Access RESX file from external javascript file [duplicate] - javascript

How would one get resx resource strings into javascript code stored in a .js file?
If your javascript is in a script block in the markup, you can use this syntax:
<%$Resources:Resource, FieldName %>
and it will parse the resource value in as it renders the page... Unfortunately, that will only be parsed if the javascript appears in the body of the page. In an external .js file referenced in a <script> tag, those server tags obviously never get parsed.
I don't want to have to write a ScriptService to return those resources or anything like that, since they don't change after the page is rendered so it's a waste to have something that active.
One possibility could be to write an ashx handler and point the <script> tags to that, but I'm still not sure how I would read in the .js files and parse any server tags like that before streaming the text to the client. Is there a line of code I can run that will do that task similarly to the ASP.NET parser?
Or does anyone have any other suggestions?

Here is my solution for now. I am sure I will need to make it more versatile in the future... but so far this is good.
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Resources;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
public class ResourcesController : Controller
private static readonly JavaScriptSerializer Serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
public ActionResult GetResourcesJavaScript(string resxFileName)
var resourceDictionary = new ResXResourceReader(Server.MapPath("~/App_GlobalResources/" + resxFileName + ".resx"))
.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key.ToString(), entry => entry.Value.ToString());
var json = Serializer.Serialize(resourceDictionary);
var javaScript = string.Format("window.Resources = window.Resources || {{}}; window.Resources.{0} = {1};", resxFileName, json);
return JavaScript(javaScript);
// In the RegisterRoutes method in Global.asax:
routes.MapRoute("Resources", "resources/{resxFileName}.js", new { controller = "Resources", action = "GetResourcesJavaScript" });
So I can do
<script src="/resources/Foo.js"></script>
and then my scripts can reference e.g. window.Resources.Foo.Bar and get a string.

There's no native support for this.
I built a JavaScriptResourceHandler a while ago that can serve Serverside resources into the client page via objects where each property on the object represents a localization resource id and its value. You can check this out and download it from this blog post:
I've been using this extensively in a number of apps and it works well. The main win on this is that you can localize your resources in one place (Resx or in my case a custom ResourceProvider using a database) rather than having to have multiple localization schemes.

whereas "Common" is the name of the resource file and Msg1 is the fieldname. This also works for culture changes.
Partial Javascript...:
<%=txtRequiredField.UniqueID %>:{
required: "<%=Resources.Common.Msg1 %>",
maxlength: "Only 50 character allowed in required field."

In a nutshell, make ASP.NET serve javascript rather than HTML for a specific page. Cleanest if done as a custom IHttpHandler, but in a pinch a page will do, just remember to:
1) Clear out all the ASP.NET stuff and make it look like a JS file.
2) Set the content-type to "text/javascript" in the codebehind.
Once you have a script like this setup, you can then create a client-side copy of your resources that other client-side scripts can reference from your app.

If you have your resources in a separate assembly you can use the ResourceSet instead of the filename. Building on #Domenics great answer:
public class ResourcesController : Controller
private static readonly JavaScriptSerializer Serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
public ActionResult GetResourcesJavaScript()
// This avoids the file path dependency.
ResourceSet resourceSet = MyResource.ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, true, true);
// Create dictionary.
var resourceDictionary = resourceSet
.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key.ToString(), entry => entry.Value.ToString());
var json = Serializer.Serialize(resourceDictionary);
var javaScript = string.Format("window.Resources = window.Resources || {{}}; window.Resources.resources = {1};", json);
return JavaScript(javaScript);
The downside is that this will not enable more than one resource-file per action. In that way #Domenics answer is more generic and reusable.
You may also consider using OutputCache, since the resource won't change a lot between requests.
[OutputCache(Duration = 3600, Location = OutputCacheLocation.ServerAndClient)]
public ActionResult GetResourcesJavaScript()
// Logic here...

I usually pass the resource string as a parameter to whatever javascript function I'm calling, that way I can continue to use the expression syntax in the HTML.

