API Call only works on homepage but not subpage? - javascript

I'm relatively new working with promises in JS. I got the API call to work on the initial homepage, but I'm having issues when I go to another page that is using the same API call.
In my api.js file I have the following:
const key = apiKey;
const commentsUrl = axios.get(`https://project-1-api.herokuapp.com/comments/?api_key=${key}`);
const showsUrl = axios.get(`https://project-1-api.herokuapp.com/showdates?api_key=${key}`);
async function getData() {
const allApis = [commentsUrl, showsUrl];
try {
const allData = await Promise.allSettled(allApis);
return allData;
} catch (error) {
In my index.html
import { getData } from "./api.js";
let data = await getData(); //This works and gathers the data from the API.
In my shows.html
import { getData } from "./api.js";
let showsData = await getData(); //This does not and says that cannot access commentsUrl (api.js) before it is initialized. But it is?
If I comment out the code from "show", the API GET request works fine and the index page loads the API data correctly. Can anyone explain to me what's happening and why I would be getting the uninitialized error?
I also should note that if I split the API calls onto two seperate two js files (one for the index, one for the shows), the API calls works and displays the data as it is intended to.

On the homepage, the code is executing the 2 GET requests on page load/initialization of the JS code. When you navigate away from the homepage, presumably with some sort of client-side routing, the 2 GET requests no longer reference 2 Promises as they have already been executed.
You could instead move the GET requests into your function like:
const key = apiKey;
async function getData() {
try {
const commentsUrl = axios.get(`https://project-1- api.herokuapp.com/comments/?api_key=${key}`);
const showsUrl = axios.get(`https://project-1-api.herokuapp.com/showdates?api_key=${key}`);
const allApis = [commentsUrl, showsUrl];
const allData = await Promise.allSettled(allApis);
return allData;
} catch (error) {


Next.js API functions run multiple times on one call

I am using a Next.js API call to retrieve some data from an external API (I know this is better done with getStaticProps but I need to make a few calls before passing the data to the client.)
I don't understand why doe the backend function runs multiple times, and on the first time it doesn't have the POST data.
export default function Customer () {
const router = useRouter()
const { id: submissionId } = router.query
const { data: customer, error } = useSWR(['/api/jotform/get-client/', submissionId], fetcher)
export default async function handler (req, res) {
try {
const customers = await axios.get('https://api.jotform.com/form/' + jotformAPI.form_id + '/submissions?apiKey=' + jotformAPI.key)
const { submissionId } = req.body
const customer = customers.data.content.find(client => client.id === submissionId)
if (!customer) throw new Error('contact does not exist')
//on the first call the error is triggered, only on the second time I get the data.

Why is this catch all API route not working?

SO I been learning NextJS API routes and NodeJS recently, While I do know how to create dynamic routes now, I have some issues with a few things -
This is my api/matches.js file.
// Next.js API route support: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-routes/introduction
export default async function handler(req, res) {
const response = await fetch(`https://exampleapi.com/?&token=# `)
const jsonData = await response.json();
Now, I have another dynamic route for this API which fetches the match by a match slug, So this file was called /api/matches/[...matchslug].js
export default async function handler(req, res) {
const page = req.query.matchslug
const response = await fetch(`https://examleapi.com/?search[slug]=${page}&token=# `)
const jsonData = await response.json();
While this dynamic route fetches the result of one so if I went matches/exampelmatch, I do get the results for the examplematch, However I'm looking to somehow implement it in a way that
Returns the data from the examplematch1 & examplematch2.
I'm not sure if building something like is possible, But very interested.
Thank you for your time and patience.
In your /api/matches/[...matchslug].js example, the value of matchslug will always be an array.
Instead of passing the page variable directly into fetch, you can map over the values in the matchslug array and use Promise.all to request each resource.
It would look something like this (I haven't tested this):
export default async function handler(req, res) {
const promiseArray = req.query.matchslug.map(async (slug) => {
const response = await fetch(`https://examleapi.com/?search[slug]=${slug}&token=# `)
const jsonData = await response.json();
return jsonData
const result = await Promise.all(promiseArray)

How to render something that is async in React?

