How can I merge parent and child observable in rxjs - javascript

I have created a parent observable with a child observable. When the child observable completes it completes the parent observable.
Is there a nicer way to do this without having to use subscripe() twice.
const parentObservable = new Observable((observer) => {
if (condition) {
this.childObservable().subscribe(() => observer.complete());
EDIT: We want to be able to not subscribe to the child if a condition is met

The merge operator allows you to merge multiple observables into a single observable. You can use this operator to merge the parent observable and the child observable.
const parentObservable = new Observable((observer) => {
// random sync code
const childObservable = this.childObservable();
merge(parentObservable, childObservable).subscribe();
If you want to complete the parent observable when the child observable completes, you can use the concat operator instead. The concat operator will emit the values from the first observable, and then emit the values from the second observable once the first observable completes.
import { concat } from 'rxjs';
const combinedObservable = concat(parentObservable, childObservable);
This will complete the parent observable when the child observable completes.
merge operator combines all the observables into a single stream and emits value as they come.
concat operator concatenate the observables and emits value only after the first observable completes.

According to your description
When the child observable completes it completes the parent observable.
I believe you could use takeUntil.
const parentObservable = new Observable((observer) => { ... });
Whenever childObservable emits a value the pipe will complete and the teardown logic of parentObservable (if there is one) will be run.

Your example's new Observable constructor never emits any values, so it's going to be a pretty useless observable. You can just drop it and not worry about completing a useless observable.
Taking this into account, your example code can be re-written like this:
const parentObservable = defer(() => {
return EMPTY;
return this.childObservable();
This is conditionally subscribing to childObservable.
This can be simplified further as:
const parentObservable = defer(
() => condition? EMPTY: this.childObservable()
defer(() => condition? EMPTY: this.childObservable())


can a function parameter own a method in javascript?

I am trying to understand the observables RxJs and I am using angular framework! I can't understand what is actually happening in 'subscriber function' ,it has a parameter named 'observer', and this parameter has a method in the function body, and its name is next()!can a function parameter own a method? based on which rule?!
and the next question is : what is happening in the 'Observable' class? I think the subscriber function returns or to be more precise, creates and passes a value to the Observable instance! and when we call the subscribe method on 'customIntervalObservable' , it passes that data or value to the subscribe method?
am I right?
const customIntervalObservable = new Observable(function subscriber(
) {
let count = 0;
setInterval(() => {
if (count > 3) {
observer.error(new Error("count is greater than 3"));
}, 1000);
this.firstObjSubs = customIntervalObservable.subscribe(
(data: number) => {
(error) => {
console.log(error), alert(error.message);
ngOnDestroy() {
Here's a bit more:
You can think of an Observer as something that watches the Observable and reacts to notifications.
What notifications?
Next: When another item is emitted into the Observable
Error: When an error occurs
Complete: When there are no more items to emit
Observer is an object with three functions: one for each type of notification. You can define an Observer in code as shown below. But this is uncommon.
And then pass that Observer object into the subscribe as shown below:
More often, you'll pass either the next callback as shown in the first example below. Or an object with one, two, or three of the callback functions defined as shown in the second example.
The subscribe method tells the Observable stream to start emitting its values. It does not itself emit any values. Think of it as a streaming service, like Disney+ or hulu. You have to first subscribe to the service before you can stream movies.
Does this help?
can a function parameter own a method?
Javascript functions parameters are not typed, so you can pass any value you want - including an object.
what is happening in the 'Observable' class?
I'll give this a try:
An observable is basically just a wrapper around a - subscribe() - function that essentially describes the logic of the observable behaviour.
An observable has the ability to notify subjects - or subscribers, or observers - of changes occuring in its state during its lifecycle. To do so, a contract exists that states that the observable should call a subject next() method. This method should describe the logic for how the subject wants to react to such changes.
When a subject is interested in being notified by an observable of its state changes, it executes the observable subscribe() method, passing itself to it as an argument. This effectively provides the observable the ability to call the subject next() method whenever its logic dictates to do so.
To basically illustrate this in code:
// Function describing the observable logic.
function subscribe(observer){
// Observable logic, including calling as many times as the logic dictates to notify the observer of state changes.
// Observable wrapper.
let observable = new Observable(subscribe)
// Subject interested in being notified of the observable state changes.
let observer = {
// Logic for how to react to notifications from the observable.
// Effectively execute the observable logic.
For simplicty's sake, I omitted a number of more minor concepts - such as the subject complete() or error() methods, as well as the unsubscribe() function returned by the observable subscribe() function.

