Grouping array of element based on their value relation ship in javascript - javascript

I want to group the array elements with their inner array group met
const arr = [
[123, 243],
[123, 435],
[736, 987],
[987, 774],
[123, 666],
[774, 999],
[098, 980],
Result = [[123, 243, 435, 666],[736, 987, 774, 999],[098, 980]]
now you can find what i expect ?
I have tried this script but cant complete
function checkVal(array, value) {
return (entry, inx, arr) {
if (Array.isArray(entry)) {
return checkVal(entry, value);
if (entry === value) {
return arr;
} else {
return null;
function multiDimensionalUnique(arr) {
var uniques = [];
var itemsFound = {};
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
var stringified = JSON.stringify(arr[i]);
if (itemsFound[stringified]) {
itemsFound[stringified] = true;
return uniques;
const arr = [
[123, 243],
[123, 435],
[736, 987],
[987, 774],
[123, 666],
[774, 999],
[098, 980],
let firstTake = [];
// Expected Result = [[123, 243, 435, 666],[736, 987, 774, 999],[098, 980]]
let sTake = [];
let i = 0;
arr.forEach((innerArr) => {
if (i == 0) firstTake.push(innerArr);
innerArr.forEach((detailArr) => {
let innerLoopArr = checkVal(arr, detailArr);
innerLoopArr.forEach((innerLoopArrVal) => {
var filtered = innerLoopArrVal.filter(el => el != null);
let clearnArray = sTake.filter(v => v.length != 0);
Thanks in advance.

You could reduce them into array of objects and then check if some of the element in a tuple is in the reduce accumulator. Not sure if this is the most efficient way, but this should do:
const arr = [
[123, 243],
[123, 435],
[736, 987],
[987, 774],
[123, 666],
[774, 999],
[098, 980],
const result = arr.reduce((acc, curr) => {
let newAcc = acc;
const currObj = {
[curr[0]]: null,
[curr[1]]: null,
for ([index, value] of newAcc.entries()) {
if (curr.some(c => c in value)) {
newAcc[index] = {
return newAcc
return newAcc
}, []).map(obj => Object.keys(obj))
Note that you may notice that the 098 becomes 98, this is not because of my code, but because in your original array 098 is detected as number, thus javascript converts it to a valid number (98). If you want to keep it as 098, you should make it array of strings.

Seems like the array is a list of edges of a graph, and you're trying to get a list of sets of nodes in each disjoint graph.
This gets you the result you want:
arr.reduce((result, [a, b]) => {
let g = result.find(g => g.has(a) || g.has(b));
if (!g) result.push(g = new Set());
return result;
}, []);
(If you want arrays at the end instead of Sets, you can add .map(s => Array.from(s)) to the end.)
But if you were to add another entry to the array like [736, 666], I'd think the first two sets should be merged. This handles that:
const result = arr.reduce((result, [a, b]) => {
// Get all sets of nodes that contain either node
let [g,] = [...result].filter(g => g.has(a) || g.has(b));
// If none, make a new one
if (!g) result.add(g = new Set());
// Add both nodes to the set
// Merge sets if there's more than one
for (const h of gs) {
for (const e of h) g.add(e);
return result;
}, new Set());
console.log(Array.from(result, s => Array.from(s)));


Reduce array in javascript with patern matching

How would you reduce items from array arr into reducedArray by removing items that first two characters match with strings from array generalCase and if they encountered, then an asterisk is added to indicated that this string was encountered on array arr.
let arr =["ADB", "AB1", "BD1", "BD4", "AB3", "BP9", "BPX","STR", "ABS"]
let generalCase = ["AB", "BD", "BP"]
let reducedArray = []
arr.forEach( item => {
if (item.startsWith("AB") && !reducedArray.includes("AB*")) {
} else if (item.startsWith("BD") && !reducedArray.includes("BD*")) {
} else if (item.startsWith("BP") && !reducedArray.includes("BP*")) {
} else if (item === "STR") {
} else if (!reducedArray.includes(item)) {
// Desired result: ["ADB", "AB*", "BD*", "BP*", "STR"]
console.log(reducedArray) // ["ADB", "AB*", "BD*", "BD4", "AB3", "BP*", "BPX", "STR", "ABS"]
You could create a regex from the generalCase array to test if any of the strings in arr start with any of them.
In this case, it creates a regex like this:
Here's a snippet:
const arr = ["ADB", "AB1", "BD1", "BD4", "AB3", "BP9", "BPX", "STR", "ABS"],
generalCase = ["AB", "BD", "BP"],
regex = new RegExp(`^(?:${generalCase.join("|")})`),
set = new Set;
for (const str of arr) {
if (regex.test(str))
set.add(str.slice(0, 2) + "*")
Use reduce():
const arr = ["ADB", "AB1", "BD1", "BD4", "AB3", "BP9", "BPX","STR", "ABS"];
const generalCase = ["AB", "BD", "BP"];
const reducedArray = arr.reduce((p, c) => {
const firsttwo = c.substring(0,2);
const toPush = (generalCase.includes(firsttwo)) ? (firsttwo + '*') : c;
if (!p.includes(toPush)) {
return p;
}, []);
Iterate normally, and deduplicate the result in the end:
let arr =["ADB", "AB1", "BD1", "BD4", "AB3", "BP9", "BPX","STR", "ABS"]
let generalCase = ["AB", "BD", "BP"]
let reducedArray = => {
for (let x of generalCase)
if (item.startsWith(x))
return x + '*'
return item
reducedArray = [ Set(reducedArray)]

