How to use iterativa data path in v-for loop (Vue) - javascript

I am a beginner of Vue
I would like to use my iterative image file name as "room1.jpg", "room2.jpg", "room3.jpg" ...
This is my code, the second line is the problem
<div v-for="(p,i) in products" :key="i">
<img src= "./assets/room"+str(i)+".jpg" class = "room-img">
<h4 #click="modelFlag = true">{{products[i]}}</h4>
<button #click="increase(i)">sign</button>
In Pyhton, I usually use for this
for i in range(number):
Is there any similar way to this?

You've to bind variable data into your src as follow
<div v-for="(p,i) in products" :key="i">
<img :src="`./assets/room${str(i)}.jpg`" class = "room-img">
<h4 #click="modelFlag = true">{{products[i]}}</h4>
<button #click="increase(i)">sign</button>
You can perform/do above as follow too:
And it will works.
:src and v-bind:src work in same way


Javascript - Use array values dynamically in HTML

My end result is supposed to be a list of objects in html. Bootstrap behind this. I'd like for the list to be created dynamically so I don't have to manually create all the divs because I don't know how many there will be. Here's what I have.
I have an array similar to this:
activities =
"activityOwner": "Raymond Carlson",
"activityDesc": "Complete all the steps from Getting Started wizard"
"activityOwner": "Flopsy McDoogal",
"activityDesc": "Called interested in March fundraising Sponsorship"
"activityOwner": "Gary Busy",
"activityDesc": "Get approval for price quote"
This is the first part where I'm not sure what to do. I can assign the element ids individually for my html like this but what I'd like to do is count how many elements are in my array and create these for me. I won't know how many there are to make these manually. I'm sure there needs to be a loop but I couldn't figure it out.
document.getElementById('activityowner0').innerHTML = activities[0].activityOwner;
document.getElementById('activitydesc0').innerHTML = activities[0].activityDesc;
document.getElementById('activityowner1').innerHTML = activities[1].activityOwner;
document.getElementById('activitydesc1').innerHTML = activities[1].activityDesc;
document.getElementById('activityowner2').innerHTML = activities[2].activityOwner;
document.getElementById('activitydesc2').innerHTML = activities[2].activityDesc;
And then...once I have that part, I'd like to know how to create my html divs dynamically based on how many elements are in my array. Again, right now I don't know how many there are so I'm having to create a bunch of these and then have extras if I have too many.
<div class="container">
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="qa-message-list" id="wallmessages">
<div class="message-item" id="m0">
<div class="message-inner">
<div class="message-head clearfix">
<div class="user-detail">
<h5 class="handle">
<p id='activityowner0'></p>
<div class="post-meta"></div>
<div class="qa-message-content">
<p id='activitydesc0'></p>
I know this is a big ask so just pointing me in the right direction would be very helpful. I hope my question was clear and I appreciate it.
One way for you to achieve this would be to loop through the objects in your activities array. From there you can use a HTML template to store the base HTML structure which you can clone and update with the values of each object before you append it to the DOM.
In addition, an important thing to note when generating repeated content in a loop: never use id attributes. You will either end up with duplicates, which is invalid as id need to be unique, or you'll end up with ugly code generating incremental/random id at runtime which is unnecessary. Use classes instead.
Here's a working example:
const activities = [{ "activityOwner": "Raymond Carlson", "activityDesc": "Complete all the steps from Getting Started wizard"}, {"activityOwner": "Flopsy McDoogal","activityDesc": "Called interested in March fundraising Sponsorship" }, { "activityOwner": "Gary Busy", "activityDesc": "Get approval for price quote" }]
const html = => {
let item = document.querySelector('#template').innerHTML;
item = item.replace('{owner}', obj.activityOwner);
item = item.replace('{desc}', obj.activityDesc);
return item;
document.querySelector('#list').innerHTML = html.join('');
<div id="list"></div>
<template id="template">
<div class="container">
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="qa-message-list">
<div class="message-item">
<div class="message-inner">
<div class="message-head clearfix">
<div class="user-detail">
<h5 class="handle">
<p class="activityowner">{owner}</p>
<div class="post-meta"></div>
<div class="qa-message-content">
<p class="activitydesc">{desc}</p>

Conditionally hide the nth element of a v-for loop without modifying the array. vue 3 composition api search function

