ref is stacking in sockets react native - javascript

Im trying to build chat application using sockets and everything is working except when im trying to add new session I beilieve it is stacking the reference but I don't know what I'm missing
here is my code
const [sessions, setSessions] = useState([]);
const userSocketRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
async function getUser() {
const user = await authStorage.getUser();
const URL = "ws://" + "users";
if (userSocketRef.current === null) {
userSocketRef.current = io(URL, {
auth: { user: user.uuid },
transports: ["polling", "websocket"],
userSocketRef.current.on("disconnect", () => {
userSocketRef.current.on("connect", () => {
userSocketRef.current.onAny((event, ...args) => {
userSocketRef.current.on("connect_error", (err) => {
console.log("current sessions after handle: "+Object.keys(sessions))
if (userSocketRef.current !== null ) {
"private message",
(message, sessionUuid) => {
console.log("private message");
handleUpdateSession(message, sessionUuid);
userSocketRef.current.on("new session", async (session) => {
await handleNewSession(session);
}, [sessions]);
useEffect(() => {
async function getSessions() {
const user = await authStorage.getUser();
const ret = await getUserSessions(user?.uuid);
}, []);
const handleNewSession = async (newSession) => {
console.log("current sessions: " + Object.keys(sessions));
console.log("new session: " + Object.keys(newSession));
setSessions([newSession, ...sessions]);
const handleUpdateSession = (message, sessionUuid) => {
try {
console.log(sessionUuid, Object.keys(sessions));
const temp = sessions;
const session = temp.find((s) => s.uuid === sessionUuid);
const filteredSessions = temp.filter((s) => s.uuid !== sessionUuid);
setSessions([session, ...filteredSessions]);
} catch (error) {
now when i try to open new session it works great and I can send messages but when the user tries to send message it duplicates so many times and it gets errors because they are the same key I tried to debug and here is my conclusion
LOG current sessions after handle:
LOG current sessions after handle:
LOG connected
LOG event
LOG []
LOG ["uuid", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "expirationDate", "name", "device", "messages"]
LOG current sessions:
LOG new session: uuid,createdAt,updatedAt,expirationDate,name,device,messages
LOG current sessions after handle: 0
LOG event
LOG private message
LOG a0d35995-8d79-433a-aab9-1d911d20e756 []
LOG [TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'session.messages')]
LOG private message
LOG a0d35995-8d79-433a-aab9-1d911d20e756 ["0"]
LOG current sessions after handle: 0
as you can see the useEffect loads twice I don't know why then i trigger new session and then session set to the state then I try to send message from the sender you notice that the session.messages is undefined then it finds the session
I don't know why does it stack like this


Node / React - How to send data only to specific users using sse?

I want to send notifications to all and only those users who are following certain items. When user reports item, this triggers a notification of report to all followers of item being reported. What happens in my case:
lets say 3 people follow item xyz. I send notification 'xyz was reported' to 3 users, however, each user gets 3 times that notification instead of 3 users 1x notification.
Do I need to establish a connection with each user seperatly by using his userId in the sse event? Or is there another better solution?
my backend:
const SSE = require("express-sse");
const sse = new SSE(["test"], { isSerialized: false, initialEvent: 'initialize sse' });
reportItem: async (req, res) => { item
await NotificationService.notifyOfItemUpdate(id,;
const NotificationService = {
notifyOfItemUpdate: async (updatedItemId, report) => {
const item = await Item.findById({_id: updatedItemId});
const message = NotificationService.createItemUpdateMessage(item, report);
const followers = await User.find({following: updatedItemId});
await NotificationService.notify(followers, message);
notify: async (followers, message) => {
return Promise.all( (follower) => {
const notification = await NotificationService.createNotification(follower._id, message);
if (follower._id.toString() === {
sse.send(notification.messages[0], 'new_notification'); //[0] as sending the last message
const eventSource = new EventSource(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: {
toString: function () {
return "Bearer " + token;
eventSource.addEventListener('open', (e) => {
console.log('SSE opened!');
eventSource.addEventListener(`new_notification${}`, (e) => {
const notifications = JSON.parse(;
dispatch({type: 'STREAM_NOTIFICATIONS_SUCCESS', payload: notifications})
eventSource.addEventListener('error', (e) => {
console.error('Error: ', e);
return () => {

How to extract data when onSnapshot is returned in realtime firestore?

