ExcelJS: How do I format date on oddFooter options? - javascript

I'm currently working on a project where I need to add a current date inside the footer when I print an excel sheet. The problem is I don't how to do that, the docs doesn't describe how to do it (Headers and Footers).
My current option is like:
headerFooter: {
oddFooter: `&L&T/&D &C&P/&N &Rpowered by app dimensions`,
Result I have:
15:44:29/19-01-2023 1/3 powered by app dimensions
Result I wish:
15:44/19.01.2023 1/3 powered by app dimensions
Is that possible?


f7DatePicker selecting previous day depending on timezone

I've uploaded my R Shiny app (using shinyMobile package) to Google Cloud Run using a Dockerfile, and am finding that the date returned by f7DatePicker doesn't match the value on the widget itself. So if I put in 2021-08-02, the actual date it returns (looking at the 'input$x' value) is 2021-08-01, even though the date displayed on the widget is 2021-08-02.
HOWEVER, it appears that this only occurs for users in particular timezones. I'm currently in New Zealand, and am finding that this issue is occurring for the mobile app for NZ based users; however, when I try running the app on a server in the US (i.e. via Browserstack), the date is correctly returned. BUT when I run the app locally on my desktop (in New Zealand), I don't have this issue. So I'm not sure if the issue is at the server end or at the client end.
It's possible that the issue is caused by daylight savings - see this link - but my local server runs fine, so if this were the case, it would have to be the interaction between Cloud Run and mobile somehow.
Here's the code I'm using to calculate client_time and time_zone_offset (based on this link:)
HTML('<input type="text" id="client_time" name="client_time" style="display: none;"> '),
HTML('<input type="text" id="client_time_zone_offset" name="client_time_zone_offset" style="display: none;"> '),
$(function() {
var time_now = new Date()
Shiny: (in server.r)
client_time <<- as.numeric(input$client_time) / 1000 # in s
time_zone_offset <<- as.numeric(input$client_time_zone_offset) * 60 # s from GMT
curr_datetime <<- as_datetime(client_time - time_zone_offset)
Any ideas what the issue could be?
Thanks a lot

Trick elapsed visitation time when visiting a website using Python & selenium

Ok, so I am trying to create a program that allows the background of my Gnome desktop to tap into the stream of wallpapers used by Google's chromecast devices.
Currently I use a loop function in Python that uses selenium and a Chrome webdriver to get the images that are dynamically displayed here:
My function works exactly like I want it to. However the problem is > whenever I visit this website in a browser it starts displaying random wallpapers in a random order, there seems to be a big selection of possible wallpapers, but whenever you reload the page it always shows only about 5 (max) different wallpapers.. since my script reloads the page in each loop, I only get about 5 different wallpapers out of it, while there should be a multitude of that available via the website.
That leads me to question: Can I use selenium for Python to somehow trick the website into thinking I've been around longer then just a few seconds and thereby maybe showing me a different wallpaper?
NB: I know I could also get the wallpapers from non-dynamic websites such as this one, I already got that one to work, but the goal now is to actually tap into the live Chromecast stream. I've searched if there might be an API somewhere for it, but couldn't find one so decided to go with my current approach.
My current code:
import io
import os
from PIL import Image
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
from random import shuffle
import requests
import sched
from selenium import webdriver
import subprocess
import time
s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
def change_desktop():
display = Display(visible=0, size=(800, 600))
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
urllist = ["https://clients3.google.com/cast/chromecast/home/v/c9541b08", "https://clients3.google.com/cast/chromecast/home"]
element = browser.find_element_by_id("picture-background")
image_source = element.get_attribute("src")
request = requests.get(image_source)
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(request.content))
image_format = image.format
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
temp_local_image_location = current_dir + "/interactive_wallpaper." + image_format
subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/gsettings", "set", "org.gnome.desktop.background", "picture-uri", "'" + temp_local_image_location + "'"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
s.enter(30, 1, change_desktop())
s.enter(30, 1, change_desktop())

