Updating Firestore Document with GoogleSheet AppScript - javascript

I'm finding it hard to update the fields in a firestore collection. The documentIDs of the persons are auto-generated. The inlined code below shows what I've been able to derive and make work, from the tutorials I have followed. Except for the 'updateFirestoreDocument' function, everything else works without error. How do I rewrite the code to export the modified cells on Google Sheets to the right persons' fields on the firestore collection? Thanks
function onOpen() {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu('🔥 Firebase')
.addItem('⏪ Export to Firestore', 'main')
.addItem('⏩ Import from Firestore', 'menuImport')
function main() {
var email = "fireb...ccount.com";
var key = "-----BEGI...rxEp...RIVATE KEY-----\n";
var projectId = "co...t";
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var sheetName = sheet.getName();
var properties = getProperties(sheet);
var records = getRecords(sheet);
var firestore = FirestoreApp.getFirestore(email, key, projectId);
updateFirestoreDocument(firestore, sheetName, documentId, properties, data);
exportToFirestore(firestore, sheetName, properties, records);
function updateFirestoreDocument(firestore, collectionName, documentId, properties, data) {
var documentRef = firestore.getDocument(collectionName, documentId);
if (documentRef.exists()) {
properties.forEach(function(prop) {
documentRef.updateData(prop, data[prop]);
} else {
firestore.createDocument(collectionName, documentId, data);
function exportToFirestore(firestore, collectionName, properties, records) {
records.map(function(record) {
var data = {};
properties.forEach(function(prop,i) { data[prop] = record[i]; });
if (data[properties[0]] === undefined || data[properties[0]] === null) {
// var documentId = data[properties[1]]; // first column
firestore.createDocument(collectionName, data);
// firestore.createDocument(collectionName, documentId, data, { id: documentId });
function getProperties(sheet){
return sheet.getRange(2, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
function getRecords(sheet) {
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var dataToImport = [];
for (var i = 2; i < data.length; i++) {
return dataToImport;
I tried defining documentId
I was expecting documented to be renamed
documented fields got modified wrongly

function main() {
const { email, key, projectId } = getSecrets_();
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const firestore = FirestoreApp.getFirestore(email, key, projectId);
exportToFirestore_(firestore, sheet.getName(), getProperties_(sheet), getRecords_(sheet));
function getSecrets_() {
return {
email: 'fireb..#..ccount.com',
key: '-----BEGI...rxEp...RIVATE KEY-----\n',
projectId: 'co...t',
function exportToFirestore_(firestore, collectionName, properties, records) {
records.map(record => {
const data = {};
properties.forEach((prop, i) => data[prop] = record[i]);
return data;
}).forEach(object => {
firestore.createDocument(collectionName, object);
function getProperties_(sheet) {
return sheet.getRange(2, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
function getRecords_(sheet) {
return sheet.getDataRange().getValues().slice(1);


Result won't update VAR

I am trying to run a query, inside AXIOS which gets data from a 3rd party URL. Then uses some of that data to search our mongoDB database.
However it seems it won't update var total = 0
While the query below does function correctly, the return result won't allow me to set that it to the query.
Promise.all(arr.forEach( async (id,index) => {
const search = await geoLocation.find({
'location': {
'$geoWithin': {
'$box': [
[-35.2418503, -13.5076852], [112.8656697, 129.0020486]
total = search.length;
See the full code below
var array = [];
var pointarray = []
var total = 0;
areas.forEach((id,index) => {
if(id.type == "Point"){
pointarray[index] = "N"+id.id;
array[index] = "R"+id.id;
var arraySearch = "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/lookup?osm_ids="+array.toString()+"&polygon_geojson=1&bbox=1&format=json";
var pointSearch = "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/lookup?osm_ids="+pointarray.toString()+"&polygon_geojson=1&bbox=0&format=json"
const requestOne = axios.get(arraySearch);
const requestTwo = axios.get(pointSearch);
axios.all([requestOne, requestTwo])
.then(axios.spread((...responses) => {
const responseOne = responses[0]
const responseTwo = responses[1]
process the responses and return in an array accordingly.
return [
.then(arr => {
Promise.all(arr.forEach( async (id,index) => {
//const middleIndex = id[index].boundingbox.length / 2;
//const firstHalf = id[index].boundingbox.splice(0, middleIndex);
//const secondHalf = id[index].boundingbox.splice(-middleIndex);
const query = [{
$match: {
location: {
$geoWithin: {$box:[[Number(firstHalf[0]),Number(firstHalf[1])],[Number(secondHalf[0]),Number(secondHalf[1])]]
$count: 'id'
const search = await geoLocation.find({
'location': {
'$geoWithin': {
'$box': [
[-35.2418503, -13.5076852], [112.8656697, 129.0020486]
total = search.length;
// total = search.length;
// const search = geoLocation.aggregate(query).toArray.length;
.catch(errors => {
console.log("ERRORS", errors);
.then(function () {

How to convert excel data to json format in node js?

