How to do 'signTransaction' after authenticated by 'signPersonalMessage' by WalletConnect of '#walletconnect/react-native-dapp'? - javascript

I am developing a react native mobile app where user can connect their existing wallet(rainbow, metamask and many more) to app.
I have already done the authentication part, like user can successfully connect their app wallet to app by this code.
import { useWalletConnect } from '#walletconnect/react-native-dapp';
const connector = useWalletConnect();
await connector.connect();
const message = `App name is XYZ - ${new Date().toUTCString()}`;
const hexMsg = convertUtf8ToHex(message);
const address = connector.accounts[0];
await setItemToStorage('address', address);
const msgParams = [hexMsg, address];
connector.signPersonalMessage(msgParams).then(async result => {
let data = {
signature: result,
Now every thing is working as expected.
And then I have to transfer my wallet amount to other address, and to achieve this I know I have to get permission from wallet app,
To achieve this I am trying to do like
let txObj = {
gas: Web3js.utils.toHex(100000),
to: receiver_address!,
data: data,
from: userWallet,
console.log('Start transaction...');
const singTrasaction = await connector.signTransaction(txObj);
The connector.signTransaction(txObj) open the wallet app but not prompted me to confirm.
I am just confused and nothing get help me.
Please help me anyone I am getting stuck on this since a week.


Rasa to dialogflow connection in javascript

I need a solution for the Rasa nlu to dialogflow connection. I tried different ways in the code from adding the yml file, tar.gz file and Rasa provided webhooks and API. None of these methods are working and it is not responsing the answers from the domain.yml file but getting the response "Sorry. Something went wrong. Can you say that again?" in the dialogflow and getting different errors in the vs code terminal when I try to enter the inputs from the nlu.yml file for Rasa nlu in the dialogflow.
async function defaultFallback(agent) {
const yaml = require('js-yaml');
const fs = require('fs');
const defaultFallback = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('nlu.yml'));
const dialog = [
`The following is a conversation with an AI assistant that can have meaningful conversations with users. The assistant is helpful, empathic, and friendly. Its objective is to make the user feel better by feeling heard. With each response, the AI assisstant prompts the user to continue the conversation in a natural way.
AI: Hello, my name is Debra. I am your personal AI assistant from Orient Telecoms. How are you doing today?`,
let query = agent.query;
console.log('querytext ', query)
dialog.push(`User: ${query}`);
var targz = require('targz');
var tar = require('tar-stream');
var extract = tar.extract();
// targz.decompress({src: '20221206-172837-simple-assistant.tar.gz',
// dest: '\dialogflow'})
// const response = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('domain.yml'));
// const response = await fetch (extract.on('20221206-172837-simple-assistant.tar.gz'));
const response = await fetch ('',
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(query),
const botResponse = await response.json();
console.log('botResponse: ', botResponse)
agent.add(botResponse[0].generated_text.substring(botResponse[0].generated_text.indexOf('?') + 1).trim());
console.log('This is error:', err);
agent.add('Sorry. Something went wrong. Can you say that again?');
I was able to run with rasa shell, node and ngrok command together but there is no response from the yml file when I'm working on the dialogflow. Is there a solution for these problems?

How to create account/signer using Phantom Wallet provider?

