how to memorize a value obtained from redux REACTJS - javascript

I want to obtain a value from a variable hosted in redux and memorize it, to later compare it with itself and verify if it is different.
I need, for example, to do the following : const value = useSelector(state =>; (suppose that here the value is 0) now, when value changes, i need to compare it with the value it had previously

If you want to check what the value was on the previous render, you can save it in a ref:
const SomeComponent = () => {
const value = useSelector(state =>
const prevRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
// Once the render is complete, update the ref's value
prevRef.current = value;
// Do something comparing prevRef.current and value
If you're doing this a lot you might find it useful to make a custom hook:
const usePrevious = (value) => {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
return ref.curren;t
// used like:
const SomeComponent = () => {
const value = useSelector(state =>
const prev = usePrevious(value);
// Do something comparing prev and value.

You have to use selectors(i use 'reselect' library for that), such as:
file: selectors.js
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
const stateEnvironments = state => state.environments;
export const selectEnvironments = createSelector([stateEnvironments],
environments =>;
so then in your component you can use mapStateToProps with reselect and connect
import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
// your component here
const EnvironmentCurrencies = props => {
const {
} = props;
return (
const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({
data: selectEnvironments,
// here you can update your values with actions
// mapDispatchToProps is especially useful for constraining our actions to the connected component.
// You can access these via `this.props`.
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
setEnvironment: environment => dispatch(actions.setEnvironment(environment)),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Environments);
this is not a full working example and the version that you might use, can have a bit different synaxis, but I hope this gives you a kick start. If not, let me know, I'll add more extensive example


Only one item is added in state when adding multiple with multiple setState calls

For learning purposes, I'm creating an e-shop, but I got stuck with localStorage, useEffect, and React context. Basically, I have a product catalog with a button for every item there that should add a product to the cart.
It also creates an object in localStorage with that item's id and amount, which you select when adding the product to the cart.
My context file:
import * as React from 'react';
const CartContext = React.createContext();
export const CartProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [cartProducts, setCartProducts] = React.useState([]);
const handleAddtoCart = React.useCallback((product) => {
setCartProducts([...cartProducts, product]);
localStorage.setItem('cartProductsObj', JSON.stringify([...cartProducts, product]));
}, [cartProducts]);
const cartContextValue = React.useMemo(() => ({
addToCart: handleAddtoCart, // addToCart is added to the button which adds the product to the cart
}), [cartProducts, handleAddtoCart]);
return (
<CartContext.Provider value={cartContextValue}>{children}</CartContext.Provider>
export default CartContext;
When multiple products are added, then they're correctly displayed in localStorage. I tried to log the cartProducts in the console after adding multiple, but then only the most recent one is logged, even though there are multiple in localStorage.
My component where I'm facing the issue:
const CartProduct = () => {
const { cartProducts: cartProductsData } = React.useContext(CartContext);
const [cartProducts, setCartProducts] = React.useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const productsObj = localStorage.getItem('cartProductsObj');
const retrievedProducts = JSON.parse(productsObj);
if (productsObj) {
Object.values(retrievedProducts).forEach(async (x) => {
const fetchedProduct = await ProductService.fetchProductById(;
setCartProducts([...cartProducts, fetchedProduct]);
}, []);
console.log('cartProducts', cartProducts);
return (
{JSON.stringify(cartProductsData, null, 4)}
export default CartProduct;
My service file with fetchProductById function:
const domain = 'http://localhost:8000';
const databaseCollection = 'api/products';
const relationsParams = 'joinBy=categoryId&joinBy=typeId';
const fetchProductById = async (id) => {
const response = await fetch(`${domain}/${databaseCollection}/${id}?${relationsParams}`);
const product = await response.json();
return product;
const ProductService = {
export default ProductService;
As of now I just want to see all the products that I added to the cart in the console, but I can only see the most recent one. Can anyone see my mistake? Or maybe there's something that I missed?
This looks bad:
Object.values(retrievedProducts).forEach(async (x) => {
const fetchedProduct = await ProductService.fetchProductById(;
setCartProducts([...cartProducts, fetchedProduct]);
You run a loop, but cartProducts has the same value in every iteration
Either do this:
Object.values(retrievedProducts).forEach(async (x) => {
const fetchedProduct = await ProductService.fetchProductById(;
setCartProducts(cartProducts => [...cartProducts, fetchedProduct]);
Or this:
const values = Promise.all(Object.values(retrievedProducts).map(x => ProductService.fetchProductById(;
The last is better because it makes less state updates
Print the cartProducts inside useEffect to see if you see all the data
useEffect(() => {
console.log('cartProducts', cartProducts);
}, [cartProducts]);
if this line its returning corrects values
const productsObj = localStorage.getItem('cartProductsObj');
then the wrong will be in the if conditional: replace with
(async () => {
const productsObj = localStorage.getItem('cartProductsObj');
const retrievedProducts = JSON.parse(productsObj);
if (productsObj) {
Object.values(retrievedProducts).forEach(async (x) => {
const fetched = await ProductService.fetchProductById(;
setCartProducts(cartProducts => [...fetched, fetchedProduct]);
When you call a state setter multiple times in a loop for example like in your case, React uses what's called Automatic Batching, and hence only the last call of a given state setter called multiple times apply.
In your useEffect in CartProduct component, call setCartProducts giving it a function updater, like so:
setCartProducts(prevCartProducts => [...prevCartProducts, fetchedProduct]);
The function updater gets always the recent state even though React has not re-rendered. React documentation says:
If the new state is computed using the previous state, you can pass a function to setState. The function will receive the previous value, and return an updated value.

