Optimizing smooth tween between svg paths in JavaScript / React Native - javascript

I'm currently porting an application to React Native that captures user input as a stroke and animates it to the correct position to match an svg (pictures below). In the web, I use a combination of multiple smoothing libraries & pixijs to achieve perfectly smooth transitions with no artifacts.
With React Native & reanimated I'm limited to functions I can write by hand to handle the interpolation between two paths. Currently what I'm doing is:
Convert the target svg to a fixed number N of points
Smooth the captured input and convert it to a series of N points
Loop over each coordinate and interpolate the value between those two points (linear interpolation)
Run the resulting points array through a Catmull-Rom function
Render the resulting SVG curve
1 & 2 I can cache prior to the animation, but steps 3 4 & 5 need to happen on each render.
Unfortunately, using this method, I'm limited to a value of around 300 N as the maximum amount of points before dropping some frames. I'm also still seeing some artifacts at the end of an animation that I don't know how to fix.
This is sufficient, but given that in the web I can animate tens of thousands of points without dropping frames, I feel like I am missing a key performance optimization here. For example, is there a way to combine steps 3 & 4? Are there more performant algorithms than Catmull-Rom?
Is there a better way to achieve a smooth transition between two vector paths using just pure JavaScript (or dropping into Swift if that is possible)?
Is there something more I can do to remove the artifacts pictured in the last photo? I'm not sure what these are called technically so it's hard for me to research - the catmull-rom spline removed most of them but I still see a few at the tail ends of the animation.
Animation end/start state:
Animation middle state:
Animation start/end state (with artifact):

You might want to have a look at flubber.js
Also why not ditch the catmull-rom for simple linear sections (probably detailed enough with 1000+ points)
If neither helps, or you want to get as fast as possible, you might want to leverage the GPUs power for embarrassingly parallel workflows like the interpolation between to N-sized arrays.
also consider using the skia renderer which already leverages the gpu and supports stuff perfectly fitting your use-case
import {Canvas, Path, Skia, interpolatePath} from "#shopify/react-native-skia";
//obv. you need to modify this to use your arrays
const path1 = new Path();
path1.moveTo(0, 0);
path1.lineTo(100, 0);
const path2 = new Path();
path2.moveTo(0, 0);
path2.lineTo(0, 100);
//you have to do this dynamically (maybe using skia animations)
let animationProgress = 0.5;
//magic already implemented for you
let path = interpolatePath(animationProgress, [0, 1], [path1, path2]);
const PathDemo = () => {
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>


