send uploaded file via phpmailer - javascript

I have a form, with a input files element.
I would like to select a file with this element and send it via ajax to antother php file:
** HTML **
<form enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" id="angebote" name="angebote[]" accept=".pdf" multiple />
** Script **
var form_data = new FormData();
for (var index = 0; index < $('#angebote').prop('files').length; index++) {
form_data.append("angebote[]", $('#angebote').prop('files')[index]);
url: 'ajax/sendAnforderung.php',
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
data: form_data,
type: 'post',
success: function(response){
** PHP **
** Result **
[angebote] => Array
[name] => Array
[0] => scan.pdf
[type] => Array
[0] => application/pdf
[tmp_name] => Array
[0] => /volume1/#tmp/phpiZrjNh
[error] => Array
[0] => 0
[size] => Array
[0] => 509145
Now I would like to send this file as an attachment via php mailer.
for this I nee the path of the file.
I tried this:
echo $_FILES['angebote']['tmp_name'][0].'/'.$_FILES['angebote']['name'][0];
But the file is not be accessable.
Where is my mistake?


How to traverse this ajax response as array?

I am getting the below array as response using ajax in code igniter.
[0] => stdClass Object
[monthly_count] => 3
[1] => stdClass Object
[monthly_count] => 1
//What i have tried so far is
url:"<?php echo base_url();?>Admins/get_monthly_orders",
type: 'POST',
//dataType: 'JSON',
success:function (data) {
var result = [];
var array = data;
array.forEach(function(k , v) {
var result = v.monthly_count;
please help me to traverse and get 3, 1
and i need to get the value of 'monthly_count' like this
[0] =>3
[1] => 1
or better something like this
[3, 1]
my controller code is this
public function get_monthly_orders(){
$monthlyOrders = $this->Admin_model->get_monthly_orders();
return false;
Try changing the print_r($monthlyOrders) to echo json_encode( $monthlyOrders );. This will return it in JSON. It will be much easier to traverse in JS.
Well if you want to traverse it, you can just:
let result = [];
array.forEach(el => {

How to get value from response Array to Ajax

How to get value from response array to ajax?
let's se my response array
Array ( [files] => Array ( [0] => files/media_post/Hydrangeas.jpg ) [metas] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [date] => Mon, 31 Oct 2016 06:16:13 +0100 [extension] => jpg [file] => files/media_post/Hydrangeas.jpg [name] => Hydrangeas.jpg [old_name] => Hydrangeas [replaced] => [size] => 595284 [size2] => 581.33 KB [type] => Array ( [0] => image [1] => jpeg ) ) ) )
and my javascript
data: null,
type: 'POST',
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
nama : $("#filer_input2").val(),
url: "<?php echo base_url(); ?>blog-media/ajax_add",
beforeSend: function(){},
success: function(data, el){
var parent = el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").parent();
el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").fadeOut("slow", function(){
$("<div class=\"jFiler-item-others text-success\"><i class=\"icon-jfi-check-circle\"></i> Success</div>").hide().appendTo(parent).fadeIn("slow");
error: function(el){
var parent = el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").parent();
el.find(".jFiler-jProgressBar").fadeOut("slow", function(){
$("<div class=\"jFiler-item-others text-error\"><i class=\"icon-jfi-minus-circle\"></i> Error</div>").hide().appendTo(parent).fadeIn("slow");
so i hope i can get value from array because i neet that values for save to database.

jQuery Ajax Upload File php receives array even with out content

It's working but on every submit I receive an array even tho a file is not even added to the file input (multifile input)
postData = new FormData(this);
url: "/url",
type: "POST",
data: postData,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (data === "true") {
} else {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
swal("Der opstod en fejl");
What i get from $_FILES is the following
[files] => Array
[name] => Array
[0] =>
[type] => Array
[0] =>
[tmp_name] => Array
[0] =>
[error] => Array
[0] => 4
[size] => Array
[0] => 0
Is there a way where I can avoid this from happening?
Try adding required attribute to input type="file" element to prevent submission of form if no files selected by user
$("form").on("submit", function(e) {
// do `$.ajax()` stuff
<script src="">
<input type="file" name="files[]" multiple required />
<input type="submit" />

Getting error while using each loop under ajax

When i am trying each loop under Ajax call, i am getting error as:
TypeError: invalid 'in' operand e
Below is my Ajax call code
type: "POST",
url: "/admin/counselormanagement/centername",
data: 'groupId='+valueSelected,
async: true,
success: function(arrCenter) {
$.each(arrCenter, function( intValue, arrValue ) {
console.log('<option value="' + arrValue['ID'] + '">'+ arrValue['CenterName'] +'</option>');
Response which i am getting back from server is :
Array (
[0] => Array
[ID] => 4
[CenterName] => test2
[ParentName] => 2
[Parent] => 3
[GroupName] => test
[Type] => 1
[1] => Array
[ID] => 8
[CenterName] => test21
[ParentName] => 2
[Parent] => 3
[GroupName] => test
[Type] => 1
I am using PHP as backend, whose code is :
$arrCenterName = array();
$objCenterMapper = new Application_Model_CentersMapper();
$arrCenter = $objCenterMapper->seekCenters($_POST['groupId']);
Use json_encode() in PHP to return response. And your JS code should be like:
$arrCenterName = array();
$objCenterMapper = new Application_Model_CentersMapper();
$arrCenter = $objCenterMapper->seekCenters($_POST['groupId']);
echo json_encode($arrCenter[0]);
type: "POST",
url: "/admin/counselormanagement/centername",
data: 'groupId='+valueSelected,
dataType: 'json',
async: true,
success: function(arrCenter) {
$.each(arrCenter, function( intValue, arrValue ) {
console.log('<option value="' + arrValue.ID + '">'+ arrValue.CenterName +'</option>');
Try to echo out your object using json_encode instead:
$arrCenterName = array();
$objCenterMapper = new Application_Model_CentersMapper();
$arrCenter = $objCenterMapper->seekCenters($_POST['groupId']);
echo json_encode($arrCenter[0]);

Ajax response array

I want to insert ajax response array into form select input. for the purpose i want to look into array. here is my function;
function _get_student_failed_classes()
->where('class_student.class_marks <=',50)
echo $failed_classes;
and here is my ajax call in form
url: '<?php echo base_url()."index.php/student/get_student_failed_classes/s-14-1"; ?>',
type: 'POST', data: std_code,
success: function(response)
error: function()
I get the response is []
the actual array looks like this
[0] => stdClass Object
[class_id] => 3
[course_code] => cs3
[course_name] => cs3
[course_credit] => 3
[1] => stdClass Object
[class_id] => 4
[course_code] => cs4
[course_name] => cs4
[course_credit] => 4
[2] => stdClass Object
[class_id] => 5
[course_code] => cs5
[course_name] => cs5
[course_credit] => 3
can some one help me out on this
var objectRet= jQuery.parseJSON(response);
for(var i=0;i<objectRet.length;++i) {
success: function(response) {
var $select = $('<select id="mySelect"/>');
var $options =, i) {
return $('<option />', {
value: a.class_id,
text: a.course_code + ' - ' +
a.course_name + ' (' + a.course_credit +')'

