how can i embed javascript developed by Create React App - javascript

I want to use javascript library on github in my project but I don't know how to do it.
the scripts are ""
Is there any way to use this library on plain web app project?

You just should check installation and usage guide in


Micro-front end web app using webpack, react and angular(latest version)

I want to create a web application using JavaScript frameworks. The basic idea is to create a simple navbar through which we can switch to Angular and react module. I want to use webpack as a base library for hosting front-end app. For state management, I want to use rxjs
Can anyone help me in that?

How can I put my all asset(Html, JS, CSS, node.JS) into the react?

I do my web project and I want to do a react for make my website better but I don't know how to put all the asset that I made into the react.
Start reading the official docs.

Is it possible to use js resources on Node.js or react Native?
Is it possible to use this api, player and methods, in a node.js or react native app?
Sorry for the basic question, but I'm a SQL / Web developer, and I need to know about the mobile app part to think about the backend part.
You should use the module at the address you are linked to if you are running the function through a webview, or you should use the React-native module to resolve this through the React-native.
This link is a 'vimeo' module used by the React-native.

convert angular 2 application to integrate able sdk

i have a angular 2 application. I was wondering if i could convert this application to an integrate-able sdk which other applications can use by adding script tags in their headers. If this is not possible can anyone provide any tutorial link which shows how can i build a simple sdk which can be integrated in other applications. thank you.
Of course you can! In javascript terms, it's not called "SDK" but "module".
The most popular module manager is called NPM.
So you can follow this tutorial to package your "application" as NPM module, then it will be easy for other js developper to integrate it inside their own projects (using the tags, services, directives you defined.
Here is a good post about it
EDIT : if you want to use your angular components/modules outside in non-angular application, you can follow this one. In the example it is used with React app but it will work with any html5-compliant browsers.
If you want to target also non-compatible browsers, you should add a polyfill

Does IONIC support multi-threading and call jar lib developed in Java

Currently, I'm working on project using Ionic framework and Cordova.
We create some code witch running by java, it will be running on server.
but it will be the same main functionality on mobile devices using Ionic (java script + angularJS ...)
1- Can I get the jar file from the java project and recall those functions in Ionic using JavaAcript, I read many article: some people say it possible and some others say no !
2- About multi-threading, can Ionic support multi-threading or no ? because in my app I have some thread for asynchronisme consuming web services.
Thank you
If you want to access jar lib from cordova project you should use ACE project
You can use Webworker to achieve multi-threading in Javascript.
Hope it helps.

