How to update railway deployed app in javascript [closed] - javascript

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Closed yesterday.
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How to update an app which is deployed in railway?
I've deployed an app in railway and is a template from a git url. I want to update my railway app whenever I update that git. Is there any possible way to do such. I've tried my best to find but wasn't able to.


Why are some of my react-toastify notifications going too fast? [closed]

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Closed 16 hours ago.
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I'm building a large React/Redux app and am using the react-toastify package to display some server responses.
They are all set up the same way: in a custom hook that is called in app.js
For some reason, the notifications on my appointment booking page are almost always going much too quickly. Why is this?

If I am hosting a GitHub repo page and a user pushes data into it, does the data.json file have to be pushed again into the repo? [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I am learning about hosting/pushing and pulling data in the server using Node.js.
As per the above question wouldn’t the data.json file need to be pushed into the GitHub repo again for the data to be accessible? Please would somebody with an expert knowledge help me understand how it works?

Connecting a local site to Wordpress [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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I built a local site and would like to know how to connect to my wordpress site?
I tried copy and pasting code into the text section of wordpress. I did get the same local site I built.

How to build Tauri app with open JS code? [closed]

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Closed 11 days ago.
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Is it possible to build a tauri project in such a way that the javascript code remains open and editable so that I don't have to recompile the whole project?
I searched for a similar question on the Internet and did not find an answer.
That's tauri dev's default behavior
However javascript doesn't have HMR you can use vite instead:

how to make payments using firstdata - React & node js? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to integrate the first data API to my website for card transactions, but I am not able to find the proper documentation to integrate with react and node js.
I have found an npm module, but it seems very old.
Their official page also doesn't seem to work out
So please guide me to find a proper way to do it.
Note: I am from India

