Get text from current element in autoplay carousel using javascript - javascript

I'm using Wow carousel in WordPress, and I want to get the text in the current element in the slider.
In Wow Carousel, the current slide takes the class center
My problem with the autoplay slider, the value stored in my variable doesn't change automatically
How can I fire the function when the class center is added automatically every time?
My code
<div id="testimonial-slider-5781" class="owl-carousel owl-loaded owl-drag">
<div class="owl-item active" style="width: 235.333px; margin-right: 15px;"><div class="testimonial-5781">
<h3> text </h3>
<div class="owl-item active" style="width: 235.333px; margin-right: 15px;"><div class="testimonial-5781">
<h3> text </h3>
<div class="owl-item active center" style="width: 235.333px; margin-right: 15px;"><div class="testimonial-5781">
<h3> text </h3>
<div class="owl-item" style="width: 235.333px; margin-right: 15px;"><div class="testimonial-5781">
<h3> text </h3>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function myFunction() {
let title = jQuery( "#testimonial-slider-5781 .center .testimonial-5781 h4" ).text();
jQuery("#service-title h3").text(title);

You can listen to translated.owl.carousel event since it's triggered everytime carousel is translated, that would mean it's also triggered when class center is added to current slide.
Here is an example, do adapt to your own code as appropriate.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function myFunction() {
let title = jQuery("#testimonial-slider-5781 .center .testimonial-5781 h3").text();
jQuery("#service-title h3").text(title);
jQuery("#testimonial-slider-5781").on("translated.owl.carousel", function() {


javascript function to selectively show and hide contents by Id

I am working on a project where I want to show page contents selectively.
Have buttons "next" and "previous"
contents are id-ed in a serial manner.
what I want to achieve is
at the first page loading, show the first content(id='item-0') and only show the "next" button since there is no previous content, and when click on "next" button, hide currently showing contents(id='item-0') and show all the contents that are in (id='item-1') and so forth, and do not show the "next" button when it's the last content.
this is what I got so far,
on the page I first load every contents with display: none; so, nothing's showing up of course. but I want to be able to show the first content(id="item-0") by changing the style display to inline-block. and then update the "which" that's in the "next" button onclick action to the next id which is id="item-1" and dynamically update this "which" whenever either "next" or "previous" buttons clicked.
// page when first loaded.
<div class="container p-0 m-0" id="item-0" style="display:none;">
<p>example data</p>
<img src="">
<video src=""></video>
<div class="container p-0 m-0" id="item-1" style="display:none;">
<img src="">
<video src=""></video>
<div class="row"><h1>ABCD</h1></div>
<div class="container p-0 m-0" id="item-2" style="display:none;">
<p>example data</p>
<p>example data 2</p>
<a class="btn" onclick="nextBtn('item-0','item-1')">Next</a>
<a class="btn" onclick="prevBtn('item-0',null)" style="display:none;">Prev</a>
So far I worked on:
function show_item(which) {
var element = document.getElementById(which)'inline-block';
function hide_item(which) {
var element = document.getElementById(which)'none';
function nextBtn(current_which, next_which) {
// e.g. current_which = "item-0", next_which = "item-1"
function prevBtn(current_which, prev_which) {
// e.g. current_which = "item-1", prev_which = "item-0"
what I haven't figured out are:
how to update the current_which and next_which that go in to the "Next" and "Prev" buttons.
how to not show "Prev" button when the page is showing the first content, and how to now show "Next" button when the page is showing the last content.
I have prepared something for you. If it is not exactly what you are looking for, I hope it'll you give some general idea on how to achieve what you want.
var next = document.querySelector('.next');
var prev = document.querySelector('.prev');
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('container')
//get the currentDiv ID
var currentDiv = 0;
//when next is clicked
//we first check if the viewed div is not the last one
if(currentDiv < 2){
//if not we remove the .active class
//increment the ID of the current ID
currentDiv += 1;
//and add .active class to the next DIV
//same thing with prev, we first test if the current div is not the first one
if(currentDiv > 0){
//if not we remove the .active class
//decrement the selected div
currentDiv -= 1;
//and add the .active class
//below are 2 functions that handles the addActive & removeActive if the conditions are passed
function removeActive(currentDiv){
function addActive(currentDiv){
.container.hide {
display: none;
.active {
display: block !important;
.btn {
cursor: pointer;
<div class="container active hide p-0 m-0" id="item-0">
<p>example data</p>
<h3>Image For Div 1</h3>
<img src="" width="100px" height="100px"/>
<div class="container hide p-0 m-0" id="item-1">
<p>example data</p>
<h3>Image For Div 2</h3>
<img src="" width="100px" height="100px"/>
<div class="container hide p-0 m-0" id="item-2">
<p>example data</p>
<h3>Image For Div 3</h3>
<img src="" width="100px" height="100px"/>
<a class="btn prev">Prev</a>
<a class="btn next">Next</a>
Here is a slightly more condensed version of a working script:
const btn = document.querySelectorAll('.btn'), // btn[0]: Prev, btn[1]: Next
divs = document.querySelectorAll('.container');
function render(n){
[n,n!==divs.length-1].forEach((c,i)=>btn[i].style.visibility=c?null:"hidden"); // show/hide buttons
divs.forEach((d,i)=>d.classList.toggle("hide",i!==n)); // show/hide divs
render(divs.curr=1); // define the starting div
btn.forEach(b => b.onclick = () => {
render( divs.curr += (b.textContent==="Next" ? 1 : -1) );
.hide { display: none; }
.btn { cursor: pointer; }
<div class="container hide p-0 m-0" id="item-0">
<p>example data</p>
<h3>Image For Div 1</h3>
<img src="" width="100px" height="100px" />
<div class="container hide p-0 m-0" id="item-1">
<p>example data</p>
<h3>Image For Div 2</h3>
<img src="" width="100px" height="100px" />
<div class="container hide p-0 m-0" id="item-2">
<p>example data</p>
<h3>Image For Div 3</h3>
<img src="" width="100px" height="100px" />
<div class="container hide p-0 m-0" id="item-3">
<p>example data</p>
<h3>Image For Div 4</h3>
<img src="" height="100px" />
<div class="container hide p-0 m-0" id="item-4">
<p>example data</p>
<h3>Image For Div 5</h3>
<img src="" height="100px" />
<a class="btn prev">Prev</a>
<a class="btn next">Next</a>
I designed the script to have a small footprint, i. e. only a few global variables - or better - constants: btn and divs. In divs.curr you will find the index of the currently "active" div.
This script is also open for changes to the markup: The number of divs can change to any number.

