I have an nested array with objects docs, which I first flatten to one level.
And I have another flat array called multiValueSelected.
Now I'd like to iterate through all objects of the flattened docs-array and check if the key is also in the multiValueSelected-array.
If so, I would like to copy the entire docs-array for every comma separated value for the specific key, copy all other objects and add the new doc to the table.
With this following approach, I'm able to iterate through all comma separated values, but how can I duplicate the entire docs-array? Thank you for your help.
Example Arrays:
docs [{"id" : "test1", "color" : "green,blue,grey", "size" : "s,m"}, {"id" : "test2", "color" : "green", "size" : "l"}...]
multiValueSelected {"color, size, ..."}
Expected result for data:
1. {"id" : "test1", "color" : "green", "size" : ""}
2. {"id" : "test1", "color" : "blue", "size" : ""}
3. {"id" : "test1", "color" : "grey", "size" : ""}
4. {"id" : "test1", "color" : "", "size" : "s"}
5. {"id" : "test1", "color" : "", "size" : "m"}
6. {"id" : "test2", "color" : "green", "size" : "l"}
function importTableau(docs, table) {
var data = [];
var importedDocs = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
var flatten = objectFlattenData(docs[i])
var rec = {}
for (var key in flatten) {
// var key deiines the KEY
// var flatten[key] defines the VALUE without duplicates
// var flatten defines the CURRENT DOCUMENT
if (multiValueSelected.indexOf(key) > -1) {
//console.log('key: ', key, ' flatten: ', flatten[key])
var flattenString = flatten[key];
var id = key.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/g, '')
// handling multivalues as seperate doc per value
var properties = flattenString.split(',');
var propertiesLength = properties.length;
for (var i = 0; i < propertiesLength; i++) {
// Trim the excess whitespace.
properties[i] = properties[i].replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
// Get the single Value
var singleValue = properties[i]
rec[id] = flatten[singleValue];
return false;
} else {
// not selected for handling multivalues as seperate doc
var id = key.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/g, '')
rec[id] = flatten[key];
It seems a little confusing your expected output, but maybe this is what you want?
let docs = [{
"id": "test1",
"color": "green,blue,grey",
"size": "s,m"
}, {
"id": "test2",
"color": "green",
"size": "l"
let multiValueSelected = ["color", "size"];
let data = [];
for (selected_value of multiValueSelected) {
for (doc of docs) {
if (doc.hasOwnProperty(selected_value)) {
let values = doc[selected_value].split(',');
for (value of values) {
let obj = {id:};
let keys = Object.keys(doc).filter(k => !['id', selected_value].includes(k)); => obj[k] = '');
obj[selected_value] = value;
I really have not understand the question, but if you want to have this:
Input: docs [{"id" : "test1", "color" : "green,blue,grey", "size" : "s,m"}, {"id" : "test2", "color" : "green", "size" : "l"}...]
Output: multiValueSelected ["color, size, ...", "...."]
as an output you can't have [{"color, size, ..."}] because is not a valid json, a json is a composition of key-value pair and not just only a string
You can do this:
const docs = [{"id" : "test1", "color" : "green,blue,grey", "size" : "s,m"}, {"id" : "test2", "color" : "green", "size" : "l"}...];
const multiValueSelected = [];
docs.forEach(doc => {
let currentValue = "";
Object.keys(doc).forEach(key => {
if(doc[key].split(',').length > 1)
currentValue = (currentValue === "") ? key : ", " + key;
if(currentValue !== "") multiValueSelected.push(currentValue);
if you want as output this [{"color": "green,blue,grey" , "size" : "s,m" }, {"....": "....", ....}]
const docs = [{"id" : "test1", "color" : "green,blue,grey", "size" : "s,m"}, {"id" : "test2", "color" : "green", "size" : "l"}...];
const multiValueSelected = [];
docs.forEach(doc => {
const currentValue = {};
Object.keys(doc).forEach(key => {
if(doc[key].split(',').length > 1)
currentValue[key] = doc[key];
if(Object.keys(currentValue).length > 0) multiValueSelected.push(currentValue);
please let me know if I have not responded to your question
I have an object
"data" : [
"name" : "Heading",
"text" : "Text Heading",
"type" : "string",
"values" : [
"name" : "Source",
"text" : "Source Reference",
"type" : "string",
"values" : [
"name" : "Place",
"text" : "Bank Building",
"type" : "string",
"values" : [
"name" : "Animal",
"text" : "Branch",
"type" : "string",
"values" : [
there is a function i am passing the object and an array as the arguments
fieldArray=["Heading", "Animal"]
myFunction(fieldArray, data){
... your code here
I need to get the output in the below format where I have to search the object with the fields in myArray with the name key of data. Then I need to put the value of the searched object in the below format
"id": 1,
"cells": [{
"id": "ConstId",
"cellContent": "Heading"
"id": "ConstValue",
"cellContent": "Arthur"
"id": 2,
"cells": [{
"id": "ConstId",
"cellContent": "Animal"
"id": "ConstValue", //a constant field name as ConstValue
"cellContent": "Susan" // the value of the second field in the myArray from object with name Animal
I have tried this
const getFormattedData = (fieldArray: any, data: any) => {
let innerData: any = [];
for (let i=0; i<fieldArray.length; i++){
const indexNumber = data.find((key: any) => === fieldArray[i])
if(indexNumber != undefined){
id: i+1,
id: 'inquiryName',
id: 'value',
cellContent: indexNumber.values.toString()
console.log('innerData :>> ', innerData);
You could use the below. Since you tagged javascript, posting answer in JS.
