How can i programmatically click on ext menu item - javascript

How can i programmatically click the ext menu checkitem? i have tried below code and it did change the checked. However, the checkbox didn't check. thank you.
extMenuCheckItem.items[0].checked = true;
And this doesn't work either.

You can try using extMenuCheckItem.items[0].click(); which simulates a click.

Try this:
In your view:
items: [
xtype: 'menu',
floating: false,
width: 120,
items: [
xtype: 'menuitem',
text: 'Menu Item'
xtype: 'menucheckitem',
text: 'Menu Item',
listeners: {
checkchange: 'onMenucheckitemCheckChange'
Controller to capture the action:
onMenucheckitemCheckChange: function(menucheckitem, checked, eOpts) {}

Try extMenuCheckItem.items[0].set('checked', true)

you just call one listener for the MenuItem.
But with
you simulate the click on the MenuItem and the click event is fired, so every attached listener will run.


How to trigger a file input field click dynamically in ExtJS?

I have a button in dataview on click of which i have to open fileUpload browse. I have tried below code which seems to be working fine with Ext JS modern SDK but with classic el element is null.
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function () {
var panel = Ext.Viewport.add({
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'FileInput Field Trigger',
itemId: 'Mypanel',
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Upload file',
listeners: {
tap: function (button) {
// Find the fileinput field
var panel = button.up('#Mypanel');
var fileinput = panel.down('#myFileInputField');
// Programmatically click the file input field
}, {
xtype: 'formpanel',
hidden: true,
items: [{
xtype: 'filefield',
itemId: 'myFileInputField',
listeners: {
change: function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Results', newValue);
Is there any method to trigger this event or any other approach please.
If you are putting the exact above code in classic sdk, then, there are some things that are slightly different compared to modern sdk:
The form xtype in Classic is just 'form' and not 'formpanel'
In Classic there isn't a tap event for buttons, just a handler that is executed when the button is clicked:
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'My Button',
handler: function(button) {
console.log('you clicked the button ', button);
Checkout the working fiddle

EXTjs getEl() fails before showing the element

Good day all.
In EXTjs, probably 4.x version, I have a menu with a couple of levels of sub-menus
I'd like to add a data attribute to some of those sub-menus and actually I can do this with no problems with:
Ext.getCmp("notificationMenu").getEl().set({"data-notifynumber": 4});
but this is working only for the first element of the menu (to be clear, the element that is shown upon loading.
For any other element of the menu, first of all I have to click the menu to show all the sub-menu and only at that time I can use the getEl() function, otherwise this error is shown:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'set' of undefined
I understand that I'd need to... show? render? well, "do something" to those sub elements in order to have them in the dom properly... I attach part of the code:
this is part of the menu I create:
xtype: 'button',
hidden: false,
reference: 'userType',
style: 'color: #ffffff;width:58px;height:58px;',
glyph: 0xf0f3,
menuAlign: 'tr-br?',
bodyStyle: {
background: '#3e4752',
menuAlign: 'tr-br?',
bodyStyle: {
background: '#3e4752',
in this example, if I make after Render:
Ext.getCmp("notificationMenu").getEl().set({"data-notifynumber": 10})
but if I use
Ext.getCmp("notification_me_campaigns_root").getEl().set({"data-notifynumber": 4})
the error above is shown. please do you have some advice? may I call a "force render" somehow?
Try to use afterrender to get dom element.
ExtJs getEl() Retrieves the top level element representing this component but work when dom is prepared without dom creation it will return null.
I have created an Sencha Fiddle demo hope this will help you to achieve you requirement/solution.
var panel = new Ext.panel.Panel({
renderTo: document.body,
title: 'A Panel',
width: 200,
tools: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Foo',
menu: {
defaults: {
handler: function () {
Ext.Msg.alert('Successs', 'You have click on <b>data-notifynumber</> ' + this.up('menu').getEl().getAttribute('data-notifynumber'))
items: [{
text: 'Item 1'
}, {
text: 'Item 2',
menu: {
listeners: {
afterrender: function () {
"data-notifynumber": 20//only for example you can put as basis of your requirement
defaults: {
handler: function () {
Ext.Msg.alert('Successs', 'You have click on <b>data-notifynumber</> ' + this.up('menu').getEl().getAttribute('data-notifynumber'))
items: [{
text: 'Sub Item 1',
}, {
text: 'Sub Item 2'
listeners: {
afterrender: function () {
"data-notifynumber": 10//only for example you can put as basis of your requirement