I have two files contact.js and functions.js. I am using firestore realtime functionality.
Here is my functions.js file code:
export const getUserContacts = () => {
const contactDetailsArr = [];
return db.collection("users").doc(userId)
.onSnapshot(docs => {
const contactsObject =;
for (let contact in contactsObject) {
.then(userDetail => {
userId: contact,
lastMessage: contactsObject[contact].lastMsg,
time: contactsObject[contact].lastMsgTime,,
return contactDetailsArr;
in contact.js when I do:
useEffect(() => {
let temp = getUserContacts();
}, [])
I want to extract data of contactDetailsArr in contacts.js but I get the value of temp consoled as:
ƒ () {
i.Zl(), () {
return Pr(r.q_, o);
How do I extract the array data in my case?
The onSnapshot() returns a function that can be used to detach the Firestore listener. When using a listener, it's best to set the data directly into state rather than returning something from that function. Try refactoring the code as shown below:
const [contacts, setContacts] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const getUserContacts = () => {
const contactDetailsArr = [];
const detach = db.collection("users").doc(userId)
.onSnapshot(docs => {
const contactsObject =;
const contactsSnap = await Promise.all( => db.collection("users").doc(c).get()))
const contactDetails = => ({
// other fields like unreadMsg, time
// Update in state
}, [])
Then use contacts array to map data in to UI directly.
This answer assumes a user's data looks like this in your Firestore:
// Document at /users/someUserId
"active": true,
"contacts": {
"someOtherUserId": {
"lastMsg": "This is a message",
"lastMsgTime": /* Timestamp */,
"unreadMsg": true // unclear if this is a boolean or a count of messages
"anotherUserId": {
"lastMsg": "Hi some user! How are you?",
"lastMsgTime": /* Timestamp */,
"unreadMsg": false
"emailId": "",
"imageUrl": "",
"userName": "Some User"
Note: When asking questions in the future, please add examples of your data structure similar to the above
Attaching Listeners with Current Structure
The structure as shown above has a number of flaws. The "contacts" object in the user's data should be moved to a sub-collection of the user's main document. The reasons for this include:
Any user can read another user's (latest) messages (which can't be blocked with security rules)
Any user can read another user's contacts list (which can't be blocked with security rules)
As an individual user messages more users, their user data will grow rapidly in size
Each time you want to read a user's data, you have to download their entire message map even if not using it
As you fill out a user's contacts array, you are fetching their entire user data document even though you only need their active, email, imageUrl, and userName properties
Higher chance of encountering document write conflicts when two users are editing the contact list of the same user (such as when sending a message)
Hard to (efficiently) detect changes to a user's contact list (e.g. new addition, deletion)
Hard to (efficiently) listen to changes to another user's active status, email, profile image and display name as the listeners would be fired for every message update they receive
To fetch a user's contacts once in your functions.js library, you would use:
// Utility function: Used to hydrate an entry in a user's "contacts" map
const getContactFromContactMapEntry = (db, [contactId, msgInfo]) => {
return db.collection("users")
.then((contactDocSnapshot) => {
const { lastMsg, lastMsgTime, unreadMsg, userName } = msgInfo;
const baseContactData = {
lastMessage: lastMsg,
time: lastMsgTime,
userId: contactId
if (!contactDocSnapshot.exists) {
// TODO: Decide how to handle unknown/deleted users
return {
active: false, // deleted users are inactive, nor do they
email: null, // have an email, image or display name
img: null,
userName: "Deleted user"
const { active, emailId, imageUrl, userName } =;
return {
email: emailId,
img: imageUrl,
export const getUserContacts = (db, userId) => { // <-- note that db and userId are passed in
return db.collection("users")
.then((userDataSnapshot) => {
const contactsMetadataMap = userDataSnapshot.get("contacts");
return Promise.all( // <-- waits for each Promise to complete
Object.entries(contactsMetadataMap) // <-- used to get an array of id-value pairs that we can iterate over
.map(getContactFromContactMapEntry.bind(null, db)); // for each contact, call the function (reusing db), returning a Promise with the data
