How can I create a web app to edit a large JSON manually? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have a large JSON file, about 100 MB in a folder. I'd like to manually inspect some attributes, and then add more attributes to some of the objects and finally save changes and get output a modified json file.
Can someone suggest me how to do that?
I wanted to try with vue.js framework but I'm not very expert. If you know a video tutorial about this, please let me know.
Is using vanilla JavaScript the right choice or not?


Coding using Javascript, HTML, and with Vue 2 [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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We need to create this table that filters information based on the contact information using Vue 2, I have no idea how to even set this up. I assume to start, we go over to Visual Studio code and start an HTML file?! What are the other files here, I assume we would also need a .json file? It looks like to install vue 2 we just throw in the script tag somewhere?
First introduction to Vue

Multi languages translate on react app by i18next [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to make my react app able to translate to different languages simply.
I found this tutorial:
I have already app that I want to add the option to translate to some languages.
Do I have to add every single text to the json and translate manually every piece of text? or there is a easier way to translate my react app?
Yes you have to add every piece of text in json file, but for translating, you can use POEditor to translate automatically

How to register a user using only javascript/ajax or jquery [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to register users using only javascript,ajax or jquery, i need to save the information of the users somewhere where i can get it even after the browser is closed,and the new information can't overwrite the old one.
I already tried saving into a xml file or txt file, but without success.
Check these out, one of it might help - Indexed DB - Web Sql - localStorage
You can as well try out a JavaScript Database here still trying it out myself, hope this helps.

How to create a liveurl preview of link using AngularJS or javascript, and make it clickable? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I do have a textarea element and I use angular for data-binding. I would like to capture the url in the string entered by the user, and generate a clickable live preview of that url. Any idea on how I can accomplish this using AngularJS or JavaScript? Just like Facebook.
You would need some server to do this for you.
You could either use a public service such as,
or You could run your own server with one of these libraries: or

How can I hide the source code of a nodeJS solution built with Electron (asar files)? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I look for the best way to hide the code of a solution built with Electron.
Any ideas?
To build the solution with Electron having asar files is not enough. I really need to hide the code so it should not be easy to retrieve.
There are some possibilities. Take a look at It produces a Java' compiled output content (.jar). Then, you can use a jar module for Node.JS in order to access the internal content (like