LaunchDarkly Bootstrapping: (JS) Property Assignment Expected

I am setting up LaunchDarkly to control my first feature flag and its working fine from server & client side.
Now I am trying LaunchDarkly Bootstrap approach (From the below given Link) and tried like below my code, but it's not accepting the double braces and I do not know How to get flag value by using the bootstrap approach, so where I did go wrong in my code?. Could anyone please help me with an example?
Initialized client with Bootstrap option as below,
client = LDClient.initialize(sdkKey, userContext.user, options = {
bootstrap: {
{{ ldclient.all_flags(userContext.user) }}
And my function to get the flag value,
isFeatureEnabled: function (featureFlag, properties) {
console.log("Before Variation");
//we shall update the custom properties into user context.
if (properties) {
for (var k in properties) {
userContext.user.custom[k] = properties[k];
//later make the identity call to update the user details.
client.identify(userContext.user, null, function () { /*rules updated*/
console.log("New user's flags available");
//validate the feature flag
var showFeature = client.variation(featureFlag);
if (!showFeature) {
console.log("after Variation");
Full disclosure, My name is John, and I am part of the support team here at LaunchDarkly. I'll be happy to help you out with this problem
Firstly, it appears you are using an older version of the bootstrapping example. The new example has a typo fix, and uses the new all_flags_state method.
I see two major issues here. There is the primary issue of how to bootstrap flag variations from the back-end to the front-end, and how to appropriately utilize LaunchDarkly when using bootstrapping. I will tackle the issue of how to bootstrap flag variations from the back-end first.
The example in LaunchDarkly's documentation utilizes templating to include the bootstrapped values to the front end. Templating is a strategy for including programmatically generated content in your static source or text files. Templating is commonly used when compiling or deploying code, or at runtime when serving content to clients. This is done to render information only available at that time in the final version.
Different templating languages behave in different ways, but generally speaking you include tokens in your source or text files which direct the template renderer to replace that token with data you supply it.
In the documentation it mentions that this example is for templating using Ruby, but the example is using Mustache rendering, and Mustache is available in many different languages. Templating is a strategy for including programmatically generated content in your static source or text files. This is commonly used when compiling or deploying code, or at runtime when serving content to clients. This is done to render information only available at that time in the final version.
The example may not work depending on which back-end language and framework you are using. According to the tags associated with your question, I feel safe to assume that you are using .NET to power your back-end, which doesn't have a prescribed templating language. There are many open source solutions out there, though.
In the following example I'm going to use https://github.com/rexm/Handlebars.Net to render the a users bootstrapped flag values into the result variable. I am going to borrow code available from the example in the handle bars repo, and from LaunchDarkly's hello-bootstrap and hello-dotnet repos, which are available here: https://github.com/launchdarkly/hello-bootstrap & https://github.com/launchdarkly/hello-dotnet
string source =
<script src=""https://app.launchdarkly.com/snippet/ldclient.min.js""></script>
<h1>LaunchDarkly server-side bootstrap example</h1>
<li><code>normal client</code>: <span class=""normal"">initializing…</span></li>
<li><code>bootstrapped client</code>: <span class=""bootstrap"">initializing…</span></li>
var user = window.ldUser;
console.log(`Clients initialized`);
var client = LDClient.initialize(window.ldClientsideId, user);
var bootstrapClient = LDClient.initialize(window.ldClientsideId, user, {
bootstrap: window.ldBootstrap
client.on('ready', handleUpdateNormalClient);
client.on('change', handleUpdateNormalClient);
bootstrapClient.on('ready', handleUpdateBootstrapClient);
bootstrapClient.on('change', handleUpdateBootstrapClient);
function handleUpdateNormalClient(){
console.log(`Normal SDK updated`);
render('.normal', client);
function handleUpdateBootstrapClient(){
console.log(`Bootstrapped SDK updated`);
render('.bootstrap', bootstrapClient);
function render(selector, targetClient) {
document.querySelector(selector).innerHTML = JSON.stringify(targetClient.allFlags(user), null, 2);
var template = Handlebars.Compile(source);
Configuration ldConfig = LaunchDarkly.Client.Configuration.Default("YOUR_SDK_KEY");
LdClient client = new LdClient(ldConfig);
User user = User.WithKey("bob#example.com")
.AndCustomAttribute("groups", "beta_testers");
var data = new {
ldBootstrap: JsonConvert.SerializeObject(client.AllFlagsState(user)),
ldUser = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user),
ldClientsideId = "YOUR_CLIENT_SIDE_ID"
var result = template(data);
You could take this example and adapt it to render your static source code when serving the page to your users.
The second issue is how you are utilizing the SDK. I see that you are calling identify before evaluating your user every time. Each time you call identify the SDK needs to reinitialize. This means that even after bootstrapping your initial variations you will force the SDK to reinitialize by calling identify, removing all benefits of bootstrapping. As a solution, detect if your user object has changed. if it has, then call identify. Otherwise, do not call identify so that the SDK uses the cached user attributes.
If you want to dive deeper into this and provide us with some more of the source for your wrapper you can reach out to us at support#launchdarkly.com

