Multiplying Combinations Array - javascript

So I need a tiny bit of help with this code, Some background information: The user inputs a number, the code takes the number and outputs various combinations of numbers that multiply to it.
For example:
Input: 7
Output: (1,7)(7,1).
*But what really happens:
Input: 7
Output: (7,1)
I want my code to reverse the numbers as well, so it makes can look like it has two combinations
var input= parseInt(prompt("Please enter a number larger than 1"));
var arr = [];
if(input <= 1) {
while(input > 0) {
var arr = [];
var input = parseInt(prompt("Please enter a number larger than 1"));
for (var i = 0; i < input; ++input) {
var r = ((input / i) % 1 === 0) ? (input / i) : Infinity
if(isFinite(r)) {
arr.unshift(r + ", " + i)
console.log("The multiplicative combination(s) are: " + "(" + arr.join("), (") + "). ");
My code just need this tiny bit of problem fixed and the rest will be fine!

Your code has 2 infinite loop because you never change i and always increase input.
also in this line for (var i = 0; i < input; ++input) you never let i to be equal to the input so in your example (input=7) you can not have (7,1) as one of your answers. I think this is what you looking for:
var input = 1;
while(input > 0) {
input = parseInt(prompt("Please enter a number larger than 1"));
if(input > 1) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= input; ++i) {
var r = ((input / i) % 1 === 0) ? (input / i) : Infinity
if(isFinite(r)) {
arr.unshift(r + ", " + i)
console.log("The multiplicative combination(s) are: " + "(" + arr.join("), (") + "). ");


application spits the numbers back at me even though it should return another value

I'm trying to make this front end web application where you provide acres and karats in a prompt in this form e.g. 3.22 and calculates them and give the total back in the chrome JS console
For example, you have 3.22 acres of land and another land that is 2.2 acres. If you get the sum of these numbers it should give you 5.42, no I want them to return 6, because acres have 24 karats and if you calculate 3 acres and 22 karats + 2 acres and 2 karats it should give you 6 acres, that's what I'm trying make here. I've been trying all night and every time the numbers I put in the prompt gets spit back at me in the console, so here's my code:
window.setTimeout(function() {
var acres = [];
var floats = [];
var wholes = [];
var input = prompt("What would you like to do?");
while (input !== "quit") {
if (input === "total") {
acres.forEach(function(total, i) {
console.log(i + ": " + total);
} else if (input === "calc") {
var num = prompt("Please enter a number");
while (num !== "back") {
if (num === "back") {
var ftotal = 0
var wtotal = 0;
floats = [];
wholes = [];
for(var i = 0; i < acres.length; i++) {
alert("entered the for loop");
var acresNum = acres.pop();
var str = acresNum.toString();
var number = Math.floor((str).split(".")[1]);
ftotal += floats[i];
var num2 = Math.floor(acresNum);
wtotal += wholes[i];
alert("exited the for loop");
if (ftotal > 23) {
acres.push(wtotal + "." + ftotal);
var num = prompt("Please enter a number");
var input = prompt("What would you like to do?");
console.log("OK, YOU QUIT THE APP");}, 500)
The whole logic in this application is in that for loop in the else if(input === "calc") area.
You could take a numerical approach, but you went into the trap of floating point arithmetic (Is floating point math broken?) and get a number which does not match the given value of 42.
function sum(a, b) {
var s = a + b,
i = Math.floor(s),
p = (s - i) * 100;
if (p >= 42) { // never reached
p -= 42;
return i + p / 100;
console.log(sum(3.22, 2.2));
As solution, you could separate the places as a string and add integer values and check if the value is greater than one acre, then return an adjusted value.
function sumD(a, b, threshold) {
return [a, b]
.map(v => v.toString().split('.'))
.reduce((r, a) => {
a.forEach((v, i) => r[i] += +v);
r[0] += Math.floor(r[1] / threshold);
r[1] %= threshold;
return r;
}, [0, 0])
console.log(sumD(3.22, 2.2, 24));
Separate the decimal values from your numbers.(Already done)
Ex: 3.22 -> 0.22 and 2.2 -> 0.2
Add them -> 0.22 + 0.2
Divide them by 0.24 -> (0.22+0.2)/.24 = 1
Add that to the wtotal -> 3.00 + 2.00 = 5 -> 5 + 1
I think this should be the logic mathematically.

