How to execute javascript code after full load of PHP table? - javascript

My page has a somewhat large table (~ 300 lines), loaded from a database in PHP. When the user roll the table with any scrollbar (horizontal/vertical), I save both positions to go exactly there after page reload.
Problem is: sometimes the vertical position won't be fully restored, as if the code tried to execute before the PHP table is fully drawn.
I've tried to attach the code in different ways:
<body onload='load()'>
window.onload = load;
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', event => {
if ( === 'complete') {
But none of the above works all the time. After every reload, the page sometimes scroll back to the right position, other times it scrolls upwards, until a point (~ 1000 px, which I can see in the console) where it's able to keep position indefinitely.
The code to save the scrollbar position is:
<div id='tab' onscroll='moved(this)'>
function moved(w) {
And to retrieve the scrollbar position, inside load() is:
if (document.getElementById('tab')) {
var sl = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('db.scrLeft'),10);
var st = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('db.scrTop'),10);
if (sl && st) {
document.getElementById('tab').scrollLeft = sl;
document.getElementById('tab').scrollTop = st;
Why is none of the above options respecting the proper table load, as they should? And how do I achieve it?

Solved it. The scrollbar was rolling during load, causing the moved function to be called. I added a condition (loaded) to allow its execution only after load.
var loaded = false;
function moved(w) {
if (loaded) {
function load() {
if (document.getElementById('tab')) {
var sl = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('db.scrLeft'),10);
var st = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('db.scrTop'),10);
if (sl && st) {
document.getElementById('tab').scrollLeft = sl;
document.getElementById('tab').scrollTop = st;
loaded = true;


Scroll bottom in JavaScript

I have a working bottom function in JavaScript to detect if the user scrolls at the bottom. However, a problem comes when the user has a strange resolution (like windows scale) or when you zoom. The function is not working anymore and can't detect the bottom.
Here is what I did :
const bottom = - ===;
if (bottom) {
Is there a way to avoid that? Even when you don't zoom, this is not working for people displaying the site on a TV or something like this (like a friend of mine did)
Thanks you
EDIT : I'm applying this on a precise element and I repeat that my solution is working except by unzooming. Unzooming provides float values that made the response not really accurate (it goes from 1 to 50px of difference based on the zoom made)
I use this function (can't take credit as someone else wrote it - sorry for no credit - it was ages ago). Maybe you can adapt this to your use case:
(function($) {
function Utils() {
Utils.prototype = {
constructor: Utils,
isElementInView: function (element, fullyInView) {
var pageTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var pageBottom = pageTop + $(window).height();
var elementTop = $(element).offset().top;
var elementBottom = elementTop + $(element).height();
if (fullyInView === true) {
return ((pageTop < elementTop) && (pageBottom > elementBottom));
} else {
return ((elementTop <= pageBottom) && (elementBottom >= pageTop));
var Utils = new Utils();
//this function tells what to do do when the element is or isnt in view.
//var inView = Utils.isElementInView(el, false); Where FALSE means the element doesnt need to be completely in view / TRUE would mean the element needs to be completely in view
function IsEInView(el) {
var inView = Utils.isElementInView(el, false);
if(inView) {
//console.log('in view');
} else {
//console.log('not in view');
//Check to make sure the element you want to be sure is visible is present on the page
var variableOfYourElement = $('#variableOfYourElement');
//if it is on this page run the function that checks to see if it is partially or fully in view
if( variableOfYourElement.length ) {
//run function on page load
//run function if the element scrolls into view

Why does my scroll function trigger on page load?