Example Usage:
getUserContacts(db, userId)
.then((contacts) => console.log("Contacts data:", contacts))
.catch((err) => console.error("Failed to get contacts:", err))
// OR
try {
const contacts = await getUserContacts(db, userId);
console.log("Contacts data:", contacts);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Failed to get contacts:", err)
To fetch a user's contacts, and keep the list updated, using a function in your functions.js library, you would use:
// reuse getContactFromContactMapEntry as above
export const useUserContacts = (db, userId) => {
if (!db) throw new TypeError("Parameter 'db' is required");
const [userContactsData, setUserContactsData] = useState({ loading: true, contacts: [], error: null });
useEffect(() => {
// no user signed in?
if (!userId) {
setUserContactsData({ loading: false, contacts: [], error: "No user signed in" });
// update loading status (as needed)
if (!userContactsData.loading) {
setUserContactsData({ loading: true, contacts: [], error: null });
let detached = false;
const detachListener = db.collection("users")
next: (userDataSnapshot) => {
const contactsMetadataMap = userDataSnapshot.get("contacts");
const hydrateContactsPromise = Promise.all( // <-- waits for each Promise to complete
Object.entries(contactsMetadataMap) // <-- used to get an array of id-value pairs that we can iterate over
.map(getContactFromContactMapEntry.bind(null, db)); // for each contact, call the function (reusing db), returning a Promise with the data
.then((contacts) => {
if (detached) return; // detached already, do nothing.
setUserContactsData({ loading: false, contacts, error: null });
.catch((err) => {
if (detached) return; // detached already, do nothing.
setUserContactsData({ loading: false, contacts: [], error: err });
error: (err) => {
setUserContactsData({ loading: false, contacts: [], error: err });
return () => {
detached = true;
}, [db, userId])
Note: The above code will not (due to complexity):
react to changes in another user's active status, email or profile image
properly handle when the setUserContactsData method is called out of order due to network issues
handle when db instance is changed on every render
Example Usage:
const { loading, contacts, error } = useUserContacts(db, userId);
Attaching Listeners with Sub-collection Structure
To restructure your data for efficiency, your structure would be updated to the following:
// Document at /users/someUserId
"active": true,
"emailId": "",
"imageUrl": "",
"userName": "Some User"
// Document at /users/someUserId/contacts/someOtherUserId
"lastMsg": "This is a message",
"lastMsgTime": /* Timestamp */,
"unreadMsg": true // unclear if this is a boolean or a count of messages
// Document at /users/someUserId/contacts/anotherUserId
"lastMsg": "Hi some user! How are you?",
"lastMsgTime": /* Timestamp */,
"unreadMsg": false
Using the above structure provides the following benefits:
Significantly better network performance when hydrating the contacts list
Security rules can be used to ensure users can't read each others contacts lists
Security rules can be used to ensure a message stays private between the two users
Listening to another user's profile updates can be done without reading or being notified of any changes to their other private messages
You can partially fetch a user's message inbox rather than the whole list
The contacts list is easy to update as two users updating the same contact entry is unlikely
Easy to detect when a user's contact entry has been added, deleted or modified (such as receiving a new message or marking a message read)
To fetch a user's contacts once in your functions.js library, you would use:
// Utility function: Merges the data from an entry in a user's "contacts" collection with that user's data
const mergeContactEntrySnapshotWithUserSnapshot = (contactEntryDocSnapshot, contactDocSnapshot) => {
const { lastMsg, lastMsgTime, unreadMsg } =;
const baseContactData = {
lastMessage: lastMsg,
time: lastMsgTime,
if (!contactDocSnapshot.exists) {
// TODO: Handle unknown/deleted users
return {
active: false, // deleted users are inactive, nor do they
email: null, // have an email, image or display name
img: null,
userName: "Deleted user"
const { active, emailId, imageUrl, userName } =;
return {
email: emailId,
img: imageUrl,
// Utility function: Used to hydrate an entry in a user's "contacts" collection
const getContactFromContactsEntrySnapshot = (db, contactEntryDocSnapshot) => {
return db.collection("users")