is it possible to change the useState value without rendering? React

I need to change the useState without rendering the page.
First is it possible?
const UsersComponent = ({valueProp}) => {
const [users, setUsers] = useState(valueProp);
const [oldUsers, setoldUsers] = useState(value);
const allUsers = useSelector((state) =>
useEffect(() => {
}, [dispatch]);
useEffect(() => {
// assign users to state oldUsers
}, [dispatch]);
const onClickMergeTwoArrayOfUsers = () => {
let oldUsers = collectData(oldUsers);
const filteredUsers = intersectionBy(oldUsers, valueProp, "id");
setUsers(filteredUsers); // most important
console.log("filteredUsers", filteredUsers); // not changed
I tried everything nothing helps me.
useEffect(() => {
let oldUsers = collectData(oldUsers);
const filteredUsers = intersectionBy(oldUsers, valueProp, "id");
setUsers(filteredUsers); // most important
I am also try ->
useEffect(() => {
let oldUsers = collectData(oldUsers);
const filteredUsers = intersectionBy(oldUsers, valueProp, "id");
setUsers(filteredUsers); // most important
}, []);
Load only one and that doesn't mean anything to me..
I am try with useRef ,but that doesn't help me in this case.
I will try to explain the basis of the problem.
I need to get one get data. After that get on the click of a button, I need to merge oldUsers and users without rendering, change the state. That is problem.
If there is no solution to this problem, tell me what I could do to solve the problem?
I am googling but without succes ... I am also try this solution from interent ->
const [state, setState] = useState({});
setState(prevState => {
// Object.assign would also work
return {...prevState, ...updatedValues};
no work.
I am also try with ->
const [state, setState] = useState(() => {
const initialState = someExpensiveComputation(props);
return initialState;
Here is problem because I need to asynchronous get only after that can I looping.
Using a ref is probably a better option for whatever it is you're ultimately trying to do.
Yes, it is possible, but it violates one of the core rules of React state: Do Not Modify State Directly.
React compares state values using equality, so if you simply mutate an object in state instead of replacing it with a new value that is not object-equal, then the state "update" will not cause a re-render (but this is considered a bug in your program!). Anyway, this is how you'd do it:
<div id="root"></div><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script>
<script type="text/babel" data-type="module" data-presets="env,react">
const {useCallback, useState} = React;
function Example () {
const [state, setState] = useState([1]);
const logState = useCallback(() => console.log(state.join(', ')), [state]);
// Don't actually do this!!!
const mutateState = () => {
setState(arr => {
arr.push( + 1);
return arr;
return (
<div>{state.join(', ')}</div>
<button onClick={mutateState}>Mutate state</button>
<button onClick={logState}>Log state</button>
ReactDOM.render(<Example />, document.getElementById('root'));