how to get a cumulative total array from 3 two dimensional arrays

I have 3 two dimensional arrays as given below which are series data to plot lines on a graph with the key being the timestamp.
const arr1 = [[1641013200000,1881],[1643691600000,38993],[1646110800000,41337],[1648785600000,78856],[1651377600000,117738],[1654056000000,119869],[1656648000000,157799],[1659326400000,196752],[1662004800000,199061],[1664596800000,237034],[1667275200000,239153],[1669870800000,269967]]
const arr2 = [[1641013200000,1302],[1643691600000,3347],[1646110800000,4754],[1648785600000,6948],[1651377600000,9725],[1654056000000,11314],[1656648000000,13787],[1659326400000,16666],[1662004800000,18370],[1664596800000,20876],[1667275200000,22384],[1669870800000,23560]]
const arr3 = [[1643691600000,67350],[1648785600000,134700],[1651377600000,202148],[1654056000000,202270],[1656648000000,269843],[1659326400000,337346],[1662004800000,337470],[1664596800000,404861],[1667275200000,404889],[1669870800000,472239]]
I want to plot another series line which gives the cumulative total of all three arrays values
(Note: if a timestamp is not present in either of the arrays, add the previous index value)
const totalArray = [
[1641013200000,3183],[1643691600000, 109690],[1646110800000, 113441],[1648785600000, 220504],
[1651377600000, 329611],[1654056000000, 333453],[1656648000000, 441429],[1659326400000, 550764],
[1662004800000, 554901],[1664596800000, 662771],[1667275200000, 666426],[1669870800000, 765766]
I have tried this, but some values are incorrect due to the timestamp not being present in either one
const arr1 = [
[1641013200000, 1881],
[1643691600000, 38993],
[1646110800000, 41337],
[1648785600000, 78856],
[1651377600000, 117738],
[1654056000000, 119869],
[1656648000000, 157799],
[1659326400000, 196752],
[1662004800000, 199061],
[1664596800000, 237034],
[1667275200000, 239153],
[1669870800000, 269967]
const arr2 = [
[1641013200000, 1302],
[1643691600000, 3347],
[1646110800000, 4754],
[1648785600000, 6948],
[1651377600000, 9725],
[1654056000000, 11314],
[1656648000000, 13787],
[1659326400000, 16666],
[1662004800000, 18370],
[1664596800000, 20876],
[1667275200000, 22384],
[1669870800000, 23560]
const arr3 = [
[1643691600000, 67350],
[1648785600000, 134700],
[1651377600000, 202148],
[1654056000000, 202270],
[1656648000000, 269843],
[1659326400000, 337346],
[1662004800000, 337470],
[1664596800000, 404861],
[1667275200000, 404889],
[1669870800000, 472239]
const calculateTotal = () => {
var ret;
for (let a3 of arr3) {
var index = {
return el[0];
if (index === -1) {
ret = arr1[index][0];
let unsortedArr = arr1.concat(arr2, arr3);
var sortedArray = unsortedArr.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
var added = addArray(sortedArray);
console.log("Curent Output: " + JSON.stringify(added));
const addArray = (tuples) => {
var hash = {},
keys = [];
tuples.forEach(function(tuple) {
var key = tuple[0],
value = tuple[1];
if (hash[key] === undefined) {
hash[key] = value;
} else {
hash[key] += value;
return {
return ([key, hash[key]]);
Is it possible to achieve this?
In your code there is this:
if (index === -1) {
ret = arr1[index][0];
But that assignment will fail as arr1[-1] is not defined.
Then when you do:
let unsortedArr = arr1.concat(arr2, arr3); end up with an array that does not have the knowledge to use default values (from a previous index) when any of the three arrays has a "missing" time stamp.
I would suggest this approach:
Collect all the unique timestamps (from all arrays) into a Map, and associate arrays to each of those keys: these will be empty initially.
Populate those arrays with the timestamps from the original arrays
Get the sorted list of entries from that map
Fill the "gaps" by carrying forward values to a next array when the corresponding slot is undefined. At the same time sum up these values for the final output.
Here is an implementation:
function mergeArrays(...arrays) {
const map = new Map(arrays.flatMap(arr =>[stamp]) => [stamp, []])));
arrays.forEach((arr, i) => {
for (const [timeStamp, value] of arr) {
map.get(timeStamp)[i] = value;
const state = Array(arrays.length).fill(0);
return Array.from(map).sort(([a], [b]) => a - b).map(([timeStamp, arr], i) =>
[timeStamp, state.reduce((sum, prev, j) => sum + (state[j] = arr[j] ?? prev), 0)]
// Example run
const arr1 = [[1641013200000,1881],[1643691600000,38993],[1646110800000,41337],[1648785600000,78856],[1651377600000,117738],[1654056000000,119869],[1656648000000,157799],[1659326400000,196752],[1662004800000,199061],[1664596800000,237034],[1667275200000,239153],[1669870800000,269967]];
const arr2 = [[1641013200000,1302],[1643691600000,3347],[1646110800000,4754],[1648785600000,6948],[1651377600000,9725],[1654056000000,11314],[1656648000000,13787],[1659326400000,16666],[1662004800000,18370],[1664596800000,20876],[1667275200000,22384],[1669870800000,23560]];
const arr3 = [[1643691600000,67350],[1648785600000,134700],[1651377600000,202148],[1654056000000,202270],[1656648000000,269843],[1659326400000,337346],[1662004800000,337470],[1664596800000,404861],[1667275200000,404889],[1669870800000,472239]];
const result = mergeArrays(arr1, arr2, arr3);

