How I Can download Gif useing node-telegram-bot-api - javascript

I Tried to download and store Gif photo useing node-telegram-bot-api I I Failed Can you help me
I used photo and documents download way And nothing successed


Force asset download instead of playing in browser

I'm currently using Azure Media Services and I'm unable to force a video download instead of in-browser player when clicking the "download" link generated after creating a download locator.
I've got the video.js player working fine with a streaming locator but whatever I do, it seems that I can't force a browser to download the video (well, right click and save work fine but the end user probably won't expect this to download the video directly).
Is there a working example somewhere that shows how to force a client browser download ?
I tried adding download tag to the html element but that did not help.
FYI the content-type header of the response is
When you click on the element it sends the request to the backend service which generates a SAS and redirects the request for blob download.
Thank you

How to upload AR marker creator to server?

sorry if this is a stupid question; I'm still a student.
I'm trying to use Carnaux's nft marker creator (, and upload it to my own server.
Basically I want a page that looks like this but on my own server.
I downloaded the files, but just uploading them to the server didn't work.
Do I have to use node.js? Any tips on how to configure that? Not sure where to start.
Here's the link where I tried to upload the files to my test server
You can upload an image, but not generate a marker.
I just downloaded the files from github by clicking the green "code" button and selecting "download zip", and then uploaded everything to the test server.
Seems like part of my problem is that I don't know how to use github to fork a repository. But shouldn't it work just by uploading the files to the server like this?

Implementing profile picture cropper into social network

I am trying to make a social network as a learning project and I am stuck at profile picture uploading. I would like to make users upload picture, crop it to specific size (605x600px), then save it to a local server folder and preview it on the profile page.
Can someone help me build such cropping tool or guide me where I can get something like that? Thanks.

download image from amazon s3 bucket

I want to download an image from amazon s3 bucket which i have saved earlier in the same.
I am using jquery to download the image but instead of downloading it open the image.
this is my sample amazon s3 bucket url
This is my jquery code
$.fileDownload($(this).prop('href'), {
preparingMessageHtml: "We are preparing your download, please wait...",
failMessageHtml: "There was a problem downloading, please try again later."
am using jquery ui download plugin
could anyone help me?

how to add online image in epub3 file?

I want to include online images in my EPUB3 file but when i validate it it shows me error "Only audio and video remote resources are permitted".when i include it using javascript it is working fine in Android e reader but images are not shown in iBooks.
you probably need to save or download images into your android project folder and should access the images. refer this for reference

