Nuxt models and use don't work on my machine - javascript

So I tried to use composables and noticed they don't work. After I send the project to a friend it worked fine for him.
Yesterday I had a problem importing a module and wasn't able to use its functions.
Again for other people or on code sandboxes it worked fine.
I have all the requirements installed and don't get whats wrong.
It's a almost new windows installation so I don't think something is manipulating it.
Running nuxt v3.1.2 with node 18.14.1
I tried removing some vs code extensions because I thought that thay might be the problem but I havent noticed a difference.


Next.JS Fast Refresh not working on Windows (using ubuntu or wsl)

After changing and saving files using reactJS/Next.JS, the server does not recognize those changes and update itself.
I tried changing various settings per a slew of articles I read, but none worked. Too many things to list.
In Powershell (run as administrator), type: wsl --set-version Ubuntu 1.
if this doesn't work and you're using a more specific version of Ubuntu, you can adjust for that: wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 1, but the key is to use wsl version 1.
I actually found the answer before posting my question, and it was more related to ReactJS, but I wanted to ask this with NextJS to increase visibility, after I spent an hour googling up "nextJS" and the rest of my issue, and getting nothing.
Bro, you know you're an angel, right? Thank you so much for that. I did had to make it trought the second command you told, specifying the Ubuntu version. That in my case was 22.04.
And just to help others, after doing that my next.js was still in trouble, I think it was still not working because the localhost page was aready opened before I run run npm dev again, so I did had to ctrl + c the console and npm run dev again and close and open the localhost for next.js to work properly.

Tensorflow.js with react-native

I am aware tensor-flow.js is a web focused lib, but out of curiosity i tried it on react-native as well, it sort of works. It only works on debug-mode, and throws an error when debug-mood is turn off, the error says is not an object. after some research i found that the window object is created in debug mode, but when out of debug mode it do not exist.
my understanding of this if somehow we can work around it, tfjs can also work on react-native, kind of like d3, the math part of the library works well with react but not the dom/svg manipulation part. for tfjs all we need is the math part for it to run on our mobile device, correct me if i am wrong.
here is the repo of the project i created, it predicts a linear model and predict with with hardcoded value.
img of the application runs
img of error
I think there will be lots of possibilities if tfjs can run on react-native
The tensorflow-js team released an offical package for react-native
if you want to run tensorflow on rn you should check it out.
Is it possible to use tenserflow.js with react native?
The link above might be the answer for you.
I'm still curious on this subject anyway, because I also think this is possible technically.

React-native facebook login crash on Android

I'm using react-native facebook login through this library: react-native-fbsdk. Following the installation guide did not completely get it working, but I managed to get it working after modifications on the native side, as instructed in many github issues etc.
Anyways, it was working fine two weeks ago, but now, when I try to login with facebook, the application immediately crashes. It doesn't open any login page or do anything else.
What is weird is that if I open a browser in the emulator, leave it to background, and then try to login, the login goes further (I get to actually login, but when I'm directed back, the application crashes).
From the tombstone files I am able to get following warnings/messages:
Expected native library version number "",actual native library
version number ""
Tens like these:
Could not find generated setter for class
How could I solve this problem? And why it doesn't work anymore? I didn't change anything in the code. Only thing I can think of is that it loads something from the internet during compiling the application. How could it otherwise fail?
This is answer for how I solved the problem, not that much about why it was behaving like this.
In short:
I got it working again by updating the emulator and android API 6.0 through Android Studio.
<Rant state='begin'>
I have no idea why this worked, nor why did it broke in the first place. As it was working good with the old emulator and API 6.0 earlier.
It seems like the react-native fbsdk is far from stable. Or then it is completely react-native's fault, idk to be honest. But this just makes me want to develop fully native, instead of react-native, which seems unstable from my experience so far.
<Rant state='end'>

