Typescript and data retrieval - javascript

My goal is to make an application that can retreive data from a mySQL database and have that parsed and displayed onto the page. I am utilizing Typescript and React for this. Here is the issue with code step by step.
I define an interface to ensure the data full fills a certain criteria.
interface QuizStructure{
name: string,
age: number,
favoriteHobby: string
Now technically the information in the database should conform to this interface since I'm uploading info that only full fills the criteria in the first place but Typescript doesn't know that when it retrieves the information.
Here I try to fetch the data from the database. Typescript rightly throws an error saying the data may not fullfill the 'QuizStructure' interface.
const [data, setData] = useState<QuizStructure[]>([])
function databaseFetch(){
const prevRes = fetch('/api/quizFetch')
.then(data=> data.json())
.catch(err => console.log('error with data collection,', err));
Easy solution is to just change 'useState<QuizStructure[]>([])' to 'useState<any[]>([])', but that defeats the purpose of Typescript. Is there a method to go about assuring Typescript that the data will fit the interface, or should I go about this approach in a completely different way?

Maybe try this
function databaseFetch(){
.then(data=> data.json())
.then((res:QuizStructure[]) => {
.catch(err => console.log('error with data collection,', err));


Getting meta named object when Fetching data from Commerce js

I am trying to fetch data from commerce.js by following documentation. After fetching data I am getting a object named Meta.
function fetchProducts() {
.then((res) => {console.log("products Data",res);})
.catch((error) => {console.log('There was an error fetching the products', error);});
}, [])
output == products Data {meta: {…}}meta: {pagination: {…}}[[Prototype]]: Object
I don't know if it is working fine, or there are any mistakes from my side. As per documentation, It is an array of objects not meta.
Robbie from the Commerce.js team here. It looks as if no products are being returned in your account. Do you have any set up?
We have a known issue where the data key, which is normally an array of objects, doesn't get returned when no results are available.
Had the same issue fetching a specific product from commerce.js using a query parameter.
Turns out the query parameter value had to be all lower case. At least it made it worked in my case.
I hope this will help someone.

Firebase Realtime Database - Determine if user has access to path

I have updated my Firebase Realtime Database access rules, and have noticed some clients now tries to access paths they do not have access to. This is ok - but my problem is that my code stops after being unable to read a restricted node.
I see below error in my console, and then loading of subsequent data stops:
permission_denied at /notes/no-access-node
I begin by collecting access nodes from /access_notes/uid and continue to read all data from /notes/noteId.
My code for collecting notes from the database below:
database.ref(`access_notes/${uid}`).on('value', (myNotAccessSnaps) => {
let subscrPromises = []
let collectedNots = {}
// Collect all categories we have access to
myNotAccessSnaps.forEach((accessSnap) => {
const noteId = accessSnap.key
.once('value', (notSnap)=>{
const notData = notSnap.val()
const note = { id: notSnap.key, ...notData}
collectedNotes[note.id] = note
(error) => {
console.warn('Note does not exist or no access', error)
.then(() => {
const notesArray = Object.values(collectedNotes)
.catch((error) => { console.error(error); return Promise.resolve(true) })
I do not want the client to halt on permission_denied!
Is there a way to see if the user has access to a node /notes/no_access_note without raising an error?
Kind regards /K
I do not want the client to halt on permission_denied!
You're using Promise.all, which MDN documents as:
Promise.all() will reject immediately upon any of the input promises rejecting.
You may want to look at Promise.allSettled(), which MDN documents as:
[Promise.allSettled()] is typically used when you have multiple asynchronous tasks that are not dependent on one another to complete successfully, or you'd always like to know the result of each promise.
Is there a way to see if the user has access to a node /notes/no_access_note without raising an error?
As far as I know the SDK always logs data access permissions errors and this cannot be suppressed.
Trying to access data that the user doesn't have access to is considered a programming error in Firebase. In normal operation you code should ensure that it never encounters such an error.
This means that your data access should follow the happy path of accessing data it knows it has access to. So you store the list of the notes the user has access to, and then from that list access each individual note.
So in your situation I'd recommend finding out why you're trying to read a note the user doesn't have access to, instead of trying to hide the message from the console.