Struggling with flatMap vs concatMap in rxJs

I am struggling to understand the difference between the flatMap and concatMap in rxJs.
The most clear answer that I could understand was that here difference-between-concatmap-and-flatmap
So I went and tried things out by my self.
import "./styles.css";
import { switchMap, flatMap, concatMap } from "rxjs/operators";
import { fromFetch } from "rxjs/fetch";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
function createObs1() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 900);
function createObs2() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 800);
function createObs3() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 700);
function createObs4() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 600);
function createObs5() {
return new Observable<number>((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 500);
flatMap((resp) => {
return createObs2();
flatMap((resp) => {
return createObs3();
flatMap((resp) => {
return createObs4();
flatMap((resp) => {
return createObs5();
.subscribe((resp) => console.log(resp));
I have used that playground here playground example
From my understanding the use of flatMap should mix the outputs so that the console logs are like (1,3,2,4,5). I have tried more than 30 times and always come on the same row (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
What am I doing wrong or have undestood wrong?
If on createObs2() and createObs3() you remove the comments and include the code with multiple emitted events then things get messy. Even if you change to concatMap it messes things and results come mixed. Multiple numbers that I expect only once come multiple times. The result can be (1, 2, 33, 3, 2, 22, 3, 33, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4, 5) Why this happens?
How I test the example on playground. I just remove only 1 letter from the last console.log("hello"). Only one change for example console.log("heloo") and is then observed and project is compiled again and output printed in console.
Edit: The reason I have gone to flatMap and concatMap was to find a replacement for nested subscriptions in angular using the http library.
createObs1().subscribe( (resp1) => {
createObs2().subscribe( (resp2) => {
createObs3().subscribe( (resp3) => {
createObs4().subscribe( (resp4) => {
createObs5().subscribe( (resp5) => {
Your test scenario is not really sufficient to see the differences between these two operators. In your test case, each observable only emits 1 time. If an observable only emits a single value, there is really no different between concatMap and flatMap (aka mergeMap). The differences can only be seen when there are multiple emissions.
So, let's use a different scenario. Let's have a source$ observable that simply emits an incrementing integer every 1 second. Then, within our "Higher Order Mapping Operator" (concatMap & mergeMap), we will return an observable that emits a variable number of times every 1 second, then completes.
// emit number every second
const source$ = interval(1000).pipe(map(n => n+1));
// helper to return observable that emits the provided number of times
function inner$(max: number, description: string): Observable<string> {
return interval(1000).pipe(
map(n => `[${description}: inner source ${max}] ${n+1}/${max}`),
Then let's define two separate observables based on the source$ and the inner$; one using concatMap and one using flatMap and observe the output.
const flatMap$ = source$.pipe(
flatMap(n => inner$(n, 'flatMap$'))
const concatMap$ = source$.pipe(
concatMap(n => inner$(n, 'concatMap$'))
Before looking the differences in the output, let's talk about what these operators have in common. They both:
subscribe to the observable returned by the passed in function
emit emissions from this "inner observable"
unsubscribe from the inner observable(s)
What's different, is how they create and manage inner subscriptions:
concatMap - only allows a single inner subscription at a time. As it receives emissions, it will only subscribe to one inner observable at a time. So it will initially subscribe to the observable created by "emission 1", and only after it completes, will it subscribe to the observable created by "emission 2". This is consistent with how the concat static method behaves.
flatMap (aka mergeMap) - allows many inner subscriptions. So, it will subscribe to the inner observables as new emissions are received. This means that emissions will not be in any particular order as it will emit whenever any of its inner observables emit. This is consistent with how the merge static method behaves (which is why I personally prefer the name "mergeMap").
Here's a StackBlitz that shows the output for the above observables concatMap$ and mergeMap$:
Hopefully, the above explanation helps to clear up your questions!
#1 - "use of flatMap should mix the outputs"
The reason this wasn't working as you expected was because only one emission was going through the flatMap, which means you only ever had a single "inner observable" emitting values. As demonstrated in the above example, once flatMap receives multiple emissions, it can have multiple inner observables that emit independently.
#2 - "...and include the code with multiple emitted events then things get messy."
The "things get messy" is due to having multiple inner subscription that emit values.
For the part you mention about using concatMap and still getting "mixed" output, I would not expect that. I have seen weird behavior in StackBlitz with observable emissions when "auto save" is enabled (seems like sometimes it doesn't completely refresh and old subscriptions seem to survive the auto refresh, which gives very messy console output). Maybe code sandbox has a similar problem.
#3 - "The reason I have gone to flatMap and concatMap was to find a replacement for nested subscriptions in angular using the http library"
This makes sense. You don't want to mess around with nested subscriptions, because there isn't a great way to guarantee the inner subscriptions will be cleaned up.
In most cases with http calls, I find that switchMap is the ideal choice because it will drop emissions from inner observables you no longer care about. Imagine you have a component that reads an id from a route param. It uses this id to make an http call to fetch data.
itemId$ = this.activeRoute.params.pipe(
map(params => params['id']),
item$ = this.itemId$.pipe(
switchMap(id => http.get(`${serverUrl}/items/${id}`)),
map(response =>
We want item$ to emit only the "current item" (corresponds to the id in the url). Say our UI has a button the user can click to navigate to the next item by id and your app finds itself with a click-happy user who keeps smashing that button, which changes the url param even faster than the http call can return the data.
If we chose mergeMap, we would end up with many inner observables that would emit the results of all of those http calls. At best, the screen will flicker as all those different calls come back. At worst (if the calls came back out of order) the UI would be left displaying data that isn't in sync with the id in the url :-(
If we chose concatMap, the user would be forced to wait for all the http calls to be completed in series, even though we only care about that most recent one.
But, with switchMap, whenever a new emission (itemId) is received, it will unsubscribe from the previous inner observable and subscribe to the new one. This means it will not ever emit the results from the old http calls that are no longer relevant. :-)
One thing to note is that since http observables only emit once, the choice between the various operators (switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap) may not seem to make a difference, since they all perform the "inner observable handling" for us. However, it's best to future-proof your code and choose the one that truly gives you the behavior you would want, should you start receiving more than a single emission.
Every time the first observable emits, a second observable is created in the flatMap and starts emitting. However, the value from the first observable is not passed along any further.
Every time that second observable emits, the next flatMap creates a third observable, and so on. Again, the original value coming into the flatMap is not passed along any further.
flatMap(() => createObs2()), // Merge this stream every time prev observable emits
flatMap(() => createObs3()), // Merge this stream every time prev observable emits
flatMap(() => createObs4()), // Merge this stream every time prev observable emits
flatMap(() => createObs5()), // Merge this stream every time prev observable emits
.subscribe((resp) => console.log(resp));
// 5
So, it's only the values emitted from createObs5() that actually get emitted to the observer. The values emitted from the previous observables have just been triggering the creation of new observables.
If you were to use merge, then you would get what you may have been expecting:
.subscribe((resp) => console.log(resp));
// 5
// 4
// 3
// 2
// 1