Visual Studio 2015 JavaScript Intellisense strange behaviour

I am working on MVC application in Visual Studio 2015. Suddenly, intellisense for JavaScript files started behaving strangely. Sometimes, the intellisense does not pop up but it can be displayed using keyboard shortcut. The worse problem is that it does not show local variables. The screenshot is here: The local variable abcde is not in the list. Here is a screenshot of the right behaviour: I encouter similar behaviour for object atributes when writing method (intellisense does not show attributes when writing this.).
The problem started happening on my laptop. I tried to solve it. I tried different solutions but with no luck. The reason is that the solutions I found were not for my specific problem. I even tried reinstalling Visual Studio.
Since I was not able to fix it on the laptop I tried installing Visual Studio on my desktop with fresh Windows 10 installation. I created new project and transfered files from laptop to the new project. Intellisense was working in the new project. I wrote some code, saved the project and turned the computer off.
When I returned to my project after few days I noticed that the intellisence was behaving the same way as on the laptop.
The most interresting thing is that the intellisense works in any new project I create.
I'm really desperate because I have already spent so much time trying to fix this issue. I will be glad for any help.
Since the time I posted this question I found out some ways how to minimize (maybe even fix) the issue:
I created new solution for the project and moved all files there by copying their contents.
I do not turn the computer off. I use hibernation with Visual Studio running. This might not be necessary because my project survived one Windows Update restart and several VS restarts due to plugin updates.
If you encounter the issue, check for syntax errors as gpersell suggests. Once, the intellisense got broken for me when I tried calling function with missing parentheses.
If you are sure there are no syntax errors, leave the computer for a while. This might sound stupid but it already helped me three times. I usually leave computer for 5 - 15 minutes with Visual Studio running with project open and when I come back the intellisense works again.
Do not delete contents of the \obj\Debug and \obj\Release folders. Use Visual Studio's Clean Project feature instead.
If nothing of the above helps, start again from the point 1.
I hope this helps someone.

NPAPI plugin problems in Windows 7

I have a NPAPI plugin which I have written and been using for some time with Firefox 3.x with no problems.
The object is defined as follows -
<object class="someClass" id="pluginobj" type="application/x-plugintype"></object>
I then call methods on it using the following format -
if( document.getElementById("pluginobj") != null )
This is how I understand it should be done and has always worked fine. However, I recently installed this same plugin on a Windows 7 machine (with the same version of Firefox) and it now fails to find the functions defined in the plugin, so I get the following error -
Error: document.getElementById("pluginobj").someMethod is not a function
Nothing has changed at all within the plugin, this errors occurs for any method that is called, not a particular one, and it still works fine on Windows XP machines with no problems.
Very confused! Could anyone help? Thanks.
Note: I've also tried logging inside my plugin and it appears it's not even getting in to the NP_Initialize and NP_GetEntryPoints methods.
I have seen some suggestions around that it could be to with dependencies and libraries being linked to the plugin, but i'm not sure what could be missing on win 7?
Dependency Walker is showing a error saying that the "side-by-side configuration information is incorrect"?
Are you linking to other DLL files from your npapi plugin? Windows 7 works differently in how it finds DLL files, though I don't know the details. The times I've seen this with plugins in the past the problem was that on windows 7 one of the dll files couldn't be found. You could try copying dependency dll files to your system32 directory (not permanently, just to see if that's the issue). I would expect that there it would be able to find it.
If that's the issue, I unfortunately am not certain how to fix it, but it might help.
Another possibility based on the side-by-side configuration issue thing is that your visual studio project is creating a manifest that is telling windows that it requires a specific version of one of the DLLs that isn't there on windows 7. See:
I think I've resolved that issue in plugins before by disabling the manifest. I'm not sure; I've never had this issue with the way that FireBreath generates npapi plugin dlls, so I haven't needed to worry about it in the last year. You might consider looking at FireBreath, which works on both IE and Firefox (activex and npapi) and has a very good community for tracking down issues like this.

