why my vs code shows javascript code as plin text? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 days ago.
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when ever i try to write a javascript code in vs code it show like a plain text. Node js also installed
javascript code

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Hello, who can help me upload a nextjs13 site on o2switch with cpanel? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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I would like to deploy my site created in nextjs13 on my server (o2switch) with cpanel but I cannot create the Build folder.

Can I write javascript web apps in visual studio 2015? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I don't know anything about javascript web programming... but want to learn.
My question is : Can I use visual studio 2015 to write, debug and publish(?) javascript web applications.
Again... I don't know if 'publishing' is the right terminology for writing web applications in Javascript... of if you can even 'write' web applications in Javascript...
Any information on the topic would be good to know.
Yes, you can use Visual Studio to create JavaScript files. It also has tools to publish, depending on the app and environment there are a lot of ways to go about it, and VS can support a lot of them (repositories, FTP, etc).
I recommend just diving in, firing up a blank project and find some tutorials to get you started. JavaScript is probably one of the easiest to develop with (at least getting started) because it has no special needs other than somewhere to write text.

Canviz example don't work [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've downloaded Canviz (it's a Javascript library for drawing graphs). I've unzipped the archive. I open, with Chrome, index.html, which is supposed to be an example. A "loading" message appears... and never disappears.
What am I supposed to do please ?
I worked with this library a few months ago.
You also need to have graphviz installed in order to create the graphs canviz will draw.
When you have installed, you have to use the function load with the url parameters in order to create the graph.
WebBrowsers have an option to enable javascript or not. make sure your browser enable it.
here's an example for Mozilla : Mozilla example

Looking for a specific lecture [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking for a specific programming/software development lecture that the speaker talks about realtime feedback from the code to the result.
He shows how he changes the code and the result (A generated tree) changes in realtime.
He also changes variables values in the code using the mouse scroll wheel.
He showed a software that he wrote about editing animations (A leaf falling)
He also showed a software that he wrote, a visualizing the "predator prey formula"
I also know that he used to work for Apple
I think you're talking about Bret Victor's "Inventing on principle". Maybe off topic for stack overflow, but it's really interesting:

Copyright when using parts of a third-party javascript from a webpage [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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When i like a certain Javascript (for menu highlighting or so) used by some website, it would be pretty easy to copy this script from that site's source-code and use it in mine.
I would consider doing so as unauthorized use of intellectual property, since I have been granted the right to use this javascript in my browser, but certainly not to copy it and use it for my own purposes, even though it is so deceptivly easy to reuse other people's work without asking for permission.
I don't know much about online-copyright law, but is my stomach feeling right in this case?
Yes. You don't have a license to use it elsewhere.