I'm trying to create a simple scroll effect where the page header hides when the page scrolls down and reappears on scroll up. The HTML:
<header class="siteHeader">...</header> hidden by applying the CSS class "siteHeader--up."
I'm using jQuery. Here is my code:
$(function () {
var $siteHeader = $('.siteHeader');
var $window = $(window);
// to determine scroll direction. initializes to 0 on page load
var scrollReference = 0;
function fixedHeader () {
var scrollPosition = $window.scrollTop();
// if page is scrolling down, apply the CSS class
if (scrollPosition > scrollReference)
// otherwise, page is scrolling up. Remove the class
// update reference point to equal where user stopped scrolling
scrollReference = scrollPosition
$window.scroll(function () {
This works fine for the most part. The problem is when I scroll down the page and then refresh the page. Somehow the scroll function is being triggered. The header will be visible for a moment and then hide (as though the page thinks it's being scrolled down). The function is being triggered on page load (confirmed with a console.log), but I don't understand why, because it's only supposed to fire on scroll.
Can someone help me understand what's going on and how I can prevent it?
That is the expected behavior. When the page is refreshed, the browser remembers the scroll position and it scrolls the page to that position, later on the scroll event is fired.
I think that this could be a workaround to solve your problem:
When the jQuery scroll event is fired you can get the timeStamp property and if this timeStamp is very close to the window.onload timeStamp, surely it can't be an event triggered by the user:
I've used a value of 50 milliseconds, test if it is sufficient, I think that it is.
var startTime = false;
$(function () {
var $siteHeader = $('.siteHeader');
var $window = $(window);
// to determine scroll direction. initializes to 0 on page load
var scrollReference = 0;
function fixedHeader () {
var scrollPosition = $window.scrollTop();
// if page is scrolling down, apply the CSS class
if (scrollPosition > scrollReference)
// otherwise, page is scrolling up. Remove the class
// update reference point to equal where user stopped scrolling
scrollReference = scrollPosition
$window.on("load", function (evt) {
startTime = evt.timeStamp;
$window.on("scroll", function (evt) {
if(!startTime || evt.timeStamp - startTime < 50) return;
Try Loading the function on window load as well as in the scroll function:
Or on document ready maybe:
$(document).ready(function () {
This should trigger and reset the values in the Variables you made and therefore determine whether to set the header to fixed or not, regardless of the scroll position.
Let me know if it works because i'm kinda curious too :)

Javascript vertical scrolling function

I am trying to detect a scroll on my page using JavaScript. So that I can change classes and attributes of some elements when user has scrolled certain amount of page. This is my JS function:
function detectScroll() {
var header = document.querySelector(".headerOrig"),
header_height = getComputedStyle(header).height.split('px')[0],
fix_class = "changeColor";
if( window.pageYOffset > header_height ) {
if( window.pageYOffset < header_height ) {
var change = window.setInterval(detectScroll, 5000);
and I am calling it when the page is loaded:
<body onload="detectScroll();">
However, I have this problem - I need to set up a really small interval so that the function gets called and the class is changed immediately. BUT then the page freezes and everything except the JS function works very slowly.
Is there any better way of achieving this in JavaScript?
Thanks for any advice/suggestion.
You are going to want to change a couple things. First, we can use onscroll instead of an interval. But you are also going to want to cache as much as possible to reduce the amount of calculations on your scroll. Even further, you should use requestAnimationFrame (or simply "debounce" in general for older browsers -- see the link). This ensures your work only happens when the browser is planning on repainting. For instance, while the user scrolls the actual scroll event may fire dozens of times but the page only repaints once. You only care about that single repaint and if we can avoid doing work for the other X times it will be all the more smoother:
// Get our header and its height and store them once
// (This assumes height is not changing with the class change).
var header = document.querySelector(".headerOrig");
var header_height = getComputedStyle(header).height.split('px')[0];
var fix_class = "changeColor";
// This is a simple boolean we will use to determine if we are
// waiting to check or not (in between animation frames).
var waitingtoCheck = false;
function checkHeaderHeight() {
if (window.pageYOffset > header_height) {
if (window.pageYOffset < header_height) {
// Set waitingtoCheck to false so we will request again
// on the next scroll event.
waitingtoCheck = false;
function onWindowScroll() {
// If we aren't currently waiting to check on the next
// animation frame, then let's request it.
if (waitingtoCheck === false) {
waitingtoCheck = true;
// Add the window scroll listener
window.addEventListener("scroll", onWindowScroll);
use onscroll instead of onload so you don't need to call the function with an interval.
Your dedectScroll function will be triggered automatically when any scroll appers if you use onscroll
<body onscroll="detectScroll();">
Your function is adding an interval recursively, you should add an event listener to the scroll event this way :
function detectScroll() {
var header = document.querySelector(".headerOrig"),
header_height = getComputedStyle(header).height.split('px')[0],
fix_class = "changeColor";
if( window.pageYOffset > header_height ) {
if( window.pageYOffset < header_height ) {

How to fadeIn element on page load instead of "appear"?