I the brown field application I'm working on we have an xslt that transforms the resx file into a javascript file as part of the build process. This works well since this is a web application. I'm not sure if the original question is a web application.

use a hidden field to hold the resource string value and then access the field value in javascript
for example :
" />
var todayString= $("input[name=TodayString][type=hidden]").val();

Add the function in the BasePage class:
protected string GetLanguageText(string _key)
System.Resources.ResourceManager _resourceTemp = new System.Resources.ResourceManager("Resources.Language", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources"));
return _resourceTemp.GetString(_key);
var _resurceValue = "<%=GetLanguageText("UserName")%>";
or direct use:
var _resurceValue = "<%= Resources.Language.UserName %>";
The Language is my resouce name. Exam: Language.resx and Language.en-US.resx


cefsharp ExecuteScriptAsync(json) uri too long

I am using cefSharp in my winForm application.
I want to pass a long json from my winform to the html page displayed by the cefSharp.
I tried to write the following:
Private WithEvents m_chromeBrowser As ChromiumWebBrowser
page = New Uri("www...")
m_chromeBrowser = New ChromiumWebBrowser(page.ToString)
Dim json as String = "[{code:1,name:a,val:0},{...}....]"
m_chromeBrowser.ExecuteScriptAsync("functionName('" & json & "');")
But I keep getting the following error:
Request-URI Too Long
Do you have any idea how to pass long json from winform to browser.
Well, you would be better off exposing a .Net class to JavaScript by registering an AsyncJSObject, execute the class method from JavaScript and parse the return result.
Something like this:
public class CallbackObjectForJs {
public string getJson() {
return myJsonString;
... then register the class:
new CallbackObjectForJs(),
... and finally call the method from Javascript and use a promise to get the result:
Browser.getJson().then((result) => {
var myJsonString = JSON.parse(result);
You can read more about it here:
Hope it helps!