'Point-along-path' d3 visualization performance issue

I have gone through the 'point-along-path' d3 visualization through the code: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/1705868. I have noticed that while the point is moving along its path it consumes 7 to 11% of CPU Usage.
Current scenario, I have around 100 paths and on each path, I will have to move points(circles) from sources to destinations. So it consumes more than 90% of the CPU memory as more number of points are moving at the same time.
I have tried as:
function translateAlong(path) {
var l = path.getTotalLength();
return function(d, i, a) {
return function(t) {
var p = path.getPointAtLength(t * l);
return "translate(" + p.x + "," + p.y + ")";
// On each path(100 paths), we are moving circles from source to destination.
var movingCircle = mapNode.append('circle')
.attr('r', 2)
.attr('fill', 'white')
.attrTween("transform", translateAlong(path.node()))
.each("end", function() {
So what should be the better way to reduce the CPU usage?
There are a few approaches to this, which vary greatly in potential efficacy.
Ultimately, you are conducting expensive operations every animation frame to calculate each point's new location and to re render it. So, every effort should be made to reduce the cost of those operations.
If frame rate is dropping below 60, it probably means we're nearing CPU capacity. I've used frame rate below to help indicate CPU capacity as it is more easily measured than CPU usage (and probably less invasive).
I had all sorts of charts and theory for this approach, but once typed it seemed like it should be intuitive and I didn't want to dwell on it.
Essentially the goal is to maximize how many transitions I can show at 60 frames per second - this way I can scale back the number of transitions and gain CPU capacity.
Ok, let's get some transitions running with more than 100 nodes along more than 100 paths at 60 frames per second.
First, d3v4 likely offers some benefits here. v4 synchronized transitions, which appears to have had the effect of slightly improved times. d3.transition is very effective and low cost in any event, so this isn't the most useful - but upgrading isn't a bad idea.
There are also minor browser specific gains to be had by using different shaped nodes, positioning by transform or by cx,cy etc. I didn't implement any of those because the gains are relatively trivial.
Second, SVG just can't move fast enough. Manipulating the DOM takes time, additional elements slows down operations and takes up more memory. I realize canvas can be less convenient from a coding perspective but canvas is faster than SVG for this sort of task. Use detached circle elements to represent each node (the same as with the paths), and transition these.
Save more time by drawing two canvases: one to draw once and to hold the paths (if needed) and another to be redrawn each frame showing the points. Save further time by setting the datum of each circle to the length of the path it is on: no need to call path.getTotalLength() each time.
Maybe something like this
Canvas Simplified Lines
Third, we still have a detached node that has SVG paths so we can use path.getPointAtLength() - and this is actually pretty effective. A major point slowing this down though is the use of curved lines. If you can do it, draw straight lines (multiple segments are fine) - the difference is substantial.
As a further bonus, use context.fillRect() instead of context.arc()
Pure JS and Canvas
Lastly, D3 and the detached nodes for each path (so we can use path.getTotalLength()) can start to get in the way. If need be leave them behind using typed arrays, context.imageData, and your own formula for positioning nodes on paths. Here's a quick bare bones example (100 000 nodes, 500 000 nodes, 1 000 000 nodes (Chrome is best for this, possible browser limitations. Since the paths now essentially color the entire canvas a solid color I don't show them but the nodes follow them still). These can transition 700 000 nodes at 10 frames per second on my slow system. Compare those 7 million transition positioning calculations and renderings/second against about 7 thousand transition positioning calculations and renderings/second I got with d3v3 and SVG (three orders of magnitude difference):
canvas A is with curved lines (cardinal) and circle markers (link above), canvas B is with straight (multi-segment) lines and square markers.
As you might imagine, a machine and script that can render 1000 transitioning nodes at 60 frames per second will have a fair bit of extra capacity if only rendering 100 nodes.
If the transition position and rendering calculations are the primary activity and CPU usage is at 100%, then half the nodes should free up roughly half the CPU capacity. In the slowest canvas example above, my machine logged 200 nodes transitioning along cardinal curves at 60 frames per second (it then started to drop off, indicating that CPU capacity was limiting frame rate and consequently usage should be near 100%), with 100 nodes we have a pleasant ~50% CPU usage:
Horizontal centerline is 50% CPU usage, transition repeated 6 times
But the key savings are to be found from dropping complex cardinal curves - if possible use straight lines. The other key savings are from customizing your scripts to be purpose built.
Compare the above with straight lines (multi segment still) and square nodes:
Again, horizontal centerline is 50% CPU usage, transition repeated 6 times
The above is 1000 transitioning nodes on 1000 3 segment paths - more than an order of magnitude better than with curved lines and circular markers.
Other Options
These can be combined with methods above.
Don't animate every point each tick
If you can't position all nodes each transition tick before the next animation frame you'll be using close to all of your CPU capacity. One option is don't position each node each tick - you don't have to. This is a complex solution - but position one third of circles each tick - each circle still can be positioned 20 frames per second (pretty smooth), but the amount of calculations per frame are 1/3 of what they would be otherwise. For canvas you still have to render each node - but you could skip calculating the position for two thirds of the nodes. For SVG this is a bit easier as you could modify d3-transition to include an every() method that sets how many ticks pass before transition values are re-calculated (so that one third are transitioned each tick).
Depending on circumstance, caching is also not a bad idea - but the front-ending of all calculations (or loading of data) may lead to unnecessary delays in the commencement of animation - or slowness on first run. This approach did lead to positive outcomes for me, but is discussed in another answer so I won't go into it here.
Post edit:
Here is the default. (peak CPU around %99 for 100 points at 2.7Ghz i7)
Here is my version. (peak CPU around 20% for 100 points at 2.7Ghz i7)
On average I am 5 times faster.
I presume the bottleneck here is the call to getPointAtLength method at every 17ms. I would also avoid lengthy string concatenations if I have to, but in your case its not much long so I think the best way:
cache points beforehand and only calculate once with a given resolution (I divided here in 1000 parts)
reduce calls to DOM methods within the requestAnimationFrame (that function you see receiving the normalized t parameter)
In the default case there is 2 calls, 1 when you call getPointAtLength, and then another one when you are setting the translate(under the hood).
You can replace the translateAlong with this below:
function translateAlong(path){
var points = path.__points || collectPoints(path);
return function (d,i){
var transformObj = this.transform.baseVal[0];
return function(t){
var index = t * 1000 | 0,
point = points[index];
function collectPoints(path) {
var l = path.getTotalLength(),
step = l*1e-3,
points = [];
for(var i = 0,p;i<=1000;++i){
p = path.getPointAtLength(i*step);
return path.__points = points;
And a small modification to that tweening line:
.tween("transform", translateAlong(path.node()))
setting attr is not necessary, calling it is enough. Here is the result:
Tell me if it did improve, because I'm not 100% sure.
Another way of achieving this might be to use an svg:animateMotion which you can use to move an element along a given path. Here is an example from the docs. In essence you want:
<path id="path1" d="...">
<circle cx="" cy="" r="10" fill="red">
<animateMotion dur="10s" repeatCount="0">
<mpath xlink:href="#path1" />
I've not profiled it, but I think you're struggle to get much better performance than using something built into SVG itself.
Browser Support
Note that after a comment from #ibrahimtanyalcin I started checking browser compatibility. Turns out that this isn't supported in IE or Microsoft Edge.
On my computer:
#mbostock uses 8% CPU.
#ibrahimtanyalcin uses 11% CPU.
#Ian uses 10% CPU.
For #mbostock and #ibrahimtanyalcin this means the transition and the transform update use the CPU.
If I put 100 of these animations in 1 SVG I get
#mbostock uses 50% CPU. (1 core full)
#Ian uses 40% CPU.
All animations look smooth.
One possibility is to add a sleep in the transform update function using https://stackoverflow.com/a/39914235/9938317
In the nice Andrew Reid answer i have found a few optimizations.
I have written a version of the Canvas+JS 100 000 test that only does the calculation part and counts how many iterations can be do in 4000ms. Half the time order=false as t controls it.
I have written my own random generator to be sure that I get the same random numbers each time I run the modified code.
The blocks version of the code: 200 iterations
According to the docs for parseInt
parseInt should not be used as a substitute for Math.floor()
Converting a number to a string and then parsing the string up to the . sounds not very efficient.
Replacing parseInt() with Math.floor(): 218 iterations
I also found a line that has no function and looks not important
let p = new Int16Array(2);
It is inside the inner while loop.
Replacing this line with
let p;
gives 300 iterations.
Using these modifications the code can handle more points with a frame rate of 60 Hz.
I tried a few other things but they turn out to be slower.
I was surprised that if I pre-calculate the lengths of the segments and simplify the calculation of segment to a mere array lookup it is slower than doing the 4 array lookups and a couple of Math.pow and additions and a Math.sqrt.

