how to import file html using javascript - javascript

Javascript / Node.js importing html file
I'm making a node.js server which sends emails on demand. The variable "output" is what I want to send via email. When I use inline html it works fine, however I want to import a complete html file instead.
const { EmailClient } = require("#azure/communication-email");
const connectionString = "<ACS_CONNECTION_STRING>";
const sender = "<SENDER_EMAIL>";
const toRecipients = {
to: [
{ email: "<>", displayName: "Alice" },
const client = new EmailClient(connectionString);
const emailContent = {
subject: "Send email plain text - JS sample",
plainText: "",
// html: "<h3>Hi, this works</h3>", // WORKS
// html: "<object type="text/html" data="file.html"></object>", // // Doesn't work
html: "<link href="file.html" rel="import" />", // // Doesn't work
async function main() {
try {
const emailMessage = {
sender: sender,
content: emailContent,
importance: 'low',
recipients: toRecipients,
const sendResult = await client.send(emailMessage);
if (sendResult && sendResult.messageId) {
const messageId = sendResult.messageId;
if (messageId === null || messageId === undefined) {
console.log("Message Id not found.");
console.log("Send email success, MessageId :", messageId);
let counter = 0;
const statusInterval = setInterval(async function () {
try {
const sendStatusResult = await client.getSendStatus(messageId);
if (sendStatusResult) {
console.log(`Email status for {${messageId}} : [${sendStatusResult.status}]`);
if (sendStatusResult.status.toLowerCase() !== "queued" || counter > 12) {
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error in checking send mail status: ",e);
}, 5000);
} else {
console.error("Something went wrong when trying to send this email: ", sendResult);
} catch (e) {
console.log("################### Exception occurred while sending email #####################", e);
Help is much appreciated.

You can use fs.readFileSync to import your HTML file as a string.
const emailContent = {
html: fs.readFileSync('./file.html', 'utf8'),


How to write file using fs.createWriteStream

am trying to build a web scraper that downloads all the pdfs in a website. i've written all the logic necessary to do this but for some reason it downloads an empty pdf file which is not suppose to be so, the problem seems to be coming from the downloadFile function when i try to pipe the data which for some reason seems not to be working because i get an empty pdf file after the function is ran. i'll would appreciate it if someone can help me out with this problem, thanks.
here's a sample of my code:
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
const axiosInstance = require("./getAxios");
const axios = axiosInstance();
const Surl = "";
// linkList sample: "";
let = connectionFailCount = 0;
let linkList = [];
let dlinkList = [];
const getWebsiteLinks = async (Surl) => {
try {
console.log(`Crawling all links from: ${Surl}`);
const response = await axios.get(Surl);
const $ = cheerio.load(;
const ranges = $("a").each(function (idx, el) {
if ($(el).attr("href")) {
return $(el).attr("href");
for (let index = 0; index < ranges.length; index++) {
let raw_links = $("a")[index].attribs.href;
if (raw_links.startsWith("/")) {
linkList.push(Surl + raw_links);
if (linkList.length > 0) {
console.log(`Finished crawling links: Found ${linkList.length} links`);
} catch (error) {
if (connectionFailCount === 0) {
connectionFailCount += 1;
console.log(`Connection error. \n
Reconnecting to server....`);
} else if (connectionFailCount === 5) {
console.error(`Can not connect to server. Try again later.`);
const downloadLinks = async (linkList) => {
try {
console.log("Crawling links to find pdf links. this may take a while...");
for (const link of linkList) {
const response = await axios.get(link);
// Skip where there's delayed server response
if (response.code === "ECONNRESET") continue;
const $ = cheerio.load(;
$("a").each(function (idx, el) {
if ($(el)?.attr("href")?.endsWith(".pdf")) {
let addr = $(el).attr("href");
let dlink = Surl + addr;
pathName: addr,
url: dlink,
if (dlinkList.length > 0) {
console.log(`Crawling Finish: Found ${dlinkList.length} pdf links`);
} catch (error) {
if (connectionFailCount === 0) {
connectionFailCount += 1;
console.log(`Connection error. \n
Reconnecting to server: ${connectionFailCount} count`);
if (connectionFailCount === 3) {
console.error(`Can not connect to server. Try again later.`);
// console.error("downloadLinksError: ", error);
const downloadFiles = async (dlinkList) => {
console.log("Creating directory to save PDF files");
const appRoot = path.dirname(path.resolve(__dirname));
// Had to change and restructure code due to error
const folderName = `PDF/${Surl.split("/").pop()}`;
const subFolderName = Surl.split("/").pop();
try {
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(appRoot, folderName))) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(appRoot, "PDF"));
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(`${appRoot}/PDF`, subFolderName));
dlinkList.forEach(async (link) => {
let name = link.pathName;
let url = link.url;
let file = fs
.on("error", (err) => {
console.error("createWriteStreamError: ", err);
try {
console.log("Downloading PDF file...");
const { data } = await axios({
method: "GET",
responseType: "stream",
if (data) {
console.log("PDF file Downloaded");
} catch (error) {
} catch (error) {
console.error("downloadFilesError: ", error);
(async () => {
await getWebsiteLinks(Surl);
await downloadLinks(linkList);
await downloadFiles(dlinkList);
const axios = require("axios");
const https = require("https");
module.exports = function () {
const domain = "";
let instance;
if (!instance) {
//create axios instance
instance = axios.create({
baseURL: domain,
timeout: 60000, // Increase time out incase of network delay or delayed server response
maxContentLength: 500 * 1000 * 1000, // Increase maximum response ata length
httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true }),
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/xml" },
return instance;