Scrapy Splash not respecting Rendering "wait" time

I'm using Scrapy and Splash to scrape this page : https://www.athleteshop.nl/shimano-voor-as-108mm-37184
Here's the image I get in Scrapy Shell with view(response):
scrapy shell img
I need the barcode highlighted in red. But it's generated in javascript as it can be seen in the source code in Chrome with F12.
However, although displayed correctly in both Scrapy Shell and Splash localhost, although Splash localhost gives me the right html, the barcode I want to select always equals to None with response.xpath("//table[#class='data-table']//tr[#class='even']/td[#class='data last']/text()").extract_first().
The selector isn't the problem since it works in Chrome's source code.
I've been looking for the answer on the web and SO for two days and no one seems to have the same problem. Is it just that Splash doesn't support it ?
The settings are the classic ones as follows :
'scrapy_splash.SplashCookiesMiddleware': 723,
'scrapy_splash.SplashMiddleware': 725,
'scrapy_splash.SplashDeduplicateArgsMiddleware': 100,
DUPEFILTER_CLASS = 'scrapy_splash.SplashAwareDupeFilter'
HTTPCACHE_STORAGE = 'scrapy_splash.SplashAwareFSCacheStorage'
My code is as follows (the parse part aims at clicking on the link provided by a search engine inside the website. It works fine) :
def parse(self, response):
try :
link=response.xpath("//li[#class='item last']/a/#href").extract_first()
yield SplashRequest(link, self.parse_item, endpoint = 'render.html', args={'wait': 20})
except Exception as e:
print (str(e))
def parse_item(self, response):
product = {}
product['ean']=response.xpath("//table[#class='data-table']//tr[#class='even']/td[#class='data last']/text()").extract_first()
product['image']=response.xpath("//div[#class='item image-photo']//img[#class='owl-product-image']/#src").extract_first()
print (product['name'])
print (product['ean'])
print (product['image'])
The print on the name and the image url work perfectly fine since they're not generated by javascript.
The code is alright, the settings are fine, the Splash localhost shows me something good, but my selectors don't work in the execution of the script (which doesn't show any errors), neither in Scrapy Shell.
The problem might be that Scrapy Splash instantly renders without caring about the wait time (20secs !) put in argument. What did I do wrong, please ?
Thanks in advance.
It doesn't seem to me, that the content of barcode field is generated dynamically, I can see it in the page source and extract from scrapy shell with response.css('.data-table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)::text').extract_first().

Add dynamic title for Worklight tab bar item

I am using worklight tab bar in my hybrid app,I am getting tab bar displayed in html page,i need to apply translation for tab bar title,is it possible to give dynamic value for tab bar item title.can anyone help me in solving this...
In the use case of translation you would need to check for the device locale/language using API methods such as WL.App.getDeviceLocale or WL.App.getDeviceLanguage when the application launches and before you display the tabbar; based on the language check response, load the appropriate labels for the desired language.
See related question: IBM Worklight - WL.App.getDeviceLanguage() API method does not return correct language code in iOS
The below was tested in iOS, but should be applicable for Android as well.
See the related question I linked to above.
In common\main.js:
var myLabel1, myLabel2;
function wlCommonInit(){
if (WL.App.getDeviceLanguage() == "en") {
/* Using English */
myLabel1 = "tab 1";
myLabel2 = "tab 2";
if (WL.App.getDeviceLanguage() == "he") {
/* Using Hebrew */
myLabel1 = "טאב 1";
myLabel2 = "טאב 2";
WL.TabBar.addItem("tabOne", function() {}, myLabel1, {image:"images/myimage.png"});
WL.TabBar.addItem("tabTwo", function() {}, myLabel2, {image:"images/myimage.png"});
In this image you can see the lables in Hebrew, because my device's region is in Hebrew.

