How to Update Multi Select Data in React - javascript

I am using multiSelect in a form, I need to do CRUD. I have no problems creating the data, my difficulty is in updating the data, because I can not set a default value in multiselect ... Can anyone help me?
I try several times.
see the image below


Ngrx with Angular Formly and Angular Material

Im using a combination of formly ,ngrx and material. There are few issues that managed to fix and some other on doubt.
Demo is below on stackblitz. :,src%2Fapp%2Fshared%2Fcomponents%2Fformly-table-generic%2Ftable.html
Im trying to build a filter service and as model have passed an observable. As we filter data of observable change and also model, BUT the view doesnt change. I managed to recall the model and its working but it doesnt look like the most efficent way. especially on big data the view freeze till searching completed.
As on NGRX state is immutable is expected that for every change to be dispatched an action and model to be changed. However the only way to achieve that it was to create my own elements. So in the example if under main.ts comment the following code (my own checkbox element)
name: 'checkbox',
component: FormlyFieldCheckbox,
wrappers: [],
In table will be implemented tha material checkbox and when we check it will be displayed the read-only error.
Sorting through each columns its not working despite the *matColumnField match with the key name.

Drupal 9 - How to pass view data to javascript

I have a custom module with a view that lists some data from a web service and has some filters in it (date, numeric, combos, etc).
I need to modify some filters when others change their value. For example, When the user changes the date, I have to change the selected value of a combo box.
I was trying to pass the filter values to a javascript file, but I couldn't find a way yet.
I tried using the "page_attachments" hook and a controller but none of them work.
Can somebody point me in the right direction on how I can do this?
Thanks in advance.

How to reset react-form-hook with dynamic checkboxes

I'm using react-form-hook with Material-UI library and I'm trying to generate random checkboxes for each object that I get from the server.
I tried to use "reset" function from react-form-hook and that didn't worked.
Codesandbox for example:
(I faked the data from the server into variable over there only for example)
Thank you!

React Native Basic Form onChangeText not updating state completely

I have been trying to create and submit a basic React Native form without any library. Currently, for testing purposes, I have included only 3 TextInput(s) only.
As soon as the form is submitted only the values of the last TextInput, password here, is shown updated in the state object (in the console). The first two TextInput fields values remain empty as the initial state.
I tried lots of patterns to pass the data from the input fields using the method onChangeText(), but nothing seems to work for me. No matter how many input fields, only the last input field's state is available in the console. Not sure where things are going wrong. Here is the snack expo link to reciprocate the issue:
This might be a silly issue that I am unable to figure out, but any help to resolve the same, will be highly appreciated.

Creating A Multi-select in React that accepts values not found in dropdown options

I need to create an input on my reactjs application where, I have an array of names populating a select. Here, when a user types a name that does not exit in the array used to populate the select, he should have the option to still tag this username into the selected list( indirectly a new item on the list). Also, the user needs to be able to tag multiple users.
It should work exactly like the Multiselect of react-select Component except for the fact that, selected values also accept values which are not part of the dropdown
If there are any existing solutions to this in react, I will really love to take a look at them.
thanks and waiting for your help
Isn't this already supported via the Creatable version of the react-select?