React - Update non stateful data inside reducer

I am implementing a context that manages all the messages of a conversation.
To reduce the complexity of my algorithm, I have decided to use a Map "sectionsRef" for accessing some stuff in O(1).
This map, needs to be updated inside my reducer's logic, where I update the stateful data, in order to synchronize both.
export function MessagesProvider({ children }) {
const [messages, dispatch] = useReducer(messagesReducer, initialState);
const sectionsRef = useMemo(() => new Map(), []);
const addMessages = (messages, unshift = false) => {
dispatch(actionCreators.addMessages(messages, unshift));
const addMessage = (message) => addMessages([message]);
const deleteMessage = (messageId) => {
const value = useMemo(() => ({
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}), [messages]);
return (
<MessagesContext.Provider value={value}>
As you can see, I am using useMemo when initializing the Map in order to prevent re-initializations due to re-renders.
Is it correct to pass it as a payload to my reducer actions?
const addMessages = (messages, unshift = false) => {
dispatch(actionCreators.addMessages(messages, unshift, sectionsRef)); <---
To simplify my problem, imagine this is the real code:
// Reducer action
function reducerAction(state, messages, sectionsRef, title) {
sectionsRef.set(title, state.length - 1);
// Context code
const state = [];
const firstMessagesSection = [{ id: 1 }];
const secondMessagesSection = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]
const sectionsRef = new Map();
reducerAction(state, firstMessagesSection, sectionsRef, "first section");
reducerAction(state, secondMessagesSection, sectionsRef, "second section");
console.log(sectionsRef.get("second section"));
I am asking this because I have read that we shouldn't run side effects inside the reducers logic... so, if I need to synchronize that map with the state, what should I do instead?
Is it correct to pass it as a payload to my reducer actions?
No: reducers must be pure functions.
Redux describes reducers using a short list which I think is very useful:
Rules of Reducers​
We said earlier that reducers must always follow some special rules:
They should only calculate the new state value based on the state and action arguments
They are not allowed to modify the existing state. Instead, they must make immutable updates, by copying the existing state and making changes to the copied values.
They must not do any asynchronous logic or other "side effects"
The second and third items together describe pure functions, and the first one is just a Redux-specific convention.
In your example, you are violating two rules of pure functions:
mutating state with state.push(...messages) (rather than creating a new array and returning it), and
performing side-effects by modifying a variable in the outer scope: sectionsRef.set(title, state.length - 1)
Further, you seem to never use the Map (how is it accessed in your program?). It should be included in your context, and you can simply define it outside your component (its identity will never change so it won't cause a re-render).
Here's how you can refactor your code to achieve your goal:
Keep the reducer data pure:
// store.js
export function messagesReduer (messages, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD': {
const {payload, unshift} = action;
return unshift ? [...payload, ...messages] : [...messages, ...payload];
case 'DELETE': {
const {payload} = action;
return messages.filter(m => !== payload);
export const creators = {};
creators.add = (messages, unshift = false) => ({type: 'ADD', payload: messages, unshift});
creators.delete = (id) => ({type: 'DELETE', payload: id});
export const sections = new Map();
Update the Map at the same that you dispatch an action to the related state by combining those operations in a function:
// MessagesContext.jsx
import {
} from 'react';
import {
} from './store';
export const MessagesContext = createContext();
export function MessagesProvider ({ children }) {
const [messages, dispatch] = useReducer(messagesReducer, []);
const addMessages = useCallback((title, messages, unshift = false) => {
dispatch(creators.add(messages, unshift));
sections.set(title, messages.length);
}, [creators.add, dispatch, messages]);
const addMessage = useCallback((title, message, unshift = false) => {
dispatch(creators.add([message], unshift));
sections.set(title, messages.length);
}, [creators.add, dispatch, messages]);
const deleteMessage = useCallback((id) => {
}, [creators.delete, dispatch]);
const value = useMemo(() => ({
}), [
return (
<MessagesContext.Provider value={value}>
Use the context:
// App.jsx
import {useContext} from 'react';
import {MessagesContext, MessagesProvider} from './MessagesContext';
function Messages () {
const {
// addMessage,
// addMessages,
// deleteMessage,
// sections,
} = useContext(MessagesContext);
return (
{{id}, index) => (
<li key={id}>Message no. {index + 1}: ID {id}</li>
export function App () {
return (
<Messages />
Additional notes:
Make sure your dependency lists (e.g. in useMemo, etc.) are exhaustive. Those lint warnings are there to help prevent you from making mistakes. In general, you should never need to suppress them.

