npm install is not creating a symlink for local folder - javascript

I am trying to install a local library which works, but it isn't creating a symlink, its is copying the contents of the folder into node_modules instead.
I have tried setting up the path both of these ways and still it just copy and pastes:
"dependencies": {
"#org/my-library": "../library/dist/component-library"
"#org/my-library": "file:../library/dist/component-library"
I am running the install command, and I have tried with the following flags as well:
npm i
npm i --force
npm i --legacy-peer-deps
But still it just copies and pastes the contents. I know this, because I rebuild the library by adding things or removing things yet the file within node_modules still has the old code (with or without the added/removed lines).


Npm local dependency will generate a new package-lock.json with any install

We have an old legacy app, and a relatively small package we wanted to integrate in it. To make the whole process with less overhead as possible, we decided to do that by installing the package from the repo itself.
For example, our structure looks like that:
- BigApp
- SmallPackage
- package.json
- package.json
And so, the BigApp package.json has the following dependency:
SmallPackage: "file:./SmallPackage"
Now everything works great, up until we noticed that upon every npm install a new package-lock.json is created. That is an unwanted side effect since nothing has really changed.
I can't think of another reason for that but the fact that we used this local install path.
Can anywone come up with an idea why it happend?
Btw, I heard about npm ci - does it fit this scenario?
package-lock.json is generated by default in recent versions of npm. It is not because you are installing from a local path or anything like that.
If you don't want the benefits of a package-lock.json file, you can run npm with --no-package-lock or put package-lock=false in a .npmrc file in the project root. You can also delete package-lock.json or you can ignore it.
npm ci depends on package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json, so if you want to use npm ci, you probably want the package-lock.json file.

How to install Puppeteer as offline

My host machine's firewall will not allow connecting to the internet.
So npm install will not work there.
npm ERR! network request to failed
So how can I install Puppeteer in this machine? Is there any standalone installer available?
I do the following whenever I'm on road or don't have internet access but want to use some node_modules somewhere afar.
Two ways to deal with this:
Create the project and install all dependencies while you have the internet access, use it whenever you want.
Install just the specific dependencies and copy the node_modules and package.json around.
I will discuss the second because both options are basically same.
First, find a computer with internet access. And then create a blank nodeJS project just for puppeteer. Copy the whole node_modules folder for future usage, not just puppeteer folder. Note that it will never get updated and the version is always fixed. If you want to update it, you need to do similar steps again.
Here is the steps,
➜ mkdir puppeteer-copy
➜ cd puppeteer-copy
➜ yarn add puppeteer
On the package.json file, you will see a puppeteer listed as dependency, make sure you have this on your program when using this copied package. You can copy just that line if you want.
➜ ls
node_modules package.json yarn.lock
➜ cat package.json
"dependencies": {
"puppeteer": "^2.0.0"
The reason you need the whole node_modules folder is because of some dependencies puppeteer uses,
➜ node_modules ls
agent-base es6-promisify minimatch puppeteer
async-limiter extract-zip minimist readable-stream
balanced-match fd-slicer mkdirp rimraf
brace-expansion fs.realpath ms safe-buffer
buffer-from glob once string_decoder
concat-map https-proxy-agent path-is-absolute typedarray
concat-stream inflight pend util-deprecate
core-util-is inherits process-nextick-args wrappy
debug isarray progress ws
es6-promise mime proxy-from-env yauzl
Maybe go in a computer that does have internet access, install puppeteer inside of an npm project.(npm init -y && npm i puppeteer) then search through the node_modules folder that gets created and copy the puppeteer folder inside it. Paste that into a flash drive, connect it to computer with no internet and drag and drop into your project into the node_modules folder. I haven't tried if this works but this would be my first approach. I'm curious as to what you are trying to accomplish with puppeteer if you have no internet though...

How to verify an object instance? instanceof and ....prototype.isPrototypeOf(...) are not reliable [duplicate]