I have a ref variable (foxArticles ), which holds a list that contains 100 items. In a v-for loop i loop over each value. As a result, i have 100 values rendered on the page.
<div class="news_container">
v-for="article in foxArticles"
class="news_box shadow hover:bg-red-100 "
v-if="containsKeyword(article, keywordInput)"
<div class="news_box_right">
<div class="news_headline text-red-500">
<a :href="article.url" target="_blank">
{{ article.title }}
const foxArticles = ref([]);
I also have a search function, which returns the value, if it includes the passed in keyword. The function is used in the child of the v-for loop.
<div class="search_input_container">
const keywordInput = ref("");
function containsKeyword(article, keywordInput) {
if (article.title.toLowerCase().includes(keywordInput.toLowerCase())) {
return article;
The problem is, i can't use .slice() on the foxArticles array in the v-for loop, because that screws up the search functionality, as it returns only the values from the sliced range.
How can i have the access the all of the values of the array, while not rendering all 100 of returned articles on the initial load?
Any suggestions?
I think your approach will make it incredibly complex to achieve. It would be simpler to always iterate over some set, this set is either filtered based on a search-term, or it will be the first 100 items.
I'm not very familiar yet with the Vue 3 composition api so I'll demonstrate with a regular (vue 2) component.
<div class="news_container">
v-for="article in matchingArticles"
... news_box ...
export default {
computed: {
matchingArticles() {
var articles = this.foxArticles;
if (this.keywordInput) {
articles = articles.filter(article => {
return this.containsKeyword(article, this.keywordInput)
} else {
// we will limit the result to 100
articles = articles.slice(0, 100);
// you may want to always limit results to 100
// but i'll leave that up to you.
return articles;
Another benefit is that the template does not need to worry about filtering results.
ok, so i kind of came up with another solution, for which you don't have to change the script part...
instead of having one v-for loop , you can make two of them, where each one is wrapped in a v-if statement div
The first v-if statement says, If the client has not used the search (keywordInput == ''), display articles in the range of (index, index)
The second one says = If the user has written something (keywordInput != ''), return those articles.
<div class="news_container">
<!-- if no search has been done -->
<div v-if="keywordInput == ''">
v-for="article in foxArticles.slice(0, 4)"
<div class="news_box shadow hover:bg-red-100 ">
<div class="news_box_right">
<div class="news_headline text-red-500">
<a :href="article.url" target="_blank">
{{ article.title }}
<!-- if searched something -->
<div v-else-if="keywordInput != ''">
v-for="article in foxArticles"
class="news_box shadow hover:bg-red-100 "
v-if="containsKeyword(article, keywordInput) && keywordInput != ''"
<div class="news_box_right">
<div class="news_headline text-red-500">
<a :href="article.url" target="_blank">
{{ article.title }}
im not sure how this impacts performance tho, but that's a problem for another day

Using generic array name in template

I am really new to vue.js and HTML. I have two components that are working together. A photo-gallery and a tag-component. The tag-component uses the tags array to get the tags for a image. What i would like is to have a tag array for each image. I figured i could use the imageIndex and append that to the array name so I was string something like :tags=tags+imageIndex.
But if I do that, it does not work (i think it is not recognized as an array any more...) . My question is, is there a way to enter that in to the template, so that i have for each image an array with the name tags{index}?
Many thanks for the help!
<div id="SingleFile">
class="btn btn-primary btn-margin"
<gallery :images="images" :index="index" #close="index = null"></gallery>
:style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + image + ')', width: '300px', height: '200px' }"
#click="index = imageIndex"
v-for="(image, imageIndex) in images"
#tags-changed="newTags => tags = newTags"
<div class="upload">
<upload-image url="http://localhost:8080/user" name="files" max_files="100"></upload-image>
You could use a method to achieve that:
:tags="getTags(imageIndex)" ... >
and define it like :
return this['tags'+i];
by assuming that you have in your data object something like :
or any property which has that syntax tags+index

