Disable selected options in ng-multiselect-dropdown - javascript

List used for the nf-multiselect-dropdown :
children: any = [{
id: "Son",
label: 'Son',
isDisabled: false
}, {
id: "Daughter",
label: 'Daughter',
isDisabled: false
}, {
id: "None",
label: 'None',
isDisabled: false
Dropdown settings :
this.dropdownSettingsChildren = {
singleSelection: false,
idField: 'id',
textField: 'label',
selectAllText: 'Select All',
unSelectAllText: 'Unselect All',
itemsShowLimit: 1,
allowSearchFilter: true,
enableCheckAll: false,
Logic : When selected the 'None' option, it should make the fields 'isDisabled' as true
onChildrenOptionsSelect(event: any) {
if (event.id.includes('None')) {
for (let ele of this.children) {
if (!(ele.id.includes('None'))) {
ele.isDisabled = true;
onChildrenOptionsDeSelect(event: any) {
if (event.id.includes('None')) {
for (let ele of this.children) {
if (!(event.id.includes('None'))) {
ele.isDisabled = false;
HTML code ->
<ng-multiselect-dropdown class="width-120"
[placeholder]="'Select'" ngDefaultControl
[settings]="dropdownSettingsChildren" [data]="children"
When checked the array, the values are properly reflecting but the options in ng-multiselect-dropdown are not disabled
I'd like to reflect the disabled fields on UI as well
I used this link as a reference to my code -> Stackblitz reference


React javascript control showing/hidding items in a menu

I started working with react Js recently and I try to show and hide items in a menu using ternary operator. My question is how not to show the items of the menu when they are empty, in other words when i use empty {} in the code as shown in the picture.
renderFilterActions = () => [
type: 'menu',
style: { marginRight: 32 },
onClick: (action) => action(),
disabled: this.props.exporting,
options: [
? {
disabled: this.props.exporting,
label: 'Export dlp',
: {
disabled: this.props.exporting,
label: 'Download Excel',
disabled: this.props.exporting,
label: 'export programming',
getUserPrivileges().canRefreshVessel ?
disabled: this.props.exporting,
icon: (<Dice style={{ marginLeft: 2, marginTop: 3 }} />),
action: () => {
getUserPrivileges().canRefreshVessel ?
disabled: this.props.exporting,
{ type: 'primary', label: 'actions' , disabled: this.props.exporting },
It depends on how the library that you're using is implemented. Generally, if given a null, React won't render anything - but the library might still render a container with nothing in it.
The safest thing to do would be to remove the items you don't want to show from the list. One way to do this would be to return null in your ternary condition, and then filter out the nulls:
options: [
// ---- 8< -----
? {
disabled: this.props.exporting,
: null,
].filter(option => !!option),

Extjs - Tree Panel collapse and expand based on condition

I want to collapse or expand a node based on a condition in tree.panel in extjs 4.2.1
tree.on("beforeitemexpand",function(node) {
if (booleanFlag === true) {
//allow to expand
} else {
//donot allow to expand
I have tried the beforeitemExpand then return false if booleanFlag is false, but it is not working.
The event "beforeitemexpand" appears to have a bug in Extjs 4.2.1, its not ideal but you could use "beforeitemclick" and "beforeitemdblclick" to achieve the functionality that you want:
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function () {
var enableHomeExpand = false;
var enableBookExpand = false;
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {
root: {
children: [{
text: 'homework',
expanded: false,
children: [{
text: 'book report',
children: [{
text: 'test',
leaf: true
}, {
text: 'test 2',
leaf: true
}, {
text: 'algebra',
leaf: true
}, {
text: 'homework',
children: [{
text: 'book report',
children: [{
text: 'test',
leaf: true
}, {
text: 'test 2',
leaf: true
var handleClick = function (node,rec,item){
if ((rec.data.text =="book report")&&(enableBookExpand)){
return true;
if ((rec.data.text =="homework")&&(enableHomeExpand)){
return true;
return false;
var treepanel = Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {
title: 'Simple Tree',
width: 400,
height: 200,
store: store,
rootVisible: false,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
beforeitemdblclick: handleClick,
beforeitemclick: handleClick
text:'Enable Expand "homework"',
handler: function(){ enableHomeExpand = true; }
text:'Enable Expand "book report"',
handler: function(){ enableBookExpand = true; }
Here is the FIDDLE