Verlet / Euler Integration is inaccurate

I want create some physx to game, and I started with small example to understand how it works. During this i had a few problems but i resolved them in 90%.
To create my exmaple i studied some other examples and to create this one i used: codeflow.org/entries/2010/aug/28/integration-by-example-euler-vs-verlet-vs-runge-kutta/
At first - This is dirty and inefficient code, only 1 thing i am interested in two problems:
#1 There is "timestep" loop to create accurate ellipse but if i move 1 object (second is static) with for example steps = 5, ellipse is accurate, but if both object are dynamic, curves are totaly inaccurate.
BUT run with steps = 1 my objects are more accurate (WHAT?) moreover if 1 object is static my ellipse is little inaccurate.
jsfiddle example with 1 static - http://jsfiddle.net/hnq8eqta/
change window.steps (1 or 5) to test.
jsfiddle example with 2 dynamic - http://jsfiddle.net/agbhwe9g/
change steps too.
#2 I think this is not normal behavior - if 1 of object have greater inital vector, both objects trajectory is werid and they run away from the screen. Is it normal for this alorithm? We can do very similar simulation here: phet.colorado.edu/sims/my-solar-system/my-solar-system_en.html
but this is not the same...
window.planet1 = new Planet("planet1",250,350,0,1);
window.planet2 = new Planet("planet2",550,250,0,-1);
//changed to
window.planet1 = new Planet("planet1",250,350,0,1);
window.planet2 = new Planet("planet2",550,250,0,-2);
example - jsfiddle.net/hr1ebq3c/
Whats wrong with my verlet integration?
First, what you are using is not Verlet but the symplectic Euler method.
Second, it is of utmost importance to treat a coupled system as a coupled system. In this special instance this happens to be correct for steps=1. Any other value of steps or an implementation of Verlet in this style will destroy the consistency of the method.
Always compute the accelerations for all components of the system at once, without updating any position or velocity values in between.

