How Can I send multiple API request from one function altogether - javascript

I want to send Multiple API request to a API end point all together. just to test performance of the Api.
what are the various ways to do it. I have a list of API endpoints of API which I want to send request. and want to know best, average and worst response time.
using Axios request in JavaScript I am trying to send request but only able to do it one by one and in this approach not getting result I want as the request are asynchronous in nature.
What I want to Do:-
Api End Point list-> request to all end point in one go -> best, Worst, average response time.
any approach to do it.

You can but you cannot test API backend performance with this because you cannot send more than 6 AJAX requests at a time (unless you configure your browser to be able to execute more)
So I would recommend considering using a dedicated load testing tool for performance testing of your API backend

Since you're familiar to javascript, I recommend checking out K6:
It's a dedicated performance test tool using JS libraries and fast to setup


How do I receive a variable from python flask to JavaScript?

I've seen how to make a post request from JavaScript to get data from the server, but how would I do this flipped. I want to trigger a function in the flask server that will then dynamically update the variable on the JavaScript side to display. Is there a way of doing this in a efficient manner that does not involve a periodic iteration. I'm using an api and I only want to the api to be called once to update.
There are three basic options for you:
Polling - With this method, you would periodically send a request to the server (maybe every 5 seconds for example) and ask for an update. The upside is that it is easy to implement. The downside is that many requests will be unnecessary. It sounds like this isn't a great option for you.
Long Polling - This method means you would open a request up with the server and leave the request open for a long period of time. When the server gets new information it will send a response and close the request - after which the client will immediately open up a new "long poll" request. This eliminates some of the unnecessary requests with regular polling, but it is a bit of a hack as HTTP was meant for a reasonably short request response cycle. Some PaaS providers only allow a 30 second window for this to occur for example.
Web Sockets - This is somewhat harder to setup, but ultimately is the best solution for real time server to client (and vice versa) communication. A socket connection is opened between the server and client and data is passed back and forth whenever either party would like to do so. Javascript has full web socket support now and Flask has some extensions that can help you get this working. There are even great third party managed solutions like that can give you a working concept very quickly.

How to efficiently send tons of get request with php

I'm working on a project in which I have to develop a simple PHP based web module from where the user (admins) can send SMS messages (Followup) to students, as for the sake of advertisement and other needs.
The SMS API is very simple and I just need to send a GET request to a Cross Origin Domain along with the phone number and message.
I tested it with the file_get_contents("sms_api_url?credentials"); and it works fine.
What worries me is that the SMS will be sent to TONS of numbers and so I have to send the request multiple times using a loop, which will take a lot of time and I think will be too much resource consuming.
Also the max execution time for PHP is set to 30 seconds which I don't want to change.
I thought to use the Client side JavaScript for sending cross origin request in a loop so that it wont affect my server but that wouldn't be secure as it would reveal the API credentials.
What Technology should I use to accomplish my goals? and send tons of get request efficiently?
You've told us nothing about the the actual volume you need to handle, the metrics for the processing/connection time nor what constraints there are on the implementation.
As it stands this is way too broad to answer. But some approaches you might consider are:
1) Running concurrent requests - but note that just like domain sharding, this can undermine your bandwidth if over used
2) You can have PHP scripts running indefinitely outside the webserver (using the CLI SAPI) and these can be launched from a web session.
I thought to use the Client side JavaScript for sending cross origin request in a loop so that it wont affect my server but that wouldn't be secure as it would reveal the API credentials.
If you send directly to the endpoint, then yes, you'd need the credentials in the browser. But if you implement a proxy script which injects the credentials on your webserver then you can use your own credentials from the browser.
Using cron has certian advantages - but you really don't want to be spawning a task from crond to send one SMS message - it needs to run in batches, and you need to manage the concurrency.
You might want to consider switching to a different aggregator whom can offer bulk processing.
Regardless of the aproach you will need a way to store the messages/phone numbers and a locking mechanism around retrieval processing.
Personally, I'd be tempted to look at using an MTA for this or perhaps even Kannel - but that's more an approach for handling volumes in excess of 300,000 per day.
To send as many network requests as needed in less than 30 seconds are two requirements that kind of contradict themselves. Also, raw "efficiency" can just mean squeeze every single resource in the server, which not may be desirable.
Said that, I think the key points are:
I may be wrong but, as far as I know, there're only two ways to prevent a non-authorised party from consuming a web service: private credentials and IP filtering. None are possible in browser-based JavaScript.
Don't make a human being stare in front of the computer until a task of this kind completes. There's absolutely no need to and it can even cause the task to abort.
If you need to send the same text to different recipients, find out whether the SMS provider has an API that allows to do it in a single API request. Large batch deliveries get one or two orders of magnitude harder when this feature is not available.
In short you need:
A command line script
A task scheduler (e.g. cron)
Prefer server stability to maximum efficiency (you may even want to throttle your requests)
Send the requests from the server, but don't do it in the PHP script that generates the page.
Instead, store information about the desired messages in a database.
Write another program which, periodically, checks the database for unsent messages and makes the call to the API. You could run it using cron.

