JavaScript highlight substring(s) within string - javascript

I have a JavaScript String which looks like this:
From Windows to Linux
With JavaScript, how can I highlight the words From and Linux, via a substring which looks like this:
From Linux
so the string looks like this in the end:
<mark>From</mark> Windows to <mark>Linux</mark>
This is my current implementation of the function to do that job:
function highlightSearchTerm(string, substring) {
const regex = new RegExp(`(${substring})`, 'ig');
return string.replace(regex, '<mark>$1</mark>');
I call it like this:
highlightSearchTerm("From Windows to Linux", "from linux")
It works well, the only thing that is missing is to make it work when the substring has words which are not directly next to each other.
These substrings for instance work:
from windows
to Linux
While these don't (Words are not directly next to each other in the main string):
Windows Linux
from To
Linux from

Short Answer
Call highlightSearchTerm() with a pipe(|) between the terms to achieve the desired output.
Longer Answer
The answer has to deal with how you are building your Regex.
The function
function highlightSearchTerm(string, substring) {
const regex = new RegExp(`(${substring})`, 'ig');
return string.replace(regex, '<mark>$1</mark>');
It's important to understand what the corresponding RegExp object that is created reads like, and how it equates to a form that we would maybe write out directly.
First, if we call
// assume substring = 'hello';
new RegExp(`(${substring})`, 'ig');
// Equivalent: /(hello)/ig;
Notice that the grouped item is looking for the word hello.
Now, if we supply something that has multiple things we want in it, such as hi and you then if we supply them as a single string separated by space, e.g.
const substring = 'hey you';
new RegExp(`(${substring})`,'ig');
// Equivalent: /(hey you)/ig
This will not give us what we want because instead of looking for hey or you, the parser is now looking hey you as a phrase.
However, if we separate those things by a pipe (|) we get
// assume substring = 'hey|you';
new RegExp(`(${substring})`,'ig');
// Equivalent: /(hey|you)/ig
This now looks for either hey or you in the string. This is because the pipe character in RegEx is the OR.
If you'd like to expand the search for multiple phrases, you separate each specific one by a pipe, e.g.
new RegExp('(hey|you|that guy)', 'ig');
Will search for the words hey and you and the phrase (space included) that guy.

You can use the Pipe | just like #Jhecht explained above, alternatively you can split your substring and doing it this way:
function highlightSearchTerm(string, substring) {
let arr = substring.split(' ');
arr.forEach(el => {
const regex = new RegExp(el, 'ig'),
temp = el;
el = el.replace(regex, `<mark>${el}</mark>`);
string = string.replace(temp, el);
return string;
let text = document.querySelector('div').innerHTML;
document.querySelector('div').innerHTML = highlightSearchTerm(text, 'From Linux');
<div>From Windows to Linux</div>
this is how you return true or false if your text includes the substring
let text = document.querySelector('div').innerHTML;
function isIncludesSubstring(text, substring){
let arr = substring.split(' '),
arrResult = [];
arr.forEach(el => {
const regex = new RegExp(el, 'ig');
/* arrResult includes true or false based on whether substring single word
is included in the text or not, the function will return true if all words are included
else it will return false */
return arrResult.includes(false) ? false : true;
console.log(isIncludesSubstring(text, 'From Windows Linux'))
console.log(isIncludesSubstring(text, 'To Windows from'))
console.log(isIncludesSubstring(text, 'From Test Linux'))
<div>From Windows to Linux</div>


Possible Extra String Quote Via PHP In Javascript [duplicate]

