properly override toJSON for mathjs bignumber - javascript

I am trying to override mathjs Bignumber using:
import * as math from 'mathjs';
export const bgn = (v: number | math.BigNumber) => {
const z = math.bignumber(v) as math.BigNumber;
(z as any).toJSON = () => {
return Number(math.larger(100, z) ? math.round(z,2) : math.round(z,4)).toFixed(4);
return z;
but for some reason, it's still stringifying it to:
my goal is to stringify it to a number:

This is not currently possible with the native JSON.stringify implementation. It will become possible with the adoption of the JSON.parse source text access proposal which also includes a helper for non-lossy serialization.
You'd use it as
const text = JSON.stringify(value, (key, val) => {
if (val instanceof math.bignumber) return JSON.rawJSON(val.toString())
else return val;

OP was on the right track, this should work fine:
const math = require('mathjs');
const bgn = (v) => {
const z = math.bignumber(v); // as math.BigNumber;
(z).toJSON = () => {
return Number(math.larger(z, 100) ? math.round(z, 3) : math.round(z, 5));
return z;
in JS instead of TS.


Multiple brackets function with rest parameter in JavaScript [duplicate]

I need a js sum function to work like this:
sum(1)(2) = 3
sum(1)(2)(3) = 6
sum(1)(2)(3)(4) = 10
I heard it can't be done. But heard that if adding + in front of sum can be done.
Like +sum(1)(2)(3)(4). Any ideas of how to do this?
Not sure if I understood what you want, but
function sum(n) {
var v = function(x) {
return sum(n + x);
v.valueOf = v.toString = function() {
return n;
return v;
This is an example of using empty brackets in the last call as a close key (from my last interview):
function sum(firstNumber) {
let accumulator = firstNumber;
return function adder(nextNumber) {
if (nextNumber === undefined) {
return accumulator;
accumulator += nextNumber;
return adder;
I'm posting this revision as its own post since I apparently don't have enough reputation yet to just leave it as a comment. This is a revision of #Rafael 's excellent solution.
function sum (n) {
var v = x => sum (n + x);
v.valueOf = () => n;
return v;
console.log( +sum(1)(2)(3)(4) ); //10
I didn't see a reason to keep the v.toString bit, as it didn't seem necessary. If I erred in doing so, please let me know in the comments why v.toString is required (it passed my tests fine without it). Converted the rest of the anonymous functions to arrow functions for ease of reading.
New ES6 way and is concise.
You have to pass empty () at the end when you want to terminate the call and get the final value.
const sum= x => y => (y !== undefined) ? sum(x + y) : x;
call it like this -
Here is a solution that uses ES6 and toString, similar to #Vemba
function add(a) {
let curry = (b) => {
a += b
return curry
curry.toString = () => a
return curry
Another slightly shorter approach:
const sum = a => b => b? sum(a + b) : a;
Here's a solution with a generic variadic curry function in ES6 Javascript, with the caveat that a final () is needed to invoke the arguments:
const curry = (f) =>
(...args) => args.length? curry(f.bind(0, ...args)): f();
const sum = (...values) => values.reduce((total, current) => total + current, 0)
curry(sum)(2)(2)(1)() == 5 // true
Here's another one that doesn't need (), using valueOf as in #rafael's answer. I feel like using valueOf in this way (or perhaps at all) is very confusing to people reading your code, but each to their own.
The toString in that answer is unnecessary. Internally, when javascript performs a type coersion it always calls valueOf() before calling toString().
// invokes a function if it is used as a value
const autoInvoke = (f) => Object.assign(f, { valueOf: f } );
const curry = autoInvoke((f) =>
(...args) => args.length? autoInvoke(curry(f.bind(0, ...args))): f());
const sum = (...values) => values.reduce((total, current) => total + current, 0)
curry(sum)(2)(2)(1) + 0 == 5 // true
Try this
function sum (...args) {
return Object.assign(
sum.bind(null, ...args),
{ valueOf: () => args.reduce((a, c) => a + c, 0) }