Broadcasting to all clients with Deno websocket

I want to add notifications to an application I've developed.
Unfortunately, Deno has removed the ws package.(
That's why I'm using the websocket inside the denon itself. Since it doesn't have many functions, I have to add some things myself.
For example, sending all messages to open clients.
What I want to do is when the pdf is created, a (data, message) comes from the socket and update the notifications on the page according to the incoming data.
I keep all open clients in a Map. and when the pdf is created, I return this Map and send it to all sockets (data, message).
However, this works for one time.
server conf...
import {
} from "../deps.ts";
const users = new Map();
const sockets = new Map()
const userArr = [];
export const startNotif = (socket,req) => {
const claims = req.get("claims");
const org = req.get("org"); = org;
users.set(claims.sub, {"username":claims.sub,"socket":socket})
if(userArr.length === 0){
else if(userArr.every((w)=> w.username !== user.username) )
sockets.set(org, userArr)
function broadcastMessage(message) {
if (socket.readyState === 3) {
const init = (msg) => {
status: "creating",
const ondata = async (msg) => {
const upfilepath = path.join(, `CT_${msg.sid}_report.pdf`);
try {
const s=await Deno.readTextFile(upfilepath);
status: "end",
} else {
status: "creating",
} catch(e) {
if(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)
console.error('file does not exists');
const end = () => {
try {
const endTime =
const msg = "Your PDF has been created"
const id = ctid(12) // random id create
id: id,
date: endTime,
status: "done",
message: msg,
read: 'negative',
action: 'pdf'
} catch (e) {
console.log(400, "Cannot send.", e);
socket.onmessage = async (e) => {
const cmd = JSON.parse(;
if( === 'start'){
await init(cmd)
if(! && cmd.sid){
await ondata(cmd)
if( === 'end'){
await end();
socket.onerror = (e) => {
client conf...
export const webSocketHandler = (request) =>
new Promise((res, rej) => {
let url;
if (!process.env.NODE_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
url = `http://localhost:8080/api/notifications/ws`.replace('http', 'ws');
} else {
url = `${window.location.origin}/api/notifications/ws`.replace('http', 'ws');
const token = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('token'));
const orgname = localStorage.getItem('orgname');
const protocol = `${token}_org_${orgname}`;
const socket = new WebSocket(url, protocol);
const response = Object.create({});
socket.onopen = function () {
bid: 'start',
socket.onmessage = function (event) { = JSON.parse(;
if ( === 'creating') {
sid: request.sid,
} else if ( === 'end') {
bid: 'end',
} else if ( === 'done') {
try {
} catch (err) {
socket.onclose = function (event) {
response.state = event.returnValue;
socket.onerror = function (error) {
onclick function of button I use in component...
const donwloadReport = async (type) => {
const query = `?sid=${sid}&reportType=${type}`;
const fileName = `CT_${sid}_report.${type}`;
try {
type === 'pdf' && setLoading(true);
const response = await getScanReportAction(query);
const request = {
.then((data) => {
type: 'update',
data: {
.catch((err) => {
if (type === 'html') {
downloadText(, fileName);
} else {
const blobUrl = await readStream(;
downloadURL(blobUrl, fileName);
} catch (err) {
Everything works perfectly the first time. When I press the download button for the pdf, the socket works, then a data is returned and I update the notification count with the context I applied according to this data.
Later I realized that this works in a single tab. When I open a new client in the side tab, my notification count does not increase. For this, I wanted to keep all sockets in Map and return them all and send a message to each socket separately. But in this case, when I press the download button for the second time, no data comes from the socket.
Actually, I think that I should do the socket initialization process on the client in the context. When you do this, it starts the socket 2 times in a meaningless way.
In summary, consider an application with organizations and users belonging to those organizations. If the clients of A, B, C users belonging to X organization are open at the same time and user A pressed a pdf download button, I want A, B, C users to be notified when the pdf is downloaded.
I would be very grateful if someone could show me a way around this issue.
Have you looked at the BroadcastChannel API? Maybe that could solve your issue. See for example:
Deno specific:
Web/Browser API:

Mailchimp API returning 'undefined'

I am trying to implement an API to read if user exists as a member in my mailchimp account and if it is not there then add this member to the list.
I am using #marketing/mailchimp_marketing library as a reference (
The issue: mailchimp is returning 'undefined'. Maybe I am missing something in the code and I am afraid setConfig is not been read (not sure). I really appreciate your support. This is the code used:
const md5 = require('md5');
const mailchimp = require('#mailchimp/mailchimp_marketing');
apiKey: 'my-api-key',
server: 'my-server',
const listId = '#listcode';
async function checkstatus(subscriber) { //subscriber is an object received from another js file through
//checkstatus function.
console.log(subscriber); // returns the object ok
const status_id = 'subscribed';
for (let i = 0; i < subscriber.length - 24; i++) {
const no_email = subscriber[i].email.toLowerCase();
const subscriberHash = md5(no_email);
const FNAME_Name = subscriber[i].nome;
const LNAME_Name = subscriber[i].sobrenome;
try {
const response = await mailchimp.lists.getListMember(
console.log(`${response.status}`); // returns 'undefined'
} catch (e) {
console.error(e.status); // returns 'undefined'
console.log('nao cadastrado');
addmember(no_email, FNAME_Name, LNAME_Name, status_id);
export { checkstatus };
async function addmember(no_email, FNAME_Name, LNAME_Name, status_id) {
try {
const run = async () => {
const additional = await mailchimp.lists.addListMember(listId, {
email_address: no_email,
status: status_id,
merge_fields: {
`Successfully added contact as an audience member. The contact's id is ${}.`
} catch (e) {

Firebase cloud messaging sendToDevice works properly but sendMulticast fails for the same list of tokens