Is there a javascript API which predicts that an ajax request is likely to be throttled?

I am implementing part of a large javascript application where various scripts will be doing AJAX requests, often simultaneously.
I am considering implementing some helper class which can prioritize a stream of AJAX requests, and in some cases optimize by using a bulk api that the server understands instead of many small requests.
However I have a dilemma: if I just call e.g. jquery.ajax(), then I don't know if the request will be sent straight away, or be throttled by the browser (there may be requests executing and waiting for response already, sent from other components of the app). So, I don't really know when to do the bunching optimization, and when to just send a request straight away.
Is there a good way to ask the browser whether I'm going to be throttled in advance of issuing an AJAX request?

Pattern for multiple requests to REST server

So let's say I have a typical REST server that serves some data in a very specific manner, like: GET accounts, GET prices, GET inventory, GET settings, GET user_history, etc...
A single view, let's say, needs to fetch N different specific resources like this. What's the best technique/library/pattern for combining N HTTP requests into one without too much hassle?
Maintaining the "REST" idea would require writing new server code for every view because no two views would need the same set of resources. Doing this would become unnecessarily cumbersome in my opinion. I guess the only way that makes sense is to roll your own DSL that presents your data requirements to the server.
What's the easiest alternative to writing new response code for every possible combination of a given view's resource requirements?
You say this is a rest service, all you need to do is getting information, Why not issue a jsonp request?
issue a jsonp request for every get that you need, instead of writing a new response code for each and every get. It will save you alot of code and will enhance performance.
In conclusion, I would send a jsonp request to the server (given it's an external server of course) in order to get all the data that I need, while issuing ajax calls to the server.
issuing jsonp request to the same domain using .NET

How to update web application with data every n minutes

I want to create a web application that displays data from a public api. I will use d3 (a javascript data-visualization library). I want to retrieve data from the api every ten minutes, and update my page (say it is traffic, or something). I have not built many web applications, how do I get the updates?
Should the js on the client side use a timer to request updates from the server side of my application (perhaps the application is written in Rails or node.js). The server then makes the api call and sends a response asynchronously? Is this called a socket? I have read that HTML5 provides sockets.
Or, perhaps an AJAX request?
Or, does the server side of my application create a timer, make the api call, and then "push" updates to the view. This seems wrong to me, there could be other views in this application, and the server shouldn't have to keep track of which view is active.
Is there a standard pattern for this type of web application? Any examples or tutorials greatly appreciated.
An AJAX request (XMLHttpRequest) is probably the way to go.
I have a very simple example of an XMLHttpRequest (with Java as the backend) here:
You could recreate a backend to receive HTTP GET requests in any other server-side language. Just echo back whatever data you retrieved, and xmlhttp.onload() will catch it.
Depending on how complex your data is, you may want to find a JSON library for your server-side language of choice, and serialize your data to JSON before echoing it back to your JS. Then you can use JavaScript's JSON.parse() method to convert your server data to an object that can easily be used by the client script.
If you are using jQuery, it handles AJAX very smoothly, and using $.ajax() would probably be easier than plain-old XMLHttpRequest.
(There are examples throughout this page, mostly-concentrated at the bottom.)
It really annoys me how complicated so many of the AJAX tutorials are. At least with jQuery, it's pretty easy.
Basically, you just need to ask a script for something (initiate the request, send url parameters), and wait for the script to give you something back (trigger your onload() or jqxhr.done() functions, supplying those functions with a data parameter).
For your other questions:
Use JavaScript's setTimeout() or setInterval() to initiate an AJAX request every 600000 milliseconds. In the request's onload callback, handle your data and update the page appropriately.
The response will be asynchronous.
This isn't a socket.
"Pushing" probably isn't the way to go in this case.
If I understand correctly and this API is external, then your problem can be divided into two separate sub-problems:
1) Updating data at the server. Server should download data once per N minutes. So, it should not be connected to customers' AJAX calls. If two customers will come to the website at the same time, your server will make two API call, what is not correct.
Actually, you should create a CRON job at the server that will call API and store its' result at the server. In this case your server will always make one call at a time and have quite a fresh information cached.
2) Updating data at clients. If data at customers' browsers should be updated without refreshing the page, then you should use some sort of Ajax. It can make a request to your server once per X minutes to get a fresh data or use so-called long-polling.
I think the most effective way to implement real time Web application is to use Web socket to push changes from the server rather than polling from the client side. This way users can see changes instantaneously once server notify that there is new data available. You can read more on the similar post.
I have tried using nodejs package called to make a real time virtual classroom. It works quite well for me.