I am a beginner in nodejs, I was tasked to read a excel file and convert it into json format so that it can be stored into mongodb database.
excel2.js file:
const XlsxStreamReader = require("xlsx-stream-reader");
var fs = require('fs');
const config = require('./excelpush.json');
const db = require('./dbmanager.js');
var finalList = [];
var singlePerson = {};
class ExcelReader {
readFile() {
var workBookReader = new XlsxStreamReader();
workBookReader.on('error', function (error) {
throw (error);
workBookReader.on('worksheet', function (workSheetReader) {
if (workSheetReader.id > 1) {
var isFirstLine = true;
var headerIndex = [];
workSheetReader.on('row', function (row) {
if (isFirstLine) {
headerIndex = row.values.slice(1);
else if (!isFirstLine) {
let rowValues = row.values.slice(1);
let valueIndex = 0;
headerIndex.forEach(currentval => {
singlePerson[currentval] = rowValues[valueIndex];
isFirstLine = false;
workSheetReader.on('end', function () {
workBookReader.on('end', function () {
excelReader = new ExcelReader();
dbmanager.js file:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
const config = require('./db.json');
function connectDb() {
mongoose.connection.once('open', function () {
console.log('Connection has been made');
}).on('error', function (error) {
console.log('error is:' + error);
function insertDb(list) {
var myschema = new mongoose.Schema({}, { strict: false });
var obj = mongoose.model('myschema', myschema, `${config.dbConfig.collectionName}`);
var obj1 = new obj(list);
module.exports = {
connectDb, insertDb
db.json file:
"dbConfig": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "27017",
"dbName": "PRACTICE",
"collectionName": "Excel"
excelpush.json file:
"filePath": "D:\\grv_tracx_updt (1).xlsx"
here excel2.js is taking excel file from excel2.json and reading it and storing as a array of objects in finalList variable.
In dbmanager.js file db connection and insertion code are written.
Here i am not able to store data in database, The code gets executed perfectly but data in not stored in mongodb database.
Note: excel file is large.

How to make recursive promise calls?

I am working with an API that gives me data with a limit per request (here 25). Therefore, I have to recursively make promises with fetch. However, while most of my logic works, when I try to return from the function it will return an empty array. The image below will make it more clear.
const url = (conf_name) => {
return (
"https://api.elsevier.com/content/search/scopus?view=COMPLETE&cursor=*&query=CONFNAME(" +
conf_name +
const savePapers = (json, conf_name) => {
let temp = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i < json["search-results"]["entry"].length; i++) {
temp[i] = {
title: json["search-results"]["entry"][i]["dc:title"],
author: json["search-results"]["entry"][i]["dc:creator"],
publication_date: json["search-results"]["entry"][i]["prism:coverDate"],
doi: json["search-results"]["entry"][i]["prism:doi"],
abstract: json["search-results"]["entry"][i]["dc:description"],
author_keywords: json["search-results"]["entry"][i]["authkeywords"],
proceeding: conf_name,
return temp;
async function getPapers(final, url, conf_name) {
let total_amount_of_papers;
let next;
let position = 2;
try {
let response = await fetch(url, options);
let json = await response.json();
total_amount_of_papers = json["search-results"]["opensearch:totalResults"];
if (json["search-results"]["link"][position]["#ref"] == "prev")
next = json["search-results"]["link"][position + 1]["#href"];
next = json["search-results"]["link"][position]["#href"];
final = final.concat(savePapers(json, conf_name));
if (final.length === 50) {
return final;
await getPapers(final, next, conf_name);
} catch (error) {
const createNewConf = async (conferences) => {
let final = new Array();
try {
var temp = new Conference({
acronym: conferences.acronym,
name: conferences.fullname,
area: conferences.area,
subarea: conferences.subarea,
location: conferences.location,
url: conferences.url,
description: conferences.description,
papers: await getPapers(final, url(conferences.acronym),conferences.acronym),
} catch (error) {
return temp;
describe("Saving records", function () {
it("Saved records to the database", async function (done) {
var conferences = [];
try {
for (var i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
conferences[i] = await createNewConf(json_conferences[i]);
conferences[i].save().then(function () {
assert(conferences[i].isNew === True);
} catch (error) {
Below you can see the length of my final array after passing the if to stop fetching more. and the second number is what I receive in the initial call
Maybe anyone has an idea of the undefined behavior that occurs during return.
Your help is much appreciated.

Export of local file for dynamodb with node

I need to read an Excel spreadsheet, generate a unique field from it, create an id to save to the database,
I can export data from an xlsx file to dynamodb with this script, but I am unsuccessful when this file is too large; You can limit the reading of the file into parts without modifying or dividing it into parts.
var xlsx = require('xlsx');
var AWS = require("aws-sdk");
const controller = {};
var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
var table = "Table";
controller.export = (req, res) => {
var wb = xlsx.readFileSync("data/sample.xlsx", { cellDates: true })
var ws = wb.Sheets["FIT"]
var data = xlsx.utils.sheet_to_json(ws)
var NewData = data.map(function (record) {
record.NEW_ID = record.CD_EMPRESA + "_" + record.LOC_INI "_" + record.LOC_FIM;
return record;
for (let index = 0; index < NewData.length; index++) {
var params = {
TableName: table,
Item: {
"NEW_ID": NewData[index].NEW_ID,
"CD_EMPRESA" : NewData[index].CD_EMPRESA,
"LOC_INI" : NewData[index].LOC_INI,
"LOC_FIM" : NewData[index].LOC_FIM,
"ID_ATIVO" : NewData[index].ID_ATIVO,
docClient.put(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error", params, err);
} else {
console.log("Success", params);
return controller;

Access data outside an asynchronous call?

How can I access the vehicle data and assign it to data.diff after? I tried accessing the vehicle out the function but it's empty.
schema.methods.log = function (data) {
let condition = { VIN: this.VIN }
let Vehicle = keystone.list('Vehicle');
async function myFunction() {
const vehicle = await Vehicle.model.findOne(condition)
if (vehicle) {
console.log("vehicle", vehicle)
//its empty
console.log("vehicle", vehicle)
data.diff = {
before: this,
after: vehicle,
return LogSchema.create(data)
How about this?
schema.methods.log = async function(data) {
let condition = { VIN: this.VIN }
let Vehicle = keystone.list('Vehicle');
const vehicle = await Vehicle.model.findOne(condition);
if (vehicle) {
console.log("vehicle", vehicle)
data.diff = {
before: this,
after: vehicle,
return LogSchema.create(data)
} else {
return "Some error message or object here...";

