How to make sure vue-project runs on port 80 - javascript

I was following this reference here. I made all the same configurations to make sure I could run on port 80. The reason I am doing this is so that I can route the appropriate url without specifying the actual port number after.
When I made all the appropriate adjustments when I run
yarn build && yarn serve
I get this
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:1024/
- Network:
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, run npm run build.
and I can only access my website if I provide the 1024 port. I have searched through my code and this port number does not exist anywhere so maybe it is happening by default?


How to add background tasks in node.js [duplicate]

Since this post has gotten a lot of attention over the years, I've listed the top solutions per platform at the bottom of this post.
Original post:
I want my node.js server to run in the background, i.e.: when I close my terminal I want my server to keep running. I've googled this and came up with this tutorial, however it doesn't work as intended. So instead of using that daemon script, I thought I just used the output redirection (the 2>&1 >> file part), but this too does not exit - I get a blank line in my terminal, like it's waiting for output/errors.
I've also tried to put the process in the background, but as soon as I close my terminal the process is killed as well.
So how can I leave it running when I shut down my local computer?
Top solutions:
Systemd (Linux)
Launchd (Mac)
node-windows (Windows)
PM2 (Node.js)
Copying my own answer from How do I run a Node.js application as its own process?
2015 answer: nearly every Linux distro comes with systemd, which means forever, monit, PM2, etc are no longer necessary - your OS already handles these tasks.
Make a myapp.service file (replacing 'myapp' with your app's name, obviously):
Description=My app
# Note Debian/Ubuntu uses 'nogroup', RHEL/Fedora uses 'nobody'
Note if you're new to Unix: /var/www/myapp/app.js should have #!/usr/bin/env node on the very first line and have the executable mode turned on chmod +x app.js.
Copy your service file into the /etc/systemd/system.
Start it with systemctl start myapp.
Enable it to run on boot with systemctl enable myapp.
See logs with journalctl -u myapp
This is taken from How we deploy node apps on Linux, 2018 edition, which also includes commands to generate an AWS/DigitalOcean/Azure CloudConfig to build Linux/node servers (including the .service file).
You can use Forever, A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given node script runs continuously (i.e. forever):
UPDATE - As mentioned in one of the answers below, PM2 has some really nice functionality missing from forever. Consider using it.
Original Answer
Use nohup:
nohup node server.js &
EDIT I wanted to add that the accepted answer is really the way to go. I'm using forever on instances that need to stay up. I like to do npm install -g forever so it's in the node path and then just do forever start server.js
This might not be the accepted way, but I do it with screen, especially while in development because I can bring it back up and fool with it if necessary.
node myserver.js
>>CTRL-A then hit D
The screen will detach and survive you logging off. Then you can get it back back doing screen -r. Hit up the screen manual for more details. You can name the screens and whatnot if you like.
2016 Update:
The node-windows/mac/linux series uses a common API across all operating systems, so it is absolutely a relevant solution. However; node-linux generates systemv init files. As systemd continues to grow in popularity, it is realistically a better option on Linux. PR's welcome if anyone wants to add systemd support to node-linux :-)
Original Thread:
This is a pretty old thread now, but node-windows provides another way to create background services on Windows. It is loosely based on the nssm concept of using an exe wrapper around your node script. However; it uses winsw.exe instead and provides a configurable node wrapper for more granular control over how the process starts/stops on failures. These processes are available like any other service:
The module also bakes in some event logging:
Daemonizing your script is accomplished through code. For example:
var Service = require('node-windows').Service;
// Create a new service object
var svc = new Service({
name:'Hello World',
description: 'The example web server.',
script: 'C:\\path\\to\\my\\node\\script.js'
// Listen for the "install" event, which indicates the
// process is available as a service.
// Listen for the "start" event and let us know when the
// process has actually started working.
console.log(' started!\nVisit to see it in action.');
// Install the script as a service.
The module supports things like capping restarts (so bad scripts don't hose your server) and growing time intervals between restarts.