Get String out of ResourceBundle in javascript and HTML

I use this for different languages on our site:
Locale locale2 = (Locale)session.getAttribute("org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE");
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("content.test.Language", locale2);
I can easy access the string values of the ResourceBundle in HTML to include it on the site via:
<%= bundle.getString("line1") %>
But in some cases I need to access the string values out of javascript.
I have not found a way to do this so far.
I only found a ugly workaround to get the string values.
On the HTML part I include:
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenLine2" id="hiddenLine2" value=<%= bundle.getString("line2") %>>
I do this for all strings I could possibly need.
To access one of them out of javascript I do this:
var line2 = document.getElementById("hiddenLine2").value;
This is working so far, but I donĀ“t like it.
I am sure there could be a better solution.
Some of the possible solutions.
Use an ajax method to get your resource by passing a key.
Use Hidden input fields and load values.
Use a dedicated jsp page to declare js variables or even a js function to get values according to key.
like this.
<script type="text/javascript">
var messageOne = '<%=bundle.getString("line1") %>';
var messageTwo = '<%=bundle.getString("line2") %>';
It is normally bad practice to use scriplets <% %> inside your jsp files.
You can use the fmt tag from the jstl core library to fetch information from your resource bundles.
<fmt:bundle basename="bundle">
<fmt:message var="variableName" key="bundleKey" />
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenLine2" id="hiddenLine2" value="${variableName}">
should work
infact, i think you can also directly embed it into the javascript with EL aswell
var line2 = ${variableName}; //instead of getting it from document.getElement(...)
Based on what I have tried, you can use jstl library to print the translated messages directly into JavaScript like:
alert("<fmt:message key='line1'/>");
And if you are using struts2 for handling the locales you can easily define you Bundles getting either the struts2 locale, saved by the i18nInterceptor present on the default stack, or the user request locale (the clients' browser one)
<!-- //Import the requierd libraries -->
<%#taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
<%#taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<!-- //Take the Locale from struts if it's present and from the user request if not -->
<c:set var="locale" value="${not empty sessionScope.WW_TRANS_I18N_LOCALE
? sessionScope.WW_TRANS_I18N_LOCALE : pageContext.request.locale}"/>
<!-- //Get the bundle based on the Locale -->
<fmt:setLocale value="${locale}"/>
<fmt:setBundle basename="content.test.Language"/>
But if you want to be able to extract that JavaScript code into an external .js file on the future I recommend you to use some of the internalionalization libraries available for JavaScript, like Globalize (It's the only one I have used, but there are plenty on the net).
The downside of using an external JavaScript library for internationalization is that you will have to define the tranlation resources directly on .js files, it's impossible to access to your .properties on the server from a client-based language like JavaScript.
Here is a different solution.
Load bundle like OP did, with the method getBundle().
Using the third option on Arun's answer, create a separate JSP file to create a custom JavaScript object.
This is the content of said JSP:
<%#page import="com.tenea.intranet.conf.Conf" %>
<%#page import="java.util.ResourceBundle,
java.util.Enumeration" %>
<script type="text/javascript">
var _get = function(ID){
if (this.hasOwnProperty(ID)) return this[ID];
else {
console.warn("[Resources] Error al obtener clave <"+ ID +">");
return "[ERROR]";
var _search = function(text){
var elems = { }
Object.keys(this).map(e => {
if (typeof (this[e]) !== "function" && this[e].includes(text)) { elems[e] = this[e]; }
return elems;
var Resources = {
ResourceBundle labels = ResourceBundle.getBundle("content.test.Language", locale2);
Enumeration<String> e = labels.getKeys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String param = e.nextElement();
out.print(param +":\""+ labels.getString(param) +"\"");
if (e.hasMoreElements()) out.println(",");
Resources._get = _get;
Resources._search = _search;
What this JSP does is:
Creates object Resources
Using some snippets (sorry Martin :p), and iterating on the list of keys from the resourceBundle, for each key I print a line like "key: value" with out.println().
The resulting object is something like this:
Resources {
abrilAbrText: "Apr"
abrilText: "April"
To make some extra functionality, I also added 2 functions inside Resources.
_get() returns the text related to the key passed as parameter. If said key doesn't exist, return the text '[ERROR]'.
_search() is a function I added for development purposes. It searches and returns a custom object with every key whose corresponding text contains the text passed as parameter. NOTE: since it uses "e => {}", it won't work on IE or Safari, so it's best to comment it once the development phase has ended.
Once you have this JSP created, to use it you just have to import it to any JSP you want with this:
<%#include file="[relative_path]" %>
Hope it helps! :)

Transferring javascript from a view to a seperate JS file

I am working on a legacy application and I want to move some JS code onto a separate JS file.
I will have to refractor some of the code to do this. I can put #Url.Content statements into data attributes in the HTML.
But how would I replace this line of code?
var array = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.JobList));
A separate JS file will not know what #Html.Raw means.
Server side code like that cannot run in a seperate javascript file. My solution for such problems is having a short javascript part in the head that runs on the onload event. There you can set variables that you can use in a seperate javascript file:
in the head:
array = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.JobList));
in the seperate javascript file:
var array;
Then, in the seperate javascript file you can do with your array whatever is necessary.
The ViewBag.JobList data is only known at HTML page generation time. To include it in an external JavaScript file, you have to have another ASP.NET resource that recalculated ViewBag.JobList and then served as part of a dynamic JavaScript file. This is pretty inefficient.
Instead, do what you're doing with the URLs: pass the data through the DOM. If you're writing into normal DOM instead of a script block, you don't need the raw-output any more (*), normal HTML escaping is fine:
id="do_stuff_script" src="do_stuff.js"
var array = $('#do_stuff_script').data('array');
// jQuery hack - equivalent to JSON.parse($('#do_stuff_script').attr('data-array'));
(Actually, the raw-output might have been a security bug, depending on what JSON encoder you're using and whether it chooses to escape </script to \u003C/script. Writing to HTML, with well-understood HTML-encoding requirements, is a good idea as it avoids problems like this too.)
I think you need to create action with JavaScriptResult
public ActionResult Test()
string script = "var textboxvalue=$('#name').val();";
return JavaScript(script);
But, before proceeding please go through following links
Beware of ASP.NET MVC JavaScriptResult
Working example for JavaScriptResult in mvc
I would also follow MelanciaUK's suggestion :
In your javascript file, put your code inside a function :
function MyViewRefactored( array ){
... your code ...
In your view, leave a minimal javascript bloc :
var array = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.JobList));
MyViewRefactored( array );

How to access section from extension method?