Here you can see a medium post about carried functions with unlimited arguments
Try this, this is more flexible to handle any type of input. You can pass any number of params and any number of paranthesis.
function add(...args) {
function b(...arg) {
if (arg.length > 0) {
return add(...[...arg, ...args]);
return [...args, ...arg].reduce((prev,next)=>prev + next);
b.toString = function() {
return [...args].reduce((prev,next)=>prev + next);
return b;
// Examples
console.log(add(1)(2)(3, 3)());
console.log(+add(1)(2)(3)); // 6
console.log(+add(1)(2, 3)(4)(5, 6, 7)); // 28
console.log(+add(2, 3, 4, 5)(1)()); // 15
Here's a more generic solution that would work for non-unary params as well:
const sum = function (...args) {
let total = args.reduce((acc, arg) => acc+arg, 0)
function add (...args2) {
if (args2.length) {
total = args2.reduce((acc, arg) => acc+arg, total)
return add
return total
return add
document.write( sum(1)(2)() , '<br/>') // with unary params
document.write( sum(1,2)() , '<br/>') // with binary params
document.write( sum(1)(2)(3)() , '<br/>') // with unary params
document.write( sum(1)(2,3)() , '<br/>') // with binary params
document.write( sum(1)(2)(3)(4)() , '<br/>') // with unary params
document.write( sum(1)(2,3,4)() , '<br/>') // with ternary params
ES6 way to solve the infinite currying. Here the function sum will return the sum of all the numbers passed in the params:
const sum = a => b => b ? sum(a + b) : a
sum(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)() // 15
function add(a) {
let curry = (b) => {
a += b
return curry;
curry[Symbol.toPrimitive] = (hint) => {
return a;
return curry
console.log(+add(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)); // 15
console.log(+add(6)(6)(6)); // 18
console.log(+add(7)(0)); // 7
console.log(+add(0)); // 0
Here is another functional way using an iterative process
const sum = (num, acc = 0) => {
if !(typeof num === 'number') return acc;
return x => sum(x, acc + num)
and one-line
const sum = (num, acc = 0) => !(typeof num === 'number') ? acc : x => sum(x, acc + num)
You can make use of the below function
function add(num){
add.sum || (add.sum = 0) // make sure add.sum exists if not assign it to 0
add.sum += num; // increment it
return add.toString = add.valueOf = function(){
var rtn = add.sum; // we save the value
return add.sum = 0, rtn // return it before we reset add.sum to 0
}, add; // return the function
Since functions are objects, we can add properties to it, which we are resetting when it's been accessed.
we can also use this easy way.
function sum(a) {
return function(b){
if(b) return sum(a+b);
return a;
To make sum(1) callable as sum(1)(2), it must return a function.
The function can be either called or converted to a number with valueOf.
function sum(a) {
var sum = a;
function f(b) {
sum += b;
return f;
f.toString = function() { return sum }
return f
function sum(a){
let res = 0;
function getarrSum(arr){
return arr.reduce( (e, sum=0) => { sum += e ; return sum ;} )
function calculateSumPerArgument(arguments){
let res = 0;
if(arguments.length >0){
for ( let i = 0 ; i < arguments.length ; i++){
res += getarrSum( arguments[i]);
res += arguments[i];
return res;
res += calculateSumPerArgument(arguments);
return function f(b){
if(b == undefined){
return res;
res += calculateSumPerArgument(arguments);
return f;
let add = (a) => {
let sum = a;
funct = function(b) {
sum += b;
return funct;
Object.defineProperty(funct, 'valueOf', {
value: function() {
return sum;
return funct;
After looking over some of the other solutions on here, I would like to provide my two solutions to this problem.
Currying two items using ES6:
const sum = x => y => (y !== undefined ) ? +x + +y : +x
sum(2)(2) // 4
Here we are specifying two parameters, if the second one doesnt exist we just return the first parameter.
For three or more items, it gets a bit trickier; here is my solution. For any additional parameters you can add them in as a third
const sum = x => (y=0) => (...z) => +x + +y + +z.reduce((prev,curr)=>prev+curr,0)
I hope this helped someone