Convert array of structured string into multi-level object in Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Create an object based on file path string
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have an array of structured strings with have connection | as a format which self-divided into levels. I want to convert it into a structured object with multiple levels.
Expected output:
clothes: {
tshirt: {
tshirt-for-kids: {},
tshirt-for-men: {
luxury-tshirt: {}
coat: {
raincoat: {}
leather-coat: {}
Very simple task - just enumerate the array and create the relevant object keys:
var myArray = [
var result = {}, levels, current, temp;
while(myArray.length > 0)
levels = myArray.pop().split('|');
temp = result;
while(levels.length > 0)
current = levels.shift();
if(!(current in temp)) temp[current] = {};
temp = temp[current];
You could try this:
const input = [
function convertStrToObject(str, sep, obj) {
const sepIndex = str.indexOf(sep);
if (sepIndex == -1) {
obj[str] = obj[str] || {};
} else {
const key = str.substring(0, sepIndex);
obj[key] = obj[key] || {};
convertStrToObject(str.substring(sepIndex + 1), sep, obj[key]);
const all = {};
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
convertStrToObject(input[i], "|", all);
Assuming you intend to collect properties, all having an empty object as leaf node.
// input
const input = [
// Here, we collect the properties
const out = {};
// map the input array, splitting each line at | => i.split('|'))
.filter(a => a.length > 0) // lets not entertain empty lines in input
.forEach(a => { // process each array of property names
// start at outermost level
let p = out;
// iterate properties
for(const v of a){
// create a property if it is not already there
p[v] = {};
// move to the nested level
p = p[v];
// lets see what we have created
A number of solutions have been suggested already, but I'm surprised none involves reduce() - which would seem the more idiomatic solution to me.
var array = [
var object = array.reduce(function (object, element) {
var keys = element.split("|")
keys.reduce(function (nextNestedObject, key) {
if (!nextNestedObject[key]) nextNestedObject[key] = {}
return nextNestedObject[key]
}, object)
return object
}, {})
One Liner With eval
Used eval to evaluate strings like the following:
data = ["clothes|tshirt|tshirt-for-kids", "clothes|coat|raincoat", "clothes|coat|leather-coat", "clothes|tshirt|tshirt-for-men", "clothes|tshirt|tshirt-for-men|luxury-tshirt"],
arr = => d.split("|")),
res = arr.reduce((r, a) => (a.forEach((k, i) => eval(`r["${a.slice(0, i + 1).join('"]["')}"]??={}`)), r), {});
One Liner Without eval
data = ["clothes|tshirt|tshirt-for-kids", "clothes|coat|raincoat", "clothes|coat|leather-coat","clothes|tshirt|tshirt-for-men", "clothes|tshirt|tshirt-for-men|luxury-tshirt"],
res = data.reduce((r, d) => (d.split("|").reduce((o, k) => (o[k] ??= {}, o[k]), r), r), {});

