Convert JS Regex to Dart [closed] - javascript

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Closed yesterday.
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I have a Regex expression working perfectly on the website but I am unable to convert it to Flutter for the mobile app.
Here is the Regex we have on our website

Just use it into TextFormField with validator, also implement the event OnChanged, and AutoValidateMode on user interaction
For Example
Example Code


How to convert XML into JSON in javascript core? [closed]

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Closed 9 days ago.
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I want to convert XML into JSON without using any external library.
I tried but face err, when i check the condition (xml.children.length). length is not defined.

broadcasting', {cmd: 'send'}); [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I use translation to talk to you because I got tired of searching a lot in Arabic explanations and did not find a solution. I have a chat site programmed with "node.js" with a mysql database and there is a security vulnerability that some users do (check element > control panel) that puts this code "socket.emit('broadcasting', {cmd: 'send'});" is restarting the entire site. I want a solution to this problem. Is there a way to prevent users from placing this code in (check element > console)or any other solution? Thank you.
I tried obfuscating the code but it didn't work

My code is showing with the instructions on my browsers [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am an absolute beginner. Yesterday I noticed my Visual studio code showed colors when I program and it translates to console on my browser but it’s all grey today and my code and instruction all translate to my browser like the picture. enter image description here
You're writing Javascript code in a plain HTML file, that won't work. You need to create a Javascript file or create a <script> tag and place the Javascript code there.

Javascript SVG with WordPress [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to replicate this:
It works on my localhost but not on WordPress. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks!
When you say not on Wordpress could you clarify? Is this, your web hosted version of Wordpress or a localhost version?
The first thing to do is check the mime type if you have posted the svg to a web server.
Could you post a url so I can see what the issue is first off, then I can help you figure what to do next to fix it.

Use geoJson Leaflet with Dart [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to use leaflet with Dart and I don't know how to do.
I tried using invokeMethod but it seems doesn't work with static function.
Thank you for you help!
You can use any Js library from Dart.
See Using JavaScript from Dart.

