Remove mouse over and mouse out event after clicking that element - javascript

I have a input box in which i am toggling the text on mouse over and mouse out event but when I click that box i want to remove mouse hover effect,but after clicking it still changes on mouse hover
onMouseOver() {
this.placeHolder= 'text1';
onMouseOut() {
this.placeHolder = 'text2';
onMouseFocus() {
this.placeHolder ='text3';

There are many ways to do this. See here a possible duplicate.
But short version that I prefer:
Work with variable
clicked: boolean = false;
onClick() {
if (!clicked) {
// Do what you wanna do
clicked = true;
Second with html
// Code behind
clicked: boolean = false;
onClick() {
// Do what you wanna do
clicked = true;
<button (click)="!clicked ? onClick() : null">CLICK ME</button>
So, yes, other ways are possible like removeEventListener with Angular's renderer2 and so on. But that's not good. Never change the html directly by yourself. Let Angular doing it.


How to make an action on first click and another action on second click

My goal is to move a div element to the right side of the page on the first click and move it back to the left if I click it again and so on. How can I do this in javascript?
As enhzfelp said in their comment, the best solution would be to create a css class which moves your element to the right side of the page and to add / remove it with javascript.
If your goal is actually to perform one action and on next event call perform another, you can simply change a variable whenever the event is called.
Example code:
let right = false;
someElement.on('click', () => {
right = !right;
if (right) moveRight();
else moveLeft();
function moveRight() { ... }
function moveLeft() { ... }
You can also do this
var clickCount = 0;
function checkClick() {
if ( clickCount % 2 == 0 ) {
alert("first click");
} else {
alert("Second click");
<button onclick="checkClick()">Click me</button>
So, as I understood, you want to make so on click, the div element move to the opositive direction of left or right.
You can make this with an event listener, that listens to the click event and execute whatever you want on every click.
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// your code that executes on every click
This event listener listens the click on all your webpage, so if you want to only listen the click when the use click your div, you need to get the div. There are several ways, but I recomend you to add an id to the div.
<div id="iAmYourElement"></div>
And then get the element in JavaScript
const element = document.getElementById("iAmYourElement");
element.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// your code that executes on every click
Now that we have the way to deal with the click event, let's talk about the code that goes inside the listener.
One way to do this is creating two CSS classes, one is your div on the left and another whe div on your right. So, if we need the element to be on the right, we add the right-class, and if we need the div to be to the left, we add left-class and remove right-class.
Final javascript code will looks like that:
const element = document.getElementById("iAmYourElement");
let isDivOnLeft = true;
element.addEventListener('click', function (event) { // executes if you click on the div
isDivOnLeft = !isDivOnLeft // We negate the value of isDivOnLeft, so if it was true, it will now be false and vice versa.
if (isDivOnLeft) {
} else {
function elementToRight() {
function elementToLeft() {
my English is kinda weak so I'll try my best to explain.
Let's assume that we have a div with id moveable
<div id="moveable"></div>
And we have button
<button id="move">Move</div>
And our goal is to move the div to the right in the first click, and in the second click, we will move it back to the right.
let button = document.getElementById("move");
let div = document.getElementById("moveable");
button.addEventListener("click", function () {
const dataMovedAttribute = div.getAttribute("data-moved");
if (dataMovedAttribute && dataMovedAttribute === "true") {
div.setAttribute("data-moved", "false"); = "left";
} else {
div.setAttribute("data-moved", "true"); = "right";
Checkout this example:

Logic for showing elements and hiding them on body click

I have some piece of code.
This code on button click open menu.
When i click on button again, menu is hidden (i remove .show class, show class has display:block rule, so i toggle visibility of this item by clicking on button).
In next line, i have event, which check what element is clicked. If i "click" outside" of menu, menu become hidden, beacuse i remove .show class.
And now i have a problem, it looks like first part of code dont work anymore (button.on('click')) - i mean, work, but second part of code is also executed, and this logic is now broken.
Have you got any idea for workaround?
var menu = $('.main-menu');
var button = $('.burger');
button.on('click',function() {
if (menu.hasClass('show')) {
} else {
$(document).bind( "mouseup touchend", function(e){
var container = menu;
if (!
&& container.has( === 0) {
maybe use jQuery toggle() method ? For example:
button.on('click',function() {
You need to bind an outer click event only when the button click event has been triggered, and remove the outer click event when the outer click event has been triggered:
var menu = $('.main-menu');
var button = $('.burger');
button.on('click',function() {
if (menu.hasClass('show')) {
} else {
var butbindfunc = function(e){
var container = menu;
$(this).unbind("mouseup touchend", butbindfunc);
$(document).not(button).bind( "mouseup touchend", butbindfunc);
Note, that I have removed your condition in the document binding callback, and simple excluded it from the select set.