Whenever I make projects, I have to download all dependencies of node modules. Without copying the node_modules, Is there anyway to share the central node_modules in multiple projects?
like the followings, I have to run many commands every time..
npm install gulp-usemin
npm install gulp-wrap
npm install gulp-connect
npm install gulp-watch
npm install gulp-minify-css
npm install gulp-uglify
npm install gulp-concat
npm install gulp-less
npm install gulp-rename
npm install gulp-minify-html
You absolutely can share a node_modules directory amongst projects.
From node's documentation:
If the module identifier passed to require() is not a native module,
and does not begin with '/', '../', or './', then node starts at the
parent directory of the current module, and adds /node_modules, and
attempts to load the module from that location.
If it is not found there, then it moves to the parent directory, and
so on, until the root of the file system is reached.
For example, if the file at '/home/ry/projects/foo.js' called
require('bar.js'), then node would look in the following locations, in
this order:
/home/ry/projects/node_modules/bar.js /home/ry/node_modules/bar.js
/home/node_modules/bar.js /node_modules/bar.js
So just put a node_modules folder inside your projects directory and put in whatever modules you want. Just require them like normal. When node doesn't find a node_modules directory in your project folder, it will check the parent folder automatically. So make your directory structure like this:
So like this, even your sub-project's dependencies can draw on your main node_modules repository.
One drawback to doing it this way is you will have to build out your package.json file manually (unless someone knows a way to automate this with grunt or something). When you install your packages and add the --save arg to an npm install command it automatically appends it to the dependencies section or your package.json, which is convenient.
Try pnpm instead of npm.
pnpm uses hard links and symlinks to save one version of a module only ever once on a disk.
If you have npm installed, you can install in your terminal with:
npm install -g pnpm
To update your existing installations (and sub-directories) use:
pnpm recursive install
Or use the shorthand command (leave off -r if you need to target only one directory)
pnpm -r i
One helpful note: You may find some rare packages don't have all their dependencies defined. They might rely on the flat node_modules file directory structure of npm or yarn installs. If you run into issues of missing dependencies, use this command to hoist all the sub dependencies into a flat-file structure:
pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
It's best to avoid using the --shamefully-hoist flag as it defeats the purpose of using pnpm in the first place, so try using the command pnpm i your-missing-package first (See pnpm FAQ).
I found a trick, just take a look at the Symbolic Links (symlinks) on Windows or Linux, it is working just like shortcuts but more powerful.
Simply you need to make a Junction for your node_modules folder anywhere you want. The junction is nothing but a short cut to your original node_modules folder. Create it inside your project folder where the actual node_modules would have been created if used npm install.
To achieve this you need at least one node_modules real folder then make a Junction to it in the other projects.
On Windows, you can either use the Command Prompt, or use an application. Using the Command Prompt gives you a bit more control, using an application is easier I suggest Link Shell Extension.
Main directory should look like this
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
just open the file Project 1/.angular-cli.json
change the schema
"$schema": "./node_modules/#angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
"$schema": "./../node_modules/#angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json"
and don't forget to create node_modules empty folder inside your project directory
See also npm v7.0.0's support for workspaces
By looking at some articles it seems that Lerna
is a good tool for managing multiple projects inside a single directory (monorepo). It supports modules sharing without duplicating the entire packages in every folder and commands to install them in multiple projects.
Javascript monorepos
Monorepos by example
Building large scale apps in a monorepo
pnpm is also a simple and efficient tool, which doesn't duplicate those modules which are already installed for other projects.
Let's assume that having a single node_modules it should contain all the packages for all applications. thus your apps will also share most of the unique package.json entries (just the name should change)
my idea would be to have a single root and multiple src level as below
the only issue you might face would be having a backup of json (or tsconfig) for any app and restore them when you work on it or setup your startup scripts to serve any app

Pointing package.json to a specific React commit installs react-tools (not react)

When I add this line to my package.json:
"react": "git://"
...and then run npm install, I find node_modules/react-tools installed when I expect to see node_modules/react.
What am I doing wrong here?
The code at git:// is not the same code that gets installed when you npm install react. Instead, the code contains a series of build steps that are used to build the npm package. As far as I know, there is not a way to easily use a specific SHA of the React repo as an npm package; you would need to clone the repo, build the project, and copy it somewhere you can require it.

Installing a local module using npm?