Script to group elements where every character is same to each other

For input:
expected output should be:
here "abc", "bca" and "def", "fed" contains same character and "okg" there is no element which contains these character
const arr = ["abc", "def", "okg", "fed", "bca"];
let find = (arr) => {
let res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (let j = 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
if (arr[i].search(arr[j])) {
return res;
A reduce will do the trick - it seems the shortest code here (apart from the one using lodash)
const arr = ["abc", "def", "okg", "fed", "bca"],
res = Object.values(arr.reduce((acc, ele) => {
const key = ele.split("").sort();
(acc[key] = acc[key] || []).push(ele)
return acc
}, {}))
.search returns a number indicating the index of where the match was found. Check that the result isn't -1 instead of checking that the result is truthy. But...
.search isn't the right tool here anyway, because it won't find different combinations of the same character. You need a different approach. One way would be to create an object whose keys are the characters found, and the values are the number of occurrences, then use a sorted representation of that object as a key. For example, have both abc and bca turn into something like:
Iterate through the input array, generating a key for each string, and putting the string on an object with that key. At the end, take the object's values.
const strToKey = (str) => {
const grouped = {};
for (const char of str) {
grouped[char] = (grouped[char] || 0) + 1;
return Object.entries(grouped)
.sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0]))
let find = (arr) => {
const grouped = {};
for (const str of arr) {
const key = strToKey(str);
grouped[key] ??= [];
return Object.values(grouped);
console.log(find(["abc", "def", "okg", "fed", "bca"]));
Another option, when creating the keys, instead of sorting the object afterwards, you could sort the string first:
const strToKey = (str) => {
const grouped = {};
for (const char of [...str].sort()) {
grouped[char] = (grouped[char] || 0) + 1;
return Object.entries(grouped).join('-');
let find = (arr) => {
const grouped = {};
for (const str of arr) {
const key = strToKey(str);
grouped[key] ??= [];
return Object.values(grouped);
console.log(find(["abc", "def", "okg", "fed", "bca"]));
const input = ["abc","def","okg","fed","bca"]
function getSortedString (str) {
return [...str].sort().join('');
function groupBy(input) {
const grouped = [];
while(input.length) {
const nextInput = [];
const first = input[0];
const matched = [first];
for (let i = 1; i < input.length; i++) {
if(getSortedString(first) === getSortedString(input[i])) {
} else {
input = nextInput;
Using Object.values and groupBy (from lodash), you can get a straightforward solution:
You group your array elements by their "sorted" form and then use Object.values to get the output array.
const arr = ["abc", "def", "okg", "fed", "bca"];
const sortString = (str) => str.split("").sort().join("")
const result = Object.values(_.groupBy(arr, sortString));
<script src=""></script>

What is the most performant approach to return an array of matching elements between 2 objects in javascript?

Given the following 2 objects in javascript:
myFruit = {
'apple': 14,
'orange': 3,
'pear': 10
theirFruit = {
'banana': 10,
'grape': 30,
'apple': 2
What would be the most performant way to return an array of matching elements? The value for each of the keys does not matter.
Below is one example, but something tells me there is probably a better approach.
let matches = [];
let myKey;
Object.keys(myFruit).forEach((key, index) => {
myKey = key;
Object.keys(theirFruit).forEach((theirKey, index) => {
if(myKey === theirKey) {
// will print: ['apple']
// will print: 1
Here is my solution.
const matches = Object.keys(myFruit).filter(key => key in theirFruit);
console.log(matches); // will output ['apple']
whether or not the 2 objects contain a matching key
If all keys are different, then a merged object will have as many keys as each object individually.
let haveAMatchingKey = Object.keys(Object.assign({}, myFruit, theirFruit)).length !=
Object.keys(myFruit).length + Object.keys(theirFruit)
After edit:
the most performant way to return an array of matching elements?
let myFruitSet = new Set(Object.keys(myFruit));
let theirFruitKeys = Object.keys(theirFruit);
let matchingKeys = theirFruitKeys.filter(fruit => myFruitSet.has(fruit))
Using HashMap Data Structure approach:
const findCommonFruits = () => {
const myFruit = {
'apple': 14,
'orange': 3,
'pear': 10
const theirFruit = {
'banana': 10,
'grape': 30,
'apple': 2
// #1 select lowest object keys
let lowestObj = null;
let biggestObj = null;
if (Object.keys(myFruit).length < Object.keys(theirFruit).length) {
lowestObj = myFruit;
biggestObj = theirFruit;
} else {
lowestObj = theirFruit;
biggestObj = myFruit;
// 2 Define an actual hashmap that will holds the fruit we have seen it
const haveYouSeenIt = {};
for (let fruit of Object.keys(lowestObj)) {
haveYouSeenIt[fruit] = fruit;
const res = [];
for (let fruit of Object.keys(haveYouSeenIt)) {
if (biggestObj[fruit] !== undefined) {
return res;
console.log(findCommonFruits()); // ['apple']