Make div stayed in the same position

How can I make a div tag stay the same location with the same size? I have the following code to display information using left and right pane called group-left and group-right. When the content of group-right changes the group-left height changes. I want a fixed size and fixed position if the content grows.
<div class="pane even">
<div class="group-left bg-highlight" style="top: 0px;">
<div class="pane-content">
<p class="m-t-md">
#foreach (var item in rpInfo)
<li data-expanded="true" class="panel-handler" data-id="#item.ID">
<i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>#item.PartyName
<ul class="list-unstyled m-x-md m-b-md">
<li data-expanded="true"> <i class="fas fa-check-circle">
</i> #item.ContactName </li>
<div class="group-right" style="top: 0px;">
#foreach (var item in rpInfo)
<div class="card card-understated">
<div class="card-heading">
<h4>#(Localizer["Contact Preview "])</h4>
<div class="card-body">
#item.AddressLine1<br />
#item.City, #item.State #item.Country
Here is what the CSS section looks like:
.group-left, .group-right {
float: none;
min-height: 320px;
vertical-align: middle;
position: relative;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
I have this javascript code to make a treeview and to handle the Onclick event:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".panel-handler ").click(function () {
let id = $(this).data("id");
if ($("#" + id).css('display') === 'none') {
$(".rpspanel ").slideUp();
$("#" + id).slideDown();
You have only set a min height on the divs, you need to specify a height if you want it to remain the same size, eg: "height: 300px". If you want the divs to be fixed on the page, meaning locked to that position and won't move even if you scroll, you need to apply "position: fixed".

Javascript: Image error handling & nesting

I want an error handling script. If the image is not found, delete(or invisible) the failed loaded tag. I would appreciate any help!
<div class="swiper-slide" data-index="2" style="width: 145px; margin-right: 10px;">
<div class="swiper-slide-inside ">
<div class="align-vertical">
<img src="images/product_images/gallery_images/0690-05-bx_3.jpg" alt="Mobile" data-magnifier-src="images/product_images/popup_images/0690-05-bx_3.jpg">
document.querySelectorAll(".swiper-slide .img-responsive")[0].addEventListener("error", myFunction);
function myFunction() {
console.log('Image not found.');
document.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide')[0].style.visbility = "hidden";
There are a couple of issues
img tag doesn't have the class you are using in your selector
you are trying to hide first swiper-slide, rather than parent swiper-slide
document.querySelectorAll(".swiper-slide img")[0].addEventListener("error", myFunction);
function myFunction(event) {
console.log('Image not found.');
//use document.querySelector('.swiper-slide').style.display = "none" if there is only one such element and discard below line = "none";
<div class="swiper-slide" data-index="2" style="width: 145px; margin-right: 10px;">
<div class="swiper-slide-inside ">
<div class="align-vertical">
<img src="images/product_images/gallery_images/0690-05-bx_3.jpg" alt="Mobile" data-magnifier-src="images/product_images/popup_images/0690-05-bx_3.jpg">

