How to invalidate useQuery cache from another component? - javascript

I have a parent component which needs to invalidate the query cache of a child component:
const Child = () => {
const { data } = useQuery('queryKey', () => fetch('something'))
return <Text>{data}</Text>
const Parent = () => {
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
useEffect(() => {
console.log('Clean up happened')
return () => queryClient.invalidateQueries(['queryKey'])
return <Child />
I can see that Clean up happpened is logged out, but the query cache for queryKey is not invalidated.
Is there something wrong with how I am using #invalidateQueries? Or that query cache of a component (Child) cannot be invalidated by another component (Parent)

From the official documentation, you should use:
const Parent = () => {
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
useEffect(() => {
console.log('Clean up happened')
return () => {
queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['queryKey'] })
return <Child />
That is, of course, if you are using the latest version.


Check user is logged in or not with Next.js and Context API

In my provider, I called my get-registered-user API like this:
const AuthProvider = ({ children, isAuth }) => {
const [userIsLoggedIn, setUserIsLoggedIn] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
axiosInstance.get('/api/users/registered-user').then(res => {
if (Object.values( > 0) {
}, []);
const login = () => {
const logout = () => {
const contextValue = {
return (
<AuthContext.Provider value={contextValue}>
{ children }
export default AuthProvider;
This works but calling an API inside useEffect works after the DOM renders. I would like to do that before the DOM renders. I found getServerSideProps doesn't work inside Context Provider. I need your suggestion on this.

Display no results component when there are no results

I'm trying to show the no results components whenever the api has finished loading and when no results are returned. The issue I'm having, is I am seeing the no results components displayed first for a few seconds and then the results showing whenever the api returns data. I should never want to see the no results component showing if there are results returned from the api.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import NoResults from './NoResults';
const Users = () => {
const [results, setResults] = useState([]);
const [isResultsLoading, setIsResultsLoading] = useState(true);
const isLoading = () => {
if (isResultsLoading) return <ResultsLoader />;
if (results && results.length > 0)
return (
return <NoResults heading="No users available." />;
useEffect(() => {
let isMounted = true;
const getData = async () => {
if (isMounted) {
const users = await fetchUsers(); // is just an api call
if (users && users.length > 0) return { users, loading: false };
return { users: null, loading: true };
return { users: null, loading: true };
getData().then(({ users, loading }) => {
if (isMounted) {
if (users) setResults(users);
return () => {
isMounted = false;
}, []);
return (
export default Users;
Check for the length of results with results.length since results already exists as an empty array.
When you get your data and parse it simply set both the states for results with the data, and isLoading to false.
Perhaps rename the isLoading function to something more representative of what the function does. I've called mine getJSX.
Here's a working example that uses a mock API. (Note I've had to use this without async and await because snippets haven't caught up with the latest Babel version.) You can change the JSON that's returned by the API by uncommenting/commenting out the JSON statements in the first couple of lines.
const {useState, useEffect} = React;
const json= '[1, 2, 3, 4]';
// const json = '[]';
function mockApi() {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(() => res(json), 3000);
function Example() {
const [results, setResults] = useState([]);
const [isResultsLoading, setIsResultsLoading] = useState(true);
function getJSX() {
if (isResultsLoading) return <div>Loading</div>;
if (results.length) {
return => <div>{el}</div>);
return <div>No users available.</div>;
useEffect(() => {
.then(res => JSON.parse(res))
.then(data => {
}, []);
return <div>{getJSX()}</div>
<Example />,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="react"></div>
You should rely on conditional rendering and simplify your logic a little bit.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import NoResults from "./NoResults";
const Users = () => {
// This holds the results - default to null till we get a successful API response
const [results, setResults] = useState(null);
// This should be a boolean stating if the API call is pending
const [isResultsLoading, setIsResultsLoading] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
const getData = async () => {
const users = await fetchUsers(); // is just an api call
if (users && users.length > 0) {
// if the result is good, store it
// By the way, the api call is finished now
}, []); // no deps => this effect will run just once, when the component mounts
if (isResultsLoading) {
// Render nothing while API call is pending
return null;
} else {
if (results) {
// The API has returned a good result, so render it!
return (
<UserTable data={results} />
} else {
// No good result, render the fallback component
return <NoResults heading="No users available." />;
export default Users;
You've a lot of extraneous conditionals and code duplication (not as DRY as it could be). Try cutting down on the user checks before you've even updated state, and you likely don't need the mounted check. Conditionally render the UI in the return.
const Users = () => {
const [results, setResults] = useState([]);
const [isResultsLoading, setIsResultsLoading] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
fetchUsers() // is just an api call
.then(users => {
.catch(error => {
// handle any errors, etc...
.finally(() => {
setIsResultsLoading(false); // <-- clear loading state regardless of success/failure
}, []);
return (
{isResultsLoading ? (
<ResultsLoader />
) : results.length ? ( // <-- any non-zero length is truthy
<UserTable data={results} />
) : (
<NoResults heading="No users available." />