Check for perfect number and print out divisors?

My goal is to create a program that checks whether the user input is a perfect number or not. It has validation for the numbers entered. If the input IS a perfect number, I'd like to print out each of the divisors. I tried using this method:
for(int number=2; number <= 10000 ; number++)
return 0;
void perfect(int number)
int total = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < number; i++)
if (number % i == 0)
total += i;
if (number == total)
for (int x = 1; x < number; x++)
if (number % x == 0)
cout << x << " + ";
cout << " = " << number << endl;
However, I was unable to get the desired effect. I am very new to javascript and am struggling with inserting code in the correct way. Does anyone have a suggestion for how I can get the desired effect? Here is the code I have already written:
function check_prime() {
var input = document.getElementById("enteredNumber").value;
var number = parseInt(input);
if (isNaN(number)) {
alert("Oops! Please enter a valid number.");
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "";
else if (input.length === 0) {
alert("Please enter a number.");
else if (!isNaN(number)) {
if (is_perfect(number)) {
document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = "Congratulations! " + number + " is a perfect number." ;
else {
document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = "I'm sorry. " + number + " is not a perfect number. Try Again.";
else {
document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = "Please enter a number.";
function is_perfect(number)
var temp = 0;
for(var i=1;i<=number/2;i++)
if(number%i === 0)
temp += i;
if(temp === number)
return true;
return false;
function clear_textbox(){
document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = "";
I'd suggest revising your is_perfect() function to return an array of divisors if the number is perfect and null if the number is not perfect. Then the calling code has the divisors available for display when the input is a perfect number.
function is_perfect(number) {
var temp = 0;
var divisors = [];
for(var i=1;i<=number/2;i++) {
if (number%i === 0) {
temp += i;
return temp === number ? divisors : null;
var divisors = is_perfect(number);
if (divisors) {
document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = "Congratulations! " + number + " is a perfect number.";
// display the divisors somewhere; the alert is just for show
alert("Divisors: " + divisors.toString());
} else {
[Note: In an earlier version of this answer, I had initialized temp to 1 and divisors to [1] and had started the loop at 2, on the theory that 1 is always a divisor. Unfortunately, that's wrong, since 1 is not a proper divisor of 1. The revised version of is_perfect() now returns null for an argument of 1 instead of [1]. An alternative fix would have been to test explicitly for the case number === 1, but that's uglier (if perhaps a tiny bit more efficient, since it avoids one % evaluation).]
so I use 2^(n-1)*(2^n -1) formula (to generate a perfect number) and checking if last digit is 6 or 8 to check if x is perfect number.
Note: It's not perfect 100%
function pn(x) {
x = '' + x
for (var i = 0; i < Infinity; i++) {
perfnumgen = Math.pow(2, i - 1) * (Math.pow(2, i) - 1)
if (x === "" + perfnumgen && (perfnumgen % 10 === 8 || perfnumgen % 10 === 6))
return true
else if (perfnumgen > x)
return false
console.log("" + perfnumgen)

How to integrate loops with arrays?