I am designing a regular expression tester in HTML and JavaScript. The user will enter a regex, a string, and choose the function they want to test with (e.g. search, match, replace, etc.) via radio button and the program will display the results when that function is run with the specified arguments. Naturally there will be extra text boxes for the extra arguments to replace and such.
My problem is getting the string from the user and turning it into a regular expression. If I say that they don't need to have //'s around the regex they enter, then they can't set flags, like g and i. So they have to have the //'s around the expression, but how can I convert that string to a regex? It can't be a literal since its a string, and I can't pass it to the RegExp constructor since its not a string without the //'s. Is there any other way to make a user input string into a regex? Will I have to parse the string and flags of the regex with the //'s then construct it another way? Should I have them enter a string, and then enter the flags separately?
Use the RegExp object constructor to create a regular expression from a string:
var re = new RegExp("a|b", "i");
// same as
var re = /a|b/i;
var flags = inputstring.replace(/.*\/([gimy]*)$/, '$1');
var pattern = inputstring.replace(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/'+flags+'$'), '$1');
var regex = new RegExp(pattern, flags);
var match = inputstring.match(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/([gimy]*)$'));
// sanity check here
var regex = new RegExp(match[1], match[2]);
Here is a one-liner: str.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&')
I got it from the escape-string-regexp NPM module.
Trying it out:
escapeStringRegExp.matchOperatorsRe = /[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g;
function escapeStringRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(escapeStringRegExp.matchOperatorsRe, '\\$&');
console.log(new RegExp(escapeStringRegExp('')));
// => /example\.com/
Using tagged template literals with flags support:
function str2reg(flags = 'u') {
return (...args) => new RegExp(escapeStringRegExp(evalTemplate(...args))
, flags)
function evalTemplate(strings, ...values) {
let i = 0
return strings.reduce((str, string) => `${str}${string}${
i < values.length ? values[i++] : ''}`, '')
// => /example\.com/u
Use the JavaScript RegExp object constructor.
var re = new RegExp("\\w+");
You can pass flags as a second string argument to the constructor. See the documentation for details.
In my case the user input somethimes was sorrounded by delimiters and sometimes not. therefore I added another case..
var regParts = inputstring.match(/^\/(.*?)\/([gim]*)$/);
if (regParts) {
// the parsed pattern had delimiters and modifiers. handle them.
var regexp = new RegExp(regParts[1], regParts[2]);
} else {
// we got pattern string without delimiters
var regexp = new RegExp(inputstring);
Try using the following function:
const stringToRegex = str => {
// Main regex
const main = str.match(/\/(.+)\/.*/)[1]
// Regex options
const options = str.match(/\/.+\/(.*)/)[1]
// Compiled regex
return new RegExp(main, options)
You can use it like so:
//=> ["a"]
Here is my one liner function that handles custom delimiters and invalid flags
// One liner
var stringToRegex = (s, m) => (m = s.match(/^([\/~#;%#'])(.*?)\1([gimsuy]*)$/)) ? new RegExp(m[2], m[3].split('').filter((i, p, s) => s.indexOf(i) === p).join('')) : new RegExp(s);
// Readable version
function stringToRegex(str) {
const match = str.match(/^([\/~#;%#'])(.*?)\1([gimsuy]*)$/);
return match ?
new RegExp(
// Filter redundant flags, to avoid exceptions
.filter((char, pos, flagArr) => flagArr.indexOf(char) === pos)
: new RegExp(str);
console.log(stringToRegex('#(foo)?\/bar##gi')); //Custom delimiters
console.log(stringToRegex('#(foo)?\/bar##gig')); //Duplicate flags are filtered out
console.log(stringToRegex('/(foo)?\/bar')); // Treated as string
console.log(stringToRegex('gig')); // Treated as string
I suggest you also add separate checkboxes or a textfield for the special flags. That way it is clear that the user does not need to add any //'s. In the case of a replace, provide two textfields. This will make your life a lot easier.
Why? Because otherwise some users will add //'s while other will not. And some will make a syntax error. Then, after you stripped the //'s, you may end up with a syntactically valid regex that is nothing like what the user intended, leading to strange behaviour (from the user's perspective).
This will work also when the string is invalid or does not contain flags etc:
function regExpFromString(q) {
let flags = q.replace(/.*\/([gimuy]*)$/, '$1');
if (flags === q) flags = '';
let pattern = (flags ? q.replace(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/' + flags + '$'), '$1') : q);
try { return new RegExp(pattern, flags); } catch (e) { return null; }
Thanks to earlier answers, this blocks serves well as a general purpose solution for applying a configurable string into a RegEx .. for filtering text:
var permittedChars = '^a-z0-9 _,.?!#+<>';
permittedChars = '[' + permittedChars + ']';
var flags = 'gi';
var strFilterRegEx = new RegExp(permittedChars, flags);
log.debug ('strFilterRegEx: ' + strFilterRegEx);
strVal = strVal.replace(strFilterRegEx, '');
// this replaces hard code solt:
// strVal = strVal.replace(/[^a-z0-9 _,.?!#+]/ig, '');
You can ask for flags using checkboxes then do something like this:
var userInput = formInput;
var flags = '';
if(formGlobalCheckboxChecked) flags += 'g';
if(formCaseICheckboxChecked) flags += 'i';
var reg = new RegExp(userInput, flags);
Safer, but not safe. (A version of Function that didn't have access to any other context would be good.)
const regexp = Function('return ' + string)()
I found #Richie Bendall solution very clean. I added few small modifications because it falls appart and throws error (maybe that's what you want) when passing non regex strings.
const stringToRegex = (str) => {
const re = /\/(.+)\/([gim]?)/
const match = str.match(re);
if (match) {
return new RegExp(match[1], match[2])
Using [gim]? in the pattern will ignore any match[2] value if it's invalid. You can omit the [gim]? pattern if you want an error to be thrown if the regex options is invalid.
I use eval to solve this problem.
For example:
function regex_exec() {
// Important! Like #Samuel Faure mentioned, Eval on user input is a crazy security risk, so before use this method, please take care of the security risk.
var regex = $("#regex").val();
// eval()
var patt = eval(userInput);