Javascript - Click Button to FadeIn, FadeOut by clicking anywhere

I want my navigation to fade-in when a special button is clicked, and to fade away when the user is clicking somewhere else - doesn't matter where.
My Script looks like this:
function showText() {
var spoiler = document.getElementById('spoiler');
var button = document.getElementById('navicon');
if ( == 'block') {'none';
button.value = 'Text einblenden';
} else {'block';
button.value = 'Text ausblenden';
return false;
My workaround was to give every navigation element the following code snippet.
Can anybody help me?
Use bubbling to attach a single click handler to a common parent element (for example, body).
Here's a simple example:
$(function () {
$("#myButton").click(function (e) {
return false;
$("#parent").click(function() {
Clicking the button will fade in the element with id hidden. Clicking anywhere in parent will fade it out again.

How to change this code to mouse hover

I want to change this code to mouse hover.
// Login Form
$(function() {
var button = $('#loginButton');
var box = $('#loginBox');
var form = $('#loginForm');
button.mouseup(function(login) {
form.mouseup(function() {
return false;
$(this).mouseup(function(login) {
if(!($('#loginButton').length > 0)) {
When they hover on loginbox and Login form it should be visible otherwise the login form should be hidden.Right now when we click on it it shows up and when we click again it hides.
You want to use mouseover and mouseout instead of mouseup:
$(function() {
var button = $('#loginButton');
var box = $('#loginBox');
var form = $('#loginForm');
button.mouseover(function() {;
button.mouseout(function() {
From the docs:
The mouseover event is sent to an element when the mouse pointer enters the element. Any HTML element can receive this event.
The mouseout event is sent to an element when the mouse pointer leaves the element. Any HTML element can receive this event.
Here's a simple jsFiddle to demonstrate:
NOTE: You probably want to attach these events to a common parent of the box and button, so that the box doesn't hide when the mouse pointer leaves the button. Since the parent container will expand to fit the box when it gets shown, you will then be able to interact with the form until the mouse leaves the parent container area.
*EDIT*: Here's an updated version that uses CSS to achieve the intended effect, rather than manually showing/hiding the form:
Just use mouseenter and mouseleave instead. The last event handler seems to close the loginBox when clicked outside it, and you don't really need it, but there's no harm in keeping it as an extra precaution so the user can close the box if mouseleave for some reason should fail :
$(function() {
var button = $('#loginButton'),
box = $('#loginBox'),
form = $('#loginForm');
button.removeAttr('href').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
$(document).on('click', function(e) {
if( !($('#loginButton').length)) {

X-Editable: stop propagation on "click to edit"

I have an editable element inside a div which itself is clickable. Whenever I click the x-editable anchor element, the click bubbles up the DOM and triggers a click on the parent div. How can I prevent that? I know it's possible to stop this with jQuery's stopPropagation() but where would I call this method?
Here's the JSFiddle with the problem: . To replicate click on the editable values and you'll see that the containing div will catch a click event. This also happens when I click anywhere on the x-editable popup and I'd like to prevent that as well.
EDIT after lightswitch05 answer
I have multiple dynamic DIVs which should be selectable so I couldn't use a global variable. I added an attribute to the .editable-click anchors which get's changed instead.
editable-active is used to know if the popup is open or not
editable-activateable is used instead to know if that .editable-click anchor should be treated like it is
$(document).on('shown', "a.editable-click[editable-activateable]", function(e, reason) {
return $(this).attr("editable-active", true);
$(document).on('hidden', "a.editable-click[editable-activateable]", function(e, reason) {
return $(this).removeAttr("editable-active");
The check is pretty much like you've described it
$(document).on("click", ".version", function() {
$this = $(this)
// Check that the xeditable popup is not open
if($this.find("a[editable-active]").length === 0) { // means that editable popup is not open so we can do the stuff
// ... do stuff ...
For the click on the links, simply catch the click event and stop it:
The clicks within X-editable are a bit trickier. One way is to save a flag on weather the X-editable window is open or not, and only take action if X-editable is closed
var editableActive = false;
$("a.editable-click").on('shown', function(e, reason) {
editableActive = true;
$("a.editable-click").on('hidden', function(e, reason) {
editableActive = false;
$("div.version").click(function(e) {
var $this;
$this = $(this);
if(editableActive === false){
if ($this.hasClass("selected")) {
} else {
Fixed Fiddle
It's not pretty, but we solved this problem with something like:
$('.some-class').click(function(event) {
if( === "A" || === "INPUT" || === "BUTTON"){
We're still looking for a solution that doesn't require a specific list of tagNames that are okay to click on.