I'm prompting the user to enter a number between 50 and 100.
(Default value for the prompt is 100.)
The input, minus one, is then displayed on the screen followed by spaces.
Fore example, if user enters 60, this is what I want to be displayed:
01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
53 54 55 56
57 58 59
So far I'v done the following, but I can't figure out the problem or what to do next:
num = Number(prompt("Please enter a number between 50 and 100"));
var arr= new Array(parseInt(arrayLength));
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = arr[i];
You can just parseInt on the return value from the "prompt", and then you can create an array that is mappable. Once that is done, you can just join the entire array with a space, which will give you 1 2 3 ... etc.
If you are looking for the most basic format where there are no line-breaks, this is a simple version:
var num = parseInt(prompt('Please enter a number between 50 and 100')) || 100;
var arr = Array.apply(null, Array(num - 1))
.map(function(x, i) {
return i + 1;
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = arr.join(' ');
<div id="myDiv"></div>
Otherwise, if you are looking for the more complex formatting and with the line breaks, here is the same concept modified a little bit:
var num = parseInt(prompt('Please enter a number between 50 and 100')) || 100;
var arr = Array.apply(null, Array(num - 1))
.map(function(x, i) {
var actual = i + 1;
if (actual < 10) {
actual = '0' + actual;
if (i % 4 === 3) {
actual += '<br>';
return actual;
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = arr.join(' ');
<div id="myDiv"></div>
You can concatenate a string with the numbers and then set the innerHtml of your div to that string:
num = Number(prompt("Please enter a number between 50 and 100"));
var result = "";
for (var i = 1; i < num; i++) {
result += i + " ";
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = result;
If you want the numbers 1-9 to be displayed like 01 02 03... you can do so with this version:
num = Number(prompt("Please enter a number between 50 and 100"));
var result = "";
for (var i = 1; i < num; i++) {
if(i < 10){
result += "0" + i + " ";
result += i + " ";
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = result;
See this Fiddle as reference.
This is how I would do it. I don't know why you need the array?
Just loop from start to end and add spaces after each number (while padding it) and add line breaks after every 4th number.
var num = Number(prompt("Please enter a number between 50 and 100")) || 100;
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = generateText(num, 4);
function generateText(n, cols) {
var result = '';
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
result += pad(i, 2, '0') + ' ';
if (i % cols === 0) {
result += '<br />';
return result;
function pad(val, n, ch) {
val = '' + val;
while (val.length < n) {
val = ch + val;
return val;
<div id="myDiv"></div>
Since we are going for brevity here. /s
Here is some "code golf" to scratch your itch :)
var num = Number(prompt("Please enter a number between 50 and 100")) || 100;
num = num < 50 ? 50 : (num > 100 ? 100 : num);
document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML = Array
.apply(null, Array(num - 1))
.map(function(x, i) { return (i < 9 ? '0' : '') + (i + 1); })
.reduce(function(s, x, i) { return s + x + (i % 4 === 3 ? '<br />' : ' '); }, '');