JS Canvas get pixel value very frequently

I am creating a video game based on Node.js/WebGL/Canvas/PIXI.js.
In this game, blocks have a generic size: they can be circles, polygons, or everything. So, my physical engine needs to know where exactly the things are, what pixels are walls and what pixels are not. Since I think PIXI don't allow this, I create an invisible canvas where I put all the wall's images of the map. Then, I use the function getImageData to create a function "isWall" at (x, y):
function isWall(x, y):
return canvas.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data[3] != 0;
However, this is very slow (it takes up to 70% of the CPU time of the game, according to Chrome profiling). Also, since I introduced this function, I sometimes got the error "Oops, WebGL crashed" without any additional advice.
Is there a better method to access the value of the pixel? I thought about storing everything in a static bit array (walls have a fixed size), with 1 corresponding to a wall and 0 to a non-wall. Is it reasonable to have a 10-million-cells array in memory?
Some thoughts:
For first check: Use collision regions for all of your objects. The regions can even be defined for each side depending on shape (ie. complex shapes). Only check for collisions inside intersecting regions.
Use half resolution for hit-test bitmaps (or even 25% if your scenario allow). Our brains are not capable of detecting pixel-accurate collisions when things are moving so this can be taken advantage of.
For complex shapes, pre-store the whole bitmap for it (based on its region(s)) but transform it to a single value typed array like Uint8Array with high and low values (re-use this instead of getting one and one pixels via the context). Subtract object's position and use the result as a delta for your shape region, then hit-testing the "bitmap". If the shape rotates, transform incoming check points accordingly (there is probably a sweet-spot here where updating bitmap becomes faster than transforming a bunch of points etc. You need to test for your scenario).
For close-to-square shaped objects do a compromise and use a simple rectangle check
For circles and ellipses use un-squared values to check distances for radius.
In some cases you can perhaps use collision predictions which you calculate before the games starts and when knowing all objects positions, directions and velocities (calculate the complete motion path, find intersections for those paths, calculate time/distance to those intersections). If your objects change direction etc. due to other events during their path, this will of course not work so well (or try and see if re-calculating is beneficial or not).
I'm sure why you would need 10m stored in memory, it's doable though - but you will need to use something like a quad-tree and split the array up, so it becomes efficient to look up a pixel state. IMO you will only need to store "bits" for the complex shapes, and you can limit it further by defining multiple regions per shape. For simpler shapes just use vectors (rectangles, radius/distance). Do performance tests often to find the right balance.
In any case - these sort of things has to be hand-optimized for the very scenario, so this is just a general take on it. Other factors will affect the approach such as high velocities, rotation, reflection etc. and it will quickly become very broad. Hope this gives some input though.
I use bit arrays to store 0 || 1 info and it works very well.
The information is stored compactly and gets/sets are very fast.
Here is the bit library I use:
I've not tried with 10m bits so you'll have to try it on your own dataset.
The solution you propose is very "flat", meaning each pixel must have a corresponding bit. This results in a large amount of memory being required--even if information is stored as bits.
An alternative testing data ranges instead of testing each pixel:
If the number of wall pixels is small versus the total number of pixels you might try storing each wall as a series of "runs". For example, a wall run might be stored in an object like this (warning: untested code!):
// an object containing all horizontal wall runs
var xRuns={}
// an object containing all vertical wall runs
var yRuns={}
// define a wall that runs on y=50 from x=100 to x=185
// and then runs on x=185 from y=50 to y=225
var y=50;
var x=185;
if(!xRuns[y]){ xRuns[y]=[]; }
if(!yRuns[x]){ yRuns[x]=[]; }
Then you can quickly test an [x,y] against the wall runs like this (warning untested code!):
function isWall(x,y){
var a=xRuns[y];
var i=a.length;
do while(i--){
var run=a[i];
if(x>=run.start && x<=run.end){return(true);}
var a=yRuns[x];
var i=a.length;
do while(i--){
var run=a[i];
if(y>=run.start && y<=run.end){return(true);}
This should require very few tests because the x & y exactly specify which array of xRuns and yRuns need to be tested.
It may (or may not) be faster than testing the "flat" model because there is overhead getting to the specified element of the flat model. You'd have to perf test using both methods.
The wall-run method would likely require much less memory.
Hope this helps...Keep in mind the wall-run alternative is just off the top of my head and probably requires tweaking ;-)