set regex with input variables [duplicate]

I am designing a regular expression tester in HTML and JavaScript. The user will enter a regex, a string, and choose the function they want to test with (e.g. search, match, replace, etc.) via radio button and the program will display the results when that function is run with the specified arguments. Naturally there will be extra text boxes for the extra arguments to replace and such.
My problem is getting the string from the user and turning it into a regular expression. If I say that they don't need to have //'s around the regex they enter, then they can't set flags, like g and i. So they have to have the //'s around the expression, but how can I convert that string to a regex? It can't be a literal since its a string, and I can't pass it to the RegExp constructor since its not a string without the //'s. Is there any other way to make a user input string into a regex? Will I have to parse the string and flags of the regex with the //'s then construct it another way? Should I have them enter a string, and then enter the flags separately?
Use the RegExp object constructor to create a regular expression from a string:
var re = new RegExp("a|b", "i");
// same as
var re = /a|b/i;
var flags = inputstring.replace(/.*\/([gimy]*)$/, '$1');
var pattern = inputstring.replace(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/'+flags+'$'), '$1');
var regex = new RegExp(pattern, flags);
var match = inputstring.match(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/([gimy]*)$'));
// sanity check here
var regex = new RegExp(match[1], match[2]);
Here is a one-liner: str.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&')
I got it from the escape-string-regexp NPM module.
Trying it out:
escapeStringRegExp.matchOperatorsRe = /[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g;
function escapeStringRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(escapeStringRegExp.matchOperatorsRe, '\\$&');
console.log(new RegExp(escapeStringRegExp('')));
// => /example\.com/
Using tagged template literals with flags support:
function str2reg(flags = 'u') {
return (...args) => new RegExp(escapeStringRegExp(evalTemplate(...args))
, flags)
function evalTemplate(strings, ...values) {
let i = 0
return strings.reduce((str, string) => `${str}${string}${
i < values.length ? values[i++] : ''}`, '')
// => /example\.com/u
Use the JavaScript RegExp object constructor.
var re = new RegExp("\\w+");
You can pass flags as a second string argument to the constructor. See the documentation for details.
In my case the user input somethimes was sorrounded by delimiters and sometimes not. therefore I added another case..
var regParts = inputstring.match(/^\/(.*?)\/([gim]*)$/);
if (regParts) {
// the parsed pattern had delimiters and modifiers. handle them.
var regexp = new RegExp(regParts[1], regParts[2]);
} else {
// we got pattern string without delimiters
var regexp = new RegExp(inputstring);
Try using the following function:
const stringToRegex = str => {
// Main regex
const main = str.match(/\/(.+)\/.*/)[1]
// Regex options
const options = str.match(/\/.+\/(.*)/)[1]
// Compiled regex
return new RegExp(main, options)
You can use it like so:
//=> ["a"]
Here is my one liner function that handles custom delimiters and invalid flags