I'm making a react app that works with a API that provides data to my App. In my data base I have data about pins on a map. I want to show the info of those pins on my react app, I want them to render. I get that information with axios and this url: http://warm-hamlet-63390.herokuapp.com/pin/list
I want to retrieve the info from that url, with axios.get(url), stringify the JSON data and then parse it to an array of pins.
The Problem:
My page will be rendered before I get the data back from the server, because axios is async, so I will not be able to show anything. UseEffect and useState won't work because I need something in the first place (I think).
What i've tried:
I tried to use useEffect and useState, but as I said, I think I need something in the first place to change it after. I also tried to use await, but await won't stop the whole React App until it has a response, although it would be nice if there is something that stops the app and waits until I have the array with the info so I can show it on the App then. I tried everything with async. I'm fairly new to React so there might be something basic i'm mssing (?). I've been on this for days, I can't get this to work by any means.. Any help, youtube videos, documentation, examples, is help. Anything. How the hell do I render something that needs to wait for the server respond?
My code:
//function that stores the data in the result array,
//but result array will only be available after the
//server response, and after the page is rendered
async function pin(){
const result = []
var url = "http://warm-hamlet-63390.herokuapp.com/pin/list"
const res = await axios.get(url)
const txt = JSON.stringify(res.data.data)
const result = JSON.parse(txt)
return result;
class App extends React.Component{
export default App
I don't fully understand what you are trying to output but how you would usually handle this is with both the useState hook and the useEffect hook see example below.
//function that stores the data in the result array,
//but result array will only be available after the
//server response, and after the page is rendered
const pin = () => {
const [result, setResults] = useState([]);
var url = "http://warm-hamlet-63390.herokuapp.com/pin/list"
useEffect(() => {
//Attempt to retreive data
try {
const res = transformData();
if (res) {
// Add any data transformation
else {
throw (error)
catch (error) {
//Handle error
}, [])
// Handle data transformation
const transformData = async () => {
const res = await axios.get(url)
const txt = JSON.stringify(res.data.data)
const result = JSON.parse(txt)
return result
if (!result) {
// Return something until the data is loaded (usually a loader)
return null
// Return whatever you would like to return after response succeeded
return <></>;
This is all assuming that Pin is a component like you have shown in your code, alternatively, the call can be moved up to the parent component and you can add an inline check like below to render the pin and pass some data to it.
{result && <Pin property={someData} />}
Just a bit of background the useEffect hook has an empty dependency array shown at the end "[]" this means it will only run once, then once the data has updated the state this will cause a rerender and the change should be visible in your component
Rest assured, useEffect() will work. You need to use a condition to conditionally render the content when it comes back from the server.
In the example below if results has a length < 1 the message Loading ... will be rendered in the containing <div>, once you're results are received the state will be updated (triggering a re-render) and the condition in the template will be evaluated again. This time though results will have a length > 1 so results will be rendered instead of Loading ...
I’m operating under the assumption that you’re function pin() is returning the results array.
const app = (props) => {
const [results, setResult] = useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
const getPin = async () => {
if (!results) {
const results = await pin();
return (
{result.length ? result : 'Loading ... '}

API calls served over HTTP instead of HTTPs results in error in React/Axios

I'm using an API to fetch movie data using axios in my React app. While this works in localhost, I've recently uploaded this to github pages where it no longer works and it results in this error.
"Mixed content: load all resources via HTTPS to improve the security of your site"
My code is shown below:
const fetchItems = async () => {
const result = await axios(
if (result.data.totalResults) {
console.log("fetching data:", result.data.Search);
} else {
This code is contained within a useEffect hook, when a user enters data into a text field movies are supposed to appear corresponding to the movie title. Nothing is being printed in my github pages site and I'm getting the error detailed above. I've never actually encountered this error before and I look forward to getting some feedback
You have to write https and not http
const result = await axios(
You need to use https in your endpoint link
const fetchItems = async () => {
const result = await axios(
if (result.data.totalResults) {
console.log("fetching data:", result.data.Search);
} else {

How to use AsyncData with Promise.all to get data from multiple api's works client side but causes nginx to 504

I'm currently converting a vue application to use the NUXT framework. To add support for SSR to my application and have come across the following issue when trying to use asyncData with multiple data sources on a single page.
I'm trying to setup asyncData to get data from 2 separate data sources that are required for the page to work. Now the code works on the client-side when the Promise.all resolves it gets both sets of data. However, on the server-side the promises when console.log the promises are both pending and causes Nginx to timeout and give a 504 bad gateway error.
I have tried to get this to work use async/await and promise.all with no avail. see code samples for both below.
Import functions getData and getJsonFile are both using Axios and returning resolved promises with objects of data.
// Using async/await
export default {
async asyncData(context) {
const nameData = await getData('getInformationByNames', {
names: [context.params.name],
referingPage: `https://local.test.com${context.route.fullPath}`
const content = await getJsonFile(
return {
names: nameData,
// Using Promise.all
export default {
async asyncData(context) {
const [nameData, content] = await Promise.all([
getData('getInformationByNames', {
names: [context.params.name],
referingPage: `https://local.test.com${context.route.fullPath}`
return {
names: nameData,
// getJsonFile
import axios from 'axios';
import replaceStringTokens from '#/scripts/helpers/replaceStringTokens';
export default function getJsonFile(path, redirect = true) {
const jsonFilePath = `${path}.json`;
return axios.get(jsonFilePath).then((response) => {
if (typeof response.data === 'object') {
return replaceStringTokens(response.data);
return false;
// getData
import axios from 'axios';
import getUserDevice from '#/scripts/helpers/getUserDevice';
// require php-serialize node package to serialize the data like PHP would for the api endpoint.
const Serialize = require('php-serialize');
export default function getData(action, data) {
const dataApiAddress = '/api/getData.php';
const dataToPass = data || {};
// all actions available on the api will need to know the users device so add it to the data.
dataToPass.userDevice = getUserDevice();
// package the data like the api expects to receive it
const serializedAndEncodedData = encodeURIComponent(
const axiosParams = {
data: serializedAndEncodedData
return axios
.get(dataApiAddress, {
params: axiosParams
.then((response) => {
return response.data.data;
.catch((error) => {
return false;
I would expect that the promises resolve and both sets of data are returned an available for the page to use on both the client and server-side.
Is there a better way to get multiple sets of data or a way to debug the server-side so that I can see what is causing the promises to not resolve on the server?
Fixed the issue the problem was with some discrepancies in the data being queried on the API. The data in the database was using an uppercase letter at the start that must have been input incorrectly. So this was causing the promise to not resolve due to the API sending a query for the lowercase version and in turn causing Nginx to timeout.