For certain types of messages, I want to target users by FIRTokens vs topic, which are stored in my real-time database. I load these tokens with async/await and then decide if I want to send notifications to a topic vs a smaller list of users. The data loading code works as expected. But what's odd is that if I use .sendMulticast(payload), the notifications fail for all tokens in the list. On the other hand if I use .sendToDevice(adminFIRTokens, payload) the notification goes successfully to all my users. Right now my list has 2 tokens and with sendMulticast I have 2 failures and with sendToDevice I have 2 successes. Am I missing the point of what sendMulticast is supposed to do? According to the docs: Send messages to multiple devices:
The REST API and the Admin FCM APIs allow you to multicast a message to a list of device registration tokens. You can specify up to 500 device registration tokens per invocation.
So both should logically work. Then why does one fail and the other work? In fact with sendToDevice I get a multicastId in the response!
Here are some console outputs:
Sent filtered message notification successfully:
{ messageId: '0:1...45' },
{ messageId: '16...55' }
canonicalRegistrationTokenCount: 0,
failureCount: 0,
successCount: 2,
multicastId: 3008...7000
List of tokens that caused failures: dJP03n-RC_Y:...MvPkTbuV,fDo1S8jPbCM:...2YETyXef
Cloud function to send the notification:
.onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {
// console.log("Snapshot: ", snapshot);
try {
const groupsRef = admin.database().ref("people/groups");
const adminUsersRef = groupsRef.child("admin");
const filteredUsersRef = groupsRef.child("filtered");
const filteredUsersSnapshot = await filteredUsersRef.once("value");
const adminUsersSnapshot = await adminUsersRef.once("value");
var adminUsersFIRTokens = {};
var filteredUsersFIRTokens = {};
if (filteredUsersSnapshot.exists()) {
filteredUsersFIRTokens = filteredUsersSnapshot.val();
if (adminUsersSnapshot.exists()) {
adminUsersFIRTokens = adminUsersSnapshot.val();
const topicName = "SpeechDrillDiscussions";
const message = snapshot.val();
const senderName = message.userName;
const senderCountry = message.userCountryEmoji;
const title = senderName + " " + senderCountry;
const messageText = message.message;
const messageTimestamp = message.messageTimestamp.toString();
const messageID = message.hasOwnProperty("messageID")
? message.messageID
: undefined;
const senderEmailId = message.userEmailAddress;
const senderUserName = getUserNameFromEmail(senderEmailId);
const isSenderFiltered = filteredUsersFIRTokens.hasOwnProperty(
var payload = {
notification: {
title: title,
body: messageText,
sound: "default",
data: {
messageID: messageID,
messageTimestamp: messageTimestamp,
if (isSenderFiltered) {
adminFIRTokens = Object.values(adminUsersFIRTokens);
// payload.tokens = adminFIRTokens; //Needed for sendMulticast
return (
.sendToDevice(adminFIRTokens, payload)
// .sendMulticast(payload)
.then(function (response) {
if (response.failureCount === 0) {
"Sent filtered message notification successfully:",
} else {
"Sending filtered message notification failed for some tokens:",
// if (response.failureCount > 0) {
// const failedTokens = [];
// response.responses.forEach((resp, idx) => {
// if (!resp.success) {
// failedTokens.push(adminFIRTokens[idx]);
// }
// });
// console.log(