// One liner
var stringToRegex = (s, m) => (m = s.match(/^([\/~#;%#'])(.*?)\1([gimsuy]*)$/)) ? new RegExp(m[2], m[3].split('').filter((i, p, s) => s.indexOf(i) === p).join('')) : new RegExp(s);
// Readable version
function stringToRegex(str) {
const match = str.match(/^([\/~#;%#'])(.*?)\1([gimsuy]*)$/);
return match ?
new RegExp(
// Filter redundant flags, to avoid exceptions
.filter((char, pos, flagArr) => flagArr.indexOf(char) === pos)
: new RegExp(str);
console.log(stringToRegex('#(foo)?\/bar##gi')); //Custom delimiters
console.log(stringToRegex('#(foo)?\/bar##gig')); //Duplicate flags are filtered out
console.log(stringToRegex('/(foo)?\/bar')); // Treated as string
console.log(stringToRegex('gig')); // Treated as string
I suggest you also add separate checkboxes or a textfield for the special flags. That way it is clear that the user does not need to add any //'s. In the case of a replace, provide two textfields. This will make your life a lot easier.
Why? Because otherwise some users will add //'s while other will not. And some will make a syntax error. Then, after you stripped the //'s, you may end up with a syntactically valid regex that is nothing like what the user intended, leading to strange behaviour (from the user's perspective).
This will work also when the string is invalid or does not contain flags etc:
function regExpFromString(q) {
let flags = q.replace(/.*\/([gimuy]*)$/, '$1');
if (flags === q) flags = '';
let pattern = (flags ? q.replace(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/' + flags + '$'), '$1') : q);
try { return new RegExp(pattern, flags); } catch (e) { return null; }
Thanks to earlier answers, this blocks serves well as a general purpose solution for applying a configurable string into a RegEx .. for filtering text:
var permittedChars = '^a-z0-9 _,.?!#+<>';
permittedChars = '[' + permittedChars + ']';
var flags = 'gi';
var strFilterRegEx = new RegExp(permittedChars, flags);
log.debug ('strFilterRegEx: ' + strFilterRegEx);
strVal = strVal.replace(strFilterRegEx, '');
// this replaces hard code solt:
// strVal = strVal.replace(/[^a-z0-9 _,.?!#+]/ig, '');
You can ask for flags using checkboxes then do something like this:
var userInput = formInput;
var flags = '';
if(formGlobalCheckboxChecked) flags += 'g';
if(formCaseICheckboxChecked) flags += 'i';
var reg = new RegExp(userInput, flags);
Safer, but not safe. (A version of Function that didn't have access to any other context would be good.)
const regexp = Function('return ' + string)()
I found #Richie Bendall solution very clean. I added few small modifications because it falls appart and throws error (maybe that's what you want) when passing non regex strings.
const stringToRegex = (str) => {
const re = /\/(.+)\/([gim]?)/
const match = str.match(re);
if (match) {
return new RegExp(match[1], match[2])
Using [gim]? in the pattern will ignore any match[2] value if it's invalid. You can omit the [gim]? pattern if you want an error to be thrown if the regex options is invalid.
I use eval to solve this problem.
For example:
function regex_exec() {
// Important! Like #Samuel Faure mentioned, Eval on user input is a crazy security risk, so before use this method, please take care of the security risk.
var regex = $("#regex").val();
// eval()
var patt = eval(userInput);