function formatData(data, fieldArray) {
let ret = [];
fieldArray.forEach((field, i) => {
let dataObj = data.filter(d => === field)[0]
if( dataObj ) {
"id": 1,
"cells": [{
"id": "ConstId",
"cellContent": field
"id": "ConstValue",
"cellContent": dataObj.values[0] //Put whole obj or just first
return ret;
Link to plnkr
This is by far the most common question asked in SO, however, all in all, the questions asked refers to merging two whole objects.
In my case, it's quite different.
Suppose I'm given:
const P1 = {
"name" : "Person1",
"profession" : "Student",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Patient",
const E1 = {
"age" : "30",
"dob" : "20/12/1970",
"address" : "122 Harrow Street",
"contactNumber" : "07473033312",
and I want to merge these two to give me the following:
const Result = {
"name" : "Person1",
"type" : "Patient",
"age" : "30",
"dob" : "20/12/1970",
The issue is, I don't want to merge two whole projects. I want to merge specific props without looping.
Currently, we can achieve the merge by using the spread like so:
const data = [...P1, ...E1];.
But this merges both, which I don't want.
const result = (({name, type}, {age, dob}) => ({name, type, age, dob}))(P1, P2);
Just partially destruct P1 and P2 and build up a new object.
Since you're looking for an ES6 way, I'd say using deconstruction is the way to go:
const P1 = {
"name" : "Person1",
"profession" : "Student",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Patient",
const E1 = {
"age" : "30",
"dob" : "20/12/1970",
"address" : "122 Harrow Street",
"contactNumber" : "07473033312",
const { name, type } = P1;
const { age, dob } = E2;
const Result = { name, type, age, dob };
You could use a complete dynamic approach by using an array for the wanted properties and another for the objects.
Then build a new object out of the found objects.
var p1 = { name: "Person1", profession:"Student", gender:"Male", type:"Patient" },
e1 = { age: "30", dob:"20/12/1970", address:"122 Harrow Street", contactNumber:"07473033312" },
keys = ['name', 'profession', 'age', 'dob'],
objects = [p1, e1],
merged = Object.assign( => ({ [k]: objects.find(o => k in o)[k] })));
I guess your best bet is to unpack and then pack it again:
let {name, type, age, dob} = {...P1, ...E1};
result = {name, type, age, dob}
This is silly, but that's all we've got in ES6.
An alternative would be a function like lodash's _.pick.