Dynamic routing in Next.js gets TypeError: the ‘id’ argument must of type ‘string’. Received null

I’m running into an issue with generating dynamic pages in Next.js. I’m pulling data from Sanity, and I think I’ve got the code right, but every time I try load the page I get a type error - “the ‘id’ argument must be of type string. Received null”. The file path is ‘/post/[slug].js’, so that’s the variable name I’ve used throughout - I’m not sure where id is coming from, or if it’s something extra I need to pass, or if I’m not passing my slug right!
I’ve asked in the Sanity forums, and it doesn’t seem to be an API issue - I’m able to pull data in other parts of the app with no problem. In the console, it seems like the page compiles successfully, but this error comes up when attempting to load it. I’ve tried it with an empty div in the page component, to make sure it’s nothing in the presentation logic, with no luck.
I’ve put the full error message in a gist, and it looks like something with jest or next-server. For the life of me I can’t figure it out!
import client from '../../client’
const Post = ({ post }) => {
export default Post
export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
const posts = await client.fetch(`*[_type == "blog"]{ slug }`)
const paths = posts.map(post => ({
params: {
slug: post.slug.current
return {
fallback: false }
export const getStaticProps = async ({ params }) => {
const post = await client.fetch(`*[_type == "blog" && slug.current == $slug]{ title, date, link, excerpt, body, slug }[0]`, {slug: params.slug})
return {
props: { post }
UPDATE: this seems to be an issue with either play.js or the configuration it uses - trying in a desktop environment doesn’t result in the same error.
I think the issue is your file name. the name should only be [slug].js, it should be located in pages/post. It should work perfectly when you access the page via the URL http://localhost:xxx/post/pulled-sanity-slug

How to handle foreign key constraint with Jest/Supertest/Knex/Postgres

I'm trying to start writing tests for my application. I'm using Jest & Supertest to run all of my tests. When I try and run my test suite, I'm getting an error regarding a foreign key constraint.
The error:
error: truncate "users" restart identity - cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constrainterror: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint
This is my server.spec.js file:
const request = require('supertest');
const server = require('./server.js');
const db = require('../data/db-config.js');
describe('server.js', () => {
describe('POST /register', () => {
it('should return 201 created', async () => {
const user =
name: "test",
username: "test",
email: "test77#test.com",
password: "password"
const res = await request(server).post('/api/auth/register').send(user);
beforeEach(async () => {
await db("graphs").truncate();
await db("users").truncate();
And here is my knex migration file:
exports.up = function(knex) {
return (
.createTable('users', tbl => {
tbl.string('username', 255).notNullable();
tbl.string('password', 255).notNullable();
tbl.string('name', 255).notNullable();
tbl.string('email', 255).unique().notNullable();
.createTable('graphs', tbl => {
tbl.string('graph_name', 255).notNullable();
tbl.specificType('dataset', 'integer[]').notNullable();
exports.down = function(knex) {
return (
I came across this answer in my research: How to test tables linked with foreign keys?
I'm new to both Postgres as well as testing. It makes sense that I would need to drop the tables in the reverse order like I have in my migration. But when I try to truncate them in the beforeEach section of my test, it doesn't seem to matter what order the tables are listed in.
I'm not sure where exactly to go from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think the trick here will be to resort to a bit of knex.raw:
await db.raw('TRUNCATE graphs, users RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE');
CASCADE because you don't want foreign key constraints getting in the way, and RESTART IDENTITY because the default Postgres behaviour is not to reset sequences. See TRUNCATE.
While we're on a related subject, allow me to introduce something that might make your life a lot easier: template databases! Templates are databases that Postgres can use to very rapidly recreate a database from a known state (by copying it). This can be faster than even truncating tables, and it allows us to skip all the annoying foreign key stuff when testing.
For example, you could use raw to do the following:
CREATE DATABASE testdb TEMPLATE testdb_template;
This is a surprisingly inexpensive operation, and is great for testing because you can begin with a known state (not necessarily an empty one) each time you do a test run. I guess the caveats are that your knexfile.js will need to specify a connection with a user sufficiently credentialled to create and delete databases (so maybe an 'admin' connection that knows about localhost only) and that the template must be created and maintained. See Template Databases for more.

Saving a field from firestore that is an array

I am currently working on a mobile app on React and I am having trouble understanding how to save a field from fire store that is an array.
Since I can't post images my database structure is all strings such as username, first name, etc but I have a field called follow list that is an array.
What I want to do is save the usernames from the following list into an array to later search fire store for the username's in the array, this is basically what I want to do so I can render my app's social Feed. I do know that I can probably create another subcollection and write something familiar to what I did to search for users but that was a QuerySnapShot which was overall documents not a specific one and I also know firebase creates an ID for arrays and it increases as the array gets bigger.
I do not want to end up making two more subcollections one for followers and following which I think not ideal right? My current approach is this
export const fetchUserFollowing = async (username) => {
const ref = firebase.firestore().collection('users').doc(username)
let results = []
.then( doc => {
let data = doc.data()
results = data
.catch((err) => {
return 'an error has occurred ', err
From what I understand is that a DocumentSnapShot .get() function returns an object but what I want is to store follow list into results and then return that but I am not sure how to manipulate the object return to just give me follow List which is an array
link to docs