// "List of tokens that caused failures: " + failedTokens
// );
// }
return true;
} else {
payload.topic = topicName;
return admin
.then(function (response) {
console.log("Notification sent successfully:", response);
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.log("Notification sent failed:", error);
return false;
I think it's an issue of using a different payload structure.
This is the old one (without iOS specific info):
var payload = {
notification: {
title: title,
body: messageText,
sound: "default",
data: {
messageID: messageID,
messageTimestamp: messageTimestamp,
Whereas this is the new version (apns has iOS specific info)
var payload = {
notification: {
title: title,
body: messageText,
data: {
messageID: messageID,
messageTimestamp: messageTimestamp,
apns: {
payload: {
aps: {
sound: "default",
With the new structure, both send and sendMulticast are working properly. Which would fail to send or give errors like apns key is not supported in payload.
The new function:
.onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {
// console.log("Snapshot: ", snapshot);
try {
const groupsRef = admin.database().ref("people/groups");
const adminUsersRef = groupsRef.child("admin");
const filteredUsersRef = groupsRef.child("filtered");
const filteredUsersSnapshot = await filteredUsersRef.once("value");
const adminUsersSnapshot = await adminUsersRef.once("value");
var adminUsersFIRTokens = {};
var filteredUsersFIRTokens = {};
if (filteredUsersSnapshot.exists()) {
filteredUsersFIRTokens = filteredUsersSnapshot.val();
if (adminUsersSnapshot.exists()) {
adminUsersFIRTokens = adminUsersSnapshot.val();
// console.log(
// "Admin and Filtered Users: ",
// adminUsersFIRTokens,
// " ",
// filteredUsersFIRTokens
// );
const topicName = "SpeechDrillDiscussions";
const message = snapshot.val();
// console.log("Received new message: ", message);
const senderName = message.userName;
const senderCountry = message.userCountryEmoji;
const title = senderName + " " + senderCountry;
const messageText = message.message;
const messageTimestamp = message.messageTimestamp.toString();
const messageID = message.hasOwnProperty("messageID")
? message.messageID
: undefined;
const senderEmailId = message.userEmailAddress;
const senderUserName = getUserNameFromEmail(senderEmailId);
const isSenderFiltered = filteredUsersFIRTokens.hasOwnProperty(
"Will attempt to send notification for message with message id: ",
var payload = {
notification: {
title: title,
body: messageText,
data: {
messageID: messageID,
messageTimestamp: messageTimestamp,
apns: {
payload: {
aps: {
sound: "default",
console.log("Is sender filtered? ", isSenderFiltered);
if (isSenderFiltered) {
adminFIRTokens = Object.values(adminUsersFIRTokens);
console.log("Sending filtered notification with sendMulticast()");
payload.tokens = adminFIRTokens; //Needed for sendMulticast
return admin
.then((response) => {
"Sent filtered message (using sendMulticast) notification: ",
if (response.failureCount > 0) {
const failedTokens = [];
response.responses.forEach((resp, idx) => {
if (!resp.success) {
"List of tokens that caused failures: " + failedTokens
return true;
} else {
console.log("Sending topic message with send()");
payload.topic = topicName;
return admin
.then((response) => {
"Sent topic message (using send) notification: ",
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.log("Notification sent failed:", error);
return false;