If you have an array of source objects, replace {...P1, ...E1} with spreaded Object.assign:
let {name, type, age, dob} = Object.assign({}, ...a);
If you're aware of what properties the merged object should have (in your case name, type, age, dob)
How about defining them like so:
const P1 = {
"name" : "Person1",
"profession" : "Student",
"gender" : "Male",
"type" : "Patient",
const E1 = {
"age" : "30",
"dob" : "20/12/1970",
"address" : "122 Harrow Street",
"contactNumber" : "07473033312",
const Result = {
"name" : ||,
"type" : P1.type || E1.type,
"age" : P1.age || E1.age,
"dob" : P1.dob || E1.dob,
I have a JSON structure that looks like this:
"benefitValues" : [ {
"changeDate" : "2017-10-13T20:26:13.000+0000",
"changeUserName" : "aaaa",
"numericValue" : 20,
"value" : "20",
"amountType" : {
"allowCustomDataFlg" : false,
"dataType" : "Percent",
"defaultTypeFlg" : true,
"defaultValue" : "Unlimited",
"description" : null,
"maxValue" : null,
"minValue" : null,
"name" : "LIST",
"benefit" : {
"category" : "Facility Services",
"name" : "Single Limit",
"networkStatus" : "IN_NETWORK",
"planType" : "MedicalPlan",
"sortOrder" : 20,
"subcategory" : "Acupuncture Treatment",
"subcategorySortOrder" : 6
Based on the string "Acupuncture Treatment", I need to extract the the value and the datatype. The dataset is very large, with hundreds of subcategories. I cannot find a good way to search through this data. I tried json-path and advanced-json-path, but if I do a search on a child element, there is no way for me to return the parents. I want my output to look like this:
"Subcategory" : "Acupuncture Treatment",
"Value" : "20",
"Type" : "Percent"
I was hoping there was an easy way to do this with an existing library, or at least with a simple loop.
This will find the matching element frombenefitValues, and transform the element into the format you're expecting:
var benefitValues = [{
"changeDate": "2017-10-13T20:26:13.000+0000",
"changeUserName": "aaaa",
"numericValue": 20,
"value": "20",
"amountType": {
"allowCustomDataFlg": false,
"dataType": "Percent",
"defaultTypeFlg": true,
"defaultValue": "Unlimited",
"description": null,
"maxValue": null,
"minValue": null,
"name": "LIST",
"benefit": {
"category": "Facility Services",
"name": "Single Limit",
"networkStatus": "IN_NETWORK",
"planType": "MedicalPlan",
"sortOrder": 20,
"subcategory": "Acupuncture Treatment",
"subcategorySortOrder": 6
// Find the element
let treatment = benefitValues.find((item) => item.amountType.benefit.subcategory === 'Acupuncture Treatment');
let result = {
Value: treatment.value,
Subcategory: treatment.amountType.benefit.subcategory,
Type: treatment.amountType.dataType
You can search through your data set and pull out only the items that match your string by using .filter. That would give you the entire object, so then you can use .map to transform it to the structure you want.
Or if you're only interested in the first result, you can use .find instead.
const json = {"benefitValues" : [{
"changeDate" : "2017-10-13T20:26:13.000+0000",
"changeUserName" : "aaaa",
"numericValue" : 20,
"value" : "20",
"amountType" : {
"allowCustomDataFlg" : false,
"dataType" : "Percent",
"defaultTypeFlg" : true,
"defaultValue" : "Unlimited",
"description" : null,
"maxValue" : null,
"minValue" : null,
"name" : "LIST",
"benefit" : {
"category" : "Facility Services",
"name" : "Single Limit",
"networkStatus" : "IN_NETWORK",
"planType" : "MedicalPlan",
"sortOrder" : 20,
"subcategory" : "Acupuncture Treatment",
"subcategorySortOrder" : 6
// With filter/map
const result = json.benefitValues
.filter(val => val.amountType.benefit.subcategory === "Acupuncture Treatment")
.map(val => ({Subcategory: val.amountType.benefit.subcategory, Value: val.value, Type: val.amountType.dataType}));
// With find / manual transform:
const singleFullResult = json.benefitValues
.find(val => val.amountType.benefit.subcategory === "Acupuncture Treatment")
const singleResult = {
Subcategory: singleFullResult.amountType.benefit.subcategory,
Value: singleFullResult.value,
Type: singleFullResult.amountType.dataType
You can use Array.prototype.filter() combined with and create an array of object with the structure you need. Here's an example:
let myArray = [{
"changeDate": "2017-10-13T20:26:13.000+0000",
"changeUserName": "aaaa",
"numericValue": 20,
"value": "20",
"amountType": {
"allowCustomDataFlg": false,
"dataType": "Percent",
"defaultTypeFlg": true,
"defaultValue": "Unlimited",
"description": null,
"maxValue": null,
"minValue": null,
"name": "LIST",
"benefit": {
"category": "Facility Services",
"name": "Single Limit",
"networkStatus": "IN_NETWORK",
"planType": "MedicalPlan",
"sortOrder": 20,
"subcategory": "Acupuncture Treatment",
"subcategorySortOrder": 6
let ret = myArray
.filter(arr => arr.amountType.benefit.subcategory === 'Acupuncture Treatment')
.map(arr => {
return {
Subcategory: arr.amountType.benefit.subcategory,
Value: arr.value,
Type: arr.amountType.dataType
First the filter function will filter your array and return only the items related to 'Acupuncture Treatment', then the map function, that receives as a parameter a function that will be executed for each item inside the array and it will return a new structure, will return only the fields you need.
