Searching a dictionary API for large amount of words [closed] - javascript

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Need to search for whether a word is an adjective or adverb as well as the words definition using an API but am concerned about resource use
I'm currently iterating through each word on a page making an API call for each one, obviously this is very inefficient, is there a better method for doing this or any dictionary APIs that let me search for multiple words at once?


Search the internet for js library reference [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was hoping to find examples for where threex.planets.js library is used. Is there a search engine that would return the site if it contained the code reference in a script tag.
<script src=threex.planets.js></script>
Can you let me know why you have down voted this question? I will modify the question or remove it if it is not appropriate. Some feedback would be good.
This does the job but requires payment
This also does it but is not returning much.

How to convert text in another language through coding? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have keys and value pair I need to translate its value into another language.
For Example : "BLOOD_DONATIONS":"Blood donations",
I have too many keys, I have to convert its value in another language. (coding language java or javascript).
Looking at your key-value pair, I'd say that I hope at least the value is available in some language. You can try Google Translate (They say it's free ).

Unable to write R/Python code from our JS applicaiton [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to integrate a code editor within our javascript application to execute R and Python code.
The ones we have used are just plain vanilla, i'm looking for a code-editor that can provide code highlighting etc and can display results back in another form
You can try this Markdown. More info here:

What is the R*-Tree algorithm? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Where can I find enough documentation to implement an R*-Tree? Specifically, I need to be able to:
Insert nodes
Remove nodes
Search for K nearest neighbours
Find all nearest neighbours within distance x.
Is there a single place where this algorithm is clearly documented? Or is there a clean, open source implementation I can study? Even better, if you can point me to a javascript implementation then my work is already done.

Javascript Faceted Search Client (Framework) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wonder if there's any javascript framework (client-side stuff) to manage search results UI in a facet-based way (with facet generation, counting for items matching that facet..).
In other words, something like Ajax Solr (the old SolrJS), but not based on Solr :)
Thank you in advance!
Simile Exhibhit seems to fit your description. Have you tried that before?
You can also have a look at this implementation of faceted search in javascript.