Disable Checbox in Ext Js checkbox model

I have grid with checkboxmodel , As per my requirement I have to disable some checkbox in checkbox model and restrict user to select that row. I am able to achieve below code.
viewConfig: {
getRowClass: function (record, rowIndex, rowParams, store) {
return record.data.name == 'Lisa' ? 'bg' : "";
listeners: {
beforeselect: function ( test , record , index , eOpts ) {
return record.data.name == "Lisa" ? false : true;
above configs are used in grid and below is my css
.bg .x-grid-cell-row-checker{
background-color: grey;
pointer-events: none;
opacity: 0.4;
Everythings work fine only one issue is header checkbox is not working i.e not able deselectAll from header and able to select but not getting checked
Here is my working fiddle
Ext js version 5
Expanding on And-y's answer, I would construct my own class and do something like in this Fiddle. I did add a few things, like the isDisabled flag in the model, but I don't see that as a bad thing, and it greatly helps out with deciding how to show the checkbox/fixing the Check All checkbox logic.
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function () {
Ext.define('MySelectionModel', {
extend: 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel',
alias: 'selection.mySelectionModel',
// default
disableFieldName: 'isDisabled',
listeners: {
beforeselect: function (test, record, index, eOpts) {
return !record.get(this.disableFieldName);
renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) {
if (record.get(this.disableFieldName)) {
metaData.tdCls = 'bg';
else {
return this.callParent(arguments);
updateHeaderState: function () {
// check to see if all records are selected
var me = this,
store = me.store,
storeCount = store.getCount(),
views = me.views,
hdSelectStatus = false,
selectedCount = 0,
selected, len;
var disableFieldName = me.disableFieldName;
if (!store.isBufferedStore && storeCount > 0) {
selected = me.selected;
hdSelectStatus = true;
// loop over all records
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < storeCount; i++) {
var rec = store.getAt(i);
var selectedRec = selected.getAt(j);
// Check selection collection for current record
if (selectedRec && selected.indexOf(rec) > -1) {
// Increment selection counter
// Otherwise, automatically consider disabled as part of selection
else if (rec.get(disableFieldName)) {
hdSelectStatus = storeCount === selectedCount;
if (views && views.length) {
Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
storeId: 'simpsonsStore',
fields: ['name', 'email', 'phone', 'isDisabled'],
data: {
'items': [{
'name': 'Lisa',
isDisabled: true,
"email": "lisa#simpsons.com",
"phone": "555-111-1224"
}, {
'name': 'Bart',
"email": "bart#simpsons.com",
"phone": "555-222-1234"
}, {
'name': 'Homer',
"email": "homer#simpsons.com",
"phone": "555-222-1244"
}, {
'name': 'Marge',
"email": "marge#simpsons.com",
"phone": "555-222-1254"
proxy: {
type: 'memory',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'items'
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
title: 'Simpsons',
store: Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'),
selModel: {
selType: "mySelectionModel",
showHeaderCheckbox: true,
mode: 'MULTI',
allowDeselect: true,
toggleOnClick: false,
checkOnly: false
columns: [{
text: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name'
}, {
text: 'Email',
dataIndex: 'email',
flex: 1
}, {
text: 'Phone',
dataIndex: 'phone'
height: 200,
width: 400,
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
The problem occurs in the function updateHeaderState of the Ext.selection.CheckboxModel.
The function checks if all checkboxes are selected by hdSelectStatus = storeCount === selectedCount;. In your case selectedCount is not matching the storeCount and the state of the header checkbox is not updated.
You could extend the Ext.selection.CheckboxModel and override the updateHeaderState function to fit your needs.

How to filter ExtJs GridPanel/ExtJs Store?