I am following the inner instructions of a Solana NFT to create the process of listing an NFT for sale.
According to this NFT,, the first instruction is to create an account.
The instruction shows
NewAccount - E61SDPzHP61C4KwwiSqG4FAHXof852wsaSjh3F4kLbwmicon
Source - H2eud1RCJu8u8vEQ8jJLQ32jM5oKfARGxz5LwEKKfTLuicon
TransferAmount(SOL) - 0.00223416
ProgramOwner - M2mx93ekt1fmXSVkTrUL9xVFHkmME8HTUi5Cyc5aF7Kicon
New Account seems to be a newly generated account and Source is the wallet which was used when the user connected their wallet to the client.
I am using the this code from the Solana Cookbook for reference
import { clusterApiUrl, Connection, PublicKey, Keypair, Transaction, SystemProgram } from "#solana/web3.js";
import { Token, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, AccountLayout } from "#solana/spl-token";
import * as bs58 from "bs58";
(async () => {
// connection
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
// 5YNmS1R9nNSCDzb5a7mMJ1dwK9uHeAAF4CmPEwKgVWr8
const feePayer = Keypair.fromSecretKey(
// G2FAbFQPFa5qKXCetoFZQEvF9BVvCKbvUZvodpVidnoY
const alice = Keypair.fromSecretKey(
const mintPubkey = new PublicKey("54dQ8cfHsW1YfKYpmdVZhWpb9iSi6Pac82Nf7sg3bVb");
// generate a new keypair for token account
const tokenAccount = Keypair.generate();
console.log(`token account: ${tokenAccount.publicKey.toBase58()}`);
let tx = new Transaction().add(
// create token account
fromPubkey: feePayer.publicKey,
newAccountPubkey: tokenAccount.publicKey,
space: AccountLayout.span,
lamports: await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptAccount(connection),
/**... some other instruction*/
console.log(`txhash: ${await connection.sendTransaction(tx, [feePayer, tokenAccount])}`);
From my understanding, in this scenario the feePayer is the user who connected their wallet. (Source from the instructions), tokenAccount is the account that we want to transfer the SOL to (NewAccount from the instructions), and programID is ProgramOwner from the instructions.
When I run this exact code from the Solana Cookbook it works.
When I try using the provider as the feePayer (wallet that was connected in the client) it doesn't work.
I have a function to get my provider
getProvider = () => {
if ("solana" in window) {
const anyWindow = window;
const provider = anyWindow.solana;
if (provider.isPhantom) {
return provider;
}"", "_blank");
Then I grab my provider with
const provider = this.getProvider();
I replace the original feePayer created with Keypair.fromSecretKey with the provider.
My assumption as to why provider isn't working as one of the signers in await connection.sendTransaction(tx, [provider, tokenAccount]) is because the signer requires a secret key.
So what I try to do instead is sign the transaction myself using some code I've found online on how to sign a transaction.
const blockHash = await connection.getRecentBlockhash()
tx.feePayer = provider.publicKey
tx.recentBlockhash = await blockHash.blockhash
const signed = await provider.signTransaction(tx);
This runs fine and I'm able to see the results when I do console.log(signed);
The problem I'm getting is that there are 2 signatures and one of them is null. One is the signature of the provider and the other is the signature of the tokenAccount.
When I use console.log() to show the public key of the provider and the public key of the tokenAccount and try to match it to the public keys within the signature, I find that the signature of the tokenAccount is the one that is returning null.
So when it's time to run const signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signed.serialize()); I get an error from signed.serialize() saying Signature verification failed
What am I doing wrong here?
Can I create a Signer from a user connecting their phantom wallet? If not, how can I sign the transaction so that neither of the signatures come out null?
So I would recommend using the wallet-adapter to connect and send transactions from wallets.
This will make the code above look something like this:
const { publicKey, sendTransaction } = useWallet();
// G2FAbFQPFa5qKXCetoFZQEvF9BVvCKbvUZvodpVidnoY
const alice = Keypair.fromSecretKey(
const mintPubkey = new PublicKey("54dQ8cfHsW1YfKYpmdVZhWpb9iSi6Pac82Nf7sg3bVb");
// generate a new keypair for token account
const tokenAccount = Keypair.generate();
console.log(`token account: ${tokenAccount.publicKey.toBase58()}`);
let tx = new Transaction().add(
// create token account
fromPubkey: publicKey,
newAccountPubkey: tokenAccount.publicKey,
space: AccountLayout.span,
lamports: await Token.getMinBalanceRentForExemptAccount(connection),
/**... some other instruction*/
const signature = await sendTransaction(transaction, connection);
await connection.confirmTransaction(signature, 'processed');
Hi i have similar issue,
There are two signers admin and user,
admin is signing the tx from node and serializing tx.
this i send to frontend
and user signs it.
But as initially the signature is null, so wallet.signTransaction(tx);
gives the Signature verification failed
You have to partially sign with the tokenAccount before sending the transaction.
const blockHash = await connection.getRecentBlockhash()
tx.feePayer = provider.publicKey
tx.recentBlockhash = await blockHash.blockhash
const signed = await provider.signTransaction(tx);
// now sign with the tokenAccount

window.solana not found in web3js

I want to connect a Solana wallet (phantom or any other) to a web application through the web3js library. I've read docs for most wallets and it seems like it's just as simple as await window.solana.request({ method: "connect" }); but window.solana is undefined in my case.
When I do console.log(window) I can see the Solana value with all its corresponding keys and values.
How can I do this?
I've found a working code that solved my issue. I am not sure what was the issue as I'm not very experienced with js, but the following code lets me connect to phantom.
I found this on StackOverflow on a similar thread, although I belive the original answer is missing some brackets.
Solana : Adding Sollet / Phantom Wallet Connect to my website - Steps?
const getProvider = async () => {
if ("solana" in window) {
await window.solana.connect(); // opens wallet to connect to
const provider = window.solana;
if (provider.isPhantom) {
console.log("Is Phantom installed? ", provider.isPhantom);
return provider;
} else {
window.onload = () => {
getProvider().then(provider => {
console.log('key', provider.publicKey.toString())
With your current implementation, everytime you refresh the app, you will get pop up to connect to the wallet. Instead you add {onlyIfTrusted:true} option to connect.
const getProvider = async () => {
if ("solana" in window) {
await window.solana.connect({onlyIfTrusted:true}); // opens wallet to connect to
const provider = window.solana;
if (provider.isPhantom) {
console.log("Is Phantom installed? ", provider.isPhantom);
return provider;
} else {
then instead of getting pop up when you reload the app, write a connection function to handle the connection when a user clicks on the button
const connectToWallet=async ()=>{
const {solana}=window
const response=await solana.connect()
<button onClick={connectToWallet} >
Connect to Wallet
Now once user is connected, when you reload the app, it you wont get pop up to connect to the wallet
Is your website https enabled? If not then it won't work

How to fix firebase database initialised multiple times due to React SSR initialised database and cloud function firebase initialised database?