react js rendering images using props in url

I want to render images from my server ftp using props in React JS.
I have like:
console.log(this.props.product.image) //Which gives me the product image name properly
<div className={this.props.openModal ? "modal-wrapper active" : "modal-wrapper"}>
<div className="modal" ref="modal">
<button type="button" className="close" onClick={this.handleClose.bind(this)}>×</button>
<div className="quick-view">
<div className="quick-view-image"><img src={`${this.props.product.image}`} alt={ +' image'}/></div>
<div className="quick-view-details">
<span className="product-name">{}</span>
<span className="product-price">{this.props.product.price}</span>
In the log i am getting the image name, but why not the same in the img src attribute.
I tried to give the same line in src like i have given in console.
But just gave a try like:
Log data:
Ok i updated the full path, now image is rendering.
<img src={'http://localhost:5000/images/products/'+this.props.image}

angularjs ng-style: background-image isn't working

I'm trying to apply a background image to a div by using the angular ng-style ( I tried a custom directive before with the same behaviour ), but it doesn't seem to be working.
data-ng-class="{ bigger: isNavActive == true }"
data-ng-mouseenter="isNavActive = true; $parent.isNavActive = true"
data-ng-mouseleave="isNavActive = false; $parent.isNavActive = false"
data-ng-show="$parent.navInvisible == false"
<ul class="navigation-container unstyled clearfix">
data-ng-repeat="(key, item) in navigation"
data-ng-class="{ small: $parent.isNavActive, big: isActive == true }"
data-ng-mouseenter="isActive = true; isInactive= false"
data-ng-mouseleave="isActive = false; isInactive= true">
<div data-ng-switch on="">
<div class="navigation-item-default" data-ng-switch-when="scandinavia">
<a class="navigation-item-overlay" data-ng-href="{{}}">
<div class="navigation-item-teaser">
<span class="navigation-item-teaser-text" data-ng-class="{ small: isScandinavia }">{{item.teaser}}</span>
<span class="navigation-item-background" data-ng-style="{ 'background-image': 'public/img/products/{{}}/detail/wide/{{item.images.detail.wide[0]}}' }"></span>
<div class="navigation-item-last" data-ng-switch-when="static">
<div class="navigation-item-overlay">
<div class="navigation-item-teaser">
<span class="navigation-item-teaser-text">
<img data-ng-src="{{item.teaser}}">
<span class="navigation-item-background">
<img class="logo" data-ng-src="{{item.images.logo}}">
<div class="navigation-item-default" data-ng-switch-default>
<a class="navigation-item-overlay" data-ng-href="{{}}">
<div class="navigation-item-teaser">
<span class="navigation-item-teaser-text">{{item.teaser}}</span>
<span class="navigation-item-background" data-ng-style="{ 'background-image': 'public/img/products/{{}}/detail/wide/{{item.images.detail.wide[0]}}' }"></span>
Though, if I do try a background color, it seems to be working fine. I tried a remote source and a local source too, neither worked.
It is possible to parse dynamic values in a couple of way.
Interpolation with double-curly braces:
String concatenation:
ng-style="{'background-image': 'url(' + myBackgroundUrl + ')'}"
ES6 template literals:
ng-style="{'background-image': `url(${myBackgroundUrl})`}"
Correct syntax for background-image is:
background-image: url("path_to_image");
Correct syntax for ng-style is:
IF you have data you're waiting for the server to return ( and have a construct like this:
Make sure you add something like ng-if=""
Otherwise you'll either have two requests or one faulty.
For those who are struggling to get this working with IE11
<div ng-style="getBackgroundStyle(imagepath)"></div>
$scope.getBackgroundStyle = function(imagepath){
return {
'background-image':'url(' + imagepath + ')'
This worked for me, curly braces are not required.
notification.icon here is scope variable.
If we have a dynamic value that needs to go in a css background or
background-image attribute, it can be just a bit more tricky to
Let’s say we have a getImage() function in our controller. This
function returns a string formatted similar to this:
url(icons/pen.png). If we do, the ngStyle declaration is specified the
exact same way as before:
ng-style="{ 'background-image': getImage() }"
Make sure to put quotes around the background-image key name.
Remember, this must be formatted as a valid Javascript object key.
Just for the records you can also define your object in the controller like this:
this.styleDiv = {color: '', backgroundColor:'', backgroundImage : '' };
and then you can define a function to change the property of the object directly:
this.changeBackgroundImage = function (){
this.styleDiv.backgroundImage = 'url('+this.backgroundImage+')';
Doing it in that way you can modify dinamicaly your style.
The syntax is changed for Angular 2 and above:
[ngStyle]="{'background-image': 'url(path)'}"