I have a downloaded module repo, I want to install it locally, not globally in another directory?
What is an easy way to do this?
you just provide one <folder> argument to npm install, argument should point toward the local folder instead of the package name:
npm install /path
From the npm-link documentation:
In the local module directory:
$ cd ./package-dir
$ npm link
In the directory of the project to use the module:
$ cd ./project-dir
$ npm link package-name
Or in one go using relative paths:
$ cd ./project-dir
$ npm link ../package-dir
This is equivalent to using two commands above under the hood.
Since asked and answered by the same person, I'll add a npm link as an alternative.
from docs:
This is handy for installing your own stuff, so that you can work on it and test it iteratively without having to continually rebuild.
cd ~/projects/node-bloggy # go into the dir of your main project
npm link ../node-redis # link the dir of your dependency
[Edit] As of NPM 2.0, you can declare local dependencies in package.json
"dependencies": {
"bar": "file:../foo/bar"
npm pack + package.json
This is what worked for me:
STEP 1: In module project, execute npm pack:
This will build a <package-name>-<version>.tar.gz file.
STEP 2: Move the file to the consumer project
Ideally you can put all such files in a tmp folder in your consumer-project root:
STEP 3: Refer it in your package.json:
"dependencies": {
"my-package": "file:/./tmp/my-package-1.3.3.tar.gz"
STEP 4: Install the packages:
npm install or npm i or yarn
Now, your package would be available in your consumer-project's node_modules folder.
Good Luck...
Neither of these approaches (npm link or package.json file dependency) work if the local module has peer dependencies that you only want to install in your project's scope.
For example:
"name": "mymodule",
"foo": "^2.5"
"mymodule": "file:/local/mymodule",
"foo": "^2.5"
In this scenario, npm sets up myproject's node_modules/ like this:
mymodule -> /local/mymodule
When node loads mymodule and it does require('foo'), node resolves the mymodule symlink, and then only looks in /local/mymodule/node_modules/ (and its ancestors) for foo, which it doen't find. Instead, we want node to look in /local/myproject/node_modules/, since that's where were running our project from, and where foo is installed.
So, we either need a way to tell node to not resolve this symlink when looking for foo, or we need a way to tell npm to install a copy of mymodule when the file dependency syntax is used in package.json. I haven't found a way to do either, unfortunately :(
Missing the main property?
As previous people have answered npm i --save ../location-of-your-packages-root-directory.
The ../location-of-your-packages-root-directory however must have two things in order for it to work.
package.json in that directory pointed towards
main property in the package.json must be set and working i.g. "main": "src/index.js", if the entry file for ../location-of-your-packages-root-directory is ../location-of-your-packages-root-directory/src/index.js
So I had a lot of problems with all of the solutions mentioned so far...
I have a local package that I want to always reference (rather than npm link) because it won't be used outside of this project (for now) and also won't be uploaded to an npm repository for wide use as of yet.
I also need it to work on Windows AND Unix, so sym-links aren't ideal.
Pointing to the tar.gz result of (npm package) works for the dependent npm package folder, however this causes issues with the npm cache if you want to update the package. It doesn't always pull in the new one from the referenced npm package when you update it, even if you blow away node_modules and re-do your npm-install for your main project.
so.. This is what worked well for me!
Main Project's Package.json File Snippet:
"name": "main-project-name",
"version": "0.0.0",
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"preinstall": "cd ../some-npm-package-angular && npm install && npm run build"
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"#com/some-npm-package-angular": "file:../some-npm-package-angular/dist",
This achieves 3 things:
Avoids the common error (at least with angular npm projects) "index.ts is not part of the compilation." - as it points to the built (dist) folder.
Adds a preinstall step to build the referenced npm client package to make sure the dist folder of our dependent package is built.
Avoids issues where referencing a tar.gz file locally may be cached by npm and not updated in the main project without lots of cleaning/troubleshooting/re-building/re-installing.
I hope this is clear, and helps someone out.
The tar.gz approach also sort of works..
npm install (file path) also sort of works.
This was all based off of a generated client from an openapi spec that we wanted to keep in a separate location (rather than using copy-pasta for individual files)
There are additional errors with a regular development flow with the above solution, as npm's versioning scheme with local files is absolutely terrible. If your dependent package changes frequently, this whole scheme breaks because npm will cache your last version of the project and then blow up when the SHA hash doesn't match anymore with what was saved in your package-lock.json file, among other issues.
As a result, I recommend using the *.tgz approach with a version update for each change. This works by doing three things.
For your dependent package, use the npm library "ng-packagr". This is automatically added to auto-generated client packages created by the angular-typescript code generator for OpenAPI 3.0.
As a result the project that I'm referencing has a "scripts" section within package.json that looks like this:
"scripts": {
"build": "ng-packagr -p ng-package.json",
"package": "npm install && npm run build && cd dist && npm pack"
And the project referencing this other project adds a pre-install step to make sure the dependent project is up to date and rebuilt before building itself:
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "npm run clean && cd ../some-npm-package-angular && npm run package"
Reference the built tgz npm package from your main project!
"dependencies": {
"#com/some-npm-package-angular": "file:../some-npm-package-angular/dist/some-npm-package-angular-<packageVersion>.tgz",
Update the dependent package's version EVERY TIME you update the dependent package. You'll also have to update the version in the main project.
If you do not do this, NPM will choke and use a cached version and explode when the SHA hash doesn't match. NPM versions file-based packages based on the filename changing. It won't check the package itself for an updated version in package.json, and the NPM team stated that they will not fix this, but people keep raising the issue:
for now, just update the:
"version": "1.0.0-build5",
In the dependent package's package.json file, then update your reference to it in the main project to reference the new filename, ex:
"dependencies": {
"#com/some-npm-package-angular": "file:../some-npm-package-angular/dist/some-npm-package-angular-1.0.0-build5.tgz",
You get used to it. Just update the two package.json files - version then the ref to the new filename.
Hope that helps someone...
I came across different solution than above while installing custom build package for CKEditor5.
So I uploaded package to app root directory, than:
npm add file:./ckeditor5
In my package.json package is listed as a file:
"ckeditor5-custom-build": "file:ckeditor5",
I think this answer could be relevant to the topic on how to add local package.
For installing local module / package, that not yet on npm or you are developing an npm package and want to test it locally before publishing it. You can try this -
npm i yalc -g
Go to the module/package folder then -
yalc publish
Your packakge is ready to use, now go the project you want to install it -
yalc add <Your package name>
Package will be installed to you project. If you want to remove it -
yalc remove <Your package name>
For more recent versions of npm (I'm using 8.1.3 under macOS Big Sur), the sequence of commands is even easier...
cd /path-where-your-local-project-is/
npm init
This will ask you for some data related to your project and properly initialises your project.json file.
Once that is done, you can install additional modules with:
cd /path-where-your-local-project-is/
npm install --save-dev some-npm-module .
That's all you need!
Note: I believe that the trailing dot is not necessary if you're inside the project directory, but I also think that it doesn't hurt to add it :-)
(I wonder why the official docs still don't explain this...)