I have updated the question as found the root cause of the issue.
As I have hosted my React SSR app which uses firebase database in the client serving by one of the cloud function named app throwing an error of Error: FIREBASE FATAL ERROR: Database initialized multiple times. Please make sure the format of the database URL matches with each database() call.. When I comment out one by one and deploy, works perfectly. But when I deploy together doesn't work. How do I separate these two keeping both at the same repo?
ORIGINAL Question: Why firebase cloud function throwing an error of 'The default Firebase app does not exist.'?
So I am trying out firebase function for the first time. admin.messaging() throwing me the following error. Help me figure out why?
If I look at the console I get results till console.log('deviceToken', deviceToken);
so whats wrong in const messageDone = await admin.messaging().sendToDevice(deviceToken, payload);?
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.updateUnreadCount = functions.database.ref('/chats/{chatId}/{messageId}')
.onCreate(async(snap, context) => {
const appOptions = JSON.parse(process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG);
appOptions.databaseAuthVariableOverride = context.auth;
const adminApp = admin.initializeApp(appOptions, 'app');
const { message, senderId, receiverUid } = snap.val();
console.log(message, senderId, receiverUid);
const deleteApp = () => adminApp.delete().catch(() => null);
try {
const db = adminApp.database();
const reciverUserRef = await db.ref(`users/${receiverUid}/contacts/${senderId}/`);
console.log('reciverUserRef', reciverUserRef);
const deviceTokenSnapshot = await reciverUserRef.child('deviceToken').once('value');
const deviceToken = await deviceTokenSnapshot.val();
console.log('deviceToken', deviceToken);
const payload = {
notification: {
title: 'Test Notification Title',
body: message,
sound: 'default',
badge: '1'
const messageDone = await admin.messaging().sendToDevice(deviceToken, payload);
console.log('Successfully sent message: ', JSON.stringify(messageDone));
return deleteApp().then(() => res);
} catch (err) {
console.log('error', err);
return deleteApp().then(() => Promise.reject(err));
Update1: According to this, admin.messaging().sendToDevice(deviceToken, payload) APIs are only available in the Admin Node.js SDK?
So switched to
const payload = {
data: {
title: 'Test Notification Title',
body: message,
sound: 'default',
badge: '1'
token: deviceToken
const messageDone = await admin.messaging().send(payload);
Which is not working either. Getting an error Error: The default Firebase app does not exist. Make sure you call initializeApp() before using any of the Firebase services. Any lead will be helpful.
EDIT: Finally got the function working.
My index.js is exporting to functions, follwoing = functions.https.onRequest(app); //React SSR
exports.updateChat = functions.database.ref('/chats/{chatId}/{messageId}').onCreate(updateChat); is a react ssr function, which I am using to host my site. This uses database too. and throwing error of multiple database instance.
When I comment out one by one and deploy, works perfectly. But when I deploy together doesn't work. How do I separate these two keeping both at the same repo? Any suggestions, please?
You can initialise db outside export function.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const adminApp = admin.initializeApp(appOptions, 'app')
//continue code
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const adminApp = admin.initializeApp(options);
async function initialize(options, apps = 'app') {
try {
const defaultApp =
if(defaultApp) {
const adminApp1 = admin.initializeApp(apps);
}else {
const adminApp1 = admin.initializeApp(options, apps);
}catch(err) {
Modify this snippet as per your need and try it out
It abstracts initialize of app in another function. Just call this function at appropriate place in your code.

How to send notification to multiple device token using firebase cloud functions

I am new in using Firebase Cloud Functions and JavaScript and I was able to send notification to a single device using Firebase Cloud Functions(JavaScript). Now I am trying to send push notification to multiple device token and I think I have a problem on it.
I want to send the notification to these device tokens in my firebase database:
/uid1: device_token1
/uid2: device_token2
/uid3: device_token3
/uid4: device_token4
This is my code so far but it doesn't work..
exports.sendSOSNotif = functions.database.ref('/SOSNotifs/{sosId}').onWrite((data, context) => {
const eventId=data.after.child("eventId").val();
const uid=data.after.child("uid").val();
const displayName=data.after.child("displayName").val();
const photoUrl=data.after.child("photoUrl").val();
const status=data.after.child("status").val();
console.log("eventId:", eventId);
console.log("displayName:", displayName);
console.log("uid", uid);
const payload = {
notification: {
title: "SOS Alert",
body: displayName + " sent an alert!",
sound: "default"
data: {
eventId: eventId,
displayName: displayName
return Promise.all([admin.database().ref("/receivers/event1").once('value')]).then(results => {
const tokens = results[0];
if (!tokens.hasChildren()) return null;
const tokensList = Object.keys(tokens.val());
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(tokensList, payload);
First of all, you shouldn't be adding tokens like below, if that's how you've organised your DB. There might be multiple token for a single uid
/uid1: device_token1
/uid2: device_token2
/uid3: device_token3
/uid4: device_token4
And for sending notifications to multiple UIDs, I've written a script here
Also, update your question about what exactly the problem you are facing.