Simplify semver version compare logic

There's the standard npm semver version comparison library, but I have some simple logic to compare semver versions here:
const versionA = '14.8.3';
const versionB = '15.1.1';
const versionC = '15.1.2';
const semver = require('semver');
const assert = require('assert');
const isGreater = (a, b) => {
const [majorA, minorA, patchA] = String(a).split('.').map(v => Number.parseInt(v));
const [majorB, minorB, patchB] = String(b).split('.').map(v => Number.parseInt(v));
if (majorA > majorB) {
return true;
if (majorB > minorA) {
return false;
if (minorA > minorB) {
return true;
if (minorB > minorA) {
return false;
if (patchA > patchB) {
return true;
if (patchB > patchA) {
return false;
return false;
assert(isGreater(versionB, versionA), 'version b should be greater.');
assert(isGreater(versionA, versionB), 'version b should be greater.');
my question is - is there a way to simplify the logic in the greaterThan function? This function is supposed to replicate the logic in
You can use localeCompare instead, with the numeric option (with numeric, comparison is such that "1" < "2" < "10"), which is exactly the logic you're looking for:
const versionA = '14.8.3';
const versionB = '15.1.1';
const versionC = '15.1.2';
const versionD = '15.1.10';
const versionE = '15.2.1';
const versionF = '15.11.1';
const isGreater = (a, b) => {
return a.localeCompare(b, undefined, { numeric: true }) === 1;
// first argument version comes later than second argument:
console.log(isGreater(versionB, versionA));
console.log(isGreater(versionC, versionB));
console.log(isGreater(versionD, versionC));
console.log(isGreater(versionE, versionD));
console.log(isGreater(versionF, versionE));
// second comes before first:
console.log(isGreater(versionA, versionB));
// same, return value should be false:
console.log(isGreater(versionA, versionA));
Or, equivalently, you can pass the locale string
as the second parameter instead of { numeric: true }.
I believe this is logically the same and shorter, but not exactly stunning in it's simplicity
const parseInt = (v: string) : number => {
const num = Number.parseInt(v);
if(!(Number.isInteger(num) && num > 0)){
throw new Error('Could not parse positive integer from string')
return num;
const isGreater = (a: string, b: string) : boolean => {
const [majorA, minorA, patchA] = String(a).split('.').map(parseInt);
const [majorB, minorB, patchB] = String(b).split('.').map(parseInt);
if (majorA !== majorB) {
return majorA > majorB;
if (minorA !== minorB) {
return minorA > minorB;
return patchA > patchB;

Cant use toLocaleString in nodejs

I've created a util lib to format a number.
this is the format lib
module.exports = {
format: function (number) {
let value = number.toString()
let teste = value.slice(0, -2) + '.' + value.slice(-2)
let newvalue = Number(teste)
return newvalue.toLocaleString('pt-BR', { style: 'currency', currency: 'BRL' })
in my file I import it ant use:
var format = require('../utils/format').format
let number = format(31231)
But it doesnt return the correct format R$2.312,31
Its returning R$2,312.31
If I run in JsFiddle its works as expected...Dont know what can be wrong
As mentioned in the comments, it looks like a bug in node - you could correct with
const reformat = s => s.replace(/[,.]/g, x => ({'.':',', ',':'.'})[x]);
You might also want to place a guard on the replacement:
s => /\.\d{2}$/.test(s) ? s.replace(/[,.]/g, x => ({'.':',', ',':'.'})[x]) : s
Use it in your lib like this:
module.exports = {
format: function (number) {
let value = number.toString()
let teste = value.slice(0, -2) + '.' + value.slice(-2)
let newvalue = Number(teste)
const reformat = s => /\.\d{2}$/.test(s) ? s.replace(/[,.]/g, x => ({'.':',', ',':'.'})[x]) : s
return reformat(newvalue.toLocaleString('pt-BR', { style: 'currency', currency: 'BRL' }))

How to implement guarded recursion in strictly evaluated languages?