<div id="myDiv"></div>

javascript: summing even members of Fibonacci series

Yet Another (Project Euler) Fibonacci Question: Using (vanilla) javascript, I'm trying to sum the even numbers <= a given limit:
First, something is wrong with my 'if' statement, as some of the results (below) are wrong:
function fibonacciSum(limit) {
var limit = limit;
var series = [1,2];
var sum = 0;
var counter = 0;
for (var i=1; i<=33; i++) { // 33 is arbitrary, because I know this is more than enough
var prev1 = series[series.length-1];
var prev2 = series[series.length-2];
var newVal = prev1+prev2;
counter ++;
console.log("series "+ counter + " is: " + series);
if (series[i] % 2 === 0 && series[i] <= limit) { // intending to sum only even values less than/equal to arbitrary limit
// sum = sum + series[i];
sum += series[i];
var sum = series.reduce(function(a,b) {
possible to filter here for even numbers? something like:
if (a %2 === 0)
return a+b;
console.log("SUM " + counter + ": " + sum);
} // for loop
} // fibonacci
series 1 is: 1,2,3
SUM 1: 2
series 2 is: 1,2,3,5
SUM 2: 2
series 3 is: 1,2,3,5,8
SUM 3: 2 // looking for a '10' here
series 4 is: 1,2,3,5,8,13
SUM 4: 10
series 5 is: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21
SUM 5: 10
series 6 is: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34
SUM 6: 10 // looking for '44' here
Can someone please explain why neither of these working as intended?
if (series[i] % 2 === 0) { ...
... or
if (series[i] % 2 === 0 && series[i] <= limit) { ...
And secondly, as you can see I had also tried to use series.reduce(... but I can't figure how to sum only the even values; is that doable/cleaner?
Thank you,
Whiskey T.
No need for arrays. Use three variables for let's say previous, current and next numbers in fibonacci sequence.
We can also begin the sequence with 2 an 3 because there are no other even numbers that will affect the result.
We initialize the sum of even numbers with 2 because it's the current number and it's even. In a do...while we advance with the numbers in sequence and if the new numbers are even we add them to the sum. Stop when limit is reached.
function fibEvenSum(limit) {
var prev = 1,
current = 2,
var sum = 2;
do {
next = prev + current;
prev = current;
current = next;
if (current >= limit)
if (current % 2 == 0)
sum += current;
} while (true)
return sum;
This algorithm can be improved using properties of odd and even numbers:
odd + odd = even
even + even = even
even + odd = odd
This should work for you...
var fibonacciSum = function(limit) {
var nMinus2 = 1, nMinus1 = 2, evensFound = [2], sum = nMinus1;
while (sum <= limit){
var n = nMinus1 + nMinus2;
if (n % 2 == 0){
sum += n;
if (sum > limit){
nMinus2 = nMinus1;
nMinus1 = n;
console.log("Evens found - " + evensFound);
return evensFound;
var evensFound1 = fibonacciSum(4),
evensFound2 = fibonacciSum(10),
evensFound3 = fibonacciSum(60),
evensFound4 = fibonacciSum(1000);
+ "<br/>" + evensFound2
+ "<br/>" + evensFound3
+ "<br/>" + evensFound4);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="evenResults"></div>
A solution in the spirit of the one your attempted — with arrays — though as pointed out, they are not necessary.
var i = 0, sequence = [1, 2], total = 0;
while (sequence.slice(-1)[0] < 4000000) {
sequence.push(sequence.slice(-1)[0] + sequence.slice(-2)[0]);
for ( i; i <= sequence.length; i++ ) {
if ( sequence[i] % 2 === 0 ) {
total += sequence[i];