Example of the object data I am dealing with
var myData = [{
"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"interest": "Baseball"
"name": "Bob",
"age": 21,
"interest": "Baseball"
"name" : "Sally",
"age" : 29,
"interest": "Tennis"
I am trying to figure out the easiest way to group them by interests. I am open to using lodash or underscore, but I cannot get the final result to look like this....
I want this to be the output:
[{ "Baseball" : [{
"name": "John",
"age" : 30
"name" : "Bob",
"age" : 21
{ "Tennis" : [{
"name" : "Sally",
"age" : 21
Basically, each interest becomes a new object key containing all of the matched values within arrays.
I am having trouble constructing this output. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I prefer to use lodash/underscore to keep things very easy.
Thank you!
You could use Array.reduce for this:
var myData = [
"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"interest": "Baseball"
"name": "Bob",
"age": 21,
"interest": "Baseball"
"name" : "Sally",
"age" : 29,
"interest": "Tennis"
var result = myData.reduce(function(entities, obj) {
entities[obj.interest] = (entities[obj.interest] || []).concat({
age: obj.age
return entities;
}, {});
A little bit more general approach:
function groupBy(data, key, tFunc) {
mapFunc = (typeof tFunc === "function")? tFunc: function(o) { return o };
return (Array.isArray(data)?data:[]).reduce(function(entities, o) {
if(o[key]) {
entities[o[key]] = (entities[o[key]] || []).concat(tFunc(o));
return entities;
}, {});
// test code
var myData = [
"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"interest": "Baseball"
"name": "Bob",
"age": 21,
"interest": "Baseball"
"name" : "Sally",
"age" : 29,
"interest": "Tennis"
var result = groupBy(myData, "interest", function(o) { return { name:, age: o.age}});
var result2 = groupBy(myData, "age", function(o) { return});
A group-by operation can be done by matching values in a dictionary (hashtable). In JavaScript all objects are dictionaries with property-names as the keys, for values we use arrays.
For example (press the "Run code snippet" button below to see the results):
function groupBy( input, propertyName ) {
var output = {};
for(var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var groupByValue = input[i][propertyName];
if( !(groupByValue in output) ) {
output[ groupByValue ] = [];
var dolly = cloneObjectButIgnoreProperty( input[i], propertyName );
output[ groupByValue ].push( dolly );
return output;
function cloneObjectButIgnoreProperty( value, ignorePropertyName ) {
var dolly = {};
var propertyNames = Object.keys( value );
for( var i = 0; i < propertyNames .length; i++ ) {
var propertyName = propertyNames[i];
if( propertyName == ignorePropertyName ) continue;
dolly[propertyName ] = value[propertyName ];
return dolly;
var myData = [
"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"interest": "Baseball"
"name": "Bob",
"age": 21,
"interest": "Baseball"
"name" : "Sally",
"age" : 29,
"interest": "Tennis"
var groupedByInterest = groupBy( myData, 'interest' );
console.log( "By interest:" );
console.log( groupedByInterest );
var groupedByName = groupBy( myData, 'name' );
console.log( "By name:" );
console.log( groupedByName );
var groupedByAge = groupBy( myData, 'age' );
console.log( "By age:" );
console.log( groupedByAge );
The solution using Array.prototype.reduce() function:
var myData = [{ "name": "John", "age": 30, "interest": "Baseball" }, { "name": "Bob", "age": 21, "interest": "Baseball" }, { "name" : "Sally", "age" : 29, "interest": "Tennis" }],
result = myData.reduce(function (r, o) {
r[o.interest] = r[o.interest] || [];
r[o.interest].push({name:, age: o.age});
return r;
}, {});
var myData = [{name:"John",age:30,interest:"Baseball"},{name:"Bob",age:21,interest:"Baseball"},{name:"Sally",age:29,interest:"Tennis"}],
result = [],
interests = [ Set( => v.interest))];
interests.forEach(v => result.push({ [v] : [] }));
myData.forEach((v,i) => result.forEach((c,i) => Object.keys(c)[0] == v.interest ? result[i][v.interest].push({name:, age: v.age}) : c))