Since node-windows services run like any other, it is possible to manage/monitor the service with whatever software you already use.
Finally, there are no make dependencies. In other words, a straightforward npm install -g node-windows will work. You don't need Visual Studio, .NET, or node-gyp magic to install this. Also, it's MIT and BSD licensed.
In full disclosure, I'm the author of this module. It was designed to relieve the exact pain the OP experienced, but with tighter integration into the functionality the Operating System already provides. I hope future viewers with this same question find it useful.
If you simply want to run the script uninterrupted until it completes you can use nohup as already mentioned in the answers here. However, none of the answers provide a full command that also logs stdin and stdout.
nohup node index.js >> app.log 2>&1 &
The >> means append to app.log.
2>&1 makes sure that errors are also send to stdout and added to the app.log.
The ending & makes sure your current terminal is disconnected from command so you can continue working.
If you want to run a node server (or something that should start back up when the server restarts) you should use systemd / systemctl.
UPDATE: i updated to include the latest from pm2:
for many use cases, using a systemd service is the simplest and most appropriate way to manage a node process. for those that are running numerous node processes or independently-running node microservices in a single environment, pm2 is a more full featured tool.
it has a really useful monitoring feature -> pretty 'gui' for command line monitoring of multiple processes with pm2 monit or process list with pm2 list
organized Log management -> pm2 logs
other stuff:
Behavior configuration
Source map support
PaaS Compatible
Watch & Reload
Module System
Max memory reload
Cluster Mode
Hot reload
Development workflow
Startup Scripts
Auto completion
Deployment workflow
Keymetrics monitoring
Try to run this command if you are using nohup -
nohup npm start 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null&
You can also use forever to start server
forever start -c "npm start" ./
PM2 also supports npm start
pm2 start npm -- start
If you are running OSX, then the easiest way to produce a true system process is to use launchd to launch it.
Build a plist like this, and put it into the /Library/LaunchDaemons with the name top-level-domain.your-domain.application.plist (you need to be root when placing it):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
When done, issue this (as root):
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/top-level-domain.your-domain.application.plist
launchctl start top-level-domain.your-domain.application
and you are running.
And you will still be running after a restart.
For other options in the plist look at the man page here:
I am simply using the daemon npm module:
var daemon = require('daemon');
stdout: './log.log'
, stderr: './log.error.log'
, './'
, function (err, pid) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error starting daemon: \n', err);
return process.exit(-1);
console.log('Daemonized successfully with pid: ' + pid);
// Your Application Code goes here
Lately I'm also using mon(1) from TJ Holowaychuk to start and manage simple node apps.
I use Supervisor for development. It just works. When ever you make changes to a .js file Supervisor automatically restarts your app with those changes loaded.
Here's a link to its Github page
Install :
sudo npm install supervisor -g
You can easily make it watch other extensions with -e. Another command I use often is -i to ignore certain folders.
You can use nohup and supervisor to make your node app run in the background even after you log out.
sudo nohup supervisor myapp.js &
Node.js as a background service in WINDOWS XP
Kudos goes to Hacksparrow at: for tutorial installing Node.js + npm for windows.
Kudos goes to Tatham Oddie at: for nnsm.exe implementation.
Install WGET via installer executable
Install GIT via installer executable
Install NSSM via copying nnsm.exe into %windir%/system32 folder
Create c:\node\helloworld.js
var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.end("Hello World\n");
console.log("Server running at");
Open command console and type the following (setx only if Resource Kit is installed)
C:\node> set path=%PATH%;%CD%
C:\node> setx path "%PATH%"
C:\node> set NODE_PATH="C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules"
C:\node> git config --system http.sslcainfo /bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt
C:\node> git clone --recursive git://
C:\node> cd npm
C:\node\npm> node cli.js install npm -gf
C:\node> cd ..
C:\node> nssm.exe install node-helloworld "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" c:\node\helloworld.js
C:\node> net start node-helloworld
A nifty batch goodie is to create c:\node\ServiceMe.cmd