How to find whether specific number of continuous consecutive numbers are contains in a string using javascript?

Suppose I want to know whether a string contains 5 or more continuous consecutive numbers.
var a = "ac39270982"; // False
var a = "000223344998"; // False
var a = "512345jj7"; // True - it contains 12345
var a = "aa456780"; // True - it contains 45678
Is there a RegEx available to accomplish this? Would it also be able to work in the following situation?
var a = "5111213141587"; // True
This should be true because it contains 11,12,13,14,15.
I'm not sure if it is possible to check the provided examples (single-digit, double-digit numbers) as well as larger numbers (triple-digit, etc.).
I took the time to make a 100% Javascript approach to your question. I made it to simply parse each character in the string and do integer only comparison. This works not only for five consecutive integers, but it works for checking for tenths as well (10's, 20's, etc). You can also increase/decrease the number of comparisons if you wish.
A fair warning: despite this method being potentially scalable if coded to look for all kinds of numeric sizes, you'd still be bound by computing power and number of comparisons. That is why I only provided the code for single digits and tenths, I leave it open to you/the community to decide how to expand from here.
If you happen to need more details about how it works then let me know, I can further clarify its inner workings.
var str = "1111122asdgas222*&^%121314151617bdjfjahdi234bdce56789";
var consecutive = 5; // Number of comparisons
// Single digits
alert("It is " + consecutiveDigits(str, consecutive) + " that " + str + " contains " + consecutive + " consecutive digits.");
// Tenths digits
alert("It is " + consecutiveDigits(str, consecutive) + " that " + str + " contains " + consecutive + " consecutive tenths.");
function consecutiveDigits(str, consecutive){
var curr,
count = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
curr = parseInt(str.split('')[i]);
if(isNumeric(curr)) {
if(count === 0){
else if(prev + 1 === curr){
if(count === consecutive){
return true;
prev = curr;
return false;
function consecutiveTenths(str, consecutive, iterations){
var curr,
curr_tenth = 0,
prev_tenth = 0,
count = 0,
count_tenth = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
curr = parseInt(str.split('')[i]);
if(isNumeric(curr)) {
if(count === iterations){
curr_digit = (prev * 10) + curr;
alert(count_digit + " " + curr_digit + " " + prev_tenth);
if(count_digit === 0){
else if(curr_tenth === (prev_tenth + 1)){
if(count_digit === consecutive){
return true;
prev_digit = curr_digit;
count = 0;
else {
prev = curr;
else {
count = 0;
function isNumeric(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
You can build regexp that will validate if it's true or not, but you might have a hard time retrieving the whole consecutive string. That said the RegExp will be a bit cumbersome, but you can create a function to create the regexp needed, depending on parameters wanted. See snippet:
function build_regexp(n) {
var string = "";
for (var i = 0; i <= 14 - n; i++) {
var start_num = i
for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
string += (start_num++).toString()
string += "|";
string = string.replace(/\|$/, '');
return string
document.getElementById('check').onclick = function() {
var regex = new RegExp(build_regexp(document.getElementById('cons').value), "g");
document.getElementById('regex').textContent = regex;
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = (regex.exec(document.getElementById('to_check').value) || "false")
<div id="regex"></div>
<div>Enter wanted consecutive numbers: <input id="cons"></input></div>
<div>Enter string to check: <input id="to_check"></input></div>
<button id="check">check</button>
<div id="result"></div>
EDIT: Added a code snippet & fixed bug in numRegex
To answer the general case (i.e. contiguous sequence of arbitrary-length digits), you can do something like this:
/* Find a sequence of n > 1 contiguously increasing integers in input
* If sequence is found, return an object:
* {
* start: <starting index of the sequence in input>,
* length: <length of the found sequence string>,
* first: <first number in the sequence>
* }
* Otherwise, return null
function findSequence(input, n) {
var numRegex = /^(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/;
// Try every starting position
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
// At the current starting position, try every length for the 1st number
for (var firstLen = 1; i + firstLen < input.length - 1; ++firstLen) {
var afterFirst = i + firstLen;
var first = input.slice(i, afterFirst);
// If the first string isn't an integer, move on
if (!numRegex.test(first)) {
// Convert the first string to an integer
var firstInt = parseInt(first, 10);
// Build what the rest of the string should look like following the
// first, in order to get a valid sequence
var rest = "";
for (var j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
rest = rest.concat(firstInt + j);
// Compare to what actually follows the starting string; if it
// matches, then we have our sequence; otherwise, continue on
if (input.slice(afterFirst, afterFirst + rest.length) === rest) {
return {
start: i,
length: first.length + rest.length,
first: first
return null;
$(function() {
function processChange() {
var input = $('#input').val();
var n = parseInt($('#n').val());
if (n > 1 && input.length) {
var result = findSequence(input, n);
if (result) {
$('#result').text(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
var afterFirst = result.start + result.first.length;
var afterSeq = result.start + result.length;
.text(input.slice(0, result.start)))
.text(input.slice(afterFirst, afterSeq))))
} else {
$('#result').text("No sequence found");
} else {
$('input,n').on("keyup mouseup", processChange);
#input {
width: 50%;
min-width: 200px;
#n {
width: 50px;
.highlighted-result {
font-family: monospace;
.highlighted-result .sequence {
background-color: yellow;
.highlighted-result .first {
border: solid black 1px;
<script src=""></script>
<input id="input" type="text" value="111121314155" placeholder="input">
<input id="n" type="number" value="5" placeholder="n">
<div id="highlighted" class="highlighted-result"></div>
<pre id="result"></pre>
I haven't attempted to optimize the solution (e.g. the firstLen iteration can be short-circuited, and the entire rest string doesn't need to be built up), but I left as-is to make the algorithm clearer.
function NstreamsOfNumberN (str) {
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let numBeingConsidered = Number(str[i]);
let numOfComparisonsToBeDone = numBeingConsidered - 1;
for (let j = i; j < numOfComparisonsToBeDone + i; j++) {
if (str[j] != str[j+1]) {break}//compare neigbourin nums
else if ((j - i + 1) === numOfComparisonsToBeDone)
{ let theNwithNstreams = numBeingConsidered
return [str, (theNwithNstreams), true]}
//(j - i + 1) equals num of comparisons that has been done.
return [str,null,false]
9 streams of the number 9
8 streams of the number 8
7 streams of the number 7 ...
3 streams of the number 3
2 streams of the number 2.
It is very difficult to do this with regex, but here is a tentative:
One digit
Two digits
Three digits
All together