rxjs merge not working as expected in angular5

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/merge'; = this.availableHoursCollection.valueChanges()
this.bla = this.afs.collection<AvailableHour>('users')
this.test = this.bla.valueChanges();
this.something = Observable.merge(,
this.something only has the items of the last observable, how can I combine them?
Also if you have observables with the same value id, how can you merge the values?
Using an AngularFire test bed, I ran you Rx scenario
const merged = Observable.merge(o1, o2)
and I got an observable which emits twice, each emit containing an array which is the result of each query.
This leads me to wonder how you're checking the output. If piping to a template with the async pipe {{ results | async }}, then the second emit will over-write the first and give the impression that only the second emits.
Apologies if you're well aware of that.
If you need a single emit of the two arrays combined, there are a number of ways to do so. The best for this scenario is combineLatest().
const combined = Observable.combineLatest(o1, o2)
.map(([s1, s2]) => [...s1, ...s2])
The reason this is best is because .valueChanges() is designed to keep pushing changes, so it never completes. So methods based on forkJoin() or
Observable.merge(o1.mergeMap(x => x), o2.mergeMap(x => x)).toArray()
both require a completed event to emit anything, whereas combineLatest() does not and the combined observable will emit again whenever one of the sources is updated.

Understanding Observable: not updating subscriber for an array

I am trying to wrap my head around observables. I know when a value changes in observer, observable notify all its subscriber that something has changed. I am not sure why below code doesn't work. my understading is that once i add another element in array, subscriber should log new value or maybe log all values.
can someone please explain why is that?
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
var numbers = [5, 1, 2, 7, 10];
// let source = Observable.from(numbers);
let source = Observable.create(observer => {
for (let n of numbers);
value => console.log(`value is ${value}`),
error => console.log(`error is ${error}`),
() => console.log(`completed!`)
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("pushing new value");
}, 3000);
I tried commenting observer.complete() as I thought that might be the culprit.
The observable from operator ( which is similar to the observable you've created ) does not 'listen' the array for it's onPush event ( no array has one in the default implementation ). The values you will get from the stream will be the one inside the array just before the subscribe call. The observable per se is just a function, it will just "copy" those values and emit them one by one, your array does not know how to "push" values to the stream. In the reactive world, everithing is a stream, most of the values you would store inside an array are stored in a stream of those values.

Observable instance emit without an observer (or subscriber ?)

I am using observable in Angular2. As I know so far, each Observable instance come with an observer(1:1), and when we emit something with we can get that value with observable.subscribe((value) => {}).
var observable = Observable.create(observer => {;
observable.subscribe(value => {
How can I emit value without knowing the corresponding observer, because I want to emit value outside create function. One possible solution is save observer into some global variable but I think an observable should be enough. Any suggestion for this ??
You're mixing multiple things together. Observables are not in 1:1 relation with Observers (more precisely it's 1:N). If you want to be able to manually emit values you need a Subject which acts as an Observable and an Observer at the same time. Practically this means you can call its next() method and it'll propage the value to all its subscribers (Observers).
For example consider the following code in TypeScript:
import {Subject} from 'rxjs';
let source = new Subject();
source.subscribe(val => console.log('Observer 1:', val));
source.subscribe(val => console.log('Observer 2:', val));;'test');
This will print to console:
Observer 1: 42
Observer 2: 42
Observer 1: test
Observer 2: test
See live demo:
Read more:
Be aware that Observable.create() is a very different animal. It takes as a parameter a function that is called every time a new Observer subscribes. That's why it take the newly subscribed Observer as an argument. In this function you can for example call next() method on the Observer to send it some default value that all subscribes need to receive.
So you probably want to use Subject instead of Observable.create().

