Direct local .aar not supported error while building Singed APK - javascript

I have an Ionic/Angular Hybrid mobile app and I am trying to create a signed release build and is failing with the following error:
Direct local .aar file dependencies are not supported when building an AAR. The resulting AAR would be broken because the classes and Android resources from any local .aar file dependencies would not be packaged in the resulting AAR. Previous versions of the Android Gradle Plugin produce broken AARs in this case too (despite not throwing this error). The following direct local .aar file dependencies of the :wx-a-wxnetwork project caused this error: /Users/AppName/node_modules/wx-a-wxnetwork/libs/ICDeviceManager.aar
Build gradle version:
classpath ''
Android Studio version
Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1


Phonegap build final apk file locally without phonegap build website

I use Phonegap CLI to make my android apps every thing works fine, but when I want to make my final .apk I face a problem
I have SDK JDK Java and all environment variables
I generated my .keystore and when i run phonegap build --release i have no error my problem is this
there is no folder called bin or any .apk file in my folder
I red all documents and questions from stackoverflow and I still have this problem
what do you think? should i switch to cordova CLI ?
PhoneGap has been discontinued.
Switching to Cordova CLI is certainly an option, but many find that installing the build toolchain is a lot of trouble to get working (and keep working).
If you prefer the convenience of a build service like you had with PhoneGap, have a look at VoltBuilder, Ionic or Monaca.

I can no longer build my project in android studio, get a Android dependency error

I did someething to my project. I think it was wghen I was trying to clean up the code and moved somne of the files from my app to a share module.
Android studio ver 3.0.1
When I try to build the project I get the following error
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:preDebugBuild'.
Android dependency '' has different version for the compile (1.0.2) and runtime (1.1.0) classpath. You should manually set the same version via DependencyResolution
You should try to invalidate caches:
File --> Invalidate Caches / Restart... --> Invalidate and Restart.

Cordova reference missing on iOS build, but fine on android

I am building a project with Cordova for iOS and Android platforms (cordova version 7.0.1 and platform iOS 4.5.1 and platform android 6.2.3). When I use the command cordova run ios or cordova run android I find that the iOS build will somehow not have embedded cordova.js and although the pages will load, none of my cordova plugins will work and the debugger shows the following error:
exception nativeEvalAndFetch : ReferenceError: Can't find variable: cordova
If I manually include <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script> in my index.html file and run the command again, everything works fine (although then android complains of a second declaration of cordova.js)
I would like to have one build where I don't have to constantly modify one or the other environment. Here are some other things I have noticed when running those commands:
I have verified that the index.html and three js files (app, manifest and vendor) are identical between their iOS and Android generated versions (in /platforms/ios/www and /platforms/android/assets/www respectively).
Also the other files present in each folder seem to match.
Because the appropriate files seem to match, I believe this bug is at the point where the command loads the bundle/app onto my iPhone or simulator, and as I said plugins will not work without force including it in the index.html file, but everything outside of plugins works fine in the app.

Adding Cordova Platforms

Hey, Guys! I recently started to work with Cordova and when I run the Cordova platform add android i get the following error. I have successfully placed the environment variables for Java and for the Android SDK as well. But the npm modules does not exist in C:/Windows/System32/npm as shown in the error, It is in the Users/My username/AppData/Roaming/npm folder. Some guidance would be appreciated.
I followed the following scripts which are shown in the official Cordova documentation to create a new project.
Cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
cd hello
Cordova platform add android -> where I'm stuck at
Kindly Check the Android Version Provided by Cordova and verify with your current Android version installed on your system , if there a mismatch :
1) Update Android Version From Android Studio SDK Manager
2) Update Cordova Platform - Refer: Cordova Documentation
External Source
cordova - Error: Failed to fetch platform android
I figured out halfway what the the problem was. There was a file named 'npm' in my C:/Windows/System32 directory wich was of 0kb size, and once i deleted it, the error vanished. But not all the way though. I was able to install the browser platform but not the android platform via cordova platform add android or even specifying what the matching cordova-andriod pluggin to be with cordova platform add andriod#version.
Only through the cordova platform add script I could install the andriod platform and once it was done other steps worked fine, and the project ran through the Android AVD. Any idea why the normal command to add the android platform didnt work, Just want to know but if it happens again i think Im gonna have to run the get from git command again. Thanks

Google Play reject Cordova application 'cause contains security vulnerabilities for users

I developed an application on Apache Cordova, I followed all the steps to generate the .apk to upload on Google Play. I tried many times but Google's response is the same:
We rejected APP, package ID, for violating our dangerous products policy. If you submitted an update, the previous version of
your app is still available on Google Play. This app uses software
that contains security vulnerabilities for users. Below is the list of
vulnerabilities and the corresponding APK versions that were detected
in your recent submission. Please upgrade your app(s) as soon as
possible and increment the version number of the upgraded APK.
Vulnerability Apache Cordova: The vulnerabilities were fixed in Apache Cordova v.3.5.1.
I have the latest version of Cordova (5.4.1).
The following will detail the steps that I followed for installation and project development:
Start the download of Cordova from the console Node.js using the command npm install -g Cordova.
Install Java: version 1.8.0_65.
Install Android SDK.
Add Java and SDK to PATH.
I downloaded the necessary components of the Android SDK.
Create the project through the commands. (Cordova create Projectxxxx).
Add the Android platform.
I copied my application code in the www folder.
Add the plugins needed for my project: splashscreen and sqlite.
I tested the application on the Android emulator and other mobile phones. All good. Runs perfect.
To create the signed APK file, these are the steps:
-Cordova build --release android. (This generated the android-release-unsigned.apk on platforms / android / build / outputs
/ apk).
-Then, I generated the keystore.
-After the jarsigner.
-Finally: zipalign.
I upload end-app.apk to Google Play.
Another detail that I have is that cordova.js generated version is 4.1.1. But the console version is 5.4.1 (Command: Cordova -version).
I did everything by node.js console.
I uploaded an APK without js components. Only with cordova.js and it not worked.
I installed all over again in a newly installed windows and neither worked.
My version is higher than 3.5.1. I can not find the solution.
The big problem is not just that PLATFORM_VERSION_BUILD_LABEL is wrong, but the default cordova used is ancient ( it was 3.7.1 on mine ). To resolve this you need to install a newer version in the project. You can specify this on the command line, much like npm does.
cordova platform update android#4.1.1
Or you can specify it in your config.xml
<engine name="android" version="4.1.1" />
That may need 'spec' instead of 'version' depending on how current you cordova install is. At this point, they are up to 5.1, and you can use 'latest' instead of a specific version number.
The next headache will be the point of the patch, which locks down network access. I am now getting 404 errors on all my ajax calls to our server. Access was the root of the security problem, so this isn't a big surprise. I am still working on that.
I had the same problem, I found a previous corodva version in a plugin, in my case was facebook connect; I deleted this plugin and upload again, its work form me. You may search PLATFORM_VERSION_BUILD_LABEL in your project, is posible that some plugin have other cordova version.
I was trying to solve this problem almost for a week. Solution:
There was a cordova.js file within www/lib/cordova folder that doesn't get updated when you update cordova and ionic. Open the file and look for var PLATFORM_VERSION_BUILD_LABEL. If the version is not 4.1.1 at the time of this post, update it with another copy of the file that is somewhere in your main directory.