JavaScript regex escape multiple characters

Is is possible escape parameterized regex when parameter contains multiple simbols that need to be escaped?
const _and = '&&', _or = '||';
let reString = `^(${_and}|${_or})`; //&{_or} needs to be escaped
const reToken = new RegExp(reString);
Working but not optimal:
_or = '\\|\\|';
let reString = `^(${_and}|\\|\\|)`;
It is preferred to reuse _or variable and keep regex parameterized.
You can make your own function which would escape your parameters, so that these works in final regexp. To save you time, I already found one written in this answer. With that function, you can write clean parameters without actually escaping everything by hand. Though I would avoid modifying build in classes (RegExp) and make a wrapper around it or something separate. In example below I use exact function I found in the other answer, which extends build in RegExp.
RegExp.escape = function(s) {
return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
const and = RegExp.escape('&&');
const or = RegExp.escape('||');
const andTestString = '1 && 2';
const orTestString = '1 || 2';
const regexp = `${and}|${or}`;
console.log(new RegExp(regexp).test(andTestString)); // true
console.log(new RegExp(regexp).test(orTestString)); // true
You can use a Template Literal function to escape the characters within the string using a Regular Expression. You can then use that string to propagate a new RegEx filled with escaped characters:
function escape(s) {
return s[0].replace(/[-&\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
var or = escape`||`;
var and = escape`&&`;
console.log(new RegExp(`${and}|${or}`)); // "/\&\&|\|\|/"

Regex match cookie value and remove hyphens

I'm trying to extract out a group of words from a larger string/cookie that are separated by hyphens. I would like to replace the hyphens with a space and set to a variable. Javascript or jQuery.
As an example, the larger string has a name and value like this within it:
(notice the leading "C")
So first, I need to match()/find facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store; with regex. Then break it down to "Conner Department Store"
var cookie = document.cookie;
var facilityValue = cookie.match( REGEX ); ??
var test = "store=874635%7Csomethingelse;facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;store=874635%7Csomethingelse;";
var test2 = test.replace(/^(.*)facility=([^;]+)(.*)$/, function(matchedString, match1, match2, match3){
return decodeURIComponent(match2);
console.log( test2 );
console.log( test2.split('|')[1].replace(/[-]/g, ' ') );
If I understood it correctly, you want to make a phrase by getting all the words between hyphens and disallowing two successive Uppercase letters in a word, so I'd prefer using Regex in that case.
This is a Regex solution, that works dynamically with any cookies in the same format and extract the wanted sentence from it:
var matches = str.match(/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g);
console.log( {
return m.replace('-', '');
}).join(" "));
var str = "facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;";
var matches = str.match(/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g);
console.log( {
return m.replace('-', '');
}).join(" "));
Use this Regex (/([A-Z][a-z]+)-?/g to match the words between -.
Replace any - occurence in the matched words.
Then just join these matches array with white space.
first, you should decode this string as follows:
var str = "facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store;"
var decoded = decodeURIComponent(str);
// decoded = "facility=34222|Conner-Department-Store;"
Then you have multiple possibilities to split up this string.
The easiest way is to use substring()
var solution1 = decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length)
// solution1 = "Conner-Department-Store;"
solution1 = solution1.replace('-', ' ');
// solution1 = "Conner Department Store;"
As you can see, substring(arg1, arg2) returns the string, starting at index arg1 and ending at index arg2. See Full Documentation here
If you want to cut the last ; just set decoded.length - 1 as arg2 in the snippet above.
decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length - 1)
//returns "Conner-Department-Store"
or all above in just one line:
decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf('|') + 1, decoded.length - 1).replace('-', ' ')
If you want still to use a regular Expression to retrieve (perhaps more) data out of the string, you could use something similar to this snippet:
var solution2 = "";
var regEx= /([A-Za-z]*)=([0-9]*)\|(\S[^:\/?#\[\]\#\;\,']*)/;
if (regEx.test(decoded)) {
solution2 = decoded.match(regEx);
/* returns
length:4] */
solution2 = solution2[3].replace('-', ' ');
// "Conner Department Store"
I have applied some rules for the regex to work, feel free to modify them according your needs.
facility can be any Word built with alphabetical characters lower and uppercase (no other chars) at any length
= needs to be the char =
34222 can be any number but no other characters
| needs to be the char |
Conner-Department-Store can be any characters except one of the following (reserved delimiters): :/?#[]#;,'
Hope this helps :)
edit: to find only the part
facility=34222%7CConner-Department-Store; just modify the regex to
match facility= instead of ([A-z]*)=:
You can use cookies.js, a mini framework from MDN (Mozilla Developer Network).
Simply include the cookies.js file in your application, and write:
docCookies.getItem("Connor Department Store");