Cleaning component states useEffect

I have states :
const { id } = useParams<IRouterParams>();
const [posts, setPosts] = useState<IPost[]>([]);
const [perPage, setPerPage] = useState(5);
const [fetchError, setFetchError] = useState("");
const [lastPostDate, setLastPostDate] = useState<string | null>(null);
// is any more posts in database
const [hasMore, setHasMore] = useState(true);
and useEffect :
// getting posts from server with first render
useEffect(() => {
console.log(hasMore, lastPostDate);
return () => {
mounted = false;
}, [id]);
When component change (by id), I would like to clean/reset all states.
My problem is that all states are still the same, this setState functions in useEffect cleaning function doesn't work.
// getting posts from server
const fetchPosts = () => {
let url;
if (lastPostDate)
url = `http://localhost:5000/api/posts/getPosts/profile/${id}?limit=${perPage}&date=${lastPostDate}`;
url = `http://localhost:5000/api/posts/getPosts/profile/${id}?limit=${perPage}`;
.get(url, {
headers: authenticationHeader(),
.then((resp) => {
if (mounted) {
if ( === 0) {
setPosts((prevState) => [...prevState,]);
if ( < perPage) setHasMore(false);
setLastPostDate([ - 1].created_at);
.catch((err) => setFetchError("Problem z pobraniem postów."));
if your component isnt unmounted, then the return function inside useEffect will not be called.
if only the "id" changes, then try doing this instead:
useEffect(() => {
// ... other stuff
return () => { //...code to run on unmount }
whenever id changes, the codes inside useEffect will run. thus clearing out your states.
OK, I fixed it, don't know if it is the best solution, but works...
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
mounted = false;
}, [id]);
// getting posts from server with first render
useEffect(() => {
console.log(lastPostDate, hasMore);
hasMore && !lastPostDate && fetchPosts();
}, [lastPostDate, hasMore]);

Testing child component props after parent update state using set

I have a following functional component which send some filtered data to the child component. Code is working fine i.e I can run app and see the components being render with right data. But the test I have written below is failing for ChildComponent. Instead of getting single array element with filtered value it is getting all three original values.
I am confused as similar test for FilterInputBox component for props filterValue is passing. Both tests are checking the updated props value after same event filter input change i.e handleFilterChange.
Am I missing anything? Any suggestion?
Source Code
function RootPage(props) {
const [filterValue, setFilterValue] = useState(undefined);
const [originalData, setOriginalData] = useState(undefined);
const [filteredData, setFilteredData] = useState(undefined);
const doFilter = () => {
// do something and return some value
const handleFilterChange = (value) => {
const filteredData = originalData && originalData.filter(doFilter);
React.useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
await myService.fetchOriginalData()
.then((res) => {
}, [props.someFlag]);
return (
Test Code
describe('RootPage', () => {
let props,
const flushPromises = () => new Promise((resolve) => setImmediate(resolve));
beforeEach(() => {
originalData = [
{ name: 'Brown Fox' },
{ name: 'Lazy Dog' },
{ name: 'Mad Monkey' }
fetchOriginalDataStub = sinon.stub(myService, 'fetchOriginalData').resolves(originalData);
useEffectStub = sinon.stub(React, 'useEffect');
useEffectStub.onCall(0).callsFake((f) => f());
props = { ... };
afterEach(() => {
it('should send filtered data', async () => {
const renderedElement = enzyme.shallow(<RootPage {...props}/>);
const filterBoxElement = renderedElement.find(FilterInputBox);;
await flushPromises();
await flushPromises();
//This "filterValue" test is passing
const filterBoxWithNewValue = renderedElement.find(FilterInputBox);
//This "data" test is failing
const childElement = renderedElement.find(ChildComponent);
data: [
{ name: 'Lazy Dog' }
UPDATE After putting some log statements I am seeing that when I am calling onChange originalData is coming undefined. Not sure why that is happening that seems to be the issue.
Still looking for help if anyone have any insight on this.

How to prevent a state update on a react onClick function (outside useEffect)?

When I use useEffect I can prevent the state update of an unmounted component by nullifying a variable like this
useEffect(() => {
const alive = {state: true}
if (!alive.state) return
return () => (alive.state = false)
But how to do this when I'm on a function called in a button click (and outside useEffect)?
For example, this code doesn't work
export const MyComp = () => {
const alive = { state: true}
useEffect(() => {
return () => (alive.state = false)
const onClickThat = async () => {
const response = await letsbehere5seconds()
if (!alive.state) return
// warning, because alive.state is true here,
// ... not the same variable that the useEffect one
or this one
export const MyComp = () => {
const alive = {}
useEffect(() => {
alive.state = true
return () => (alive.state = false)
const onClickThat = async () => {
const response = await letsbehere5seconds()
if (!alive.state) return // alive.state is undefined so it returns
When a component re-renders, it will garbage collect the variables of the current context, unless they are state-full. If you want to persist a value across renders, but don't want to trigger a re-renders when you update it, use the useRef hook.
export const MyComp = () => {
const alive = useRef(false)
useEffect(() => {
alive.current = true
return () => (alive.current = false)
const onClickThat = async () => {
const response = await letsbehere5seconds()
if (!alive.current) return

