How to parse object array that has been stringified using backslashes [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have been searching for the correct regex for converting this string to JSON. It works if there is a single object in the array, but I believe the comma is messing it up somehow.
const json = "{\"userId\":44, \"userName\": \"Jim Coleman\"},{\"userId\":33515, \"userName\": \"Grace Mamaradlo\"}";
const obj = JSON.parse(json.replace(/("[^"]*"\s*:\s*)(\d{17,})/g, '$1"$2"'));

There was nothing wrong except that the list of objects was not contained within square brackets
const json = "{\"userId\":44, \"userName\": \"Jim Coleman\"},{\"userId\":33515, \"userName\": \"Grace Mamaradlo\"}";


Remove First and Last double Quotes from "["Morning Shift","Day Shift"]" [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to remove First and Last Quotes from this array Using JavaScript:
"["Morning Shift","Day Shift"]"
After Remove quotes output look like this
["Morning Shift","Day Shift"]
You can try using JSON.parse():
The JSON.parse() method parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string.
var data = `["Morning Shift","Day Shift"]`;
data = JSON.parse(data);

Remove non-numeric items in a listu using regex [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am working with an array in Javascript that contains several IDs in them but I would like to filter out all non-numeric entries using regex and return that array of just numbers. For example, I have myArray = ['131125150138677','CI%20UW%20SYSTEMS%20S','040964100010832'] where I want to get rid of the second item in the list since it's non-numeric.
So use Filter and test to see if they are numbers
var myArray = ['131125150138677', 'CI%20UW%20SYSTEMS%20S', '040964100010832']
var filtered = myArray.filter(Number)
var filtered2 = myArray.filter(s => s.match(/^\d+$/))

Javascript convert [[ ]] to [] [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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var a = [['12ae11ee12-1bhb222','2019-10-10T19:46.19.632z','a123']]
var a= ['12ae11ee12-1bhb222','2019-10-10T19:46.19.632z','a123']
I dont want two square brackets in front and end.
I want output
a[2] = 'a123'
The best way to do is just assigning the first value to the array:
var a = [['12ae11ee12-1bhb222','2019-10-10T19:46.19.632z','a123']];
a = a[0];
But the right way of dealing it should be making sure that the endpoint or whatever that outputs should output correctly.
You can use Array.prototype.flat().
This solution works if it's extremely nested too:
['2019-10-10T19:46.19.632z', 'a123']

How to transform a string of maps coordinates into an array javascript? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am drawing trails on a map and the coordinates of the trail are saved as string in a json file in the following format:
(43.886758784865066, 24.226741790771484),(43.90271630763887, 24.234981536865234)
I need to get these values and add them to an array:
coordinates= [43.886758784865066, 24.226741790771484,43.90271630763887, 24.234981536865234];
So how can I do this transition?
You can try that way
var string = '(43.886758784865066, 24.226741790771484),(43.90271630763887, 24.234981536865234)';
string.match(/\d+(\.\d+)/g).map(function(d){return d;});
You could just use regular expressions to parse those strings.
const match = string.match(/\((.*)\, (.*)\),\((.*)\, (.*)\)/)
["(43.886758784865066, 24.226741790771484),(43.90271630763887, 24.234981536865234)", "43.886758784865066", "24.226741790771484", "43.90271630763887", "24.234981536865234"]
const, 4)
/* Converts to array and takes the last three elements
["43.886758784865066", "24.226741790771484", "43.90271630763887", "24.234981536865234"]

How to check that this empty object caused by empty json output is really empty? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a json web service that returns simply [].
Then, I have a javascript Object variable json_var that contains this json output. When json returns empty [], json_var is undefined. How do I check from the content of json_var that the json output is empty []?
check for the length of the response. As it was mentioned [] refers to an empty array
var test = [];
console.log(test.length); // returns 0