#echo off
nssm.exe install node-%~n1 "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" %~s1
net start node-%~n1
Service Management:
The services themselves are now accessible via Start-> Run->
services.msc or via Start->Run-> MSCONFIG-> Services (and check 'Hide
All Microsoft Services').
The script will prefix every node made via the batch script with
Likewise they can be found in the registry: "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\node-xxxx"
The accepted answer is probably the best production answer, but for a quick hack doing dev work, I found this:
nodejs scriptname.js & didn't work, because nodejs seemed to gobble up the &, and so the thing didn't let me keep using the terminal without scriptname.js dying.
But I put nodejs scriptname.js in a .sh file, and
nohup sh & worked.
Definitely not a production thing, but it solves the "I need to keep using my terminal and don't want to start 5 different terminals" problem.
June 2017 Update:
Solution for Linux: (Red hat). Previous comments doesn't work for me.
This works for me on Amazon Web Service - Red Hat 7. Hope this works for somebody out there.
A. Create the service file
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/myapp.service
Description=Your app
B. Create a shell file
#!/bin/sh -
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 8080
npm start
chmod +rx /home/ec2-root/meantodos/
(to make this file executable)
C. Execute the Following
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start myapp
sudo systemctl status myapp
(If there are no errors, execute below. Autorun after server restarted.)
chkconfig myapp -add
If you are running nodejs in linux server, I think this is the best way.
Create a service script and copy to /etc/init/nodejs.conf
start service: sudo service nodejs start
stop service: sudo service nodejs stop
Sevice script
description "DManager node.js server - Last Update: 2012-08-06"
author "Pedro Muniz -"
env USER="nodejs" #you have to create this user
env APPNAME="nodejs" #you can change the service name
env WORKDIR="/home/<project-home-dir>" #set your project home folder here
env COMMAND="/usr/bin/node <server name>" #app.js ?
# used to be: start on startup
# until we found some mounts weren't ready yet while booting:
start on started mountall
stop on shutdown
# Automatically Respawn:
respawn limit 99 5
pre-start script
sudo -u $USER echo "[`date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%T.%3NZ`] (sys) Starting" >> /var/log/$APPNAME.log
end script
# Not sure why $HOME is needed, but we found that it is:
export HOME="<project-home-dir>" #set your project home folder here
export NODE_PATH="<project node_path>"
#log file, grant permission to nodejs user
exec start-stop-daemon --start --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/$ --chuid $USER --chdir $WORKDIR --exec $COMMAND >> /var/log/$APPNAME.log 2>&1
end script
post-start script
# Optionally put a script here that will notifiy you node has (re)started
# /root/bin/ "node.js has started!"
end script
pre-stop script
sudo -u $USER echo "[`date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%T.%3NZ`] (sys) Stopping" >> /var/log/$APPNAME.log
end script
use nssm the best solution for windows, just download nssm, open cmd to nssm directory and type
nssm install <service name> <node path> <app.js path>
eg: nssm install myservice "C:\Program Files\nodejs" "C:\myapp\app.js"
this will install a new windows service which will be listed at services.msc from there you can start or stop the service, this service will auto start and you can configure to restart if it fails.
Use pm2 module. pm2 nodejs module
Since I'm missing this option in the list of provided answers I'd like to add an eligible option as of 2020: docker or any equivalent container platform. In addition to ensuring your application is working in a stable environment there are additional security benefits as well as improved portability.
There is docker support for Windows, macOS and most/major Linux distributions. Installing docker on a supported platform is rather straight-forward and well-documented. Setting up a Node.js application is as simple as putting it in a container and running that container while making sure its being restarted after shutdown.
Create Container Image
Assuming your application is available in /home/me/my-app on that server, create a text file Dockerfile in folder /home/me with content similar to this one:
FROM node:lts-alpine
COPY /my-app/ /app/
RUN cd /app && npm ci
CMD ["/app/server.js"]
It is creating an image for running LTS version of Node.js under Alpine Linux, copying the application's files into the image and runs npm ci to make sure dependencies are matching that runtime context.
Create another file .dockerignore in same folder with content