React.js: useEffect() dependency freezes my app

I'm trying to display modal when no products have been selected by user before. I ended up having an infinite loop of useEffect() dependency. I'm not sure how to do it correctly in React.
import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';
const MyComponent = ({ products }) => {
const [modals, setModals] = useState({});
const [currentModalName, setCurrentModalName] = useState('');
const setCurrentModal = useCallback(
(modalName, data = {}) => {
if (modalName) {
[modalName]: {
() => {
if (!products.length) {
[products, setCurrentModal] // setCurrentModal causes infinite loop
return (
export default MyComponent;
I can just remove setCurrentModal from the dependencies, but I'm warned about it. If I add it, my React app freezes.
How can I organize my code to avoid freezing?
Why it loops?
The callback is always changing since it depends on the modals, which is always a different object even though it has the exact same properties as before, which always triggers the useEffect since it depends on the setCurrentModal callback value, which is always different since (() => {}) !== (() => {}).
Always use the functional update when the current state is needed to set the next state.
It'll prevent the need for the modals state as a dependency, which will limit the times when the callback is updated, fixing the infinite loop at the same time.
In addition to solving today's problem, functional update of the state is less prone to race-conditions, where multiple updates batched by React would overwrite each others.
const setCurrentModal = useCallback(
(modalName, data = {}) => {
if (!modalName) return; // precondition fail? early return.
// Happy path here!
// Note that I've used a different name to highlight that
// it's a different variable and to avoid shadowing the
// `modals` var from the outer scope.
setModals((currentModals) => ({ // use functional update.
[modalName]: {
// remove `modals` from the dependencies.
// setter functions are stable anyway, so it should remove any warning.
[setModals, setCurrentModalName]
useEffect(() => {
if (!products.length) {
[products, setCurrentModal]
Since the setCurrentModal callback is now stable (never ever changing), the useEffect will only be called when products value changes.
Missing dependencies warnings
The missing dependencies warnings come from the eslint-plugin-react-hooks, specifically, the react-hooks/exhaustive-deps rule. It's totally optional, but it helps keep the code clean and safe.
You could also choose to disable the warning just for this line:
const setCurrentModal = useCallback(
(modalName, data = {}) => {
// ...
setModals(/* ... */);
[] // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
I think you can simplify it, without using useCallback.
(tested with Next.js and had no warnings, but if you still have some, you should use the answer of #Emile Bergeron)
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
const MyComponent = ({ products }) => {
const [modals, setModals] = useState({})
const [currentModalName, setCurrentModalName] = useState('')
const setCurrentModal = (name, data) => {
if (name) {
setModals(prev => {
return { ...prev, [name]: { ...prev[name], }}
useEffect(() => {
if (!products || !products.length) {
const modalName = 'chooseProduct'
const data = { data: 'data' }
setCurrentModal(modalName, data)
}, [products])
const modalsJsx = modals ? Object.keys(modals).map((x, i) => {
return <li key={`modal-${i}`}>{x}</li>
}) : ''
const addModal = () => {
const name = 'test' + Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(300))
setCurrentModal(name, { data: 'Hey' })
return (
<p>Current Modal : {currentModalName}</p>
<p>Modals : </p>
<button onClick={addModal}>Test</button>
export default MyComponent
The function with useCallback to avoid warnings :
const setCurrentModal = useCallback((name, data = {}) => {
if (name) {
setModals(prev => {
return { ...prev, [name]: { ...prev[name], }}
}, [setModals, setCurrentModalName])

How to correctly use a curried selector function with react-redux's useSelector hook?