.then((contactDocSnapshot) => mergeContactEntrySnapshotWithUserSnapshot(contactEntryDocSnapshot, contactDocSnapshot));
export const getUserContacts = (db, userId) => { // <-- note that db and userId are passed in
return db.collection("users")
.then((userContactsQuerySnapshot) => {
return Promise.all( // <-- waits for each Promise to complete // <-- used to get an array of entry snapshots that we can iterate over
.map(getContactFromContactsEntrySnapshot.bind(null, db)); // for each contact, call the function (reusing db), returning a Promise with the data
Example Usage:
getUserContacts(db, userId)
.then((contacts) => console.log("Contacts data:", contacts))
.catch((err) => console.error("Failed to get contacts:", err))
// OR
try {
const contacts = await getUserContacts(db, userId);
console.log("Contacts data:", contacts);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Failed to get contacts:", err)
To fetch a user's contacts in a way where it's kept up to date, we first need to introduce a couple of utility useEffect wrappers (there are libraries for more robust implementations):
export const useFirestoreDocument = ({ db, path }) => {
if (!db) throw new TypeError("Property 'db' is required");
const [documentInfo, setDocumentInfo] = useState({ loading: true, snapshot: null, error: null });
useEffect(() => {
if (!path) {
setDocumentInfo({ loading: false, snapshot: null, error: "Invalid path" });
// update loading status (as needed)
if (!documentInfo.loading) {
setDocumentInfo({ loading: true, snapshot: null, error: null });
return db.doc(path)
next: (docSnapshot) => {
setDocumentInfo({ loading: false, snapshot, error: null });
error: (err) => {
setDocumentInfo({ loading: false, snapshot: null, error: err });
}, [db, path]);
return documentInfo;
export const useFirestoreCollection = ({ db, path }) => {
if (!db) throw new TypeError("Property 'db' is required");
const [collectionInfo, setCollectionInfo] = useState({ loading: true, docs: null, error: null });
useEffect(() => {
if (!path) {
setCollectionInfo({ loading: false, docs: null, error: "Invalid path" });
// update loading status (as needed)
if (!collectionInfo.loading) {
setCollectionInfo({ loading: true, docs: null, error: null });
return db.collection(path)
next: (querySnapshot) => {
setCollectionInfo({ loading: false, docs:, error: null });
error: (err) => {
setCollectionInfo({ loading: false, docs: null, error: err });
}, [db, path]);
return collectionInfo;
To use that method to hydrate a contact, you would call it from a ContactEntry component:
// mergeContactEntrySnapshotWithUserSnapshot is the same as above
const ContactEntry = ({ db, userId, key: contactId }) => {
if (!db) throw new TypeError("Property 'db' is required");
if (!userId) throw new TypeError("Property 'userId' is required");
if (!contactId) throw new TypeError("Property 'key' (the contact's user ID) is required");
const contactEntryInfo = useFirestoreDocument(db, `/users/${userId}/contacts/${contactId}`);
const contactUserInfo = useFirestoreDocument(db, `/users/${contactId}`);
if ((contactEntryInfo.loading && !contactEntryInfo.error) && (contactUserInfo.loading && !contactUserInfo.error)) {
return (<div>Loading...</div>);
const error = contactEntryInfo.error || contactUserInfo.error;
if (error) {
return (<div>Contact unavailable: {error.message}</div>);
const contact = mergeContactEntrySnapshotWithUserSnapshot(contactEntryInfo.snapshot, contactUserInfo.snapshot);
return (<!-- contact content here -->);
Those ContactEntry components would be populated from a Contacts component:
const Contacts = ({db}) => {
if (!db) throw new TypeError("Property 'db' is required");
const { user } = useFirebaseAuth();
const contactsCollectionInfo = useFirestoreCollection(db, user ? `/users/${user.uid}/contacts` : null);
if (!user) {
return (<div>Not signed in!</div>);
if (contactsCollectionInfo.loading) {
return (<div>Loading contacts...</div>);
if (contactsCollectionInfo.error) {
return (<div>Contacts list unavailable: {contactsCollectionInfo.error.message}</div>);
const contactEntrySnapshots =;
return (
<>{ => {
return (<ContactEntry {...{ db, key:, userId: user.uid }} />);
Example Usage:
const db = firebase.firestore();
return (<Contacts db={db} />);
Your code seems to be not written with async/await or promise like style
e.g. contactDetailsArr will be returned as empty array
also onSnapshot creates long term subscription to Firestore collection and could be replaced with simple get()
See example on firestore