I implemented a Scott encoded List type in Javascript along with an overloaded append function that mimics the Semigroup typeclass.
append works just fine but for large lists it will blow the stack. Here is the decisive part of my implementation:
appendAdd("List/List", tx => ty => tx.runList({
Nil: ty,
Cons: x => tx_ => Cons(x) (append(tx_) (ty))
Usually I use a trampoline to avoid a growing stack, but this presupposes tail recursion and thus won't work in this case.
Since this implementation is based on Haskell's, I guess lazy evaluation and guarded recursion/tail recursion modulo cons make the difference:
(++) [] ys = ys
(++) (x:xs) ys = x : xs ++ ys
Provided I understand it correctly, due to lazy evaluation (almost) nothing happens in Haskell when I append a list to another, until I actually do something with this new list. In the example below I fold it.
What I don't understand is how guarded recursion can keep the recursion from growing the call stack and whether this behavior can be implemented explicitly in a strictly evaluated language like Javascript.
Hopefully this question isn't too broad.
For a better understanding, here is the full implementation/example:
// type constructor
const Type = name => {
const Type = tag => Dcons => {
const t = new Tcons();
{value: Dcons});
t[TAG] = tag;
return t;
const Tcons =
Function(`return function ${name}() {}`) ();
Tcons.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] = name;
return Type;
const TAG = Symbol("TAG");
const List = Type("List");
// data constructors
const Cons = x => tx => List("Cons") (cases => cases.Cons(x) (tx));
const Nil = List("Nil") (cases => cases.Nil);
// overload binary functions
const overload2 = (name, dispatch) => {
const pairs = new Map();
return {
[`${name}Add`]: (k, v) => pairs.set(k, v),
[`${name}Lookup`]: k => pairs.get(k),
[name]: x => y => {
if (typeof x === "function" && (VALUE in x))
x = x(y);
else if (typeof y === "function" && (VALUE in y))
y = y(x);
const r = pairs.get(dispatch(x, y));
if (r === undefined)
throw new TypeError("...");
else if (typeof r === "function")
return r(x) (y);
else return r;
const dispatcher = (...args) => => {
const tag =;
return tag.slice(tag.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1, -1);
// Semigroup "typeclass"
const {appendAdd, appendLookup, append} =
overload2("append", dispatcher);
// List instance for Semigroup
appendAdd("List/List", tx => ty => tx.runList({
Nil: ty,
Cons: x => tx_ => Cons(x) (append(tx_) (ty))
// fold
const foldr = f => acc => {
const aux = tx =>
Nil: acc,
Cons: x => tx_ => f(x) (aux(tx_))})
return aux;
// data
const tx = Cons(1) (Cons(2) (Nil));
const ty = Cons(3) (Cons(4) (Nil));
const tz = append(tx) (ty);
// run
foldr(x => acc => `${x}${acc}`) (0) (tz) // "12340"
This isn't a real answer but conclusions I drew after further study:
Tail Recursion modulo Cons - TRMC (and "modulo" for other operations) refers only to a strictly evaluated context, whereas guarded recursion refers to a lazy evaluated one
TRMC is an expensive compiler technique and it (probably) doesn't make sense to implement it in userland
TRMC requires the operation to be associative (form at least a Semigroup), so that the parentheses can be rearranged
This Q&A is also helpful: a tail-recursion version list appending function

How to change Boolean true/false into strings

I'm currently working on a project involving validating credit cards, and I have this luhn algorithm:
export default function luhn(card: string): boolean {
return (
card.split('').reduceRight(function(prev: any, curr: any, idx) {
prev = parseInt(prev, 10)
if ((idx + 1) % 2 !== 0) {
curr = (curr * 2)
.reduce(function(p, c) {
return (parseInt(p, 10) + parseInt(c, 10)) as any
return prev + parseInt(curr, 10)
}, 0) %
10 ===
Notice the boolean in there? i'm using this as a module for my index.ts which looks like this:
import { createReadStream } from 'fs'
import { createInterface } from 'readline'
import { getCompanyName } from './cardType'
import cardValidator from './cardValidator'
const lineReader = createInterface({
input: createReadStream('data/input.txt')
lineReader.on('line', (creditCard: string) => {
var company = `${getCompanyName(creditCard)}: ${creditCard} (${cardValidator(
It currently outputs to the console something like this:
MasterCard: 5105105105105100 (true)
MasterCard: 5105105105105106 (false)
I want the true/false to be valid/invalid I've looked into it a little bit(w3) but don't know how to integrate anything into my algorithm as it requires you to declare a variable for both true and false. any suggestions/answers would be much appreciated
You can simply use a ternary operator to include the strings you want directly in your output string:
var company = `${getCompanyName(creditCard)}: ${creditCard} (${cardValidator(creditCard) ? "valid" : "invalid"})`