I'm writing html extension (Razor) for javascript rendered charts.
I can edit javascript to read most values from data attributes, but sometime I need to insert directly inline javascript into the page and link a library. I want to make it automatic.
Is there some way to access a section (like #RenderSection("Scripts", false) ) from extension method via html helper?
Thank you
RenderSection is regular method of WebPageBase so you can use it in your helper. Here you have a snippet:
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static HelperResult InvokeRenderSection(this HtmlHelper html)
var view = (WebPageBase)html.ViewDataContainer;
var result = view.RenderSection("scripts", false);
return result;

Call an action from JS file instead of the view (MVC 4)

I'm using the MVC 4.
In my view i can simply get an action's url by using the: #Url.Action
Now i wanted to make a javascript file with all the view's javascript instead of writing it all in the view, the problem is i can't use the razor's stuff anymore.
so my question is how can i get the action's url from a javascript separated file?
You'll need to define a JavaScript variable within your view that you can then use in your script. Obviously this must be declared first.
I use a helper on my layout pages that has all these variables and a section for any I'd want specific to a page. Note these would come before any other script references before the body tag.
#RenderSection("ScriptVariables", false)
The Scripts.Variables is something like this
#helper Variables()
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var ActionGetallAdmin = '#Url.Action("GetAll", "Admin")';
var ActionAccountLogin = '#Url.Action("Login", "Account")';
One way I did this before was to create views that served JS files (and CSS files, actually), instead of HTML files. This leverages the fact that views aren't necessarily HTML files all the time in the MVC paradigm.
You could do this by creating a controller for it:
public class AssetController : Controller {
protected void SetMIME(string mimeType) {
// implementation largely removed
this.Response.Headers["Content-Type"] = mimeType;
this.Response.ContentType = mimeType;
// this will render a view as a Javascript file
public void ActionResult MyJavascript() {
return View();
Once you've done that, you can create a view (using the way you normally do it in ASP.NET MVC), and just write it up as Javascript. Remember not to use a layout, as you obviously don't want that.
Everything that views in MVC has to offer is available to you, so feel free to use models, et al.
#model IList<Entity>
Layout = null;
(function ($) {
// javascript!
#foreach(var entity in Model) {
$('##entity.Id').on('click', function () {
Then you can wire that up using old-fashioned Razor in your other views.
<script src="#Url.Action("MyJavascript","Asset")"></script>
Which will roll out something like
<script src="http://your.domain/asset/myjavascript"></script>
Works like a charm. The views are dynamically created, of course, so be wary if you're nit-picky about that. However, since they are MVC controller actions and views, you can set cache options on them just as with any other view.
Uhm... I think you can define a special route, like "actionsjs", that points to an action.
routes.MapRoute(name: "actionsJs",
url: "actionsjs",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "GetActions" });
In the action you've to set the content to the right type:
Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
Then you'll return a specific View that will contains javascript code with some Razor inside.
Layout = "";
$(function() {
var a = #(1 + 2);
At this point you'll able to add this "script file" to your site:
<script type="text/javascript" scr="#Url.Action("GetActions", "Home")"></script>
Should work.
If you want the root path, use a variable on layout and use that in JavaScript file, say
// In layout view
var rootPath = #Url.Content("~/")
User rootPath anywhere in your application JavaScript files
If you want to get full path of a controller with action then
// View
var url = #Url.Content("ActionName", "ControllerName")
use url in your JavaScript file.

