Nestjs cannot find my entity starter file outside the module folder - javascript

I new to Nestjs and I made an entity starter which should be used by every entity of the application. It contains base values like id, createdAt and updatedAt.
Everything is working just fine expect for tests : "Cannot find module 'src/modules/entity-starter.class' from 'modules/parameter/entities/parameter.entity.ts'"
It makes this error because my entity starter file isn't in the module repository. When I slip it inside the parameter folder, it works, but when it's outside, it doesn't. The thing is that since the starter is common to every entities, it's also common to every modules of the application and cannot be in the same folder as everyone of them at the same time.
Do you have an idea on how I can make Nestjs search and find the entity starter file outside the module folder ?
Thanks in advance !


ngtypecheck.ts not found error while building library

I was building a library of ui components in Angular13.
The folder structure is
--- project
--- uiWorkspace(this is lib)
--- uiComponents(this is another library inside the uiWorkspace Lib)
So if you closely observe the above structure, it has a library called uiWorkspace, within which there is another library called uiComponents, and all the components will be created under this uiCompoents library.
I am importing uiComponentModule from uiComponent library module and placing it inside the uiWorkspace Module
Problem Statement : With the above structure when i try to build my uiWorkspace library(ng build uiWorkspace) it is throwing an error after creating the dist folder like below.
.../projects/ui-workspace/src/lib/ui-components/src/projects/ui-workspace/src/lib.ngtypecheck.ts' not found.
The file is in the program because:
Root file specified for compilation
Ive tried to resolve this error looking into other similar posts, but dont see much things related when comes to building a library.
If somebody could guide me on this, it would be really great!
Thanks in advance!!

Angular build fails because it includes components from another angular project

When I run ng build project1 --prod the build fails with the error message
ERROR in : Cannot determine the module for class MyComponent in .../project2/app/my.component.ts! Add MyComponent to the NgModule to fix it..
This seems pretty straight forward, BUT the mentioned Component is not part of the current Angular project. I defined two projects inside my angular.json and they are not dependent of each other (project1 & project2). I've got a separate shared module which both projects import and use.
The error appeared when I moved a component from project2 to my shared module. My project2 builds fine and the moved components also work fine. ng serve project1 works without problems. But for some reason, my first project now depends on most components from my second project for no reason. I already searched all my imports for the file without success. Maybe it's related to the fact that the components from project2 extend a component from the shared module?
So is there any way to see where angular thinks it needs this? For example, I see the main chuck was build before - what is angular building when it fails?
Can I exclude this somehow ( exclude didn't work)?
I found an unused import which itself imported most of the other projects components.
But if anyone still knows a way to see which file caused this kind of error I would still appreciate it and accept it as the final answer. I had to look into every single file to find the wrong import.

Angular CLI 6: How to consume a library sub-project in the main application?

I've got an Angular 6 project that's made of up a main application, and a separate sub-project that is a library. I'm trying to consume this library from the main application, and I can't seem to get it working.
In the tsconfig.json, I have the following paths configuration:
"paths": {
"#my-company/my-package/*": "dist/my-package/*"
And then in the main app, I import the library like so:
import { ButtonModule } from '#my-company/my-package/button';
However, when I build the main application, I get tons of errors about not being able to find modules. For the above import statement, I'll get this error:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '/Users/jattardi/code/myproject/dist/my-package/button'
However, if I check the dist/my-package directory, there certainly is a button directory containing the type definitions.
The reason my imports have subpaths, e.g. #my-company/my-package/button instead of just #my-company/my-package is to make it tree-shakeable. Not sure this is possible. Since this is an Angular 6/ng-packagr generated build, do I lose this ability?
I was hit with the same error when trying to consume in the main application. My answer will not solve that case as I am trying to get my lazy loaded module, I moved into the new Angular6 library, to work.
I was able to publish my library project to npm and consume it in the main application as an npm dependency. For eg: #santony/ngx-material. May be as a workaround you could do that until this is resolved.
For those who are still facing this problem, there's a "how to" at ng-packagr's documentation:
All you have to do is create a package.json file and put it where you want a secondary entry point to be created.
The contents of my_package/testing/package.json can be as simple as:
"ngPackage": {}
And also, in dev application, I've added the path reference to the secondary endpoint, so it worked:
"#my-company/my-library/another": [