Async/await and promises [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using async/await with a forEach loop
(33 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am having an issue with using async/await using node v8.1. It appears my issue is that I am not returning a promise from my async functions. This is causing the flow of the program to run out of order. I thought by making a function async that the function automatically returns a promise, but that is not the case I am running into.
I expect the program below to output:
Validating xlsx file...
(text from validateParsedXlsx)
Adding users to cognito...
(text from addUsersToCognito)
Adding users to dynamodb...
(text from addUsersToDynamodb)
Instead, I get:
Validating xlsx file...
Adding users to cognito...
Adding users to dynamodb...
(text from validateParsedXlsx)
(text from addUsersToCognito)
(text from addUsersToDynamodb)
The issue seems to be pretty obvious, that validateParsedXlsx() addUsersToCognito() and addUsersToDynamodb() are not returning promises. Again, I thought that by using the async keyword, the function automatically took care of this.
Thanks for the help.
Here is my script:
const xlsx = require('xlsx');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({region: 'us-west-2'});
const documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({convertEmptyValues: true});
async function main(){
if (!process.argv[2]) {
console.log('\nAbsolute filepath missing. Pass the absolute filepath in as command line argument.\n')
const xlsxFilePath = process.argv[2];
let parsedXlsx = [];
try {
parsedXlsx = parseXlsx(xlsxFilePath);
} catch (error) {
if(error.code === 'ENOENT') {
console.log(`\nThe file path: ${process.argv[2]} cannot be resolved\n`)
} else {
console.log('\n\nValidating xlsx file...\n');
await validateParsedXlsx(parsedXlsx);
console.log('\n\nAdding users to cognito...\n');
await addUsersToCognito(parsedXlsx);
console.log('\n\nAdding users to dynamodb...\n');
await addUsersToDynamodb(parsedXlsx);
function parseXlsx(filePath) {
const workbook = xlsx.readFile(filePath);
const sheetNameList = workbook.SheetNames;
const parsedXlsxSheets = (y) {
const worksheet = workbook.Sheets[y];
const headers = {};
const data = [];
for (z in worksheet) {
if(z[0] === '!') continue;
//parse out the column, row, and value
const col = z.substring(0,1);
const row = parseInt(z.substring(1));
const value = worksheet[z].v;
//store header names
if(row == 1) {
headers[col] = value;
if(!data[row]) data[row] = {};
data[row][headers[col]] = value;
//drop those first two rows which are empty
return data;
return parsedXlsxSheets[0]
async function validateParsedXlsx(users) {
let error = false;
users.forEach(async (user, index) => {
if (! {
console.log(`User at row ${index + 2} doesn't have 'email' entry in xlsx file.`);
error = true;
if (!user.displayName) {
console.log(`User at row ${index + 2} doesn't have 'displayName' entry in xlsx file.`);
error = true;
if (!user.serviceProviderId) {
console.log(`Userat row ${index + 2} doesn't have 'displayName' entry in xlsx file.`);
error = true;
} else {
const params = {
TableName: 'service-providers',
Key: {
serviceProviderId: user.serviceProviderId
const response = await documentClient.get(params).promise();
if (!response.Item) {
console.log(`User at row ${index +2} does not have a valid serviceProviderId.`);
error = true;
} else {
console.log(`User ${} is valid, assigned to service provider: ${response.Item.displayName}`);
if (error) {
console.log(`Every user in xlsx file must have these attributes, spelled correctly: email, displayName, and serviceProviderId\n\nIn addition, make sure the serviceProviderId is correct by checking the service-providers dynanomdb table.`);
async function addUsersToCognito(users) {
const cognitoIdentityServiceProvider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider();
const results = await cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.listUserPools({MaxResults: 10}).promise();
let serviceProviderUserPoolId = '';
results.UserPools.forEach((userPool) => {
if(userPool.Name === 'service-provider-users') {
serviceProviderUserPoolId = userPool.Id;
users.forEach(async (user) => {
const params = {
UserPoolId: serviceProviderUserPoolId,
DesiredDeliveryMediums: ['EMAIL'],
TemporaryPassword: 'New_User1',
UserAttributes: [
Name: 'email',
Name: 'custom:service_provider_id',
Value: user.serviceProviderId
try {
await cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminCreateUser(params).promise();
console.log(`Added user ${} to cognito user pool`);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'UsernameExistsException') {
console.log(`Username: ${} already exists. No action taken.`);
else {
async function addUsersToDynamodb(users) {
users.forEach(async (user) => {
const params = {
TableName: 'service-provider-users',
Item: {
serviceProviderId: user.serviceProviderId,
displayName: user.displayName,
isActive: false,
role: 'BASIC'
ConditionExpression: 'attribute_not_exists(userId)'
try {
await documentClient.put(params).promise();
console.log(`Added user ${} to dynamodb user table`);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'ConditionalCheckFailedException') {
console.log(`User ${} already in the dynamodb table service-provider-users`);
} else {
users.forEach(async (user, index) => {
That starts a few promising actions but never awaits them. May do:
await Promise.all( (user, index) => {
... to execute them in parallel or do this:
await users.reduce((chain, user, index) => async (user, index) => {
await chain;
}, Promise.resolve());
To execute them one after another.
PS: Using process.exit should be the very last option to end your program