jQuery: Update content on a summary DIV based on clicks from other DIV elements

I'm trying to learn JS and jQuery and I'm using a project to do this. I've been scratching my head for the last 4 hours trying to figure out how to do something and I'm completely stuck.
Basically I want to update a div's content based on clicks from other div's using HTML data- attributes on the ".blue". I have price and description fields. I have managed to collect the data from the first div no matter where I click but then can't get this updated correctly based on the DIV I click in.
I've tried multiple combinations of $(this) keyword to try and make this work but couldn't figure it out. I've searched these forums and found somewhat a solution but couldn't get it, I think my mind is just too overwhelmed with this.
Here's the one I looked at: Update content in div, on click of another div
I'm sure this must be super simple but I can't get my head around it today.
Here's my code:
var upload = $('.blue').data('target1');
var download = $('.blue').data('target2');
var price = $(this).data('price');
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.blue').on('click', function() {
div {
.blue {
background-color: #ddddEE;
border: 1px solid black;
.blue:hover {
cursor: pointer;
background-color: #aaaaEE;
.red {
background-color: #EEdddd;
border: 1px solid black;
.bold {
font-weight: 600;
text-align: center;
.hide {
#price {
font-size: 22px;
color: blue;
font-weight: 400;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="col-xs-3">
<div class="col-xs-12 blue" data-target1="#target1" data-target2="#target2">
<span>$</span><span data-price="300" id="1">300</span><br>
<p id="desc1" class="hide">Description 1</p>
<span>text here</span><br>
<span>text here</span><br>
<span>text here</span>
<div class="col-xs-3">
<div class="col-xs-12 blue" data-target1="#target3" data-target2="#target4">
<span>$</span><span data-price="600" id="2">600</span><br>
<p id="desc2" class="hide">Description 2</p>
<span>text here</span><br>
<span>text here</span><br>
<span>text here</span>
</div><div class="col-xs-3">
<div class="col-xs-12 blue" data-target1="#target5" data-target2="#target6">
<span>$</span><span class="prices" data-price="1200" id="3">1200</span><br>
<p id="desc3" class="hide">Description 3</p>
<span>text here</span><br>
<span>text here</span><br>
<span>text here</span>
<div class="col-xs-3">
<div class="col-xs-12 red">
<span class="bold">Summary</span><br>
<div id="target1" class="hide"><span>TARGET 1</span></div>
<div id="target2" class="hide"><span>TARGET 2</span></div>.
<div id="target3" class="hide"><span>TARGET 3</span></div>
<div id="target4" class="hide"><span>TARGET 4</span></div>
<div id="target5" class="hide"><span>TARGET 5</span></div>
<div id="target6" class="hide"><span>TARGET 6</span></div>
<span id="price" class=""></span>
Here is my fiddle:
Thank you in advance for any help for this newbie.
To understand the cause of your problem, and how to solve it, you have to be careful in the present case of when the various instructions you've written are evaluated, and also how some of the jQuery instructions you use work.
First thing to note: the first three lines of your Javascript code are evaluated just after they have been read. So after they are evaluated, the state of your variables is as follows :
upload = '#target1'
download = '#target2'
price = undefined
Since these are the values used in the rest of the code, in all cases, you can see why it always shows what you expect for the first <div> only. To understand why, let's analyze the first line :
var upload =
$('.blue') [1]
.data('target1') [2]
[1] returns the jQuery collection containing the DOM <div> elements that have the blue class. So far, so good?
[2] returns the value associated with the data-target1 attribute of the first element of the jQuery collection (see documentation for the .data method)
What you probably want is for upload, download and price to contain the values of the data-* attributes corresponding to the <div> the user clicks on. You cannot know in advance which element the user will click on, so it does not make sense to read the values before the user clicks on anything. So you should read the values when the event is processed.
According to jQuery's documentation for the event handlers, this is the element the event is currently associated with. So your <div> element.
Now that you know that, you probably realized what you should do to correct your code. By moving your existing code around and making the smallest changes possible, you end up with the following working code.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.blue').on('click', function() {
var upload = $(this).data('target1');
var download = $(this).data('target2');
var price = $(this).find('[data-price]').data('price');
I'm not sure is this the behaviour you want, can you check it?
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.blue').click(function() {
var x = $(this).attr('data-target1');
if You want to add or remove class hide clicking again on the div you can change the removeClass to toggleClass.
Replace you code by:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.blue').on('click', function(e) {
Add a price class for every span data-price.
<span>$</span><span class="price" data-price="300" id="1">300</span><br>
<div class="col-xs-3">
<div class="col-xs-12 blue" data-target1="#target1" data-target2="#target2">
<span>$</span><span class="price" data-price="300" id="1">300</span><br>
<p id="desc1" class="hide">Description 1</p>
<span>text here</span><br>
<div class="col-xs-3">
<div class="col-xs-12 blue" data-target1="#target3" data-target2="#target4">
<span>$</span><span class="price" data-price="600" id="2">600</span><br>
<p id="desc2" class="hide">Description 2</p>
<span>text here</span><br>
<div class="col-xs-3">
<div class="col-xs-12 blue" data-target1="#target5" data-target2="#target6">
<span>$</span><span class="prices price" data-price="1200" id="3">1200</span><br>
<p id="desc3" class="hide">Description 3</p>
<span>text here</span><br>
<div class="col-xs-3">
<div class="col-xs-12 red">
<span class="bold">Summary</span><br>
<!-- add 'summary' class for all div -->
<div id="target1" class="hide summary"><span>TARGET 1</span></div>
<div id="target2" class="hide summary"><span>TARGET 2</span></div>
<div id="target3" class="hide summary"><span>TARGET 3</span></div>
<div id="target4" class="hide summary"><span>TARGET 4</span></div>
<div id="target5" class="hide summary"><span>TARGET 5</span></div>
<div id="target6" class="hide summary"><span>TARGET 6</span></div>
<span id="price" class=""></span>
To get the current clicked div use currentTarget instead of target because currentTarget always return .blue contains div as event listner is set on '.blue' but target results can be different depending on your click position into .blue class div.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.blue').on('click', function(e) {
var upload = $(e.currentTarget).data('target1');
var download = $(e.currentTarget).data('target2');
var price = $('.price').data('price');
// add a new class 'summary' for all 'summary id div'.
// loop over all '.summary' class and add 'hide' class
$('.summary').each(function(index, item) {
// console.log(item);
jsfiddle link:

