a single compressed file