Generate a non-sinusoidal tone

Is it possible to generate a tone based on a specific formula? I've tried googling it, but the only things I could find were about normal sine waves, such as this other SO question. So I was wondering if it is possible to generate tones based on other kinds of formulas?
On that other SO question, I did find a link to this demo page, but it seems like that page just downloads sound files and uses them to just alter the pitch of the sounds.
I've already tried combining sine waves by using multiple oscillators, based on this answer, which works just as expected:
window.ctx = new webkitAudioContext();
window.osc = [];
function startTones() {
osc[0] = ctx.createOscillator(),
osc[1] = ctx.createOscillator()
osc[0].frequency.value = 120;
osc[1].frequency.value = 240;
function stopTones() {
<button onclick="startTones();">Start</button>
<button onclick="stopTones();">Stop</button>
So now I was wondering, is it possible to make a wave that's not based on adding sine waves like this, such as a sawtooth wave (x - floor(x)), or a multiplication of sine waves (sin(PI*440*x)*sin(PI*220*x))?
PS: I'm okay with not supporting some browsers - as long as it still works in at least one (although more is better).
All (periodic) waves can be expressed as the addition of sine waves, and WebAudio has a function for synthesising a wave form based on a harmonic series, context.createPeriodicWave(real, imag).
The successive elements of the supplied real and imag input arrays specify the relative amplitude and phase of each harmonic.
Should you want to create a wave procedurally, then in theory you could populate an array with the desired waveform, take the FFT of that, and then pass the resulting FFT components to the above function.
(WebAudio happens to support the sawtooth waveform natively, BTW)

Multi-tempo/meter js DAW

Has anyone implemented a javascript audio DAW with multiple tempo and meter change capabilities like most of the desktop daws (pro tools, sonar, and the like)? As far as I can tell, claw, openDAW, and web audio editor don't do this. Drawing a grid meter, converting between samples and MBT time, and rendering waveforms is easy when the tempo and meter do not change during the project, but when they do it gets quite a bit more complicated. I'm looking for any information on how to accomplish something like this. I'm aware that the source for Audacity is available, but I'd love to not have to dig through an enormous pile of code in a language I'm not an expert in to figure this out.
web-based DAW solutions exists.web-based DAW's are seen as SaaS(Software as a Service) applications.
They are lightweight and contain basic fundamental DAW features.
For designing rich client applications(RCA) you should take a look at GWT and Vaadin.
I recommend GWT because it is mature and has reusable components and its also AJAX driven.
Also here at musicradar site they have listed nine different browser based audio workstations.you can also refer to popcorn maker which is entirely javascript code.You can get some inspiration from there to get started.
You're missing the last step, which will make it easier.
All measures are relative to fractions of minutes, based on the time-signature and tempo.
The math gets a little more complex, now that you can't just plot 4/4 or 6/8 across the board and be done with it, but what you're looking at is running an actual time-line (whether drawn onscreen or not), and then figuring out where each measure starts and ends, based on either the running sum of a track's current length (in minutes/seconds), or based on the left-most take's x-coordinate (starting point) + duration...
or based on the running total of each measure's length in seconds, up to the current beat you care about.
var measure = { beats : 4, denomination : 4, tempo : 80 };
Given those three data-points, you should be able to say:
var measure_length = SECONDS_PER_MINUTE / measure.tempo * measure.beats;
Of course, that's currently in seconds. To get it in ms, you'd just use MS_PER_MINUTE, or whichever other ratio of minutes you'd want to measure by.
current_position + measure_length === start_of_next_measure;
You've now separated out each dimension required to allow you to calculate each measure on the fly.
Positioning each measure on the track, to match up with where it belongs on the timeline is as simple as keeping a running tally of where X is (the left edge of the measure) in ms (really in screen-space and project-coordinates, but ms can work fine for now).
var current_position = 0,
current_tempo = 120,
current_beats = 4,
current_denomination = 4,
measures = [ ];
measures.forEach(function (measure) {
if (measure.tempo !== current_tempo) {
/* draw tempo-change, set current_tempo */
/* draw time-signature */
if (measure.beats !== current_beats ||
measure.denomination !== current_denomination) {
/* set changes, draw time-signature */
draw_measure(measure, current_position);
current_position = MS_PER_MINUTE / measure.beats * measure.tempo;
Drawing samples just requires figuring out where you're starting from, and then sticking to some resolution (MS/MS*4/Seconds).
The added benefit of separating out the calculation of the time is that you can change the resolution of your rendering on the fly, by changing which time-scale you're comparing against (ms/sec/min/etc), so long as you re-render the whole thing, after scaling.
The rabbit hole goes deeper (for instance, actual audio tracks don't really care about measures/beats, though quantization-processes do), so to write a non-destructive, non-linear DAW, you can just set start-time and duration properties on views into your audio-buffer (or views into view-buffers of your audio buffer).
Those views would be the non-destructive windows that you can resize and drag around your track.
Then there's just the logic of figuring out snaps -- what your screen-space is, versus project-space, and when you click on a track's clip, which measure, et cetera, you're in, to do audio-snapping on resize/move.
Of course, to do a 1:1 recreation of ProTools in JS in the browser would not fly (gigs of RAM for one browser tab won't do, media capture API is still insufficient for multi-tracking, disk-writes are much, much more difficult in browser than in C++, in your OS of choice, et cetera), but this should at least give you enough to run with.
Let me know if I'm missing something.