Broadcasting to all clients with Deno websocket

I want to add notifications to an application I've developed.
Unfortunately, Deno has removed the ws package.(
That's why I'm using the websocket inside the denon itself. Since it doesn't have many functions, I have to add some things myself.
For example, sending all messages to open clients.
What I want to do is when the pdf is created, a (data, message) comes from the socket and update the notifications on the page according to the incoming data.
I keep all open clients in a Map. and when the pdf is created, I return this Map and send it to all sockets (data, message).
However, this works for one time.
server conf...
import {
} from "../deps.ts";
const users = new Map();
const sockets = new Map()
const userArr = [];
export const startNotif = (socket,req) => {
const claims = req.get("claims");
const org = req.get("org"); = org;
users.set(claims.sub, {"username":claims.sub,"socket":socket})
if(userArr.length === 0){
else if(userArr.every((w)=> w.username !== user.username) )
sockets.set(org, userArr)
function broadcastMessage(message) {
if (socket.readyState === 3) {
const init = (msg) => {
status: "creating",
const ondata = async (msg) => {
const upfilepath = path.join(, `CT_${msg.sid}_report.pdf`);
try {
const s=await Deno.readTextFile(upfilepath);
status: "end",
} else {
status: "creating",
} catch(e) {
if(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)
console.error('file does not exists');
const end = () => {
try {
const endTime =
const msg = "Your PDF has been created"
const id = ctid(12) // random id create
id: id,
date: endTime,
status: "done",
message: msg,
read: 'negative',
action: 'pdf'
} catch (e) {
console.log(400, "Cannot send.", e);
socket.onmessage = async (e) => {
const cmd = JSON.parse(;
if( === 'start'){
await init(cmd)
if(! && cmd.sid){
await ondata(cmd)
if( === 'end'){
await end();
socket.onerror = (e) => {
client conf...
export const webSocketHandler = (request) =>
new Promise((res, rej) => {
let url;
if (!process.env.NODE_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
url = `http://localhost:8080/api/notifications/ws`.replace('http', 'ws');
} else {
url = `${window.location.origin}/api/notifications/ws`.replace('http', 'ws');
const token = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('token'));
const orgname = localStorage.getItem('orgname');
const protocol = `${token}_org_${orgname}`;
const socket = new WebSocket(url, protocol);
const response = Object.create({});
socket.onopen = function () {
bid: 'start',
socket.onmessage = function (event) { = JSON.parse(;
if ( === 'creating') {
sid: request.sid,
} else if ( === 'end') {
bid: 'end',
} else if ( === 'done') {
try {
} catch (err) {
socket.onclose = function (event) {
response.state = event.returnValue;
socket.onerror = function (error) {
onclick function of button I use in component...
const donwloadReport = async (type) => {
const query = `?sid=${sid}&reportType=${type}`;
const fileName = `CT_${sid}_report.${type}`;
try {
type === 'pdf' && setLoading(true);
const response = await getScanReportAction(query);
const request = {
.then((data) => {
type: 'update',
data: {
.catch((err) => {
if (type === 'html') {
downloadText(, fileName);
} else {
const blobUrl = await readStream(;
downloadURL(blobUrl, fileName);
} catch (err) {
Everything works perfectly the first time. When I press the download button for the pdf, the socket works, then a data is returned and I update the notification count with the context I applied according to this data.
Later I realized that this works in a single tab. When I open a new client in the side tab, my notification count does not increase. For this, I wanted to keep all sockets in Map and return them all and send a message to each socket separately. But in this case, when I press the download button for the second time, no data comes from the socket.
Actually, I think that I should do the socket initialization process on the client in the context. When you do this, it starts the socket 2 times in a meaningless way.
In summary, consider an application with organizations and users belonging to those organizations. If the clients of A, B, C users belonging to X organization are open at the same time and user A pressed a pdf download button, I want A, B, C users to be notified when the pdf is downloaded.
I would be very grateful if someone could show me a way around this issue.
Have you looked at the BroadcastChannel API? Maybe that could solve your issue. See for example:
Deno specific:
Web/Browser API:

JavaScript PromiseAll allSettled does not catch the rejected

I have a sns lambda function that returns void ( This event orderId and one message'status: success' are what I'm publishing. I check if the 'orderId' exists in my data database in the sns subscription lambda event. If it already exists, update the database; if it doesn't, console error it.
I created an integration test in which I transmit a random 'uuid' that isn't a valid 'orderId,' but it appears that my promise doesn't capture the'rejected'. It should show in console error failed to find order... I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. Also My promise syntax looks complicated, is there any neat way, I can do it. Thank you in advance 🙏🏽
This is sns event, which listen the publishing
interface PromiseFulfilledResult<T> {
status: "fulfilled" | "rejected";
value: T;
const parseOrdersFromSns = (event: SNSEvent) => {
try {
return event.Records.flatMap((r) => JSON.parse(r.Sns.Message))
} catch (error) {
console.error('New order from SNS failed at parsing orders', { event }, error)
return []
export const handlerFn = async (event: SNSEvent): Promise<void> => {
const orders = parseOrdersFromSns(event)
if (orders.length === 0) return
const existingOrdersPromiseResult = await Promise.allSettled(
async (o) => await findOrderStateNode(tagOrderStateId(o.orderId))
); // This returns of data if the order exsiit other it will return undefined
const existingOrders = existingOrdersPromiseResult // should returns arrays of data
.filter(({ status }) => status === "fulfilled")
(o) =>
o as PromiseFulfilledResult<
const failedOrders = existingOrdersPromiseResult.filter( // should stop the opeartion if the data is exsit
({ status }) => status === "rejected"
failedOrders.forEach((failure) => {
console.error("failed to find order", { failure });
const updateOrder = await Promise.all( => {
const existingOrderId = o?.pk as TaggedOrderStateId;
console.log({ existingOrderId }); // Return Undefined
return updateOrder;
this is my test suite
describe('Creating and updating order', () => {
'Creating and updating the order',
async (correlationId: string) => {
CorrelationIds.set('x-correlation-id', correlationId)
const createdOrder = await createNewOrder(correlationId) // This create random order
if (! {
fail('order id is not defined')
const order = await getOrder(
// Add new order to table
await initializeOrderState([order])
const exisitingOrder = await findOrderStateNode(tagOrderStateId(
if (!exisitingOrder) fail(`Could not existing order with this orderId: ${}`)
const event = {
Records: [
Sns: {
Message: JSON.stringify([
orderId: uuid(), // random order it
orderId: uuid(),
} as SNSEvent
await SnsLambda(event)
const updateOrderState = await findOrderStateNode(tagOrderStateId(

DynamoDB update does not console.log any output

I have the following code. This code is supposed to receive an SQS message, read the body, then update a dynamo record with the information contained within that body. The update is not working which is one issue, but even stranger I'm not getting any output from the dynamodb update. The last line of output is the console.log which details the SQS message, then the function ends.
How is this possible? Shouldn't dynamo return some kind of output?
console.log('Loading function');
const util = require('util')
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
exports.handler = async(event) => {
//console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
for (const { messageId, body } of event.Records) {
//const { body } = event.Records[0];
console.log('SQS message %s: %j', messageId, body);
const JSONBody = JSON.parse(body)
//const message = JSON.parse(test["Message"]);
const id =;
const city = JSONBody.City;
const address = JSONBody.Address;
const params = {
TableName: 'myTable',
Key: {
ID: ':id',
UpdateExpression: 'set address = :address',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':id': id,
':address': address,
':sortKey': "null"
//ReturnValues: "UPDATED_NEW"
documentClient.update(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err);
else console.log(data);
return `Successfully processed ${event.Records.length} messages.`;
There're a couple of ways to do this, but I'm not sure about your use cases: Are operations are critical? Do the failed items need to be handled? Are performance need to be boosted as the large dataset? etc...
// I'm not recommend to this implementation
const { DynamoDB } = require('aws-sdk');
const documentClient = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
exports.handler = async (event) => {
for (const { messageId, body } of event.Records) {
console.log('SQS message %s: %j', messageId, body);
// Parse json is dangerous without knowing the structure, remember to handle
// when error occured
const JSONBody = JSON.parse(body)
const id =;
const address = JSONBody.Address;
const params = {
TableName: 'myTable',
Key: {
ID: ':id',
UpdateExpression: 'set address = :address',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':id': id,
':address': address,
':sortKey': "null"
ReturnValues: "UPDATED_NEW"
// Wait for each update operation to finished
// IO time will be extended
await documentClient.update(params)
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
// In case there's a failed update operation, this message still be returned by lambda handler
return `Successfully processed ${event.Records.length} messages.`;
// My recommended way
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
exports.handler = async (event) => {
// All the update operation is fired nearly concurrently
// IO will be reduced
return Promise.all({ messageId, body }) => {
console.log('SQS message %s: %j', messageId, body);
// Parse json is dangerous without knowing the structure, remember to handle
// when error occured
const JSONBody = JSON.parse(body)
const id =;
const address = JSONBody.Address;
const params = {
TableName: 'myTable',
Key: {
ID: ':id',
UpdateExpression: 'set address = :address',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':id': id,
':address': address,
':sortKey': "null"
ReturnValues: "UPDATED_NEW"
return documentClient.update(params)
.then(res => {
// When lambda handler finised all the update, lambda handler return a string
.then(() => {
return `Successfully processed ${event.Records.length} messages.`
// In case any of the update operation failed, the next update operations is cancelled
// Lambda handler return undefined
.catch(error => {
// return some error for lambda response.
P/s: My two cents, before you do any kind of Lamba development with node.js runtime, you should understand the differences between callbacks, promises, await/async in javascript.
Fixed it by making the method synchronous, i.e removed async from the function def