I am using react-redux with hooks, and I need a selector that takes a parameter that is not a prop. The documentation states
The selector function does not receive an ownProps argument. However,
props can be used through closure (see the examples below) or by using
a curried selector.
However, they don't provide an example. What is the proper way to curry as described in the docs?
This is what I've done and it seems to work, but is this right? Are there implications from returning a function from the useSelector function (it seems like it would never re-render?)
// selectors
export const getTodoById = state => id => {
let t = state.todo.byId[id];
// add display name to todo object
return { ...t, display: getFancyDisplayName(t) };
const getFancyDisplayName = t => `${}: ${t.title}`;
// example component
const TodoComponent = () => {
// get id from react-router in URL
const id = && decodeURIComponent(;
const todo = useSelector(getTodoById)(id);
return <span>todo.display</span>;
When the return value of a selector is a new function, the component will always re-render on each store change.
useSelector() uses strict === reference equality checks by default, not shallow equality
You can verify this with a super simple selector:
const curriedSelector = state => () => 0;
let renders = 0;
const Component = () => {
// Returns a new function each time
// triggers a new render each time
const value = useSelector(curriedSelector)();
return `Value ${value} (render: ${++renders})`;
Even if the value is always 0, the component will re-render on each store action since useSelector is unaware that we're calling the function to get the real value.
But if we make sure that useSelector receives the final value instead of the function, then the component only gets rendered on real value change.
const curriedSelector = state => () => 0;
let renders = 0;
const Component = () => {
// Returns a computed value
// triggers a new render only if the value changed
const value = useSelector(state => curriedSelector(state)());
return `Value ${value} (render: ${++renders})`;
Conclusion is that it works, but it's super inefficient to return a new function (or any new non-primitives) from a selector used with useSelector each time it is called.
props can be used through closure (see the examples below) or by using a curried selector.
The documentation meant either:
closure useSelector(state => state.todos[])
curried useSelector(state => curriedSelector(state)(
connect is always available, and if you changed your selector a little, it could work with both.
export const getTodoById = (state, { id }) => /* */
const Component = props => {
const todo = useSelector(state => getTodoById(state, props));
// or
Note that since you're returning an Object from your selector, you might want to change the default equality check of useSelector to a shallow equality check.
import { shallowEqual } from 'react-redux'
export function useShallowEqualSelector(selector) {
return useSelector(selector, shallowEqual)
or just
const todo = useSelector(state => getTodoById(state, id), shallowEqual);
If you're performing costly computations in the selector or the data is deeply nested and performance becomes a problem, take a look at Olivier's answer which uses memoization.
Here is a solution, it uses memoïzation to not re-render the component on each store change :
First I create a function to make selectors, because the selector depends on the component property id, so I want to have a new selector per component instances.
The selector will prevent the component to re-render when the todo or the id prop hasn't changed.
Lastly I use useMemo because I don't want to have more than one selector per component instance.
You can see the last example of the documentation to have more information
// selectors
const makeGetTodoByIdSelector = () => createSelector(
state => state.todo.byId,
(_, id) => id,
(todoById, id) => ({
display: getFancyDisplayName(todoById[id])
const getFancyDisplayName = t => `${}: ${t.title}`;
// example component
const TodoComponent = () => {
// get id from react-router in URL
const id = && decodeURIComponent(;
const getTodoByIdSelector = useMemo(makeGetTodoByIdSelector, []);
const todo = useSelector(state => getTodoByIdSelector(state, id));
return <span>todo.display</span>;
Yes, it is how it's done, simplified example:
// Curried functions
const getStateById = state => id => state.todo.byId[id];
const getIdByState = id => state => state.todo.byId[id];
const SOME_ID = 42;
const TodoComponent = () => {
// id from API
const id = SOME_ID;
// Curried
const todoCurried = useSelector(getStateById)(id);
const todoCurried2 = useSelector(getIdByState(id));
// Closure
const todoClosure = useSelector(state => state.todo.byId[id]);
// Curried + Closure
const todoNormal = useSelector(state => getStateById(state)(id));
return (
Full example:
This is helper-hook useParamSelector for TypeScript, which implements the official approach of Redux Toolkit.
Hook implementation:
// Define types and create new hook
export type ParametrizedSelector<A, R> = (state: AppState, arg: A) => R;
export const proxyParam: <T>(_: AppState, param: T) => T = (_, param) => param;
export function useParamSelector<A, R>(
selectorCreator: () => ParametrizedSelector<A, R>,
argument: A,
equalityFn: (left: R, right: R) => boolean = shallowEqual
): R {
const memoizedSelector = useMemo(() => {
const parametrizedSelector = selectorCreator();
return (state: AppState) => parametrizedSelector(state, argument);
}, [typeof argument === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(argument) : argument]);
return useSelector(memoizedSelector, equalityFn);
Create parametrized selector:
export const selectUserById = (): ParametrizedSelector<string, User> =>
createSelector(proxyParam, selectAllUsers, (id, users) => users.find((it) => === id));
And use it:
const user = useParamSelector(selectUserById, 1001); // in components
const user = selectUserById()(getState(), 1001); // in thunks
You can also use it hook with selectors created with reselect's createSelector.