Im a really huge noob on jquery, I need to figure out how to change this code:
$('.social li').appear();
$(document.body).on('appear', '.social li', function(e, $affected) {
var fadeDelayAttr;
var fadeDelay;
if ($(this).data("delay")) {
fadeDelayAttr = $(this).data("delay")
fadeDelay = fadeDelayAttr;
} else {
fadeDelay = 0;
to work in the way that it would start animation as soon as someone enters the landing page, right now it works good on everything besides IE10 and IE11, was told to change it to load by default not on "appear" but I tried document ready/load and I can't get it to work...
You could try fading all list items into view, each with a progessing 250ms delay:
$(window).load(function() {
$('.social li').hide().each(function(i) {
$(this).delay((i + 1) * 250).fadeIn(2000);
Using the same logic as your previous code to refactor, use the window.load method since the load event fires at the end of the document loading process. At this point, all of the objects in the document are in the DOM, and all the images and sub-frames etc have finished loading. So use this event to do the fading in animation of the list items into view, where their initial state will be hidden.
You have two variables declared fadeDelayAttr and fadeDelay but I noticed that only fadeDelay is being used, so fadeDelayAttr can be discarded. Also, this part of the code:
if ($(this).data("delay")) {
fadeDelayAttr = $(this).data("delay")
fadeDelay = fadeDelayAttr;
} else {
fadeDelay = 0;
can be simplified as the null-coalescing operator using a logical OR (||):
var fadeDelay = $(this).data("delay") || 0;
Since the fadeDelay variable gets its value from the data-delay attribute, this can then be passed in as an argument for the delay method and finally the refactored code will look like this:
$(window).load(function() {
$('.social li').hide().each(function() {
var fadeDelay = $(this).data("delay") || 0;
Working Demo

JavaScript function of add new information when you scroll to the bottom, didnt work as i expected

i write a script at JavaScript, that when i scroll to the bottom (minus 200px) of the page, it will add for me more information with AJAX.
my problem is that when i in the area of the botton-200px, its call to the ajax a lot of times, but i need that it will call to the AJAX function just 1 time, everytime that you are in this area (i hope that you understand me).
(everytime that i come to the bottom, i need it to call to the ajax function!)
how can i solve this?
no metter, i solve this problem!
this is the full source:
window.onscroll = scrollPage;
document.write("<div id='sizeOfPage'></div><div id='sizeOfWindow' style='position:fixed; bottom:0px;'></div>");
function scrollPage() {
sizeOfPage = document.getElementById('sizeOfPage').offsetTop;
sizeOfWindow = document.getElementById('sizeOfWindow').offsetTop;
scrollPosition = window.pageYOffset+sizeOfWindow;
if (scrollPosition >= sizeOfPage-200) {
ajax('refPosts.php', '1', true, 'posts');
var reEnteredBottom = false;
window.onscroll = scrollPage;
document.write("<div id='sizeOfPage'></div><div id='sizeOfWindow' style='position:fixed; bottom:0px;'></div>");
function scrollPage() {
sizeOfPage = document.getElementById('sizeOfPage').offsetTop;
sizeOfWindow = document.getElementById('sizeOfWindow').offsetTop;
scrollPosition = window.pageYOffset+sizeOfWindow;
if (scrollPosition >= sizeOfPage-200 && !reEnteredBottom) {
reEnteredBottom = true;
ajax('refPosts.php', '1', true, 'posts');
} else if(scrollPosition < sizeOfPage - 200) reEnteredBottom = false;
Just introduce a new variable that tracks whether you have left the bottom part and only execute the AJAX code when you have and re-enter, not when just normally scrolling