Why angular2 sources don't have typescript files in sources [duplicate]

When I work with angular2 code I often need to see the implementation of a class, let's say the Router class.
If I click on the Router type in my IDE WebStorm, e. g. inside the constructor of another class
export class myClass {
constructor(private router: Router) {}
// ...
my IDE takes me to the TypeScript definition file router.d.ts inside my node_modules folder. What I want is it to take me to the original router.ts file with the implementation of the router class, not just its definition.
The original .ts file is not included in the node_modules folder structure when you get angular2 from github via the standard package.json suggested in the Angular2 Quickstart. Currently, I have to look up the original code in the official github repo.
Any ideas how to get the .ts files into my node_modules/#angular folder instead of the .d.ts files?
Sadly, it's not possible since no TS files exist. Even if you add them it still not possible since you import real angular paths which always point to the definition files. On top of that the file structure of the project does not correlate to the structure of the import string literals.
Some background and more information
The NPM package does not include .ts files, this is by design from the angular team. Up until some time ago the .ts files were indeed supplied with the NPM package.
The reasoning for removing them is to disable abuse from users accessing private classes and #internal and private APIs which is public methods/properties in the API that are not supposed to be public but must be so other angular internal classes can use them.
We used to see a lot of code samples out there doing things like import { PromiseCompleter } from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; (before RC0) but this was changed when the project structure had a big structure refactor in RC0. This abuse was wide and it's bad, very bad... For users and for Angular PR.
The Angular project has a complex and robust build process where all of the API is moved from .ts files into d.ts files using an automated process that limits exposure. (public_api_guard)
The end result is d.ts files only.
It's also not possible to clone the git repo and use it since, again, the file structure is way way different so imports will have to change. Most importantly without the build Angular will, most likely, not work.
A solution using a different approach
However, if you debug your app you notice that you reach actual angular core .ts files in the source view of the console, this is because the NPM package comes with source map files that include the whole TS source code. Nice trick they did there.
This is what I use to dig deep into angular, it works quite great and I get a lot from it.
It's not as nice as Goto Declaration but it something...
IMO it's also easier to understand when you step through code...

Why can't my Titanium build app find a module even though it's clearly there?

I'm trying to use the sculejs module that I downloaded with GitHub. It seems like the com.scule.js-file should be placed in the same folder as app.js, according to the provided example. But the most recent versions of Titanium (I think) don't use that structure.
Here is what I add to the index.js-file located under app/controllers:
var scule = require('com.scule.min');
This results in the emulator giving me "Application Error Couldn't find module: com.scule.min."
Here is what my app's folder system looks like:
Anyone know what's wrong? Or maybe can push me in the right direction to get it to work?
There should only be controllers in the controllers directory. So you should remove all but index.js.
Next, create a lib directory and put your commonjs libraries there. Also, remove com.scule.min.js from the app directory.
It's important to use the correct directory structure in Alloy. Otherwise, your files will be ignored.
Use This:
var scule = require('/controllers/com.scule.min');
This may be a little late for your needs - but I thought I'll just put an answer here anyway for others to see.
It seems you are using "Alloy" with Titanium - that is good! I am relatively new to Titanium but I am quite sure Alloy is the way to build apps in Titanium.
Within Alloy you need to put all your CommonJS libraries in a "lib" folder which is at the same level as controllers, views and styles. Create the folder if it does not already exist.
Once you have put your com.scule.js (which I use) - or com.scule.min.js in the "lib" folder then you can easily include it in the other modules (e.g. your controller or another of your own libraries in the lib folder). Just write:
var scule = require('com.scule') // Basically, the file name without the last ".js"
I don't know if your problem could be related to 'com.scule.min.js'? I haven't tried that - but I use 'com.scule.js' in my current app ;-)