This will prevent existing dependencies of your host system from being injected into container as they might not work there. The presented RUN command in Dockerfile is going to fix that.
Create the image using command like this:
docker build -t myapp-as-a-service /home/me
The -t option is selecting the "name" of built container image. This is used on running containers below.
Note: Last parameter is selecting folder containing that Dockerfile instead of the Dockerfile itself. You may pick a different one using option -f.
Start Container
Use this command for starting the container:
docker run -d --restart always -p 80:3000 myapp-as-a-service
This command is assuming your app is listening on port 3000 and you want it to be exposed on port 80 of your host.
This is a very limited example for sure, but it's a good starting point.
To round out the various options suggested, here is one more: the daemon command in GNU/Linux, which you can read about here: (apologies if this is already mentioned in one of the comments above).
Check out fugue! Apart from launching many workers, you can demonize your node process too!
PM2 is a production process manager for Node.js applications with a built-in load balancer. It allows you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and to facilitate common system admin tasks.
I am surprised that nobody has mentioned Guvnor
I have tried forever, pm2, etc. But, when it comes to solid control and web based performance metrics, I have found Guvnor to be by far the best. Plus, it is also fully opensource.
Edit : However, I am not sure if it works on windows. I've only used it on linux.
has anyone noticed a trivial mistaken of the position of "2>&1" ?
2>&1 >> file
should be
>> file 2>&1
I use tmux for a multiple window/pane development environment on remote hosts. It's really simple to detach and keep the process running in the background. Have a look at tmux
For people using newer versions of the daemon npm module - you need to pass file descriptors instead of strings:
var fs = require('fs');
var stdoutFd = fs.openSync('output.log', 'a');
var stderrFd = fs.openSync('errors.log', 'a');
stdout: stdoutFd,
stderr: stderrFd
If you are using pm2, you can use it with autorestart set to false:
$ pm2 ecosystem
This will generate a sample ecosystem.config.js:
module.exports = {
apps: [
script: './scripts/companies.js',
autorestart: false,
script: './scripts/domains.js',
autorestart: false,
script: './scripts/technologies.js',
autorestart: false,
$ pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
I received the following error when using #mikemaccana's accepted answer on a RHEL 8 AWS EC2 instance: (code=exited, status=216/GROUP)
It was due to using the user/group set to: 'nobody'.
Upon googling, it seems that using user/group as 'nobody'/'nogroup' is bad practice for daemons as answered here on the unix stack exchange.
It worked great after I set user/group to my actual user and group.
You can enter whomai and groups to see your available options to fix this.
My service file for a full stack node app with mongodb:
In case, for local development purpose, you need to start multiple instances of NodeJS app (express, fastify, etc.) then the concurrently might be an option. Here is a setup:
Your NodeJS app (express, fastify, etc.) is placed at /opt/mca/www/mca-backend/app path.
Assuming that you are using node v.16 installed via brew install node#16
Install concurrently: npm install -g concurrently
Create a file ~/Library/LaunchAgents/mca.backend.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>MCA_APP_STAGE=dev node ./server.mjs</string>
<string>MCA_APP_STAGE=prod node ./server.mjs</string>
Load and run: launchctl bootstrap gui/`id -u` $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/mca.backend.plist
Get a status: launchctl print gui/`id -u`/mca.backend
Stop: launchctl kill SIGTERM gui/`id -u`/mca.backend
Start/Restart: launchctl kickstart -k -p gui/`id -u`/mca.backend
Unload if not needed anymore: launchctl bootout gui/`id -u`/mca.backend
IMPORTANT: Once you are loaded service with launchctl bootstrap any changes you made in file
~/Library/LaunchAgents/mca.backend.plist won't be in action until you unload the service (by using launchctl bootout)
and then load it again (by using launchctl bootstrap).
See launchd logs at: /private/var/log/
This answer is quite late to the party, but I found that the best solution was to write a shell script that used the both the screen -dmS and nohup commands.
screen -dmS newScreenName nohup node myserver.js >> logfile.log
I also add the >> logfile bit on the end so I can easily save the node console.log() statements.
Why did I use a shell script? Well I also added in an if statement that checked to see if the node myserver.js process was already running.
That way I was able to create a single command line option that both lets me keep the server going and also restart it when I have made changes, which is very helpful for development.