Sencha Touch 2 Add and Remove textfield inside fieldset

i have strange issue with removing item from fieldset. my app success adding new textfield fieldset item, buth when i do remove() my app screen got stuck without any error on my google chrome.
here my source
view js
Ext.define('qms.view.QC23', {
extend: 'Ext.form.FormPanel',
alias: 'widget.QC23View',
id: 'QC23View',
requires: ['Ext.form.FieldSet', 'Ext.Label'],
config: {
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
//defaults: { labelAlign: 'top' },
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'New Defect',
id: 'DefectQC23Button',
ui: 'action'
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Remove Defect',
id: 'RemoveQC23Button',
ui: 'action'
and my controler
Ext.define('qms.controller.QC23con', {
extend: '',
config: {
refs: {
control: {
tap: 'addDefect'
tap: 'removeDefect'
addDefect: function(button){
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'MyField-' + button.up('fieldset').length
removeDefect: function(button){
the function for adding item work fine, but when i remove the item my screen stuck. i am using google chrome for testing.
please give me solution for this issue.
I noticed you are not checking for the xtype before removing an item from the fieldset. The code might be removing the button itself in which case it might cause your screen to freeze. I created a simple sencha fiddle that does what you are trying to accomplish.
replace the removeDefect function with this:
var lastItem = button.up('fieldset').items.items.length-1;
if(button.up('fieldset').items.items[lastItem].xtype ==='textfield')

How to show a overlay when Panel is clicked in Sencha Touch 2

I have an ActionSheet and a Panel in Sencha Touch 2. I want to show the ActionSheet overlay when the icon-map is clicked in the panel, how can I do that?
Ext.define('app.view.principalTabPanel', {
extend: '',
config: {
ui: 'light',
items: [
xtype: 'mappanel',
title: 'Map',
iconCls: 'locate'
tabBar: {
docked: 'bottom',
ui: 'light'
Ext.define('app.view.takePhoto', {
extend: 'Ext.ActionSheet',
config: {
items: [
text: 'Delete draft',
ui : 'decline'
text: 'Save draft'
text: 'Cancel',
ui : 'confirm'
You can do this by adding a listener to your tab inside the tab object of your item.
xtype: 'mappanel',
title: 'Map',
iconCls: 'locate'
tab: {
listeners: {
tap: function() {
var sheet = Ext.create('app.view.takePhoto');;
Inside that listener, we create a new instance of your app.view.takePhoto class and show it.
I ran into the same problem after changing show() to showBy().
Specifying the html id instead of the component did the trick
instead of
seems like the method can only be called on DOM elements.
Hope this helps somehow.

Sencha Touch Checkbox select on label click

I have some checkboxes in my app:
Now I want to trigger/toggle selection when the labels are clicked.
Any ideas?
If you want to achieve the same in Sencha Touch 2, you can use the following for radiofields or checkboxes:
defaults: {
xtype: 'radiofield',
name: 'fieldname',
listeners: {
// Adding listener for tap event on label element,
// this should toggle the checkbox.
"tap": {
element: "label",
fn: function () {
var me = this;
EDIT: Apparently, the "click" event should be "tap", according to #jayteejee. Changed the original "click" listener to a "tap" listener accordingly.
Use this to add tap listener to the label element.
id: 'username',
xtype: 'checkboxfield',
name : 'username',
label: 'User Name',
var obj = Ext.getCmp('username');
Thijs' answer worked well with a minor adjustment to get it working on Android and iOS with Sencha Touch 2. Just change "click" to tap:
xtype: 'checkboxfield',
name: 'fieldname',
label: 'Label',
listeners: {
tap: {
element: "label",
fn: function () {