I'm new to ExtJs. I have a GridPanel which is binded with a data store. I have a checkboxgroup, which containts the possible values of the GridPanel row. I want to filter the GridPanel with the checkboxgroup values.
Here is the code -
Store1 = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
url: 'CustomerProfiles/GetDetails',
root: 'rows',
DetailedResults =
xtype: 'grid',
autoHeight: true,
autoWidth: true,
autoScroll: true,
border: false,
trackMouseOver: false,
frame: true,
store: Store1,
columns: [
{ header: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name', width: 90 },
{ header: 'Id', dataIndex: 'Id', width: 50 }
Leftpanel = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'Leftpanel',
frame: true,
width: 175,
items: [
xtype: 'label'
xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
columns: 1,
vertical: true,
items: [{
boxLabel: 'ALL',
name: 'chkName',
inputValue: 'all'
}, {
boxLabel: 'N1',
name: 'chkName',
inputValue: 'N1'
}, {
boxLabel: 'N2',
name: 'chkName',
inputValue: 'N2'
}, {
boxLabel: 'N3',
name: 'chkName',
inputValue: 'N3'
}], listeners: {
change: {
fn: function () {
var selectedValue = this.getValue();
for (var i = 0; i < selectedValue.length; i++) {
Store1.filter('Name', selectedValue[i].inputValue);
Where I went wrong?
PS: I am using 3.4 version
The getValue() method is a little tricky, the object it returns has variable structure depending on the resultset, that caused the problem in your code. However, the getChecked() method is more straightforward, I'll use it in the solution.
Then, we use filterBy as it's more useful in this case.
Here you have the solution (comments inline):
change: {
fn: function () {
var checkedBoxes = this.getChecked(), //Array of checked checkboxes
selectedValues = []; //Array of selected values
for (var i = 0; i < checkedBoxes.length; i++) {
selectedValues.push(checkedBoxes[i].inputValue); //Add each inputValue to the array
var allSelected = Ext.Array.contains(selectedValues, 'all'); //Whether the 'ALL' option was selected
//If all was selected or if the name is included in the selectedValues, include the item in the filter
return allSelected || Ext.Array.contains(selectedValues, record.get('Name'));
Problem solved. Tested and working :)
The above code works on ExtJs >= 4. For Ext 3.4, this is the code:
change: {
fn: function () {
var selectedValues = []; //Array of selected values
var allSelected = selectedValues.indexOf('all') >= 0; //Whether the 'ALL' option was selected
//If all was selected or if the name is included in the selectedValues, include the item in the filter
return allSelected || selectedValues.indexOf(record.get('Name')) >= 0;
OPTIONAL (extra improvements, works only on ExtJs 4.x)
However, checking your app, I think the following improvements could be done:
Create the filter checkboxes dynamically depending on the store data
Sync the ALL checkbox with the rest (i.e. when selecting ALL, select all the other checkboxes)
This is the code with the improvements:
var Store1 = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'CustomerProfiles/GetDetails',
reader: {
root: 'rows'
autoLoad: true,
fields: ['Name','Id'],
listeners: {
//Each time the store is loaded, we create the checkboxes dynamically, and add the checking logic in each one
load: function(store, records){
var DetailedResults = {
xtype: 'grid',
autoHeight: true,
autoWidth: true,
autoScroll: true,
border: false,
trackMouseOver: false,
frame: true,
store: Store1,
columns: [
{ header: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name', width: 90 },
{ header: 'Id', dataIndex: 'Id', width: 50 }
var Leftpanel = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'Leftpanel',
frame: true,
width: 175,
items: [
xtype: 'label'
xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
columns: 1,
vertical: true,
function createCheckboxesFromStore(store){
var checkBoxGroup = Leftpanel.down('checkboxgroup');
itemId: 'allCheckbox',
boxLabel: 'ALL',
name: 'chkName',
inputValue: 'all',
checked: true,
listeners: {
change: function (chbx, newValue) {
console.log("Changed ALL to ", newValue);
if(newValue){ //If ALL is selected, select every checkbox
var allCheckboxes = this.up('checkboxgroup').query("checkbox"); //Array of all checkboxes
for (var i = 0; i < allCheckboxes.length; i++) {
//Create one checkbox per store item
boxLabel: record.get('Id'),
name: 'chkName',
inputValue: record.get('Name'),
checked: true,
listeners: {
change: function (chbx, newValue) {
console.log("Changed ", chbx.inputValue, " to ", newValue);
var checkboxGroup = this.up('checkboxgroup'),
checkedBoxes = checkboxGroup.getChecked(), //Array of checked checkboxes
selectedValues = []; //Array of selected values
//If we uncheck one, also uncheck the ALL checkbox
if(!newValue) checkboxGroup.down("#allCheckbox").setValue(false);
for (var i = 0; i < checkedBoxes.length; i++) {
selectedValues.push(checkedBoxes[i].inputValue); //Add each inputValue to the array
//If all was selected or if the name is included in the selectedValues, include the item in the filter
return Ext.Array.contains(selectedValues, record.get('Name'));
This is also tested and working :). If you need it, I can pass you a jsfiddle link with the code running (just tell me).
Cheers, from La Paz, Bolivia