how to deploy nodejs api and vuejs app in one server

I have developed node rest api and vuejs web applications,
Im trying to deploy both project in to one aws server which run ubuntu.
Both applications have different port,
domain I try to configure for api and for vue app.
I can run both applications once after running the command in SSH, but I need them to run it forever.
What I did,
Deploy to apps separately
Apps can access with ports
I need them access
what are the step to do,
Any changes host file.
I found another way to deploy vue app and express/nodejs in one server without using PM. This what I did
Build your vue code using npm run build command. This will create a folder dist which should have index.html file and static folder.
Copy dist folder into your server code repository. In my case I created a folder public and moved the dist folder inside public.
In app.js file right before module.exports=app line, copy the following lines of code
//These 2 lines make sure that vue and express app are coming from the same server.
app.use('/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname,"../public/dist/static/")));
app.get('/', function(req,res) {
res.sendFile('index.html', { root: path.join(__dirname, '../public/dist/') });
First line make sure that the /static folder is accessible and second line will serve the index.html file when you run the node server. Routing between components will be taken care by vue.
This is how we are running our VueJS UI and ExpressJS REST API from the same server.
We are managing our services with PM2.
VueJS (Dev Environment, You can add the same settings to production)
In package.json add "start": "HOST='' PORT=80 npm run dev",, where 80 is the port VueJS is listening on, to the "scripts": {..} array. Then, after installing PM2, (for dev) we can start VueJS with cd /location/of/vue/root; sudo pm2 start npm run dev --name Vue -- start. (Make sure that Apache is not running).
Please note that setting the HOST to is important. Do not set it to LocalHost or your Servers IP address or you may run into issues.
In the /location/of/express/app.js add this similar to the bottom of the file:
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8081), where 8081 is the port your REST API should be listening on. I can then start it with sudo pm2 start /location/of/express/app.js --name Express
At this point, the VueJS should be available at (implied Port 80) and the REST API would be available at
If you want to have point to the API, you need to make sure that your DNS is pointing the "api" subdomain to the desired port, or you may have to add the port into the URL as above.
Additionally, you can easily follow the logs through PM2 as well with pm2 logs APPNAME --lines 100.

Node.JS: Why is my connection to localhost:3000 refused?

I'm a student going into back-end development for the first time and are trying to learn Node.JS. I downloaded a pdf book about Node.JS from sitepoint called: "Jumpstart Node.JS". In following the instructions to set up the server on the command line, install the dependencies, and navigate to localhost:3000, i got nothing except the following message: "Connection refused: localhost:3000", Can somebody please tell me what might have went wrong and how to fix it?
The instructions i followed is about setting up a node.js server using the Node command line, thus no code, simply cmd commands, however, here is a quick summary of the process i followed:
Created an account on MongoLabs and then a database using the free pricing plan.
Installed express using the command: npm install -g express#.2.5.8.
Created an applications with default options using this command: express authentication.
modified the package.json file in system32
installed the dependencies by typing cd authentication, hitting enter, and then typing the command: npm install
Typed node app and hit enter.
According to the instructions i should have seen a message: "Welcome to express" but instead got the error message.
In following the instructions to set up the server on the command line, install the dependencies, and navigate to localhost:3000
It seems that you didn't start the server.
Somewhere between installing the dependencies and navigating to the URL you need to actually start the server if you want it to serve the request.
Check that there is no copy of the server running in the background, or that another app is using the port currently.
(Your firewall show allow you to see which app has been allocated to that port)
Because nodejs requires it to be the only app on that port running on your computer.
Also try a different port maybe?

express runs on two ports even when port is specified

I use app.listen(PORTNO) for running my express app.
It runs on but also on
3000 is the default port no on which express runs out of box.
Why this unexpected behaviour?
I have tried setting the env variable to production and also using http.createServer(app).listen(PORTNO);
I am generating my express app files using express-generator.
I am on a windows machine if its relevant
I start the server using npm start which runs bin\www, and it specifies the port to run the server.
But this does not explains the binding to two port :the one specified in app.js and the other in bin\www for the same app and the app being accessible from both of them.
Can you explain the why?
You should start your server using node server.js(filename). Try this if it helps since when you start it with npm it will get default configurations. And Moreover npm command is used to install the node modules(mostly) rather than running the server. on Heroku

I have a slight problem with use of Node.js and on Heroku. It works fine locally but as soon as I push it to Heroku and go on the website it gives me the application error page. Looking at the logs there is no explicit error but I have a feeling what it might be. When I run it locally, I use sudo node server to start the app. Just node server gives the same effect as that on heroku.
So basically, my question is: How do I get Heroku to run in sudo mode, or how can I remove the need to use sudo altogether?
Apologies as this is my first time using, so I am a bit unfamiliar with the workings of the library.
P.S. I am using Express 3.
I would check into the port you are using. On a normal ubuntu machine for example you may have to use sudo for low numbered ports (such as port 80). Besides that Heroku has a lot of load balancing going on, so the port you will use to connect to the service may not be the same as the port you tell the instance to listen on.
I would try using port 5000 as per this example from Heroku
Nodejs with sockets