Javascript: highlight substring keeping original case but searching in case insensitive mode

I'm trying to write a "suggestion search box" and I cannot find a solution that allows to highlight a substring with javascript keeping the original case.
For example if I search for "ca" I search server side in a case insensitive mode and I have the following results:
I would like to view the search string in all the previous words, so the result should be:
I tried with the following code:
var reg = new RegExp(querystr, 'gi');
var final_str = 'foo ' + result.replace(reg, '<b>'+querystr+'</b>');
But obviously in this way I loose the original case!
Is there a way to solve this problem?
Use a function for the second argument for .replace() that returns the actual matched string with the concatenated tags.
Try it out:
reg = new RegExp(querystr, 'gi');
// The str parameter references the matched string
// --------------------------------------v
final_str = 'foo ' + result.replace(reg, function(str) {return '<b>'+str+'</b>'});
$('#' + id).html(final_str);​
JSFiddle Example with Input:
ES6 version
const highlight = (needle, haystack) =>
new RegExp(needle, 'gi'),
(str) => `<strong>${str}</strong>`
nice results with
function str_highlight_text(string, str_to_highlight){
var reg = new RegExp(str_to_highlight, 'gi');
return string.replace(reg, function(str) {return '<span style="background-color:#ffbf00;color:#fff;"><b>'+str+'</b></span>'});
and easier to remember...
thx to user113716:
While the other answers so far seem simple, they can't be really used in many real world cases as they don't handle proper text HTML escaping and RegExp escaping. If you want to highlight every possible snippet, while escaping the text properly, a function like that would return all elements you should add to your suggestions box:
function highlightLabel(label, term) {
if (!term) return [ document.createTextNode(label) ]
const regex = new RegExp(term.replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'), 'gi')
const result = []
let left, match, right = label
while (match = right.match(regex)) {
const m = match[0], hl = document.createElement('b'), i = match.index
hl.innerText = m
left = right.slice(0, i)
right = right.slice(i + m.length)
result.push(document.createTextNode(left), hl)
if (!right.length) return result
return result
string.replace fails in the general case. If you use .innerHTML, replace can replace matches in tags (like a tags). If you use .innerText or .textContent, it will remove any tags there were previously in the html. More than that, in both cases it damages your html if you want to remove the highlighting.
The true answer is mark.js ( I just found this - it is what I have been searching for for such a long time. It does just what you want it to.
I do the exact same thing.
You need to make a copy.
I store in the db a copy of the real string, in all lower case.
Then I search using a lower case version of the query string or do a case insensitive regexp.
Then use the resulting found start index in the main string, plus the length of the query string, to highlight the query string within the result.
You can not use the query string in the result since its case is not determinate. You need to highlight a portion of the original string.
.match() performs case insensitive matching and returns an array of the matches with case intact.
var matches = str.match(queryString),
startHere = 0,
resultStr ='',
qLength = queryString.length;
for (var match in matches) {
nextMatch = str.substr(startHere).indexOf(match);
resultStr = resultStr + str.substr(startHere, nextMatch) + '<b>' + match + '</b>';
startHere = nextMatch + qLength;
I have found a easiest way to achieve it. JavaScript regular expression remembers the string it matched. This feature can be used here.
I have modified the code a bit.
reg = new RegExp("("+querystr.trim()+")", 'gi');
final_str = 'foo ' + result.replace(reg, "<b>&1</b>");
Highlight search term and anchoring to first occurence - Start
function highlightSearchText(searchText) {
var innerHTML = document.documentElement.innerHTML;
var replaceString = '<mark>'+searchText+'</mark>';
var newInnerHtml = this.replaceAll(innerHTML, searchText, replaceString);
document.documentElement.innerHTML = newInnerHtml;
var elmnt = document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('mark')[0]
function replaceAll(str, querystr, replace) {
var reg = new RegExp(querystr, 'gi');
var final_str = str.replace(reg, function(str) {return '<mark>'+str+'</mark>'});
return final_str
Highlight search term and anchoring to first occurence - End