DOM traversing using jQuery

I am trying to create a comparison overlay that shows items selected by users when they 'add to compare' link.(like one in flipkart that appears on top when you hit add to compare). Here is my code:
<div class="college-list-container">
<div class = "individual-college-container" id="text1">
<div class="image-header"><h3>text1</h3>
<div class="dark-overlay">
<div class="overlay-links" style=" float:left;"> <div class="absolute-center ">Details</div></div>
<a href=""> <div class="overlay-links" style=" float:right; border-right:none;"> <div class="absolute-center comparison" id="comparison">Add to compare</div>
<div class = "individual-college-container">
<div class="image-header"><h3>text2</h3>
<div class="dark-overlay">
<div class="overlay-links" style=" float:left;"> <div class="absolute-center ">Details</div></div>
<a href=""> <div class="overlay-links" style=" float:right; border-right:none;"> <div class="absolute-center comparison">Add to compare</div>
<div class = "individual-college-container" id="itm">
<div class="image-header" ><h3>text3</h3>
<div class="dark-overlay">
<div class="overlay-links" style=" float:left;"> <div class="absolute-center ">Details</div></div>
<a href=""> <div class="overlay-links" style=" float:right; border-right:none;"> <div class="absolute-center comparison">Add to compare</div>
/show overlay when one checkbox is checked and add its name/image to the empty space
var clgId = $(this).parentsUntil('.individual-clg-container').find('.image-header').text();
var clg = $("<li></li>")
var removeLink = $("<a href=''>(Remove)</a>");
$('.add-to-compare-overlay').show("slide", { direction: "up" }, 300);
I want the text in the div containing class 'image-header' to be assigned to the variable clgId. The problem that i am facing with my code is that it is adding the text of all the divs containing class 'image-header'. Ex i want the value text1 to be assigned on clicking add to compare of the div with id text1. However it assigns 'text1 text2 text3' to clgId.
Please help
I've created a JSFiddle with what I think is your desired functionality (I included a console log output in the script of the clgId variable):
I replaced the parentsUntil function with the closest function (and replaced the individual-clg-container class selector):
var clgId = $('.individual-college-container').find('.image-header').text();
and also updated your click handler:
$('.comparison').on( "click", function(e) {
In order to get a quicker response in future, posting a JSFiddle of what you have so far makes it easier for others to help :)
It is adding all of them because
var clgId = $(this).parentsUntil('.individual-clg-container').find('.image-header').text();
should be
var clgId = $(this).parentsUntil('.individual-college-container').find('.image-header').text();