How to disable a particular row in Picker in Sencha touch

I have created a picker in Sencha touch 2.1. My Data is displaying properly. I want to disable a particular value not all so that if I select that value and click "doneButton" then it shouldn't be taken.
function loadPicker(paramName, valueSet) {
Ext.Viewport.remove(Ext.getCmp(paramName + 'Pickerfield'), true);
if (!paramName.picker) {
paramName.picker = Ext.Viewport.add({
xtype: 'picker',
id: paramName + 'Pickerfield',
useTitles: true,
slots: [{
name: paramName,
title: paramName,
data: valueSet
doneButton: {
listeners: {
tap: function(button, event, eOpts) {
var selectedPacingModeValue =
Ext.getCmp(paramName + 'Pickerfield').getValue()[paramName];
sendSetPendingRequest(paramName, selectedPacingModeValue);
lets take these are the values in my picker field. What I am doing on select of an value and click of "doneButton", I am showing the value in a textfield. What I want is if I will select "option 2" and click "doneButton" then option 2 shouldn't be displayed in textfield but for all other values this selecting and showing in textfield operation should work.
You can just get the selected record and check that flag upon click of the done button, then move to textbox (or not).
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
fullscreen: true,
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Select',
items: [
xtype: 'selectfield',
itemId: 'mySelectField',
label: 'Choose one',
options: [
text: 'apple',
value: 50
}, {
text: 'orange',
value: 100,
disabled: true
}, {
text: 'banana',
value: 200
}, {
text: 'papaya',
value: 300
xtype: 'button',
text: 'done',
handler: function(button){
var panel = button.up(),
sf = panel.down('#mySelectField'),
tf = panel.down('#answerfield');
/* you can only access the raw value unless you use
* an actual store and an actual model with the
* disabled field. In that case you can do
* sf.getRecord().get('disabled')
if(sf.getRecord().raw.disabled === true){
tf.setValue(''); //noting to see :)
} else {
tf.setValue(sf.getRecord().get('text')); //display value
xtype: 'textfield',
itemId: 'answerfield',
title: 'answer'
Working fiddle: http://www.senchafiddle.com/#d46XZ
Like you asked: with the picker
enabled: true
name: 'SenchaFiddle',
launch: function() {
var picker = Ext.create('Ext.Picker', {
slots: [
name : 'stuff',
title: 'Stuff',
data : [
text: 'apple',
value: 50
}, {
text: 'orange',
value: 100,
disabled: true
}, {
text: 'banana',
value: 200
}, {
text: 'papaya',
value: 300
listeners: {
change: function(p, value){
var tf = panel.down('#answerfield'),
firstSlot = p.getItems().get(1), //index 0 is the toolbar 1 first slot and so on..
selectedRecord = firstSlot.getData()[firstSlot.selectedIndex];
if(selectedRecord.disabled === true){
tf.setValue(''); //noting to see :)
} else {
tf.setValue(selectedRecord.text); //display value
var panel = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
fullscreen: true,
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Select',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
text: 'show picker',
handler: function(button){
xtype: 'textfield',
itemId: 'answerfield',
title: 'answer'
working fiddle: http://www.senchafiddle.com/#SFgpV

